The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 25, 1924, Image 8

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County SthcclNews MADISON COUNTY TOURNAMENT At the second meeting of the Mad i'XiTi County Tourriament Committee, Saturday, January sth, it was decid ed that the county basket-ball tourney nhoukl be held at Dunielsville, Feb. 15 IF, if the nentbe’* permits. In care of had weather it ■will le held, Feb'. 22nd and 23r<J. Any Madison County School de niring to enter a teem may do no j.ubject to the following .•ovulations: Ti e players participating must be bona-rice -etuderte of the school they represent; i. e. they aiust have at -1 ended school regularly for not less than six (and) weeks during the scho lastic year 152.5 7 324 ar.d previous In the time oi toe tournament and they mjy.t nut, have attended any njhrwi] other thas • ,!. one they rep re al ill during ti e scholastic year 1023- | . O/ I U-.H . They most b<* doing pass r>g work in at leart thu-e major subject* ; Ail teams mu?: l*- *m , i" ox noon of Fvb. 2nd; <*. a i s*, of el igible* players .Tor. (~■.>)) school, ed l)-y the prineif .1 i:. •<! must ne in p.s. * -ion of H’.j.o P. 1 hivjfi, < ortii:). Se-*. tv Gut- :Ha Drawing will he made I el>. 9, 10:00 A. M. at S-'p: . Pnv'*--*-) oT -r . Ticket s ft r tcui amant ms; CUM. I fro.-V; Supi . t )c.>. ■ . v 'tt .-• t County High School. The price will be 25c for teachers an-.! oehuol children; roc f.*r all * : .- v. All communica" i . .>? t ela iv*. t the too.-mmciit should I. .:*•; .u ! to IS*-,)** }’. Iniv:,, 1.3 ibort, G:t. DAMELSV f LLE DEFEATS BOND AND COLBERT On I'r/dnv, :-k- 11th, A' Fin cm County Hi l i B.i Kft IbiJl 'earn the Boi.-i o, : fh Sehjol j.. ntet i.i a rather c.Vnv but v.FI 'ought t,a;/>c c<! rr iric Dai< Hvilig buit. Tbe U< a:*'- .lumped >rf to a c-Tn' ortable ’oui.t in the lit t "j u 3i. tei mi A m v e never I iv-,(i*c!. H.i i r- steady gnm<* lijt whs- v ot. atu 1 to the yr'#B WO v. •>.*' :>ppoi>* . The li.nal score xvri 21 to 5. i ,at On the IStii, INi. i! <> to ,ic on the fa*t Colbert ve at ti - - inner >. .curt. 4 .ith v>o'; doped to lose, M. s 0. H. S. e- Cate ! this ..inlet by one The pla.v \\;o *i*nt and fu -5 ioCH throughout with the ' iiO.' .'.ne in | doubt MM the bet second of play. XLt' feature of t' *■ gr: n was the , < lose guarding on bulb s\> ?. f io-.l reot-e 11 to 10. COLfctfftT HIGH SCHOOL School attend ti e-' i nr- l*. "” i.:- CCoMdng fApioly > t-r pa u. riliy-V .Ije th“ It' if iW V dying, out. J - • A backward partv war >r:" t r o* the AthiOtiC Aasoeijajer n. th home of b}r. and Mrs. K. H. Hark. Mnny .nruwinn lv.hi < s ware played and Ktv*ral bac’rwaad c<'nte clc were enjoyed. During lb** entire O’cir.-r everything was 0. -,-r ied i>v.t iacfcw:* 1. refvcrhnsHMits te d':: '-erred t! e ;!•' thing F\erv ei e present enjoyed the evening to the f uliest- extent. Colbert H:Vh School boys wit! r-Uiv Ila be'.Lei In'J irame at t'olbr* , .Tauiv • y 2cl. and \v Hme . ’e h largo iroiwi out especially the p; toons of the ehoe! fev : t wdd be ,> eneouragir.jjr to the pin ye n A eery cloth? ira e *:e rf&ysl . ' Daniel.villo, Jan. 1 between Cel hovt aid Dm ie'svTl’e. t! • score ic ing 10 11 in fax 'v of D,.’ ielsv JH. Although oui boxs we’o d< feveii by one, they til ulaynl an oxeid- A-r,t brand of basket ball. From PURPLE and COLD. Cc .o Hifrti School Fser of Cotn.r Hii'h t\i Joint Debate Over Mo Kick Miss Harlow rhor.ips'•> and Hi am Whitehead who .epic-t reed tt . high School of won the tl : ; o i in a joint debate ov-v 11a t School at Ila. Deee'ivber *SHh. ttjC e.l eftio i fo ' diS'llß'ion wet, That vl.c l u ted • a.e. ahuli cover ee l.e.ijrc*: c' N:*tlen r ' inuiWiatcly. ‘H'c Affinnat'vt* wee represented by the renreier.tatives or the Comer School while the Negative a-;c represented bv Mcs.-wrs-:. Brown .n-i C arfer of the Ila High School. r„ was almost a certainty ceforc the decision of the judges that too rep.-fsoi.-tativee cf old Come- H'gh >,*-.d von the decision as w#Jl as win sing ft*,- them, elves a natne that th-- i • spr.;*. Maier v.iP long cherish and rev or forget. The speeches of the juponents were of the tirest type and we'o well delivered, their argument *7j. /..rcefvl sr and vet v logical, but the determination with which the Comer pais spoke, the logical ar.d co la*.;''’ argument put forth in such a way that utterly impossible to tear low. tre number of poin - p e .t - ' and proved, was too much for the frien* : <- of the negative. The ufli."-.-. were alt o' D., i-.-ls villi*, the*’ being Dr. Gnol ton, R- v. - Mb: > and Mr. Moseley, and tl cv did heir pari veil s? was acknowledged • t: <■ , t -pie <-f Jla as well as. those , o J ' •..> wism-ers. To* Vv.'tt: was very threatening a.i r-o-* large a crowd was present . was •• oped ■''or hut the auditorium ■ /as fu.rly -.-ell filled. THE OPEN MINDED , Tier.’ to ;■ a a ■:>:.! ra rit .; i" • i • '.v;-o once a y.- t r gave . f. ’OO ei ‘ rri 'i.rr..“ aod who t:f ic each nowoi was a iv < tr< ■ caur'e the whole ccngn ga ■ .• die! bc-corne erd.hvfi'F'i up : ,v, i Ike subject of doing . or.ictbin'f 1 . :nreh dv iu, evt. the sea. He rid ;V t stop to ’ f J ';i ( that ? i: I :: vv ; ~ii: ig \v;i<; rgiigioit?, '.hit he I.;::; r-n. ; re y hooks hi’' e . ■Y, i • i rder to beconie : • in‘crest rd as he wa y. w)?e C e'tj ti.e bake.*, the ca?d]cs i:]; y- had r.o hick?roy nd f worked ■:r> enthusia.- ; rj. They tog’the' 1 with the Merchant'., lawyers an.l dor o-s ba<! only h.-.a T J 'lds half hour <]j - co .*se iino'i v-’hieh to base their o;?..-, and irt.-rc-T. Then why x\on v'y '■! p cii lack of enthir jartn? *n *>.v' ti'i’ik thv: veil are ike only >p -lainde i person . There are m-nv riindc't pet.plo. Bet perbap • i-hey - - .?>**-' eat.; the doors of the'r ] mindc- te r, in unothor u:r c cii-3ii an J 'uror a Litre* * n; outlook . How < then v.v tM. k if the other fellow -Joe? ~ot look tr: .:r . c.r open door he is *DTn*:y 7't otig }' ti'i’>. world ..•/ ,iv now < " , '" L -y eM-gatSon has r la'-.' for art a thur? is swept by wr • pe - ' •jo i is hardly worth while. II \V a T..r will tribe owl* prom a nd. i<i;i or how He will act’ given onorirptanres fopendi* upon the fcask 2'"etr > and of bit life. His; mertai a't'- tu'Y is i3&edf up < : Rttnl differ n thiThe trairdnc that : e te -vivta f.i home is of great and plays r. g’ent part in his life. The 'Ol-room e-iocat'or heir.? to cdci* hi. view. Whether his particular li e interest :• id .art, business, po'iticr, I or medicine will determine how t e will cce-g our opinions and haw te will ecoive what we tell him. I For oftentimes tbe pe's.*n who thinks that his mind is opeii, preves : Liinfeif too rai :x'w-niinded to be wil ling for other people to J 'c*ro their j ; or; orjln^ors, - ‘!a'!exv Tborar.ion TEL NEW YEAR : *'* ii: ;.i! try to make this New or the be-t y• eve:*, Lot us for get old th ; *n:s 'Ttst nd Vein to do better t;-r, v.v did last year. Let u- po to see the sick aid try in every way to c! tv" those who are sad. .For :ic one knows our future path way. Rut when we come to a lined task, Jet • *..y. J vlll try. ar<! we w> i 1 he - iccessfu!. One leson to leten s to ?*. good, kino, imtieot to eve' y ce we come in contact with. Let us make the New Year bright by meeting every one with a stride, an t a jelly word to sty. NOW *s the time t-o begin. 2v* 3ellc Smith, *. w Kiffrtt fradt* . THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. DAN!ELSVILLE. C.A. HONOR ROLL FOR DF.CEM3EP. FIRST GRADE Dorothy Collier, Alary Jo Ayers Mary Louise Rowe, Bobbie Biichmure SECOND GRADE Ge*-e Henslee, John Norris Sims, Russell Davison, Willis B'rchmo e, Leslie Cook, David Dechovitz. THIRD GRADE Polk Gholston, Joe Burton, Ralph Parham, Thelma Sue Parham. Pauline Smith, Robert Stephens. FOURTH GRADE Mary Carolyn Carmichael, Mam ha Groves. FIFTH GRADE Mary Woods, Irene Dillard .Agnes Cairs. SIXTH GRADE Pearl Graham, Henry Gerald Birch more. SEVENTH GRADE Mabel Henslee, Geraldine Noell, Elisabeth Woods, Martha Carmichael Alger Ni>;. eighth grade" Fell? Graham, Marion White, Bo iis Graham, Lusavah Johnson, Minnie Belle Smith, NINTH. GRADE TENTH GRADE Ida Merle Carither?, Eldr.dge Gra ham, Eilen Griffeth ELEVENTH GRADE Elis.e Kir:. IF YOU MUST WEAR GLASSES, wa v r,c; he.vr- ti c*n L-v <tzi ex pert optometrist from the Cbm. A. Gretn Optical Cos., Atlanta, Ga. He will be at cor store ayain on Satur day, January 2Sth . Hardman Drue Cos., Colbert, Ga . Hl ■ . I/cnfni Nt; i *c<* Dr D L. Cloud from Greers boro, (ia. will be in C n or on Second Monday month r?e pared to d* all c’affes < f dents! work, to remain ore week. He wii} appreeiale a call. Of rice in Roper Building. FARM LOANS The International Life IsMvrtnct- Company ts row jnakin*; .loans .on Madifcn County farms. See Fred Bend at the Clerk’s Of in Danielirille every Tuesdev. 1-10, t-f, R 1 & N Ml, 4t, N Athens Besiness Cohege Book keerirl l 011 {ll c 1 1.d typewrit’>.£■, Save oG per ccut of fxper.seh bv atlti Oirg i] i iiltii. The Graduates of tut; Athens Busi ness College always get the best position. Every graduate j employed Write for ir.foma tion to day. Box 64", Athens, Ga. : LAWYER VESTERIM. OWNBY LAWYER 415-416 GOULD BLDG FHGUE. WALNUT (H 5. tll/Klf, bi Will Prccthc in tII in Mb See i e fer BUCKEYE INCUBA TORS and J*RODDERS. R T. BROOMF, DanieUville, Ga 11-IS-tf-botb. . raLi4 fßgjggjfl £ PUNERALDIRECTORS | f* EMBALMERS * 1 AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT? >M Jjjjb COFFINJ_—Isd niuit j£ ■ JL BRPACuyTßEejrrli 8 iMr^ATH : ENS dA. The Menace cl Pleasure Even in such innocent i.leafures as xr?c'rg to tie <fci’cun there is a menace tc ycur health i it : <ii ?j ;nj u s ; (r ; f not c ear, vVe can luirish you with g!fsses to leliete the strain ar.d clear up the visit in M. F. FiCKETT JEWELRY CO* Jcuele rr— ( } p tomc-1 ri si & ZQQ CLAYTON ST.‘ ATHENE, GA* Special Prices ON Everything AT ABRAHAM’S I am going to move to Atlanta and my stock must be sold out, so V I’m giving you opportunity to bu\ your goods at prices that are Sower than you can find anywhere. Come in for what you want. A. Dechovitz , Comer, Georgia C. A. SCUDDER f.IKAVIiI.FH JOia monel® WatoUes •’•Sl'fiHN.' ** WATCHES A JEWELE-RV.