The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 29, 1923, Image 1

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■'A i| f"\ _ • | * $ t TV! e j, yi i iir ii ip SsVI i! t a / ii in niy M M, R sL-jy 4a K ii -gw* &k k 1 H JL M k Ji e ggggggggggggg■ I ■ lamm Ifrj j{. H . Graham were M. Athens Tuesday. |B . ... \ sorry to hear that “X . Harrells had the mis B m a tree and break |B „ Leo Swilling arid T'-sBl •' we V -S', o ■Hi . i'y cr. have returned Bheir homes. B : visiting: rela in of.;0 f . ; ’■ the Moseley last Friday I- ivs Glean returned to |B spfiv- !nei, B . . Q. Kidd. A. Simpson Jr. visited B . R. \ T . White Monday ;v-i R. T. Efoome and rt B\ t ■ ' - Saturday. - Rah* Rovers is expected B Karris this weedy. gS? < 1 .• : w'-o ha.:-, been B§ M-S; Harry Kidd, B•• . 1 ' ■'r- homo in Athens. - .1. K. oit of Or.: Shoe Cos., v.,;> here on business Mon- KB- •• r.wvh was the guest Eg . Re ;Vr the week <-nd HB'i -s.s I’hdr, and Joneal Nelms B ve'tti■ stives here this week. ■B l h\ and :'! ■ .R. C. David were Bests of AS- . and Mri?. j. p. Air- Bid. Eli-mbeth Nash of Washing- B s t’-t' and iest of AH s Sara Lou Bllock. J- 1 ‘ :i Landers of Comer, b ■ nee Landers of Elber- K their little cous- B- Vivian Lcngi. B ]\T 4 r ■ ' Ravju has returned B ■' Bowman after spend ■ ■ with her sister, Mrs. B Sanders.’ N K ' “ • • Williams, Mvs. Carl- I Dr. and Mrs. Poole of B i • lilt* visited Mr. and Mrs. ■ Tuesday. I J. C. Addison and 1 ”th Clodfelter visited Mr B * • Broome and friends Saturday. M; v. * ~7T~ ir -■*- • -Uose.ey made a bus 'll) ens Wednesday. ■ Spravberrv, James u. Istv r , , i[„ D. Adams, .jf. E. Bond, i< Sanders and daughter, attended the District "K held in Elberton this DUFORD DANIEL DIES V, 7 ‘ a. terrioon about four ""I the death of Mrs. H-e 1 . at her home near ■ Daniel has been al or a number ot years ■' lo ' ; c of paralysis. 1 ~ "'d* bo conducted at " 'i this afternoon, and “ he at Carither’s buvy . ' T sympathy is extend • ;Vef i family. - 1 GAKkhi t-—JJKOWN i The many friends will be delighted ■to learn of the mar. iage of Miss Vcnnie Garrett to Mrj. Roy Drown which- took place last Sunday, June 24th .- Rev. W. M. Pettit performed the ce. emony. Soon after the mar riage they left for Anderson and Greenville, S. C., where they will spend several days with friends and relatives, after which they will re turn home:. We wish for them a long and happy life. MK. H is BULLOCK. iJiJIiS Mr. Ti . S. Bullock of Danmlsville died at his home on LrLvrdny June 22, 1923. ii. was sicli f.:r orlv Ja short whir . 1 #, The accessed was seventy-seven ; years of age at the time ot his pas -1 sirg. lie vas born in Madison e.r,m --i ty January 20, If 4 ’’, i He was marGed first to Miss Evle Haynes, who died twenty-seve-u ye. .? ago. To tins union a number of chil vivinng: \V. TANARUS., C. K., H. K. ail Pv. C. Bullock. M. s. Fell ilia Jordan : of Ciawfordvil’e, Mrs. Cnssio t-fvick | Land of Madison county and Mvs. , Emma Langford, deceased. Later, Mr. Bullock war married to i Mis? Sallie Eberhavdt. The deceased leaves beside? Iff wife and children a number of grand children and other relative? to mourn I hr denth . The sympathy of all is extended !to the bereaved ones. j FEDERAL LAND BANK MONEY FOR FARMERS Any farmers who know they will need to oroeure a loan on their lands before the end of the year should see me promptly, and not delay making application until about the time money is needed!. It requires con time to close a loan after application is made, and if everybody wait's until about the end of the year to apply for money, the Bank's force will be overrun, and the closing of loans will be delayed. The w'sa thing to do, if you know you will need -money, is to apply now, and then it can he closed at the time money is needed. The rate ir; 5 1-2 per emit, with rmall exuense for ab stract and association fees. CLARENCE E. ADAMS Secretary-T rea surer. / MILITARY TRAINING CAMPS The Citizens Military Training Camps, which are to be held all over the country during the month of Au gust, are offering some wonderful inducements to the young men of Georgia. There are three courses open to young men from 17 to 24 years of age and these courses pro vide varied training in Military, hy | giene. athletics and citizenship. Ac | eepted young men will receive free i transportation iVoni their homes to the camps and upon arrival will re ceive uniforms, food and equipment without cost to themselves. Training will be given in the work of infantry, cavalry, field artillery, engineers, ! coast artillery and signal corps, all | without any obligation for military service. Officers and men of the fa mous Bth United States Infantry, who returned from the Rhine in Feb ruary, will be present at xlie camps at Camp McClellan, Ala. (Inf., Cnv. and Sig. Corps), at Fort Barrancas, Fla. (Coast Art.) and at Fort Bragg, N. C. (Field Art. and Egg*.). For full information address a pc tal Ito the C. M. ,T. C. Officer.lldqrs. 4th Corps brer, Red Rock Bldg., Spring and Cain Sts.. Atlanta, Ga. Oanielsviile. Georgia, Friday, , une 2M, 1923 j WILL. WE HAVE ANOTHER POULTRY SALE? i W.i hope all those who sold poul :y r.t the sale at Comer, both on I Marc'* 14 and June 22, w * e well pleased with the outcome. Yfe wish | to assure you that all in our power was done to make it a success. We | We wish to take this opportunity to trank those who were so kind to help to make the sale the success ii was. i If you wage not pleased we feel ''hat all the efforts put forth were in : vain. These sales are designed to ;i unish you an unlimited market for nil the poultry you can raise, and it is the only way wo can think of by ; which any man whether he has one 1 old sped:le,l hen or whether he has | a wagon load can bring hi ? ch-icko is rr-d get the same price, paid in hard cash. Always the* bc-st pi b-g in the ; stale is paid for them, and if we can - arentea a car the besc p. ire in the i .cJ i- p-.-ia! ior tin o. If we are not going to grow lots of chickens? for sain v. r e do no! need moh a market. If vie expect to con tinue to grow only cotton for a mon ey crop, we can cat all the chickens we can grow here at home. In the portions of the .'.ate where the boll weevil has taught thorn to grow some t. mg besides cotton for market, these sales have been overw- elming successes. New these sales are not designed to hurt anyone. They relieve our local congested markets by .sending the chickens out of the way and thereby cause our local markets to be better hv decreasing the local supply. There is one of H-ese sales held almost every day ir some coun ties of the state and that is one rea son why chickens bring as much as they do today. Madison county is a (rural comity and it seems that all of us should be interested in keeping the prices of our commodities as high as possible. The two per cent discount charged was nec,3ssa>. v to defray the expenses of sale. The company who bought the chickens did not as much as l ive a representative at the sale. The fate of Georgia GAVE you the ser vices of all the m j n who had charge of the sale. Othvr men had to be hired to help with it; the services of Mr. ."I. C. Gay, State Agent in mar keting, Prof. Wooster from the Poul try Dept, of the Georgia State Col lege of Agriculture and Mr. Whel chel of the College of Agriculture did not cost Madison county a penny. Expenses of the sale are itemized below, and amount of commission taken in stated as follows— Amount of Commission ....$.‘14.27 Cleaning car $ 2.00 Labor 6.25 Messages 1,. 25 1 Plug and sleeve 25 Circulars 2.50 Weighers 2.50 Total 14.75 Amt in Bank for next sale 19.52 There were 260 men sold chickens which brought $1720.74 which aver ages $6.61 pei- sale, making the ex pense of sale only )3c per man. W. R. Eskew, Cos. Agt. CARD OF THANKS We the children and grandchildren of Mrs. T. R. Fitts wish to thank on: friends for the many kindnesses 'shown us during her illness and death FOR SALE Thoroughbred, cir!v March hatched S C R I Red cockerels, purp Dcr&ldson strain from stock wh'ch came direct from winner of first prize Southeaster*} hair, Atlanta. Price S 2 00 each .1 L. Me MURRAY JUST FROM CLEV LAND Several attended Sunday School at ! this piece S\ ndnv morning. The singing given by Mrs Jessie Haggard Sunday afternoon w:v~- en joyed by a large crowd, Our community was male sad last . Thursday - by the death of Mm J. P.. S Streetman, a beloved friend. i i Mr. and Mrs. Bonds and family of near Pou were the guests of Mr. ; and Mrs. Ras Haggard Sunday. | Mr 1 , and Mb. John Pruitt and I fami'y spent Sunday with M* . -r and iMis. S. G. Haggard. Mr. Hubert Martin had as hi.s guests Sunday Mr. Guy and Alvin ; Haggard, MJ. Dewey Smigraves a id Mr, Pinkney Martin of Comer. I Mr. Earnest Maxweir and Miss Bessie Ginn visited relatives at Com merce Sunday. Air. and Mrs. John Alexander visited n !a‘ von ay. Mr 1 . Charlie. Rice and little so-s at tended service at provider ce Sunday morning. The farmers were glad to see the nice showers that fell here yesterday; perhaps they will ret to finish sow ing their forage. Several from Honey Path, S. C. visited here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Norman Moaloi of Ft. 1 amar was in this section Sunday afternoon —-0 Mr, Ozie Tidwell of Poca passed thru this community Sunday morning * * T ** i: jf * •* * MEADOW i 1 ****** ** *>*.* (Last Week’s Locals) Mr. Claud Tuner spent Safui'Jay night with Mr. Guy Snelling. Mr. and Mrs. Hi iris Halocml) were the guests of A!-, and M"s. P. N. Miller Sunday. There was a singing at Mr. Bud Patten’s Saturday night and a nice time reported. Miss Nellie Epps was the guest, of , Mi-s Lillian Caritilers, Saturday ; night. Mr. Karvie Smith spent Saturday night with Mr. Dewey Miller. 1. We are very sorry to reoprt the I death of Mr. Lester Collins which j occurred Saturday; he was buried at | Meadow Sunday, Mr. Spear nan con |ducted the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Car it,hers .were spend-lbe-day gut-.'s of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carithers Sunday. j Miss Pauline Pass spent Saturday ’ night with Miss Jessie Mae Turne.i. ! Mr. Mack Clodfelter and Miss i Ruby Lee Epps were dinner guests jof Mi-s Lillian Carithers Sunday. Having the fortunes told is the or ■ der of the day with the young folks, 'but Mis- . :e M-• Turner savs that she is not going to have b**r;; told for Dewey Miller can tell her all she wn nt ,-: to know. Not Always Helpful. Many a worm has turned, only to get Itself Ini -'-'i -m Hr other side. MOUNT AIRY (Last Week’s Local?) Mr. Lee Landers spent Saturday night with Mr. Jack Landers. Mr. and Mrs. Grady King spent Sunday with relatives at Colbert Misses Alma and Vella Garnets-, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Misses Elouise and Willie Ii Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cheatham hie ns their guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Shafer King and family, Mr. Lav King and Mr. Jesse Beussee, Mrs. Moli'e Gar.ett spent Sunday frith Mi's. Martha Sr-nhoit Wo are sor v to say that the litirr son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seabolt is very sick a( this writing. Mrs. Fred Landers spent .Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Bertie Chatham The little babe of Mr and Mr*. Cliffoi.l Barnett is improving raJt’-r a few day*? of sickness. Mrs. Irzzie Flanagin has returned home after a stay with her brSathev at Athens, Ga. -Mrs. .1. (!. Barnett had as hfcr guest Sunday, Mvs. W. W, Barnett and daughter of Colbert. .Mrs. Arlo Patten’s baby is very s ; .-k at this time; hope it will our he well. * Mrts Jessie Mae Eseoe and Mr, Gilbert Patten spent a while with Miss Lillie Patten Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. David and sons spent Sunday in Athens with Mr. and Mrs'. Jim Hall. Mrs. Ruby Sims has gone to Green ville, S. C. for a while. .Vla r ter V, ill I). and Thomas Huff of Bowman arc spending a while wile their sr-fr.-r, M s. IceJine*Patbcn Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gunnio spent Saturday afternoon, with Mi;* ( lyde Chatham. CLEVELAND* (Last Week’* LccaU} The farmers in this aecinn, are very busy with their work these pret ty days. Several from here attended the singing at Blacks Creel: Sunday >ifc rernoor|. r i he Sunday School at this place is progressing nicely. Misses Nettie and Louie Be'le Mar tin has as their guests Sunday after noon Misses .Jessie and Loi Haggard Mr. I’inkney Martin of Come* visited his father and mother Sunday, Air. a fid Mrs. lias Haggard visited relatives near Poca Sunday afternoon, / We are sorry to say Mr. J. B Streetman isn't any better at thu writing; hope he may soon bo iv.-tor ed to normal health. Mr. and Mrs. Ozie Tidwell wire the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W P Martin Sunday. * M'. < age Burnette of Gj eermllc, ■' ■ L., visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. S. . Haggard and little son visited her daughter Sunday. Number 47