The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 18, 1924, Image 1

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| _ lp*% ® t *$ % A I lie LfdUuclSv life t lOIiIM.N , VOL XX ' ?|S OANIEL sy I LLE Horae, 9 ln A * h "“ p, ( #iay • Kn ,, . Griffeth has returned IFlal__ 1 Fla l __ . t> |f. Thompson '’. 1 „,.,i iyjv and Mrs. V. Oi. Sunday with Mr. and Sorre'l fW 1 * Jlrs . T. J N elnis * nA T S in Atlanta Di> J. i -t (•-' I'' 1 -' week. p < vj 0 dev has been quite • f ( .r the last few days, having S number of tooth extracted W c hope he will soon be able to get back to his work. j_ eo Bond was a visitor to Athens Tuesday. Mis? Kathleen ‘•nulling of Athens >r , x the week-end with homefoiks. Cos! McDufr of Hartwell was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr. Addison Bird and Miss Corine Bird are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Matthews. BIX—BROOKS Mis Ann ice near Daniels yille and MV. Goss Brooks wer©.hap pily married Sunday afternoon, .Tan. 13th. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T J. Nelms. Mr. Nelms officiating. They have th e test wishes of their rar-y friends. Mr. i-.r. : Mrs. George Hix and sop are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. M. David this week. Miss Lorir.i Kidd of Athens is vis itirg relatives here. Mr'. Westbrook and little daught er of Ila visited Mrs. B . N. White ( Tuesday. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Leila Bond is improving from a se vere attack of LaGrippe. Mr. Fred Bond of Royston was * visitor here Tuesday. * The preachers of the Elberton District held a meeting in Lavonia ,& st Thursday. Rev. M. C. Allen ar.d Kev. Tally of Comer and Mr. ll - E- Bond attended this meeting. ® -RE AT H—R ERRGNG Mips Be<si c Gilreah and Air. J. L. -errerur were married Saturdy eve : n ' n g about 7 o’clock at the Mctho ''tt parsonage, Rev. M. C. Allen MEc sting. :fe 'regular Quarterly Conference •■‘"■nday at the Methodist -church a vctj successful meeting for the of the year. ( . ' I*. Broome is in South !.na business this week. n.’ , . s ‘ ' ' and children of Ga. are visiting Mr. 1 ' !r - -C. O’Kelley. ILA W M U .j an . ]4thj the w M u. " l ha Baptist church met at the * Cora White. r,. r ,| t V v '"testing program was anH .. ’ '^ c spiritual, intellectual i, condition* that exi -t • -n Mexico, . ' “ rv tntcijed heartily into *‘U x ]iw * • 8 -■ aftes which deli ,H”,U Were served ,hy li, -...,. ' anJ H pleasant social ” 1 'joyed FARMERS MEETING NEXT WEEK STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Athens, Ga., January 14—Farm ers’ Week, the annua) short course for farmers and business men of Georgia will be held at the State College of Agriculture January 21- 20, 1024, according to a recent an nouncement from that instntution. County agents from all over the state will be present also and will hold their annual conference in con junction with the farmers meeting, authorities stated. While all phases ox problems con fronting farmers this year will find a place on the program, emphasis will be placed on marketing, and some of the foremost authorities in the country will be present and al drerla the conference on tlii.x sub ject. Production will come in foe a large share of the discussion and college authorities will cover Ilfs part of the program. The results of boll weevil control work carried on during the past year will be presented and recommenda tions made for the coining year. Soy beans, permanent pastures, and com munity nroduetion of varieties will also be discussed. Avery interesting program bat been arranged for each day during the week. TIME TO GET IMPLEMENTS READY FOR THE 1924 CROP One of the great drawbacks to profitable farming is the press of work during April. May and duns, and the lack of employment during December, January and February. Since every minute is needed during April, May and June, it is good ia ru ing business to take time during De cember. January ar.d February to do some of the work often done du ring April, May and June. For in stance, a fence will break down next May when the farmer is so busy that he cannot see how he can take time to fix it. but why not look over tho pasture fence now srd prepare for next May’s busy time by seeing that it wiii not break down then. A plow i point is. going to need sharpening in April,.but why not sharpen as ; many as possible and have an extra one or two and do it now? There is I a roof somewhere that may need re i pairing next summer, there is a i grain binder with torn canvas which wall need to be mended before har vest time, there i- a cook stove which will need wood in April, May and June; there is a chicken coop or hen j house that will need work done on ; them next March and April; there is -a well that may y r - dry next May; i there is a ditch that will overflow | and wash away good soil next March; and so oni. Time on the farm .is ' worth the least during the winter months and the most during April, May and June. The farmer who doe * m • April, May and Jure work during De : comber. January and February gets ; the best pay for bis winter employ | ment. —W. R. ESKEW, Cos. Agent. PROGRAM AT Ml HARMON A special program will be on hand at the Mt. Hermon C. E. Society of Ila on .lan. 20th at 0:30. Mr. Bruce Kant and others will he the speakers. It will be worth yor time to come and hear them. We wel come von and your friend to the servile Sunday evening: at 0:30 on January 20th. I have a 3-horse farm for rcr’ Would be glad to hear from party or parties desiring a good home for another year. MRS W R DANIEL, Rt 2, Comer, Georgia ftaiiielsvilfe, Georgia, Friday, . an 18 K 24 RAMPEY—WILLIAMS A marriage of cordial interest to their friends was the marriage of Mr. Roy Williams and Miss Sara Rarnpey of Elberton which was sol emnized At the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Brooks Jr. on hot Saturday evening at 7 o’clock, Rev. Brooks performing the ceremony. They are receiving the hearty con gratulations of friend? for a long, happy journey through life. FOR SALE— Two good yourj mubj: and coe horse for sale. W. T COOK * JUST FROM ILA I '#•* • * * * Miss Darline Stone entered High ; School here Monday. She is board ing at Mr. S. W 7. Crawford’s j i Miss Irene Fayer visited relative* in Atlanta this last week-end. i Miss Birdie Mae -Tone 1 - spent the week-end at home. The Woman's Club will nr < rent : a play at the school auditorium soon, ; so save vour money and be there to j enjoy the fun. Our team was defeated at Hart well. Nevertheless the gann* was . splendid and enjoyed by all who wit- , nested it. The score was 12 to 1(1 in favor of Hartwell. The following attended the bas- j bet. bail game at Hartwell: Mr. and Mi's. Garnett Ware. Mr. T. J. j Brcwn, Drs. R. J. Westbrook and Bannister, M.siers Jack Gober, Clif ford Rice. Homer McClellan, Paul Williams, Rice Wc tbrook, George Adam?, Mjsf.cs Birdie Mae Jones and Irene Faver. i i We arc glad to know that Olho j Brown is improving after having the 1 measles for the oast week or so. i— j Ila Hi beat Jefferson Saturday. - We enjoy seeing cur boys win but we arc* glad to say that they take de feat splendidly also. The srore for the first team was 12-28 in favor of i Ila. The score of the scrub teams was 22-0 in favor of Tla. Mr. Walter of Philadelphia, j Pa. spent Thursday night at Ila,lnn. The Woman’s Mismonaiy Society I held an day meet at the Baptist church on Saturday which was well ! attended: a snlendid dinner was serv # mmam Saturday and Sunday are our reg i ular preaching days, and every mem ! her that can is requested to be there ;on Saturday. ______ Mr. Samuel Collins’ house and ev *-y thing he had ir: it was burner* Monday afternoon. Kev. E. R. Goss was the guest of Air. and Airs. M A. White Satur day night. Little Otion, the son of Air. and .Mrs. George Wood fell one day last week and nut hi- aim out of pla-’e. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King spent Sunday night with Mr. Albert Bur ton and fami'y. VINEYARD CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Go*, go Wood bad •as their gees's Sunday, Mr. O. J. Collins and family, Mr. and Air.-. Charlie Wood.. We a";* glad to report i’v.U 1 tC Mas gavel Worn! is. better after -e - eral days of iih.e i. \ Miss Dieic King smut Saturday night with M ? s?e? Mae and Elsie Collins. I We regret to learn that Mi?.* Do.- tie Flemings was burned one day last weak. Mr. Gec- go Wood and little son. j Orion, was in Athens Saturday. 1 l i Remember Fund. • School is staid |ed up again; every ore come that 1 can. | i : ILA W. M. S. HAVE SPECIAL MEETING The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Ila Baptist church observe I the special season of prayer for World Wine Missions, with an all day program, Saturday, Jan. 12, at the church. Instead of having a meeting every day during the week, the programs were combined f,v one da>v. OcrEuropean Field.'', China, Mex co, South America and Africa we the topics stodied. It was not possi ble to go into any subject very ful'y but something of the progress and great, needs of our work was dis cussed . Each field was the object, of i special prayer. Sixteen ladies were present. ! A delicious lunch was served at noon. A special oceriog was taken at the close of the program. IN MEMORY OF MRS. GRIFF BROWN J Mrs. Griff Brown elite! at her home near I’aoli, Dec. 20, 192-5 at 1:00 o’clock. She will be missed by all who j knew her, for she was a loving sweet ! woman; she bore her sick nos- with i a smile arid when death came s'/.e | went to her dear Father without a i murmur. j She left a husband, nine children, ja brother, Mr. W. H. Cooper, a s;.s --: ter. Mrs. It. E. Hopkins, and a hot i of friends to mourn her death. • May God be with each and every | one of thorn . By a Friend and Neigh be •. IN MEMORY OF I MRS. CLAUD KIDD On Friday, Dec. 14, 1928, the death angel came and took from the home of Mr. Claud Kidd hi? dear wife. 'Die home i? saddened by the go , ing away of this Dear One, but we : know God doeth alj thing* well and never makes any mistakes. D'-ar parents, it is hard, w.* know, to pait ! with such a precious one, but we have this consolation to help u-; on, that she is safe with Jesus, where affliction and trouble is not known, but all i joy. love and perfect happi ness throughout eternity. She leaves a husband and smc'l babe, beside- a host of fiiend; and relatives to mourn her departure. How sweet it will be iri that' beauti ful land, So free from all cere and pain, With crown* on our heads, and harps in our hands*, To meet this dear one again. *—A relative. 4 r -t JUST FROM PROGRESS School ;it this place is progrcssir,g nicely. Little Weda Lee Scarboro, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Scarboro, who has been seriously sick with bronchial pneumonia is im proving very slowly. Hope she will soon be well. m Mr. J. D. McElroy and family vi - ited Mr C. It. McElroy and family Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. .T. K. Black and family of GieeGsviik S. C., are vis Ling Ihe lad.m's paienls, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Sea Luo and family. Quite a number from around here me alter ng Court at Danielsville this week. , Mr. and Mrs. C. /I. Hranyan an nounce the Liith of a fine girl on Tuesday night, Jantiaiy Bth. Mrs. W. M . Glenn and son, Odelle spent Tuesday night with Mr. S. M. Swindle and wife. Mr. Ilarvie Jordan Glenn who is attending 11a High School spent ths week-end with homcfolks. M*L G. D. Allen of Gainesville is -pending this week with Mr. W M. Glenn and family and attending court. Misses Alma and Minnie Fae Scar horo spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Harvio Carter. FOR SALE—One idmcit Pew two hore wajon. FOR RENT Two two-horie farm*. EDD WHITE Comer, Ga. J i iAWYER VESTER M. OWNBY LAWYER 415-41 G GOULD BLDG PHOItE WALKUT 6525,-: MUM, GA. Will Practice in all Caarts SMITHS DOTS We are having a good sihool at Smiths now. We are glad to oay that Mr. O. TANARUS, i , j Patter, is sti!] improving. I There was proarliing at Smith* i lust Sunday afternoon. ! M iss Agnes Patten was (ho of Mis Edith Strilkland last Sun nay afternoon. : Miss EvSmith .pent last Satitr <tey night will Alisa Jessie Mac | Christian. Mi*. Fred Christian spent Fri duy with Mrs. 0. T. Patten. Miss A "no- Patten .‘■pent last Fri day night with Mis* Jesr+ie Mae Christian. Air. D. U. Strilkland and son, Dew ey, spent last Sunday with Mr. EL M. Patters-on. Mr. and Airs. O. T. Patten were visiting their son, Dillard Patten, last Sunday afternoon. The singing givc-n by Mr. 8.-ri Strirkland last Sunday night was en joyed by all present. Ask Mr. Sam Bates how he lilac walking home on Saturday night. Number