The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 08, 1924, Image 5

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fitt NOTICES I Madison County. ■on”' 1 ' i -p Murray, Au ■^HE KErt ‘; ’ i. Meadow, do- I to the Court in filed and entered has fully admin ■ ■■ estate: This J / ‘ " t * cite all persons con ■ . uu l creditor?, to they can, why ■ cßU ' e ’v .. should not be dis ■- " ’ art minis-rat. on, from .... 0 f Dismission on I’ , p March, H-4. ■ N c. BULLOCK, Ord’y ,?- vadison County. ■flv rhom it may concern: ■i; r Mercantile Cos. and Mad ■ „v-.• ]y r>v jx cition in clue B r , represented to me that ■ LLaCount/late of said County, I. V lied leaving! an estate of ... -, t penalty, and that the ■ s 'j s n ot represented and not like i.. Tti : i is to cite all creditors I of M• L. LaCount, and appear at the te-rn. 1924. of the Court of Kirary of Ma.’iscn County, to shew I ~ if ary they have or tan, why K administration of said estate Kid rot be vested in the County K-;r-ur.-?.y some proper perisut. K s Fcb. 4th. 1924. ■ C. BULLOCK, Ord'y Bcorjio. Man’s or County. ■ WHERE*.?. ?ut’e Arno'rf. ATmin- B ra trk of Willis Arnold, dee’d, Bprtftsts to the Court in her e Btion. nulj ’filed and entered on rec- Bj, that she hs, fully administered Bi!!i Arnold’s c-tate: This is, there- B*. to cite all persons concerned, Blind and creditors, to show cause, ■fry they cun, why raid Admiais- Bzirix should :u.i be discharged from ■>r adsrkfistrution, and receive Let-' ■ ' -f Dismission, on the first Mon ■ ;, ir March, 1,924. I N. C. BULLOCK, Ord’y WHEREAS, A. P. Stevens and T K. Whitehead, Administrators of Psn Duzer Eberhardt, dee’d, repre ss tu the Court in their peti ten. dv.; - ;:nd entered on record, l* hs .v fully a Itnmirtered Vanduzor Eberhardt’s estate: This it -hcref t.-. ci;? a)! person- con tnrt:, kifidre'i and creditors, to sfcov cause. i" ary th.-y can, why iaid Administrators should not be fah&rgH from their admirastra ***• ;,!,a nce-ve Letters of Disriii.a f® on 4 “- ;s hirst Monday in March, 1924. < X. C. BULLOCK. Ord’y Madison County. l Xotici ‘ is hereby given that W. E. of the estate ■!* ‘‘ "• ‘'•- i " c ‘b M. Lord, decesaed, ■~ ,>s Kj-pt,i>.i by petition for leave *d.- ihc larn of the said deceased. E, Cl^* r tt * s made thereon at the C°;. lf -‘ 5 term . for citation that fc‘ 0i bhe heirs at law ewitors if the said deceased notice that 1 will pas., upon ■ ‘f&hwUot, B tthe March term of K„ r , 0f or<: n.ery for said county, tl n ‘ e f CaK ** shown to the con- I * y: ‘ ve will be granted. I " F '- 4th, 1924. I -C C. BULLOCK, Ord’y | iia;; County. |;; given that J. N, B* “ ; '“' ! ' n ‘ stra t<r of ■ivi-., , ' arouth, deceased, I ' : ■■ Petition for leave |r, r “ n;) of the said dec-cased. ft- " rril( ‘° 'thereon at the Kp,.;:’ ;,Tm > for citation that L . .. the heirs at law '-reaito*-- ~ ... iK ' said deceased k., : . .. 1 *i* pass upon ftr-. :iT the March term ft, a,,.;,.', U,dinaiy f° r said conn ft?r. „ "\‘ niU3B is shown to the ft: ii; " hU! 5 ' 8V will be granted. I BULLOCK. Ord’y I , i Tßator .s SALE mvi rr n triunty ft r our r '' an '"‘'i' l *' granted by ■wiry.,.. "idinary of Madison ft-L’e Ar '.S’* the application of ■si’iy ...,. , ar ‘ i Wil ‘ iam Arnold, ■l \ of the estate of Eli H: •“*•* °f raid county, ft " “s .if the said Eli Ai- nold, deceased, for the purpose of jHying of debts and i or distribution among the heirs, there will be sold ■efore the ccn.rt house door at. Dan elsviiie, Ga., at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, in the City of Danielsviße, Ga., between the legal hours ol sale, on the first Tuesday in March 1924, as the property of said deceased, the following described lands. to-wit: Ix 4 No. 1. all that tract or parcel of and. lying and being in Madison Couniy, lit.., and being a part of the Ki Arnold home place, and being designated in the division of sad lands, as tract No. 1, and adjoining -antis of *>, ?. Caritners on the North, 'he old bed of South river on the i’.aet, lot No. 2 of said survey on the Mouth, and William Arnold on the West, the same containing 39 acres rnre- ir less. Lot No. 2 Lei.-g all that tract or parcel of 'and. lying and being- in Madison County, Ga., an! being a part of the. K!i Arnold hur.m tract of land, and Scsignated in the division of the ;an:o ay. tract Nc. 2. and adjoining hot No. 1 on the North, the old bed >f South River i.r, the East, and George Arnold and William Arnold jn the South and West, containing 39 1-2 acre? mere or begs. A plat of said lands have been made and will be exhibited or: day of ale and can be seen by calling on be undersigned. Deeds to said lands TV7.11 be made according u> the courses and distances in said plat and this advert. See meet. This Ft’o’y Ist, 1924. George Arnold and WilMarn Arnold, Admrs. of Eli Arnold, dec'd. Geergia, Madison County. Will be sold before the Court house door in Dantelsville in said •vounty, on first Tuesday in March 1224. within the Segal hours of sale the following described prop o rty to - v>i t One dark bay mare mule 7 years old weight 1000 pounds, name Hat tie . Levied on ar the property of O. V. Phillips t satisfy a. aiertgag:* fi fa isf-.ued from the Superior Court in favor of Ihnrber Mdse Col. and a gair.nt 0. A. Pair ip*, this Feb. sth, 1924. W. H. HALL, Sheri? . Georgia, Malison County. Will be &nlt3 at the Court house ■ leer in mid county, on the first Tuc ■> day ir M: reh next between the legal hours cf sale, to the highest bidder far cash, the following ee -; .cribed property to-wit; Ail that tract, or parcel of land, , lying and being in Madison County. Georgia, end being cn the East side of S. A. L. If. R. as now located, ar.d on accrue running from the de pot. end ir. one fully described in deed from H. H. Hampton to Madison County Bank, dated April 29th. 1921 and recorded in Clerk’s office Madi son Superior Court in deeiTbook 0-2 folio 20, the said lot being 70 by 80 feet, and cn which there is located Fear Brick Stores, the same being also described in mortgage from H. H. Hampton to GfcoJston Brothers, which is duly recorded ir. Clerk’s of fice MadboiJ Superior Court. Saiej tract or parcel of land lev.'e i on as the property of 11. H. Hamp ton by virtue of fi fa i sued from Madison Superior Court in favor of Ghclston Brother? against H. H. Hampton, the same being a foreclos ure of a mortgage in equity on said property, the same being a general and special In : n on said property and •gainst said defendant. Deed fern Madison County Bank to Ghclston Ercrbers. they having paid the first lien on the fame, and deed from Gbolston Brothers to sai TT. H. Hampton having been filed and recorded ir Clerk’;, office, Mad ison Superior Court, a? provided by Sort ion# ,Cod 7 a.'.d d')‘lh of the Code nf-Georgia.' 1210. before levy mane. Written notice givers tenant ;n p°~’ eaVien a? is required by law. This Feb’y 13th, 1924. W H. HALL. Sheriff. Georgia, Madison County. Will be sold before the Court House door in said County on the first Tuesday n Miich, 1924 within the legal k, i.iv .f =.ale for caah tbe following and mcriic 5 property to-wir: THE DAHtELSVJLLfc 4OWTOR. BANIELSViLLE. GEORGIA. Being all that tract of pa cel ol iand lying and being in Madi on Ci’-nty, Georgia, on Oavnesville and Athens public read adjoinine- land of W. S. William?, W. P. Williams. |K. T. Gunnells and others; begin ning at an iron post- on read, r ai ning S 84 1-2 E 27.50 to a rock; thence S 3 3-4 E 27.00 to rock; thence NB3 E 19.05 to a rock; thence S 8 1-2 W 28.3(5 to a rook; thence 77 1-2 W 21.34 to a rock; thence -\ 5-4 E 50.(50 to a rock; thence N 84 1-2 W 23.00 to a ro.k on public road ; thence along said pub lic road N 8 1-2 E 9.00 to the begin ning corner; containing One Hun dred Fourteen and one-quarter (114 1-4) Acres more or lest. And L the same tract of land described in deed from L. A. William* to Mis. •I. M . Brown of record in the Clerk’s idler, Madison County Superior Court in Book 1-2, page 25.8 and 259. Said, property levied on a the property of L. A. Williams by \i t :-f.! of r.r) il rut on issued from the Superior Court, of Madison County, Ga.. on the 39th day of July, 1521, i:i favor cf Htrig on Oil Refining Cos. against L. A. Williams. Notice P'ivon L. A. Wi'licmf. defendant in i: fa as required by law. This Feb, 4th, 1924, G. L. WILLIAMS, Dop-Sher. IN THE DISTRICT COURT* OF j THE UNITED 3TA TES lOR THE ! NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GA i- - No. I*7oß In Bankruptcy :iX RE L. B. CROOK, Bankrupt. 1 A 2>fti,tion for discharge having ■ been filed in conformity with law by j abovg-nureed bankrupt, and'the Court j having ordered tnat the hearing up on .said petition le had on Fob*. 2';. 1924. at fen o’clock A. M.. at the United States Court in the c*t> of ATLANTA, (■ eoigia. notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons hi in tore t to ap * pear at sa id time and place and shim j I cause, if any they have, why the i prayer c-f the bankrupt for- discharge |should net bo granted. O. C. FULLER CL.k. i tN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ' THE UNITED STATES FOR THE , NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GA. | No. IC2B In Bcnkrup-cy IN RE ROY HUFF. Bankrupt i A petition for dlscba-’ge having ■ been tiled in conformity with law b -1 afcovc-nrmed bankrupt, and the Court having ordered that the hearing un ion said petition be had on Feb. 23 i 1924. at ten o’clock A. M., at the 1 United States District Court room, in the city of ATLANTA. Ge rgia, notice is hereby given to creditors and other persons in interest to ap j pear at said time and place and show | cause, if any they have, why the • prayer of the bankrupt for discharge ■ should not be granted. O. C. FULLER,CIe k. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE In the District Court of the United State*, for the Northern Diatrict of Georgia No. 1622 in Bankruptcy 1 n re— J. Hiram C. Davis, Bankrupt. ! A petition f or di charge having been tiled in conformity with law by above-named bankrupt, and the Court having ordered that the hear ing upon raid petition be had on Feb. 23, 1 924, at ten o’clock A. M , at the United States District Court room, in the city of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby gweri to a!! creditors and other perrons in in terest to apnea? at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the grave,- of the bankrupt for di charge should not be granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk S. C. Upson, Athens, Ga., Attorney for Bankrupt. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE in the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia No. 1606 in BarTlfruptcy In re — James Hester Davis, Bankrupt. A petition fv di -charge bavin* ru-. r- fd*-d in conformity with law by above-named bankrupt, and the Court having ordered that the bear- in<r upon said petition be had on bob. 23, 1924, at teTt o’clock A. M., ■d the United States District Court room, ip the city of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby given to all creditors and other per;ons in in terest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if ary they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt lor di.-charge should not be granted, O. C. FULLER, Clerk S. C. Upson, Athens. Ga., Attorney for Bankrupt. CO'UNC TO ATHENS and ELBERTON DR. REA & CO. Medical Doctor Sneria'ist ; W ii Be Ir ATHENS on Friday, Feb. i -2nd, at The Gooraiao Hotel, and in f Rlberton on Monday, Feb. 23th, at The G'ols'on Hotel. flour-: 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. ONE DAY ONLY The doctor in charge will demon strate at the principal towns through u:t the state how he and his Medical Doctor A social es treat dtsea-e and eformiGcj Without surgical opera tion. | The doctor has had years of expe- I ience in the treatment of chronic - ii: east's; he is a practical specialist, j ! n internal medicine, and his clinics •tre patronized by those who know, and appreciate the advantages of treating with an experienced doctor. The disea-es treated ,-ire liver, kid ney, stomach, bladder and bowel nose, throat and lung trou bles, gall utoncs, appendicitis;, blood and skin diseases, leg ulcer?, enlarg ed veins, rheumatism, neuralgia, p>i ralysi , epilepsy, undeveloped and deformed children, and all chronic diseases of men, women and children. Their plan of treatment for goiter, small tumor? and external cancerous dLeases with the hypodermic injec tion method and their Irncwiedgo o r the successful uses of the various vaccines ns used in this pro cut day and age gives them special advanta ges in the practice of medicine. WILL KXAMIJNE FREE a" those interested us to their health and in Lie e. cases se’ecte.i for treatment medicine vvill he -ent direct from ?e : r lahoratory at Minneapolis, Mirin Married ladies are requested to •nine with their husband -, and chil :re.n with their parent?. (Advertisement) Tax Notice I WILL EE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES ON THE DATES NAMED BELOW FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING TAX RETURNS FOR THE YEAR 1924 CARLTON FEB. 11, 10 to 12 NEWTOWN FEB. 11, 12 t* t PAOIJ FEB. 11, 2 U* 4 COLBERT FEB. 12, io to 12 HULL FEB. 12, 1 r BRIDGET STORE FEB. 13, 9 to 1# ! NBKHE FEB. 13, n to I | SAWI>UM .:. FEB. 13. 2 4 | PLANTER FEB. 14, & u, It ROGERS STORE FEB. I*, ‘ 12 to } [ FEB. 14, 2 to 4 j PO.CATALIGO FEB. IS, 9 to 11 F“r. LAMAR FEB. IC, 12 to 2 TYlfeS STORE FEB. 15, * 1* 4 | COMER FEB. IC, 10 t„ 4 MILL COURT GROUND FEB. 18, 10 to 12 DANIELSVII,LE FEB. JB, * 1 to 4 LWM AVS MILL FEB. 10, ' 10 to 11 IIARULSON COURT HOUSE FER. 19, 12 to 2 SPEARMAN’S STORE: FEB. 19, 2 4 JEf’THA FEB. 20, ]o to J 2 MAN PATTONS MILL' FEB. 20, 1 u> 2 CLODFELTERS -STORE FEB. 20, 3 to 4 | PLEASE MEET ME AT PLATE AND TIME STATED ABOVE /\i> | GIVE IN YOUR TAX. A.M HI Wr. R, C ILA WOMAN’S CLUB The regular meeting of the Ua Woman’s (Tub was held Fri ley af ternoon, February Lit., in the dub room of the school building. Interesting reports were given by the chairman of the various commit tees, showing the progressive work the Club is doing. Plans were made and suggestions were given for rais ing monev for the furtherance of this work. Our goals are high hut we feel that, with the faithful work er? we have, we can roach them. After the business meeting, Un following program was rendered: Roll call answered with Important Facts about Georgia. Song: There is no State like Geor gia . Legend of the Cherokee Rose by Mis? Gladys Burroughs. Some of the History of Georgia hv Miss Alva Bird. Song—The Red Ok! Hill, cf Georgia After the meeting adjourned deli cious refreshments wore served by the ho Tesees; Mrs. Garnett Ware and 3D?. M. E. Williams. * JUST FPOM 11. A - * • 1 M". J. Thompson made a bn*-- •es? triji to Athens on Friday.- Miss Birdie Mae Jones spent the week end at home in Athens. Mis- Dariina Slone was, with heme folks for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Junes Gordon and children of LTbertc-n visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thompson Sunday. Miss Aline Thompson h’s been transferred from the Washington, D. C. hospital to a hospital in Phil adelphia, Pn. Miss Irene Favor and ML S Gladys Burroughs were entertained by Miss Aun.e on Sunday at her horrj'\ Mr. J. O. M. Smith with his fam ily and others in >torod to Commerce on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. H. G. Bannister motored to Athens on Wednesday. Mr. F. I). Strihling of Dtriiels villw was in Ilu on business on Tues day . Mr. SR W. Crawford is confined to the house with illness. Rev. H. R. Boswell has tendered In.- re 'ienation as pastor of the Pres hyteiian church; we are all sorry to tori bin leave and hope he will rr consider.