The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 11, 1924, Image 1

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The Danieisvilie flonitor. I \\S 111 ■ DE'ELSYILLE .. ■ r Miss R‘ lxie Erh ■ j,' ,y Rwd were anion? here to Athens ■ „ ; >v,s ’eft Saturday ,■ ’■ - - s n-re she will join wm^., v.'j holds a position Hardee* Drug Cos: H, Mondav . IjH,'■ r. Cre-'ae and T>. A. , trip to Ath |H. •;uiT-.d to. 3 . v.'crK lor n Commerce ■H c .„ t / ■l. e . 1 hero with are! M r.. \. C. Campbe-1 Hit Friday in Athens. |H;v V. ■>. Sorrell vi?it vT. , Vl.-rr, Monday aftcr |Hr ’ Atlanta was here W • Hi. £;.J Mrs D. A Mcr.eley Att.v'Js W-•••day. |Hhh v sj'ifi tin? if r.ak an arm Sunday ■(■iT/'r. hi- mar-v ih vends are glad ■■kwh.improving n’colyh SBlfr. W. C. c .,v',tt lias returned to vrork in Atlanta. |HMr. (eeii Oar.-on was in Athens on the first of the week. H THE WOMAN'S CLUB ■ W< nun's Club of Daniel,.villa : ‘‘ 3 ‘ -joeting of the New |Hw, January 3rd, in ■ub room. J, t. .Mmruy, the president, tibbtnt. Mn, .3. H. Boggs pre over the meeting. Reports *' :zrr ‘ the various commit tho outstanding feature of the ■® r ‘ ess was the work of H* Woman's. Club on Feb. 14 for the Bill Tournament. ■ of business session. IS ‘ Gholston and ilr 6 . H r .' ChMnton were joint hostesses H nir 8 ( elioou3 salad course. H • j, * T *** ■ J CST FROM ILA * I**-** * * * I,- ■ Will, homefolk*. Ifet-- ,* Marearot ? ‘ nd Mildred Sor- EL* 'y tors their aunt, Mrs. ■ ; s r>ast vc-et. ■ Mi*, ‘~7~~ m homo ' '' ,pent Sunday ■ *V C ; , ~ ,J -or-.-, teacher at Mor- U3s i, f „ ■ ■ ' “ r ' it week • * h 1 Ti ■ Vj Vf. W -la ‘' -Lire? .-i' rr.o'l | duties tv.cb- I 7 ' t - are , . . H r , . ' to nave Mr. a.vl Bv, n rr Joe-its of this ■ -ome them! Ua Higii .>ehool basket bali ie.ei plays Hartwell Monday night, Jan. 14th, and we are to vv -i— we hope! The attendance at B. Y. P U. was not m good on Sunday night, on account of the weather. We hope to have .much better attendance next Sunday night. Woman's Club of Ji met Friday when a very inheres i;g' program was rendered and had a voy good niu.-^ng. Mr. Gladrn;ui Moore happened to accul-int during the holiday*. Ho was so unfortunate as to break hi?, leg. Wo wish for him a speedy 'se ct, v ery. On Monday evoniny of the holi days Mis. S. W. Crawford enk.: h-io ed the “Junior Cr< ■ with a j/ivdy party Misr, Alva Bird was week-end vis itor in Athens. Mr. J. C. Alevander ef Toccoa parsed through 11a Monday on his return home. Thermomcie- down to 8 d-3g*e.o*. on Sunday morning. Mr. J.-.mci* Stone of Saw last made a business call in JJa Monday. Mammy used to call them “goobers,” those rich, nourish In’ Southern peanuts, and how we loved the peanut cookies she’d make with them! Nearly every one in the South knows the tastiness of good, fresh, roasted peanuts. For candies and cookies they’re about the most delicious confection I -know. , If you uao a cup of peanuts, chopped coarse, and 2 tato’espoohs of butter, a cup of sugar and 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sweet milk and enough self-rising Hour to roil, you -van make some of these plump little cookies. Just mix dough in the usual way for cookies and add the “goobers.” Bake for about ten minutes. The children will love them. Hickoiy Nut Cookies Have Fine Flavor. And thin kin’ of peanut cookies re minds me of the hickory nut cookies that Madge loves to make for her beys. Bobby always demands. them around this time o’ year. She usee e. ha!? cup of butter creamed with a half cup of sugar, adds three eggs weii beaten and a half cup of sweet milk uml enough self-rising Hour to roil thin. To this is added one cup of chopped hickory nuts. The mixture is chilled before roll ing and a stiff dough avoided. This is baked in a quick oven and when they come out golden brown and fragrant with that hickory nut flavor, you.ought , to and boys! CARD OF THANKS At 6:35 r>'i the mon-ing of *b v r.:’ Dec* 0 be**, l’.’2L Mr*. Mnrtha Seafcolt part'd awry at the State Sariicrinm aft.'*: an iilncsfi of three months. Prt*ious companion, cevoted moth er, devout and conne-irated Chrirt;un that she rub. To rnaka a home, to .sweeten and brighten it, and crown it-with every Christian virtue mart have bceli her life mission. Fir just as she ente. , *. ! n.g full into the joy of her greatest ambition, God called her home. No greater or more glo rious task than hers have ever fa Pen 1 to human hands. She leaves a husband, five children, three brothers, cne sister and a host of friends tc mourn her absence. We wish through the rolumns of the Comer News, to thank most sin eerelv every one wh*> contnkuted in any way to lighten the load for us. We cannot mention here the names of all those who so generously helped ns in the time of our greatest need. We did not have the money to pay for eve: % T service so faithfully ren dered. But if we had had it. we would not. have known how to fix the price. I am glad that Cod knows just how and in-:, when to place the proper valuation on such things. ‘*ln .t* much as vou did it unto the least of 1 1*oe n v biethren, you have done it unto me.’’ -M■ . * (od hie*? ar.d richly reward eveiy or • who helped us r | cur g-eatest le.—' v' .mein. J. H. Seabolt. DanielsviUe. Georgia, Friday, , an. 11 1924 IN MEMORY OF MRS. CLAUD KIDD H f. Chiuc' Kidd tih'd at in r homo of hoi motive" and father, Mr. a*J Mrs. Dave Simmons near David's Mill on Dec. ,4, IP2-’. and at 2 o'- clock . 'She will be missed by all who knew her for s more .sweet natural pi:! never lived. She bore her sickness with a smile, having been in bad health some months and when death cane she went to her dear Father without a murmur. Weep not, dear moiher, father, sisters, brothers, husband, for she 's asleep in Jesus. She leaves a Hi de f'iri whom she named Alma Lee the day before she died, being only nine da. s old and who will never knew the love of thii- 1. nr mother. She was only : ever,teen years old; but God giveth ar.d He taketh away. Her sufferings ar*> e'er and she is at re t -nd peace with Jesus. —By a frierd ad neighbor, who knew her. CARD OF THANKS To our friends who so trcnerously extended their kindly admini tra tions, their lovi. and their sympathy to us during the illness and at the death of our beloved father, anil who showed their regard for him with so many beautiful floral offerings, wa wish to extend our grateful appre ciation and many thanks and may God bless each one of you. Miss Rosa Thompson, sister* and brothers. A CARD OF THANKS r • We wish to thank our many neigh bors and friends ar,d the kind Doc tor for their kindness and faithful ness to us during the sickness and death of our beloved s-iste daughter and wife. May God be with each and every one of them. Ivlr. and Mrs. Dave Simmons and family; Mr. Gaud Kidd SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL FAR MERS’ WEEK AND MARKET CONFERENCE, JAN. 21-25, !924 The farmers and business men are invited to attend the seventeenth annual meeting of the farmers of the state. It will be held during the w\i*k of Jan. 21-26 at the auditorium of the State College of Agriculture, Athens, Ga. Tho-,e who have attended these meetings know the value of them. There will be several men to speak that want to hear. For fur ther details as. to the program, call ' 1 CINNERS’ REPORT ... ■ —- There were 8.49” bales of cotton ginned in Madison County from the crop cf 1923 prior to Jan. 1, 1924, a*, compared with ,500 bales ginned to Jan. 1, 4923. FARM LOANS The International Lite Insurance Company is now makint' loan* .on Madison Countv tarn?*. See Fred Bond at the (Jerk’s Of fice in Dr,nielsviile ev*r y Tuesday. 1-10, t-f, M & N 1-11, 4t, N FfbTICE Evp v member that repreients ! Vineyards Creel-' chi rch is requested ito he there tin third .Saturday in '.January 192 J. G< ,Vood Jr., i Church ( !e r k. GRAND JURORS, JANUARY TERM 1924 <). D. Long J. T. Noell 11. D. S’engravcs Wm. E. Brown VV . C. Hay ilie IT. M. Mattox J . Z. Morris W. B. Stevens t S. U. Strickland *• .). D. Riden * n T. C. David W. E. Whitehead J. W. Grimes J. W. Grinies 1 J. W. Whitehead U. T. Fitspatriek }'. A. B. Thompson J. L. Williams *' -<r : W. W. Rowing! on W. S. Burden B. C. Settles A. M. Wilkins Nat T. Chandler Gerald Birehm re U. S. Wordy I. N. Mtni-h 0. L. Adams W. H. Dean v. I'. Slovens TRAVERS JURORS. JANUARY TERM 1924 No. 1 1. J. N. Winn 2. Grift’ Meadow 3. R. K. Sorrow 4. C. L. Adair 5. J. M . Waggor.e • 0. W. S. Threlkeld 7. L. V. Searboro ‘.fi 8. ). O. Duncan J. T. Carter 10. J. O. Hix /?; 11 . Alex. W; Searboro 12. W. S. Sanaers *’ ’ i No. 2 J. H. E. P.eaten bough 2. Homer J. Hix ’.%£ 3. 0. K. Griffeth - * 4. Maude Sbsw 5 . L. F. Cromer ■• S' G. J. D. Fewer 7. J. W. Draper -V 8. W. E. Merrier '*?'!**” 9. G. W. Benton 10. G. F. Adams ” 11.,J.„T. fyiVie Jr. r -’Y’:i 12. B. F. Rogers ”T ' r. '<r No .3 1. Dr. H. G. Banister i? 2. W. C. Clements ,v '’ 3. W. G. Threlkeid 4. J. O. T. Smith ' ~ 5. L. F. McConnell " G. Chart. C. Carithers " •'*' 7. W. D. Graham Sr. 8. M. L. Hendrix •’=■'■ 3. F. C. Christian 10. G. O. Collins *t ;; ' 11. S. ; M. McClellan 12/T. R,. Dickcrr/m jy* : >sp • No. 4 rrtfj 1. C. S. Carrington 2. W. P. Epps 3. T. M. Wood 4. W. M. Martin •7. G. L. Chandler *■ G. R. F. O’Kelley 7. J. H. Boggs 3. M. Y,. Freeman 9. F. L. Martin 10. J. T. Gholston 11. T. J. Searboro 12. L. M. Williams Dcjihil Notice Dr D. L. Cloud from Creoris horo, Ga. will ho in Comer on Secord JVforday each month pre pared to do all classes of dental work, to remain one* week. He will appreciate a call Office in Roper Building. PATTERSON DOTS .Miss El la Benton of Athens ha* returned to her work after spending the holidays with Lomcfellts. Mr. W. D. Winn of Akron, Ohio and attractive little children of Ath ens spent Thursday with Mr. M. IL Hardman and family. Miss Macy Thompson spent Friday with relatives near Wintervillc. Mrs. Melvin Waggoner of Athens visiteu her parents, Mr. and Mru. W. O Benton Sunday. Miss Beat; te Faulkner of Cplbei’t and M : ss Macy Thorn pson suent Sat urday night \/ith Mian Eula Benton. M ; ss Mildred Hardman and broth er, Feiron, ef Sandy Cro-s spent Saturday night and Sunday with their uncle, Mr. M. 11. Hardman. M' s Georgia Kinknid of Colbert visited Miss Donia Bullock Sunday. M'ss Macy and Master Quillian Thompson bad as their guests Sun day, Mi;-i-es linogane and Ida Merl* Morris and Muster Cleo Morris *1 Wintervillc, Misses Annie Mac Sco gins, Geneva Patterson, Nellie Sor row, Master Arthur Thompson ano Loyd Moirirp Mins Thelma Eberhart of Colbert, visited Mbs Ouida liarclman Saturday afternoon. We are sorry to know that tlit children of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mor ris are ill with measles and hope the# will soon be well. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, Mrs. Mar mis Bullock and Mrs. Bee Bullock were the guest* of Mr. and Mr*. O A. Faulkner Thursday afternoon. Master Ralph McCarty has return ed after upending several days with relatives in Atlanta. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Thomas Faulkncm, Miss Macy Thomjzson and Mim Flor rie Faulkner made a shdrt visit in Colbert Thursday afternoon. Miss Myrtle Rogers and Mia* Joy Sanders have returned to their cho<£ after spending the holidays mitt homefoHcs in Corner. Mosher Coy Morris pud Mis* fna Sue Morris of Wlnterville visited Sidney and Marti** Hardman Friday I * * • **••• * SMrTil DOTS • We are having plenty of cold weather at present. We are glad to sav that Mr. O. !L Patti n i-j improving slowly now. M issos Maudie Rue and Annie Mil ler, Eva Smith and Leva Nelms wen guests of Miss Jessie Ma e Christian lasi Sunday afternoon. Misw Annie Mae Graham spent last Sunday with. Miss Nellie W-itson. Mf?s Edith Strickland whs the guts* of Miss Agnus Patten lust Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. K. R. Mealor mufc a business trip to Royston last Sat urday. Wt* air* Laving a good school t Sruiths now. M-s. Clara Sims -pent last Sundday '•’• 'i M..-- V x. v ci Graham. Number