The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 04, 1924, Image 4

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STATEMENT OF The Comer Bank COMER, GEORGIA SHOWING CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS. DEC. 2sth, 1023. President, J. K. Gholaton; Vice-Pre*., Geo. W. Whittfnad; Cashier, W. E. Hen-slce. RESOURCES Tiircr Loans rtml Discount 179,026.52 Demand Loan • 3,050.07 4)tfcr Stocks and Bauds. . . 2,550.00 Banking House 1,840.00 Furniture and Fixtures ... 2,504.18 Other Real Estate Owned 25,524.82 ?>u* From Other Approved Reserve Accents and Cash in Vaults 37,642.37 M'iaoet's on cotton 2,451.8 7 .'Tieefcs for Clearing’ House . . 768.81 •Other Checks and Cash Items 96.75 Overdrafts (If any) 1,245.46 Profit and l oss 4,597.05 Depositors Guar. Fund . . . 3 572.60 Mutual Fire Fond 120.00 TOTAL 264,970.50 ST AT £ OF GEORGIA, Madison County. Before me cam* VV. E. Hc-islee, Cashier of The Comer Bank, who Afr duly sworn, says that the above foregoing statement i a true condi tion of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. W. E. KENSLEE. Swam tr, and subscribed before me, this 2nd dpy of Jar.yary 1923. LOTS J. BIRCHMORE, N. P. STATEMENT OF 1 he Peoples Bank COMER, GEORGIA -fIOWING CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 28th, 192,1. tbvsnient. W. A. Rowe; Vice-rite.. D. P. Moon; Cash., C. V'. R'dgivay RESOI’IMTfiS 'Time Doans ami Discounts 05,0i>3.48 Bfdirniud Loans 20,911.97 Fritted States Securities 10,000.00 Other Stocks and Bonds.. 1,075.*'0 Hanking House 4,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures . . 2,470.0 > Other Lea! h’. tale Owned 2,12#.00 Due Fnurn Other Appvov Ui'servc Agent and Cash in Vaults 38,221 2< advances on Cotton 1,509.24 '*ther Checks atul Cash Items 590.4 7 Overdrafts (If any) 272.21 TOT A1 152,029.05 'STATE OF GEORGIA, Mudi, n County,. Before me came ( . V. Kidg.vay, l a'shier of Tile Peoples Ban!;, wVio sworn, says that the ah vc foregoing statement is a true cor, of said Bank, as down by the books of file in sail! Bank. C. V. KI DC, WAY Sworn to and subscribed bti" ■> ;• me. tlos 3rd day of Jan. 1924. ib ft. GU All AM, N. P. LEGAL NOTICES •See.a, Madison County. ,1. U. Fitzpatrick, Guardian of J. 1. Fitzpatrick. doc’d. has applied to out for a dischai v.e from hi- guarili unship of J. A. Fitzpatrick; this is therefore to noiit'v all per.-mv. cois itwiird. tu file their oh eeiieiis, i* any ;;y have, on or before the fir.-I Mnn .l.r’iM". re :‘. else .1. 11. Y ■ 3iit:C:, Wi.l 'v li.siharpeii t u i.-s -j lardiurship as applied for. N. C. BULLOCK. Ordinary. reta. Madison County. Notice is hereby given that 11. Kirk, as administrator of the cs ane of J. 11. Kirk, deceased, having rppl’Vd by petition for leave to sett [and of said deceased. An order rr.s made thereon at the Decemb i Form. 192.1, for citation that citation ssiv. All the licit sat law as I cv-. >• i rr of the -aid deceased will take notice that l will pass opoii said ap n al the January term of the Court. of Ordinary for said county -nd unless cause is shown to the con trary at said time said leave will he {ranted. This Dec. 3rd, 1923. N. C. BUI.LOCK. Ortlinary. ■Jeoigia. Madison County. Mrs. ,1. E. Oarrouth having made application for twelve months’ sup port out of tlu* estate of J. E. Car mirth. deceased, and appraisers duly i ve‘ and t,; sit apart the w:;e hav LIABILITIES Capital Stock It id In .... 2 ;,000.0.< Surplus 20,000.00 Dividends Unpaid 12.00 Due to Banks 4,000.00 Deposit? Subject to (’heck 91,686.07 Demand Certificates of I Deposit 20,000.90 Time Certificate of Deposit 57,464.42 Savings Deposits 19.029.00 Cashier’s Checks K 75.11 Rills Payable 22,000.00 t TOTAL 264,970.50 LIABILITIES Capital Stuck I’aid In .... 25,Q00.U0 Surplus 13,009.00 Undivided Profit; ....".. 3 425.58 Deposits Subject to Check 85,964.49 Ting- Certificate of Depus.t 24,857.36 Cashier’s Checks 332.72 JJ'Us Payable None TOTAL 152,629.65 u.i: film; fch.c.r return; nil persons cops,- mod ary> hereby required to show cause and. ft e the Court of Ordi nary mi t;.e firs; Monday in January, .92'. why-ad application should not : e grahite.!. Tiiis Dec. 3rd, 4 923. N. C. BULLOCK. Ordinary. Citorg . iadisi'fi' County. Mrs. F. K. Patton having made ftp t • i * * i* • • ica vv; > - ’-" ;• - • out of via estate of J. P. Patten, de ceased. and appraisers duly appoint ed to s' apart the same living filed their • t ! "ei • . p rsens concerned are :trehy tm,idled to show cause hei'm > the Court of Ordinary on the first Mon-ley m January, 1924. why said application should not be grantc ed. JIT. is Dee. 'id, 1923. N .it I LOCK, Ordinary. - ,r Georgia, .Madison County. . ,i- M. Carrouth having, in proper fern', applied to me for Permanent Littcis of .\dniirtistiition on the i s late of J. K. Ca'rrouth. late of said 1 1 iii t\ ; this is t cite all and singu ,a:' l, ie creditors and next /'f kin of h il. Carrouth. dec’d, to be and an loar at ny office within the time al lowed by law, ami show cause, if any iiwy can, why permanent ad mini s trotior -hcniid net* be granted to J. V Carrouth on J. K. Ci.rrcuth’s es tate. Witness my hand and official sig n. lore, this 3rd day of Dec. 1922. N. C. 144 Ll. o*. K. Ordinary. THE DANIELS VILLF, MONITOR. DANIELS’/ILLS. C.A. > JUST FROM PROGRESS * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hair.mond spent Thursday night with Mr. Grady O’Kelley and fair lv nod Friday night with Mr. Cordis Thomas and family. Mr. Rufus Hates of Danielsvilk and Miss Laurie Williams of near | here were married last Friday night. Mr. Elmo McElroy and Miss Vor bie Shaw, both of near Moons Grove, were married during Christmas hol i idays. j Mr. I>. V. Scarboro, wife and i daughter, Minnie Fae, spent Thurs day with Mr. L. V. Smith and family o? aear like, and Miss Annie Mae Smith returned with them. Mr. .J. W. Scarboro dined Saturday with Mr. L. V. Scarboro. —— Miss Alma Scarboro spent part of the holidays with her cousin. Mss Annie Mae Baxter near Shiloh. Mr. J. F. Grindlo and family spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives near Diamond Hill. Mr. G. T. Alim and .family of Gainesville spent, a few days last week with Mrs. Aliens parents. Mr. Harvie Jordan Glenn spe;:’; Saturday night with Mr. Monroe Co rk her*-:. Mioses Alma Scarboro and Annie Mae Smith spent Saturday night wih Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Carter. Mr. >V. M. Glrr. i and so;). Odelle, Mr. J. j.). McElroy and family ai?.i Hr. Jim Jone sand family spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Swindle. Mrs. Swindle celebrated her 89th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Carter and ran, Boyd, dined Saturday with Mr. S. U. 1- ester and family. Mr. M. B. Scarboro and wife and Mi. Dewey .ocaroom passed through our community Thursday afternoon. FOR RENT I have a 3-horse farm for ren* Would he glad to hear from party or parlies desiring a good home for another vear MRS W. R. DANIEL. Comer, Georgia Final Clearance Sale of Read v-to-Yvear Reosonably priced to begin with, these reductions in prices on ladies art rr.i aen> ready-to*\vear it eke-every gai ncv t a wonderful bargain, All in good styles, best t y.materials in the citsifal .e colors. Vve suilender ot i picf.c, and more for many of these garments are offered at ** than cost to us—for this leaser, this will be a CASH SALE. A real opportune L ■ mnne> is given yen in this Final Clearance- Sale of Ready-to Wear. Dresses of Every Kird at C-reat Betfiictur s Every 01 css in Rehouse is irciieedin the sale, evening dresses, street party nressts, siuti c ai.a in a variety of materials, colors ard styles 11 c size. All $11,50 Dresses at 6AB All 15.00 Dresses at ' S.OB All 17.50 Dresses at 0.13 All 18.00 Dresses ah 10,75 Ail 20.00 Dresses at : 11.98 All 23.50 Dresses at ; 18,75 All 23 0.) Dresses at. 14.75 Davison-Niciiolson Cos, Athens’ Busiest Store We SteiUhe New'fear In With Our Usual Low Prices “BELLGRADE” Overalls, Mens 1.50 Youths 1.25 Boy 395 c WORK SHIRTS: A good one f v 75c, 85c, and a big value for sl, es trafull cut tripple stitdic, ’ • RIVERSIDE cotton duels anew bale just arrived, many cifferenl patterns, • 19c yd Good ginghams, 15c yd;other grades 27 and 32 in. wide • 2k “Star Brand Shoes are Better" We sell them W. A, Rowe & Cos, O-a* AH $27.50 Dresses at :o‘- All 80.00 Dresses at A l ’ 32 50 Dresses at '0 All 35.00 Dresses at— All 37.50 Dresses at - 5.7-, All 40.00 Dresses at Ail 42,50 Dresses at