The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 18, 1924, Image 8

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• LEGAL NOTICES administrators sale Georgia. M.-mim- C. tvy. By virtue *•< Ui\ of .jor graot.' <y ]j ( . BjiJnck, (■••••■ ina-y of M.v’Uo.'i Oountv V be- ’ th* ; iivt I <’■ day in February 3 024 bt-iore th< Gcur'.. b:,u?e iri;.i<• i —v. ! , 1 '• • aid County <’• " * St t*-, beivi <• i tne 1,.gal hems of f-'J< to the kifttaMi bidder f* r -ash '!.<• N Sowing -! ■- r ed propel ■/ 1 f.--wit: All that, trad or Parcel of land lying and bern{- it 1 i’Hacison county, State i-f Gecrgiu, MS2 DiGric’ 1 . ’■ -. on the watcip of i: Ur 1 the public T.;:S ' : .. f/om • ••• **■ to llar.if'sv’hc. ••* , la • Miles *' r a i< i. '->■ ■ -• ■' o/.j erhaa and M Sccgin, einng tfc< home place f l r c ■ ! ’*• and, cont.ji#Ti? 1 r • •* 1 •* 0 iivi.'l*. rd ;; 1 I.*- .vr• Brushy tie*.*}; , i-ujuct as p* p: said C , apary. A1 o -■ .* ho i ■ ! • a* the Home < f fii- tand J. U. *■' . late df City u*' ( • !(>< r( •••',tv -< 1 - down front raid K'.oi. jv>rch ia go*-.3 ?• * , garden, 1 rn, ” "ij vatei. a -i necessary lUtbiribJ Lot <••••.! t,..r - ■ ing 200 U el square. Abo 1 vc:.t lot joining and • -iog in cultiv.r containing 200 f. square. Sair land r.r.d lots ctd ;>s the ; ■:> erty of the rail 11. Kirk, a* if raid County, ticcoa/;--!. T’ni.i 7t.<? day rf January, 3 024. 11. C. KIRK, Admr. SHERIFF’S SALES Georgia, !*f a.a Coudy. Will la cold before the Co..Tt houfft door in 1 ta-i.b-1.-vi’lc is .said county oh the litt-. Tjt.v'cy in Fed ruary 192*1 vfitiin the 3 • ral heurr of 'rtile. the follow?tig described pr. - ty to-wit: All tint tract or parcel of land ly ing nrd (><*!'g in Mad*? an eourfiy, said State, 438wi Disk t>. H., o - i , waters of Blue Stone creek, about 4 wiles Iv'orih-Htir.t of DaT'ie.hvi’lf, tmn# a portion of the W. *V. fSjoft iipidf., ,•{*/! /*ow known a> part t?‘*r H, G.’ If'df.i Jp*j(ie, (."-Of;-*', ing fifty-eiirit a*'u one-t!!rJ < aft 1 ' ) . acres wort or !e** arid a.ljoi u,* of L. w. Ti-rn-v ! Freeman, I!r-s Sorrt'Ut* rri ethers,] onelofed in the following line?- to-vu 1 ; , at stak? on said creek and running S 1-1 1-2 E 39 .00 tc ( i-fick; tierce N 7b 3-2 E 17.51 to rock on rnr.d; tKi-nce 'N 23 2 IV 1 -12. M) to stal e on creel-:: th<*r-c-.* ;.n creek S4b W 5.00: thence SC7 1-2 W 7.00; thence N M W l .00 to le ginning c-i'i or, Levied or • *.*.* yri ne”tv of 1. W. Perryman t - .-.visfy two !'• f...s issued by Tb G. 1! -.tchcock. Tux i . lector of Madirr• -nurdy, (la., ; and against L. W. B rrvjv.iu! for ‘•.'.s 1 nxiys in the vi-nrs 1i22 :;iui 5923. 9 ' Notice given L. W. BerTymap owner of sai l Join! or- ’••xud ed i v law. This Bth day Tan. 192-1. VV. I'. HALL, Sheriff Georgia. MaiJ'sor. Corn tv. WHEREAS J N GriTcth. Ad- '’ - of V. \V . AlewW, 1 coa -(t, estate, ivpreaep+s to te c <V>un >. his petition, duly 'Med and entered c record. he has fully administered N. W. Alcwine's e - t.ito: This . then ioic to cite .ill ., kindred an * cred itors, to show cat' if ">. thc*\ ian. why said Administrator should nc; b discharged from hie cJm’ni&ita ti n. :.rd recoile 1 otters of Di.-rr. i-- 1 ion. on the firs, V. > iday in Fobrim ry. I‘>24. N. ' Bullock )r'. Georgia. \1 -><>'• ini County. To All Whom I; May Court,.': W. I'. Lord having, in people form, applied t,> me for Fern:, >. i Letters -\d:v.i- .sM-.tion c r Vi . tuc of Mrs. Sum* K. J.ord, late said L'oeniv; this is to cite ali and singular the i tedders and next - r lan to he and apv., ar at inv odice within the time allowed by lew, an*! show cause, if any t!v can. why permanent a.imii stratio' should net he granted to W. K. Lord on Mrs. •Sarah K. Lord’s estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 7th dav of January, 1921 w N. C. Bullock, Ord. A-HAT THE FUBLIC SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CANCER ■ F repered for publication b; the —*■ r ” zir Commission of the Me jica, - s * tociation of Georgia and the Gecr iia Division of the American So- I c;>;y for the Control of Career. WARNING No. 1 uniar conception of a can -,.i i*. that it is an open sore wh eh - ; ~-.h .-* ter.-i'ency to increase in siae .-.-,d depth, which docs net yield ti :-,iir.a-y ni- Uvodv. ef treatment, and v-: *> • foJl*wcd by severe e* nstitutionai f-vniptonis. •4. -h i conception i*< eiTonccus: a ;(: nay or way rot; ] o a cancer and, v. i* t: it is, it- way be one of th*j v.v.uplei varieties that can be cured um- -ne of several remcdie.v. Prob ,-.bly b 0 oer cent to 75 per cent of the .--ancerf- advertised as cuied by quae-.- never were cancers. TANARUS!, me si tC.ious cancers never an* •• it . - e>:tcr?al .-sores; consequently, tl-v popula- 1 l-’ca concerning tivtin 1.- u -*t be it vised before the death can l.e reduced. Unfortunately, cr-.j’.iy cancers do no* hause pa’.n. it .hey ..hi, Fee death ia‘e could be rna oily "lev,i-ie-.l in a few years; peo t}!*> v.Hi si < ! t ned cal aid for pain, while f- tb ad!y dc ease that dees not can pair, will go unheeded-. t fißcer most frequently makes its : appoarancc a lump—of coor-xj all ; imp* ar t - no’- cancers. Again most car.: : arc fc-und in people pa t for ty years of age; the two decades from thirty-five to fifty-five claim large; 1 number of victimv. Cer tain .rcgiins and parts of. the body sire the site of cancers at particular periods of life and it is our object to teach the people enough about canc-ar to make Ui-f-.m watch for su .picious symptoms and consult their phy c ; nns f t.hev a v e in doubt. In this, v ay thou.-ignds of I-ives may he saved each year. It is-not'a bad idea to fcl li:v; the example ox business men: nearly ail corporations employ an, auditor to examine their books f.r.d check up their stock. Would it not be ;i good idea to take stock of your health once or twice a yea-? ! SKIN CANCER: Skin cancer, ro dent, ulcer, and epithali&ua are all r?.#t ? h and to lUrncm' - cancers vruieli a e mosF located <?!? f- ; ; itice, nose, eyyiids, back o trie neck, find ■’or etirr’CT cn the extremities. T’-ey.usually begin as small lumps or elevated crusty patches covered by a sce'y “scon." which leaves a reddish in face when removed. The shin is made up of several layer:-, f ceils which resemble the brick forming the walls of a house, cancers grow from different lay ;■ s of the e cell >. These about the head and face arise from the base lit hr er, do rot grow fast, and do not sm tad of ’‘metastasize" early or rapidly to the nearby glands. They rarely return when thoroughly re- P) )ved a;.d mr-v be treated u!>y 'ey a number of means. In other parts of the body skin cancers are more serious because 11 ey ari>->. from another layer cf the fdis of the si'in. They grow rapidly. The cells reach out into the surround ing tissue, break off, and are carrel t. the nearby glands where seconda ry growth start, fust as in plants that send their root-, under ground for (' stance and then semi up new xr-i rat.'. These ysnrers may arise in the o3; o of a : ear. from a deep burn, sometimes from a mole', and frequent iy without came, 't fir A they look ii/.e snail ro-iules or lump:; or a mole nay be tin to grow and get ’ nrd and; cr the tiige of a rear nay have raised, shiny appearance avd then become a “■•.ore.’’ There s another kind of skin car eer which >s very fatal. It ari'es from a flat black, molo and spreads luridly to all part.- .if the body.. It is '.be most difficult cancer to cure; the'onlv real cure is to hair nclt a mode thoroughly removed, before it becomes a cancer. To prevent, the development of sign cancer have any ruspicious spot thor oughly examined by your physician and, if he is mu sure it will neve" gim future treuhl o. have it removed It vou have a cancer already devel oped, do not r: oera*t?nat\ as no man can tell when one of the cells may be torn oIT and taken to some distant and inaccessible part of tiy THE DANIELSVtLLfc (MONITOR. GEORG’A body - EaCancer Car* Be- Cured Cancer may l e prevented by the c<xy(-' ot Irnown prw-ciii.'Ctr ri ea. Late canc*. r cannot, at pres- I -nr. be permanently cured ! (This -irl:cle will be followed b TT 3 l series of articles on the Ca*r.cer fc*r ; the next several week", trusting that I they may he of general inTereit and may he of direct benefit to someone) When you finish with this newspaper in ter yt.-u hav*.- taken : -r little scis forv and carefully cut out the rec’.pa he i-j'v for trrandrr.r.) . ot> can have a v.-Hi.aper Jtaee.” T* *l hie Othr.|- b< .3 and girl?) to get their : i* tco. Be su e th papers are all ot the size and you’d hotter pit y the- game cutsi-la s'- that if .£■ • ‘ niu y n*.-Kody will '<■oll. Ev*-—ye/,*- fs-.-rt- on line s w,:-:-n the signal to -go” is given, ea< i (j.-oi.a he in iron* <>f him. r-eps >ver picks It up dro;-s it in front ;ii ,-<j : • y O' ‘ until the iiiileh line *h r. tnb.-Ji. The first cite over tie.* ifi.s win ! .’-eliy Cake Nice tc 3?.K <7;■a.m’nin i' *:;k;r snch s-- and clovsn’t sh- V you’d just i.- c- to oka ! t‘’c --’’v- ■"*' -vn into, th-* <i>' - in! < .-■*t it '■) -f v. I in:,".- \va ul*i. IJut mc-vey r.<-;, little ft ris an <• boys! But if rt*<-ti*7- rellv w.-in-s to et*;ioy v - " ye- i r. 31! -e ■ ?k h* rto nick -- me jelly Lai-re for you, iilio- il.-. ! c . t 3 .-up salf-rlsivig n**-.r. j < :.i. i-.x.edi-" ; -r. ? ':-•••<•. . '•;*■:-■ Sic l .ii-T -o’ f-i - ff -ir thv.e ‘ r '-''- .T, then be.'it tV. n!i..v •., -0 ' I so-paraP lv arid mb s?;ear with the > • atl-.Pug the o tlf.w viv’luni’v. *■ 1 r---<r-e itu- -,*-■• • f :■-.<• .-<?;-•* a ,-I tl-y milk. This is oil -a ... -d ad i- ured i*.i-- o.ift- it. t<* • for ij nnoijte.-i. When it. is c- -o --- c --;o I-*y< it., jolly u..*y tyi’lnitle v/lth pc v— -d tugar. Mammy used to call them '“goobers,” those rich, uourishin’ Southern peanuts, and how we loved the peanut cookies she’d make with them! Nearly every one in the South knows the tastiness of good, fresh, roasted peanuts. Fox candies and cookies they’re about the most delicious confection I know. If you use a cup of peanuts, chopped coarse, and 2 tab’espoons of butter, a cup of sugar and 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sweet milk and enough seif-riing flour to roll, you can make some of these plump little cookies. Just mix dough in the usual way for cookies and add the "goobers.” Bake for about ten minutes. The children will love them. Hickory Nut Cockles Have Fine Flavor. And thinkin’ of peanut cookies re minds mo of the hickory nut cookies tr-at Mauge loves to make for her boys. Bobby always demands them around this time o’ year. She uses a half cup of butter creamed with a half cup of e.igar, adds three eggs well beaten and ■ half cup of sweet milk and enough self-rising flour tc roH thin. To this 1v added one cup of chopped hickory r.uts. The fftixture ia chUled before roll -g and a, stiff dough avoided. This is baked in a quick oven and when they come cut golden brown mid fragrant with that hickory r,ut flavor, you ought to see tho kitchen fill up with girl; and boys! 1 After Every Meal I Top off each meal with a bit of sweet in the form el WHIG LEY’S. | It satisfies the | sweet tooth and P aids digestion. / Pleasure and I benefit combined. i FOR RENT Four Hundred Acre* ?cod Farm Lnnd; will rent for fourth or cn hWe. W. A. ROWE & COMPANY WANTBI3 LUMBER LUMPER LUMBER Hoards and Fraiuiug WE PAY CASH* Athens Saw and Pianeing Mil! Cos, ATHENS, GA. { j * Again we have a few biankets at a very Special price as lo their X j quality. They are a iarge size double cotton blanket, 72 in. x 80 in; Slight- AN * "V ly soiled'is the reason (hey go at, SiSS.SO Et, Ir. !ie!rsarieMakJfafiihtJii “Over-Shoe lime” Anew supply of them just ar* rived this week: Men’s SI.OO pr. Ladies and Boys 90c pr. Misses -75 c pr, Childrens 65c pr. * W. A. Rowe & Cos. i Comer Oa. • C. A. SCUDDER ATHENS, GA ■Oiamonds, Watches Jewelery, r-=z Sterling;! S^vei REPAIR:'!/ VV ATCHES & -3EWEI EPY.