The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 04, 1924, Image 5

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STATEMENT OF Back of Danielsville DANIELS VILLE, GEORGIA OV . tX , ; CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 2Slh. 1923. "J, ; . lb , Hoic-en; V.-Pres., Geo. O. Griffoth, J. Nathaniel Griffeth; Cashier, Richard C'. Gri-feth. ~ E S Tin ,, L ,, a n- and Discounts h9.8G4.05 linu . 20,000.00 ; a s Securities .. 7,000.00 Bonds .... 450.00 Banking House 2,375.28 Sturc ar.d Fixtures .. 1,865.25 j) lie From Other Approved Reserve Agents and Cash in Vaults • 69,654.92 j)ue from Other Banks . . 11,305.9 4 Checks for Charing House.. 263.21 Othei* Checks and Cash Items 86.21 Overdrafts (H any) 257.05 TOTAL 172,621.91 STATE OF GEORGIA, Madison County. Before me came R. C. Griffoth, Cashier of Bunk of Daniel>v lie, ivho bong duly sworn, say3 that the above foregoing statement is a true •condition of ‘aid Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. K. C. GRIFFETH Sworn to and subscribed before fine, this 2nd day of January 1923. Wm. D. MEADOW, C. S. C. STATEMENT OF Carlton Batik CARLTON, GEORGIA SHOWING CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 28th, 1921. President, J. D. Long; .Vice-Pres, P. D. Smith; Cashier, F. D. Smith. resources Time Loans and Discount 155,334.04 .Demand Loans 10,123.81 Other Sleeks and Bonds ....495.00 Banking House 2,405.19 Furniture and Fixtures . . 4,561.77 Other Real Estate Owned 7,903.33 Due From Other Approved Reserve Agents and Cash in Vaults 21,399.10 Due from Other Banks . . 15,500.00 Other Checks and Cash I term' . 1.468.62 Overdrafts (If any) 426.73 Depositors Guar. Fund . . 8,734.73 Mutual Fire Fund 120.00 TOTAL 223,472.32 STATE OF GEORGIA, Madison County. Before me came F. D. Smith, Cashier of Carlton, Bank, who being i'u!y sv. irn, save that the above foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said Bank as shown by the books of tile in ;>aid Bank. * F. D. SMITH S.Vwf!. ; and subscribed before me, this 2nd day of January 1923. J. A. GLENN, N. P. STATEMENT OF Madison County Bank COLBERT, GEORGIA IfO'.V'h'G CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 28th, 1923. OcsKk-m, J. K. Gholston; Vice-Pres, H. H. Hart; Cashier, J. L. Williams. RESOURCES Fn.v J .an.", and Discount 100,516.62 Zealand Loans 1,125.00 .'unking House 2,205.00 iurdturo and Fixtures... 1,250.00 ,!n< : ' Real Estate Owned. . 9,106.22 ' 11, Fi im Other Approved jA: ;■ :ili and Cash in Vaults 14.267.75 r 1 and Cash Items 309.73 1 overdrafts (If any) ...... 261.01 ' ; her Assets 82.05 ‘epf.'siti ■’ Guar Fund 2,815.45 iiturt! Fire Fund 120.00 hi o i : Account 50.00 Pvofi t atM Loss 2,514.04 TOT A i 134,614.57 * ■■■ i u GEORGIA, Madison County, 1 nn came J. L. Williams, Cashier of Madison (• anty . duly sworn, says that the above foregoing statement i- a tru f said Bank, as shown by the nooks of tile m said liar..-.. J. L. WILLIAMS. - 1 subscribed before me, this 2nd day of January l'Jii-i. I.ueweene Burckha ter, N. 1 . ANOSS LIFE - FIRE ACCIDENT WIN D STORM SURETY BONDS. AUTOMOBILE. W, E HENSLEE, Agent.* i LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in . . 15,090.00 Surplus 15,000.00 Undivided Profits 387.50 Deposits Subject to Cheek 121,464.27 Time Certificate of Deposit 20,713.84 Cashier's Cheeks 56.80 j Bills Payable None ! TOTAL 172,621.91 LIABILITIES Capital Stock-Paid In .... 23,000.0 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided Profits 8.702.31 Deposits Subject to Check 89,220.85 Time Certificates o ? Deposit .. . 90,402.79 Cashier’s Checks 146.87 Bills Payable Nane TOTAL 223,4 72.82 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In .. 15,009.00 Surplus 3,( 00.00 Deposits Subject to Check 40,504.82 Time Certificate of Deposit 4 ;,04 '.02 Cashier’s Chtcks 62.83 Bills Payable V. 9 580.00 Call Deposits 23,500.00 TOTAL 131,614.57 THE PANIELSVILLE MONITOR DANfSLSVILLE. £A NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Georgia, Madison County. To the Superior Court of said County. The petition of N. B. Carmichael and J. 11. Carmichael of the State of Tennessee, and L. F. McConnell •>f the County of Madison, said Stale, shows the following facts: 1 Petioners, together with their asso ciates, desire to be incorporated un der the name of N. B. & J. K. Car michael Cos., for the period of twen ty years, with the right to renew .-aid charter at the expiration of said time. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and to carry on and maintain a general mercantile business in the City of Comer, Madi son County, Ga. and to have branch places of business at any place that they may desire, and to buy and sell goods, wares and merchand ss, cot ton, corn, and other articles that may be dealt in by the said corporation, and to make contracts, borrow mon ey, to sue and be sued, give mort gages on personalty and real prop erty, make deeds to any property that may be wold, and to make anj execute bond for titles, and to buy and sell lauds in pursuance of their mercantile business, loan money and take moriages on personalty ot real ty therefor, and do any and all acta that may be nece:ary in the opera tion of said business, including that of millinery. Also buy and sell gu ano, and act as patent for other cor pora! ions and person or persons in any and all kirn's of merchandise or Other things. 2 The principal place of said business will be in the City of Corner Madi son County, Georgia, and the princi pal office of said Company shall be in the City of Comer, Ga. 3 That the capital stock of said corpo ration shall be $10,000.00, divided into shares of $160.00 each, and they desire to bye in business when !'• per cent of the capital stock has been paid in, and petioners show chat the full amount of said capital stock has already been paid in. 4 Petitioners desire that sabj ce p >ra tion may have the right t< elect a board of directors by a vote cf its steel holders, and to elect a TV si !?n l Vice-President, and Secretary and Treasurer by said beard of director?, and to have and make all proper and necessary by-laws rules ami regula tions that are noces.-arv ■u-.l may be pii per for (he carrying on t- s.r.d business, and also to have an ! vs a common seal. Wherefore, petiv.orx-nB file this their petition m the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of 7A vi ison County, (la.. md pray Gv.. after the- same has bo n U'ivert>h*ed a:> re* Squired by law, -hut t l x Court Ly p -op* J ex* order grant this pctiMor. BERRY T. MOSELEY Attorney for Petiti r. n Filed in office, this Dec. 10, 1923. Wm. D. MEADOW, Click Superb c _ -urt Georgia, Mad n County. Office of Clerk Superior Court of Madison Cou ;ly. I. Wn. D. K si the Supirier Court ih or < .. nl:y, Ga., hereby c ert fy that the f< - g > ing is a true anr correct copy of the application for charter, <., the same appear; of fifi. in my fficq. This, December 10th. 1923. Wm. D. MEADOW, ( lerk of the Superior Court Logs Wanted We pay cash tor logs, eil ht r wa g - or. or car loads. BANCROFT LUMBER o. Colbert,, Ga. i FOR RE VT i Good two or three horse Far<n, 2 m-lej cf Comer. Sea J c. COOPER Money is circulating mediem, it circulates freely. It in in your pocket fruity and in some other man's pocket tomorrow. No man gets ahead materially by trying to hang on to a circulating medium, for money of itself will net increase—you must buy something wiih it. Deposit your money in a bank and you buy a credit and that credit will incieasc by the interest on it. Keep adding to your deposit, and your credit continues to grow. Don't try to hong onto mere money—it is II o w rcr g system, THE COMER BANK l)eiOHiiß i Insured COMER, (lEORtjIA. MONEY We are in position to make loans for any amount on cotton stored in Bonded. Warehouses at very reasonable interest rates. If you desire to hold your cotton and need money see us. Wepay 4 per cent on time deposits The Peoples Bank Planters Warehouse Cos. Ii <♦)]) { < * Atliens Cotton Factors JOHN-T, PITTARD, Pres. C.W. CROOK V/. W. SCOTT, Vice-Pres. Sec. and Treas. “Liberal Advances made on ail cotton stored".