The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 15, 1924, Image 1

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The' Danielsville Hon i tor. VOL XXv 111 WORKERS’ CONFERENCE TH W. M. 1r - Workers' .Confer*- cnee * of the fifth district will be L-kl at the Baptist church of Daniels- Jile. February 19, at 2 o’clock. Mrs. J. O. M. Smith, Press Chair. sth Dist. NOTICE Deputy Collector, G. B. Fleming, will be in Comer, on Feb. 27, 192-1, for the purport of assisting- taxpayer •j fiH n g their Federal Income Tax Returns for the year 1923 . The deputy will be stationed at the pest office. J. T. ROSE, Collector Internal Revenue, Dist. of Ga. .FIFTH SUNDAY RALLY There in to be n rally of the Bap tist churches of the Fifth District on the Fifth Sunday in March, Provided, foB) e church in the district * invites the rally to meet with them}. If there is any churches desiring it please communicate with the officers of the district at once. VV\ P. Brook?, Jr. all day missionary ttWILNAKY Mttnnb Coibert Me-ihodint Church February 17th, 1924 PROGRAM: For the Consideration of Christian World Problems, and the Efforts of the Church for their Solution. Morning Service—• 10-30 A. M.—Sunday School Devo tional and Class Report Only. 10:50—Statement by Mr. 11. C. Hardman, Centenary Treasurer Prayer—“ Thanksgiving for what has been accomplished" by pastor. Address—“ The Christian’s Task” by Mr. W. L Hardman. .‘vaycr—For faith hnd strength to Julfih cur obligations, by Mrs Kidd Address— “What the Centenary ha? done," by Mr, J. M, Waggoner. Music—Special, by Miss Pearl Hard man . •'-rmon- “His Great Prayer,” by Bov. O B. Tally. Afternoon Service: : 0 Devotional, Mr. W. N. Hard man . idi ess(. s ; -‘The Achievments of the Centenary”’ Mr. W. E. Henslee Tr&gruy of tbe Unpaid Pledge,” -Hr Gerald Birchmore s ' 0n - of the Completed Task,” • v - r J- C. Coiner. -. A \ by Miss Pearl Hard man . O'eninw Service: ■' 0r..-.], Epworth League. a tic Entertainment—“A the Mexican Centenary. fourteen characters. full ;... . „ . T , , • r -u j et everybody see th:s ' “My Brother’s Keep* (r ’’ -K-v.C. 9. Tally. 0! :TER SUPPER AT ILA C'.-nis i • :irg your fr:cn-Js to , v ' ; :: i.u]-er at the 11a School oust , -r-K tv- evening, Feb. 22nd. , t , *’ ‘ ’ other to cook supper ' fiHf for we’ll have plenty to ;! Ur hur,rfr and thirst. So . fr. 1 mVjer *° com -o and bring i DANIELSVILLE Miss Estelle Carithers spent Tues- day night with Miss Louise Christy. Mrs. Df. A. Mosetev and Mrs. J. ,H. Boggs were in Athens Wednes ■ day afternoon. j Miss Mazelle Seymour visited Miss | Ora Hall Sunday and Monday I ■ Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Broome were visitors to Carnesville Sunday. Mr. J. C. Scott spout the latter j part of last week in Athens. j Mr. L. E. Greene was a visitor 'to Athens Thursday. i I . ; Miss Ada Wilson arrived | day to take charge of the millinery | department for h. E. Greet:e & Cos. Mr. Ben Roberts of Chase City, Va. visited his sister, Mrs. R. C. Griffcth, one day last week, on his way to Florida, on a fishing trip and other social events. I j Quite a number are expected to i attend the Basket Ball Tournament ! here Friday and- Saturday, I | All who heard Rev. Allen Sunday | morning and evening enjoyed his sermons. If you did not hear him i you certainly missed something. i Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Graham, [Mrs. W. D. Meadow', Mrs. J, Y. j Hu if and Joe C-urtls were shopping in Athens Monday. i Mrs. It. T. Broome returned | from Carnesville Wednesday, where i she has been at the bedside of her father who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sunders j were shopping in Athens Wednesday. Mrs. Jessie Scarborough of Co mer spent Wednesday with Mrs. H. B. Matto*. i Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon of Eiherton were spend-the-day guests |of Mrs. J. E. Gordon Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs* J. £. Graham of ; Athens visited relatives here for the | week-end. 1 Miss Kathleen Spelling is at home | for a few days recovering from an i attack of appendicitis. i j Miss Glad vs Nelms of Commerce • will sr.end the week-end here. j Mr. N. C. Alexander cf Com i nieree was here on business Tuesday A CORRECTION 1 . I A write up of the installation of ! officers of O. IQ. S. Chapter No. ! 248 of Danielsviile appeared in last ! week’s issue. In this were the names • of elected and appointed officers for the ensuing year. We are very sorry i indeed that thru mistake two names : did not appear in list. Mrs. Ora Mead ; cw, who so efficiently filled her office during the oast year as chaplain was reappointed, and Mrs. Janie Lee i Boggs whose faithful service as or i gainst hms added much to the Cha n iter. We ere very glad indeed to • make this corrction. but sorry it oc •curred. EGGS FCR HATCHING Pure Aristocrat Barred P!ymouli Rocks and Yon; t Strain S. C. White Leghorn., $1 25 for 15 tgs% ARNOLD COLLIER Colbert. Ga Danielsviile, Georgia, Friday, Feb. 15. 1924 WOMAN’S CLUB HOLDS. MEETING The Woman's C-lub of Danielsviile held its February meeting at the Club room on Feb. 7, at thrive o’clock Mr*. J. T. Murray, president bo ng abnent, Mrs. J. H. Boggs pre sided. After the reading of the min utes tho treasurerreported a small sum in the bank for current expenses Final arrangements wore then made for tho Tournament bunch to be erved on Feb- 16- The Program • Chairman for Feb., Mis. Roy Griffith, had planned a most instructive entertainment us ing Georgia as her subject. Mrs. J. N. Griffeih and Mrs. N. C. Bullock were ideal bos'esses and the social hour w.s most enjoyabiu. Refreshments were quite dainty and delicious. MADISON COUNTY TOURNAMENT At the second meeting of the Mad ison County Tournament Committee, Saturday, January sth. it was decid ed that the county baeket-ball tourney should be held at Danielsviile, Feb. 15 and Ifi, if the weather permits. In ca:x> of bad weather it will be held, Feb*. 22nd and 23rd. Any Mad bow County School de siring to enter a team may do so subject to the following regulations: The players participating must be bona-fide -student? of the school they represent; i. e, they must have at tended school regularly for not less than six (0) weeks daring the scho lastic year J 923—1921 and previous to the time of the tournament and they must nut have attended any school other than the one they repre sent during the scholastic year 1*923- 1921. They must bo doing passing work in at least three (3) major subjects; All teams must be entered before noon of Feb. 2nd; i. c. a list of el igible players from each school, sign ed by tbe principal or suptrintendont must be in possession of Hope P. Davis, Comm. Sec before that date Drawing wilt be made Fob. 9, 10:00 A. M. at Supt. David’s office. Tickets for tournament may he se cured from Supt. Ciaote Stevens of Madison County High School. The price will be 25c for t< achers and school children; 50c for all others. All communications relative to the tournament should be addressed to Hope P. Davis, Colbert, Ga. I *•**'**•* **4! * JUST FROM 3HILO * j ••* • • • ! < Last Week’s Locals) Hcio we coroe if ter being absent ! ' *“ T • The singing given by Miss Louesa <jrowe Sulnday afternoon was en joyed by a large crowd. There will be a box supper at Shi- j lo Thursday night, Feb. 14. Every body come and bring a box. Mr. Joe Tyner and family of Ath ens spent Sunday with Mr. G. H. Tyner and family Mr. an<i Mrs. Clarence Bennett and father arid Mr?. Grover Doan spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, A thus Bennett near Commerce. Miss Inez Crowe spent the week end with home folks of Commerce. . Mi‘s Annie Mae Baxter spent Sun day with Mi : • Rosa Neil and Lop e a Crowe. Miss Eita Dudley sport Sunday with Mh-s Clara Bea 'Though. Mrs. L. D. Evans spent Friday Vv 'i;h Mr .B. S. ChaMccn of Frankljn Mi-,.' Mary Lain Sorrells spent th<s week-end with homcfolkr and came back with anew pair of slippers. Mist, Vv ill Fowler spent j Sunday with Miss Pauline Bruce. Mr. Coil Bennett spent Sunday j with Mr. Dave Williams near Com merce • I Mr. Dupree Evans spent Friday ! night and Saturday with Mr. Lurr. k I Evans r.tid family, j Miss Bessie Loral spent the week end with home-folk,*, Mr. uiid Mrs. Coy Crowe spent 'the week-end with Mr. Mr. Evans and family. I ! * FROM IRON RED CROSSING * >******** 4 (Last Week’s Local?) We are glad to say that al! the i the people of our community who have hnd measles are improving. i - Dud Chandler, son and dough lor were the Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Hoyt (handler. Mr. Luther Chasbine of South Carolina was visiting his father Sat i urelay and Sunday. Mr. Dud Fitzpatrick ha* recently moved from South Carolina back into our community. i MA, M. Y. Freeman and little son, Norman, of Ila were visiting his sis ter, Mrs. J. R. Fitzpatrick Sunday afternoon. Mr?.. Flora Holllfteld returned from South Carolina where she has been visiting her slater. Mrs. T. B. Smith and son, Hoke, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mi a. Joe Hooper. Mr. Doris Fitzpatrick was seen hanging around Hix Sunday. Mm. Abie Fitzpatrick and daught er, Mrs. Ilovt Chandler, arid little son Theron, took dinner with Mrs*. Smith of Poca Sunday. Mr. Jim Berrong of Blue Store spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hooper Saturday night. M if-a Pauline Fitzpatrick spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Etta Smith. Miss Ida Burroughs visited Mrs. : Maggie Smith Monday morning. | Mi*. Billie Burroughs and Mr. i Rare Fitzpatrick made a business ! trip to Commerce Monday. Mr. Dewey Holden and Mr. Earn- i est Wood were out riding Sunday. I I All of the home folks left Messers ■ Carney Shields and Hoke Smith : Sunday; they had a chicken mull of i their own, then went off courting in ( eare. i j Mr. Garfield Hi.opei took dinner with Mr. Jim Berrong Sunday. The little infant of Mjf. Harvey Allen was buried at Wesley Chapel Thursday evening. i will tell you next week who is the most popular gi r: of lla. Mr. Oarney Shields cut corn stalks this afternoon over on tbe Sal lie • farm. Ha! Ha! I-- -- - 'There i .<> much good in the worst ; of us, And so much bad in the best of us, I That it doesn’t behoove any of us j To talk about the rest of us.” —Blue Eyed Betty. ; FARM LOANS The International Life Imuraace Company i* now making -loans .on Madison County farm*. See Fred Bond at tbe Clark's Of fice in DanieWvilte every Tuesday. C itm *rL }} i 1 ft ? jc7s • - FIDELIS CLASS MEETS One of the most delightful social affair* of the past week was the Feb ruary meeting ->f the Finchs Class at the home of Mrs. O. C. Wages. Guests were received by Misses Ruth Wages and Evelyn White in Cos tume representing George and Mar tha Washingtors. Ihe living room ar.u halls were most inviting with dainty decora tions of hutchcts, and baskets of blossoms, of red, white and blue. A .most enthusiastic business | session was hold, and the report of the treasurer was indeed gratifying. As we review the accomplishments of the class, who have raised funds the past year of $499.51 besides other work done, wo f*:el that our ef forts have not been in vain. Tbe social hour was truly a happy one as tbe guests made merry over ffie game--, a unique and pretty feat urc- was the original contest by the hostess, printed on red hatchets, and j answered by names of the class. A | dcl cio'js sclad course followed by a j vw'eet course was served by Misse : Ruth Wage,: and Evelyn White, each • 0i ’ c emphasizing the Washington idea. The rut cups were red, white : and blue, carrying a Hag and mount j od <>n hatchets. I A large number of members were present, and each ore voted this one of our most enjoyable meetings. WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS The February meeting of the Wo man’s Club was held yosterdav af ternoon at, the home of Mrq. T. C. Davison, with xMrs. T. C. Davison, Mrs. P,. C. Davison, Mrs. bf. 0. Whelchel and Mrs. W. C. Groves joint hostesses*. Mrs. J, W. Gbolston, president, opened the meeting promptly at 2:30 with the song,“America,” by the Club. The Litany was read by Mrs. T. C. Davison, after which the roll call was answered by famous Geor gians. The program it. charge of Mrs C. If. Barnes, chairman of educa tion was given as follows: Study of Life and Works of Mrs. Felton—Mrs. J. T. Need Violin Solo— Miss Rockeppa Burck halter. Woodrow Wib'O.n—■ Mrs. M. T. Payne Indian Legend—‘iT.e Cherokee Roar, by Mr?.. TANARUS). C. Davison Travelogue Lybee, St. Simons and Jckyl Islands—Mrs C B Ayers The bu. ire??, session wa; full of (nthusi'mru a; for new Cub . tn'trrs were pre e t?d aril u::- cept'.d, and reports of committee:! show that all departments of Club have been active. The gavel present ed by Mr*. Lena Felker Lewis t® | Comer Woman’s Cub. for general excellence over f .rty other Clubs in Eighth District, is a prized trophy in our possession, thi* being tho first meeting do. ■ its presentation. A delicious salad course was serv ed hy the ho t; -sen. WANTED: To buy tv r> mules. RALPH COLLIER, Comer, Ca , Rt. I. ( EGGS FOR HATCHING from S. C. R. 1. Red*, Donaldson Strain, at | per IS. Alo booking orders now j for Baby Checks, Feb., Mch., and j Apr. delivery, at 20 cents each oe ; $4.50 per 25. J. L. .McMURRAY Number