The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 08, 1924, Image 4

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NEWTOWN Mr. W. W. Power’ n ? Atheus visitig 1 is brother, -ur. . !<• I’ov. \ J .'t week M ih. T. C. Dudley and eon, Joe Ji.mlntan, left Sunday for Atlanta v ■} c re they wi i make, their hoi. V/e regret \t ry much to give them up- Ur J. V. Hopkins arul family s>:ent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tbid. M 1 and Mm H. O. Caroath •spent Pur.duy afternoon wiUi Mr. on 1 j. :r.s. Clarance .Moon. We are glad to have Mr. Oat Kidd ii”.d family bock in our community. Messers Dempsey Brown and Clarence Gunnells spent the wirK , sui with relatives here. Mr-. Jessie Mae Gunthers and mother, Mrs. W. W. Curitheis, t.pent Friday with Mi3S Mol tie aud Jim Power,. Mr. Buster Paid of Lexington filed hi* regular appointment her* f'unday. j l The? wood-cutting given by Mr. i". F. Christian was enjoyed by a'ui Ask Mrs. 11. C. and Mr. W. E. Brown how they li* to j.ulit wood. We are going to start Hun day fchool iip again next Sunday; lot every one who po vbiy can do come out and give it a good send-o'!. v.-i ek-cnd with Mis R< ba Hsu! b Newtown was \Vebf>v.l up with Klbert diufify Spiilrr* Sunday. Ti t' sinyrimr given by -V•>. U . U. <’ai ouili \v; * i njv, *.<! by W. 1. E. S. class Saturday r.iti.t. Mo .sts .1. K. \\ Lon, H. < Ex r ::n 1 W. H. Brown were at Mr foini Yauglm on Monday. t * JUST FROM NEESE * #*♦*•*** * Vvo have boon Laving so mo pretty ve.ilhvr for pa l fow days. Tho friends of Mrs. Grover Free man will be urry to learn of *ai illness. jflfj ' ] The farmer? of this section arc ' very !.u>y clearing and cleaning olf j their lands. getting ready for ]!r.n' \ inp. | 'The wood-sawing given by Mr. (". ! I'- Six was enjoyed by a large crowd i cf Injr. Most of th(‘ boy? na girls attend ed the dance Friday night, given by Mr. Rosbee near Hull, Ga. Tin* party given by Miss Rtiila Hawks Saturday night wa< enjoy, i f y a’i! present, aduc- Kstill Sorrow had for her company Sunday, Mlrs Mavy MoFl roy. Mias JeneMo tlriifoth jnx*nt Satur day night with Mi-"* Stella Hawks. Our Sunday school and H. Y. F. V. are progressing nicely. Mi?* Saws Martin was the guest of Miss Vet-tit* Martin Sunday. Mi c s Mattie Hardmun and her fliUijrhU.’r, Ruth, of near Athens, epcr.t Sunday with Mrs. Kvie Hardwm Mr. Major Martin >pnt Run.''.* w'th Mr. Karnest Sorrow. Ci.i ie tinnnoil,- and F til- Sorrow; v isvm Roy u; y llos weil a;vl Wa’tio I’radley attended the show in Athens Saturday r.i^bt. ’ h*- vfciny given hy Mi . ! iO be Pcitcci Sunday war COLBERT HIGH SCHOOL Wc fee; very proud of our basket bail team, having defeated fo r •.tror.g teams- in v.iccecsion: Ila. Dan it'.-.vilV, Wiritervide and Carltan. I'i.c game between ('■> lbert an 1 Da.-iielsvi!' ? i Colbert, Friday, Fee. 1, was a hard fought game, the final score being 15-0. The Colbert boys and girl-3 played Wintered lie at Wintcrvillc, Saturday February 2nd, the girls losing by a -tore of 10-0, and the boys winning, the score being 16-9. Colbert vvjll play Con-era double , header here Saturday, Feb. 9th, at •i o’clock . 1 Colbert defeated Carlton be-e Tuesday Feb. sth, by a score of ; 23-1' 1 . Thn C< ibert team wi!; he e iteved in both IF 3 Mad*son County and Nrrtb-Esst Georgia Tournaments. | Tie !)•: mother in Liter? ry Soci ety will present a miscellaneous nm -1 gram at the school building, Friday I night. Feb. lb, at S o'clock. Toe sd j mis ion will be 10c for school, c" i j dren and Ibe for other people. The j : ir v : co for the Athletic Ath 1 noc.iatiou. HONOR ROLF FAOLf SCHOOL MONTH OF JANUARY FIRST GRADE—Gladys Smith, It. Vhrile.y. j SECOND GRADE- Willie Mac* Bur i roughs, Pauline Smith. THIRD GRADE -Gertrude Smith. FIFTH GRADE-—Vedie Chris'ey, Mary Weed, Granville Woid. FIFTH SUNDAY RALLY Then to lea rally of the Bap churches of the Fifth Di-trict. on ti-‘ Fifth Sunday in March, Provided, -mi ■ church in the district invites f he rr'ly to meet with the.T; If fhere j< any church desiring it pb>'.>:e communicate with the. office's of the district at once. W. P. Brooks, Jr. , BAPTIST MINISTERS CONFERENCE Tne rlnjrtist Ministers’ Conference < N uthcast Georgia will meet at ll;e Athens First Baptist Church, E h ’ Ur., at 10:30 A . Ivl. ! A full attendance is t’e ired. FARM LOANS I __ I Ih> iKSrrrationtl life Inmr*ne<e Compcoy i now n>nkic\y . lonli on Md.-ecp Cnvntv fnn*. S Plr *'d Bond at the Clerk’* Of fice in Damr?vi!le ever*. Tueedey. I’G. t-f, M A N ELECTION NOTICE lie Madison County Democratic i Executive has lixed the I dude fer hoklinf* %tr Primary for , nomination of county officials ; Mareb TUth, I**24; that being the ; -hue set by the State. Commit*** for the f’resiutntiai Primary. . Candi.iHfes must. ojuaT'y aiut pay •**. ?..:*nt *•** later than March Ist. | n*e candidate receiving the highest m;nicer *f voves on that date will he declared the nominee; the run-over iprinary rule having been reffeinriml . S. DANIEL, Chairman. , ° •*■ 1 BKAI , Secretary, Athens Business Coliege Bookkeeping .‘hothnd mid .Hj^wrirjng. permit of f,y^ u^ :; >v attendTnp this foi rcL The tn*duafes of t!v Atrers Ktisi- J :eRS always gref the position. Every ft rati wake employed Vrito for informa tion today. 8q\643. Athens. ta. TrME. DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. C* WARNING No. 4 In the previous communications w- | have spoken of cancer- as oceuriing j in those of Picture life and old age, j but there is a form that attacks even ( young children end babies; in fact, it ! may he prevent in a baby at birth, j This form of cancer is known a •‘sarcoma. ” It arises in certain organ.® of the body more often than in others. Sometimes it is found in or between 1 the muscles and in the bones and joints. The lymph glands may be primarily involved. There are m-.nv varieties of sarcoma: some are much more malignant than other ; soma grow very rapidlv and yield to no treatment; ethers grow slowly and do not recur when removed. ’ Sarcoma spreads from the primary : tumor to distant parts of the body by ; means of the 'blood stream. The cel’s grow into the vessels which pas* I through the tumor, arc brok n off, i and then earned to the lungs, the liver, brain, and, in fact, any part of ! the body. As soon as a tumor is and rovored, consult your doctor. Let him ' take the responsibility! I Sarcoma occurs in the jaws, around ■ the joints, and in the long bones. A [very careful study is necessary t) make a diagnosis, but once it is ma te ! extensive aid radical mean.® should be used in the treatment. I Jn closing this series, we wish to urge those who have any suspicion# symptoms to consult a physician. If be is not sure, have a consultation. I Do not put off seeing a doctor! It may cost you vour life! See me for BUCKEYE INCUBA- I TORS and BROODERS. R. T BROOME. Dardeisvide, Ga 11-16-tf-bftth. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured b; local an>iii..ti< n, 8s they cannot rear It the diseased portion c! the ear. Then is only one way to core catarrhal deafness, that is by a consislutiuimi remedy. Catarrhal Deafness fs caused by an m fiomtV eoi-.fiitinn of the mucous lining of ti e Eustachian Tube When this tube ir irdtso.ed you time a rumbling sound or ini r,erf cut hearing, and v.-r. it I® eutirtce r-losnf, Deafness Is the result, Unless tha Uifluminution can be reduced and tfc.s tube leatnrfd to Us normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. .Many easts of doafnes* are reused by catarrh, whirl! • a .'in oonciit'on of tbe nuicoue sur fa. *s. rlall's Ostarrh Vfedii ine a,cts thru the blood on the mucous sui laces of the system. Wt will give One ifimdred Dollars for any ease .* r s'-h.M (Wcfuess that earm.-.t t*■ cuied by 11-ull e I'olarih Medicine. Uir-j Calais free a-I liciißgistsi. 75c. K. J. CHFNBY A CO.. Toledo, O, ! s THE UNIVERSAL CAR Forecasting A Tremendous Spring Demand 739,626 *5 7 -J&V I.l' -4?- 1 more Ford cars end trucks were pro > duceu last yir than the previous > r . ’ * year, an increase of over 50 per cent. ;V *l* p 7 \ if' In spite oi this tremendous increase in production, it wee ?* ■■ jrnpejsiMe to meet delivery requirements daring the spring summer months when orders for 350,000 Ford Cars r?V ■' and Tr ucks could net he lilled. i This year winter buying lor immediate delivery has been mere active than ever before—and in addition 200,000 ordeis have already neer booked through the Ford Weekly jajfc-rij Purchase Plan ior spring delivery. '/'it _ V ‘ \ S* Thesf tacts clearly indicate that the demand during 7’.r spring and summer yrill be lar greater than ever, and that :4j V orders should lie placed immediately with Ford Dealers as ■ a means oi protection against delay in securing your Font &i Car or Truck or Ferdson Tractor. .ft -to•• • * \ /f{ptor ,^A>tn/u#n i UL % ‘j Detroit, Michigan - > . * • A deposit down, with ea?” psymenta 01 j V 1 thf irrarmte. o* your enroi'uner.t uni® •-'i.’rj the Ford Weekly P:ucbase Pian, will put your /1 , ,e*?y t Older Oil (Sc preferred gat tor spring delivery. '%%%.+ See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer FOR SALE Haute with 5.4 Acres of land on Main St., Corner, Ga. For sale cheap or wi!i trace for farm H T. BRANON t EGGS FOR HATCHING from S. C. R. I. Reds, Donaldson Strain, at $1.50 per 15. Also booking orders now tor Chicks, Feb., Mch., and Apr. delivery, at 20 cents each cr $4.50 per 25. J. L. McMUKRAY I>, GORHAM JACKSON FARM LOANS Low’ Rate Dependable Service 834 Holman Building. Athens. Ga, Planters Warehouse Cos. Incorporated Atliens Oa, Cotton Factors JOHN T. PITTARD, Pres. C.W. CROOK W. W. SCOTT, Vice-Pres, Sec. and Treas. “Liberal Advances made on all cotton stored”. WANTED LUMBER LUMPER LUMBER Boards ml Fraiuitii* WE PAY CASH- Athens Saw and Planeing Mill Cos, ATHENS, GA. Ihiahil Notice Dr L). L. Cloud from Greens boro, Ga. will be in Comer or Second Monday each month pre PAted to do Hii e>asses ol • work, to remain one week. He will appreciate a ta*! O n;a i.i R >,jjr Building. FOR SALE S' C. White Leghorn E S gj; 15 Egg* for -1.00; 100 Egg* for $6.50. B. S. PAUL. Comer, Gs .