The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 15, 1924, Image 5

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MONITOR IE DAN . ' s Publisher C & A*m, .. ; matter at the s ■ f M?disor, County k ;i On " r _ bW''* ; "o One I6‘- g|Vsl.->nth? * * *. • * jj;t PROM IL-A *i** * * * * Q A. Burroughs Jr. mo ' Jto Athens Saturday. M;s Ruth "Lord spent weekend (ji bome-t’ol’ s. k ; 3= Birdie Mae Jones returned Athens Saturday - Us Hi be- Coamerse Ki v Right. The score was 38-18 in vor of oi-r tears.. m. t i)lav we corriaJ to Colbert * t Wl ., eS f, We thank the Colbert ople for their auditmee. Hr*. Jack Gobe- and Mrs. Se id Wesi-braok motored to Atoens ittirfisy. j: r Jgnis 7 Store citl .i‘*J on • W. Crawford Sunday. We are sorrv to know that Mr. W. Ct-awf-'id coatirfues to be ■< We here he will soon be well tin. . M 0 Messer: Grady Merck*?* and O 8-it (tardier \vi>" visitors in Ath- F?‘ i cuv i\ i * -rn c • r .i. H!; # Or*-.:?; burton !*.a 1 as her r.'s' f*v me ‘"l.-ti.’d her cousin rom Comer. Hr. ar.d A: James Gordon an<l ir any \lr. Howard Gordon visit - k! Mr a-,-! Mrs. .1. 3?. Thompson Way. Hr. i.rikui ili>. ws.- a \isitor in k Sunday. Mrs. 11 <•:. Bannister's mother, L's. E-res, i- .’siting her. Woirr -*s Yi-bimmry Society of h Baptiu. rr-.i:-eh met at the home i? Mrs. M. f. Williams Monday af ernoon. ® r - J. L. Thompson motored to HarnfKvide cr, tu.dress on Monday iftcmcen. I RESOLUTIONS WHEREAS; Almighty God in hip rtmut Hiioc>aa and goodness has W!1 10 "'•rr.ove from our midst beloved Esther, . O. Hutche j*' 1, H mer ‘d* ■' <jt Statham Lodge 3 _M, Pi-ec and Accepted Masons: ■ K f-’OiV-d, That we bow in fc'*ibir.iFslon?HF- opaH eh n r, *si|fr i ; ion of his supreme T Jl '. hT) 111 submission to him who a;! thing,; well; U further resolved, That we Ahu-.g ; i,j God for the life of v l / ro '“ I '' 313 V have accomplished . lnfEii?!- u; •.. _ . . =>■ i was short m our g • anea to love him. kindness and l?r| * n :r, b etcc made o- r oro-e- IfHi " :T '' ''' :ri w hich he lived >r ' lived in it. lie *s trut <•. a, v 1 - churen and to his I 'l'Vi me • “ r '" uroiersiand just how or •’ V. , . . , 'O srood a man K ~;e be overiahon - , , . r .g , ~ ' v/ * e he, it ,j- , lives and we pi ay c., rv • ; 'd on for years to ki ’g " ' ; hi;l fidelity and r n ' :in,i development of **i>Z . ; rr j£ tft| C'Oived, fhnfj! copy iri. ; ‘ pi'ead upon the i.odge. F. & A. “* lb (, , . U .. forwarded to his ?.t . ‘‘ the Winder News and • Arnold, Davis, { 'onsmittee. * MEADOW * * * * * * ife * * $ $ Miss Faith Clodfelter was the uust of Mis Eva Smith Saturday night, are! Sunday. The singing giver* by Miss I**avia Nelms night was enjoyed by all present. .. MissJ Maudie Sue itille was the guest of Miss Pauline Pos?s Saturday night and Sunday. Norene Fields and Grace Poss were Cm: guests of Pauline Walls Sunday. I'lf. Guy Snellmg from Colbert were visiting Mr. Claud Turner Sat urday night and Sunday. We are sorry to state that Mbs Emma Parham is on the sick list. We hope she will soon be well. Miss Louise Christy and Mis Le.- vie Nelms were the guests of Mins Estelle Cavither: cue right last: week Miss IjC's Barton wh;> the guest of Miss Ease Thomp.-on Tuesday night. Miss Wiil'e Lou Thompson was the guest of Miss Le&vie Nelms one night last week. Mr. Ben Lord n? and on'motored to Arbors last Saturday. Miss Frances <Garithbers was the guest of Miss Nellie Landers last Friday night!. Miss Retell Carithers was the guet of Miss Louioc; Christy Tuesday night. M-rs T.oa’de Nelms and Miss An nie Miller were the guests of Mi'*; Jessie Mae Cbri tian Saturday night. VESTER M. CWNBY LAWYER 4’5-4i6 GOULD BLDG PHftE, V/lflT lift; /11/r.IP, U Will I u. tiif e ir i U ( uris JUST FROM NEESE * * * * " * ii * * * * The farmers ip our community are very giad to Me this pretty weather. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Grover Freeman i? still on sick list. Several from here attended the play fit Colbert Friday night. The party given fov Miss Willie Hoyt Chandler Thursday night was enjoyed by all present. Several from here went to Lea" the radio at Sawdust. Thursday night. Mrs. Willie Chandler visited her daughter at Commerce last week. The apple knocking given by Miss Vettifc Martin was enjoyed by a large crowd; had plenty of apples. Miss Stella Hawks spent Sunday with Miss Janette Chnffetb. Miss Belle Martin spent Sunday with Miss Sorrow. Misses Estelle Sorrow, Belle Mar tin; Messers Roy Fey Boswell' 3P.d Earnest Sorrow attended preaching at Union Sunday afternoon. The Singing given by Mis* .f-cnett Grifi’eth Sunday eight was enjoyed by a large crowd. —Brown and Blue Eyed Botiys. Kalfyoutljving Without Money Gwt You can make it easily at home. Hastings’ Swil. f*la ntK and Kn! ;s. "The Standard of the South,” are a i fully described with hundreds of actual photographic pictures in the Seed Hook of the South. Tins nt * Hastings Seed Catalog Is the gr-at ?st aul most useful Seed Book e'.i r published for the South. You need it, tml we want you to have it enumy We are also giving to each 10-4 customer 5 SEE It PACKEIS o. HHAUTIECL FL.OWKUS AB&OHLTE r,y FREE. Th nes Catalog tells ah about it and gives - every care for the consideration of the buyer or P chasing and planting reeds, bulbs and plants,” says the Seed World Re view Wo want von to have aud keep' the wonderful new Seed Book in your home for ready refer*, nee a all times. Write tor U ow. A post card will do. It will come to you by return mail. r ucn. H. G. HASTINGS CO., 6EEDSM-N, ATLANTA, GA> TH-E BANIELSVtLLE MONITOR. DANIELSVtLLE. GEORGIA. * ESTHONIA DOTS * - ' % * * w * * * ’*• (Last Week’s Locals) We are glad to know that Miao Carrie Hendrix and little brother axe improving after being sick with measles. Mi-s Addie Eller is with home i folks this week. f —•—* — Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Filer and Mr. A. M. Gander spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hooper. Mr. Jimmie Stovall and son, Geo., returned home from South Carolina where they have len viisiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Hunt. Little Willie Gowdor said !*> surely i did enjoy t.he basket ball game at ■ Poca Friday afternoon. I - ■ — | Mr. 'and Mrs. Gosr Brooks pascJ ! through our community Sunday after noon, driving another New Ford. i Mr. Griff Hix surprised hi* wife with anew range, stove Saturday af ternoon . a Mrs.. Lizzie Gouder wan in Com merce Saturday. Mrs. A. R. Eller is doing some quilting at present but we don’t think any cf hor girls or her boys are going to get married just now . Little Miss Elouirie Gouder says she likes to go to -.ahool but does not like to come back thru the rain. Master Hoke. Smith say.i ho Iv lieve gag is going higher and higher every day. Come one and all a*m let.' make this the best par-er of all. —Blue Eyes. ■ i I ( Dr D. L. Cloud from Greens-, boro, Ga. will lie in Carer on Second Monday each month pre pared to do a!! cWee's of dot tai work, t<* remain one week. “ j He vvill appreciate a tali. Office in Iloper building. Next Spring- With over 200,000 orders for Ford Cars and Trucks already placed lor delivery during the next few months, we are facing a record breaking spring demand. Each successive month this winter has witnessed a growth in sales far surpassing that of any previous winter season. This increase will be even greater during the spring months, always the heaviest buying period. These facts suggest that you place your order early to avoid disappointment in delivery at the time desired. Detroit, Michigan It in not necessary to pay cash for your car in order V, have your name placed on the preferred delivery list. You can make a small payment down, or you can huy, if you wisfi, under the convenient terms of the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer Tax Notice bridges store rFn ... I EH. 13, 9 t, 5 iii jc v, jr SAWnciT 11 • > - 14, 9 to 1 1 R,GER3 ‘'’ TCRS FEU. I*. 12 lo a ! lM FEB. H 2 to •) POCATALIGO r.rn .. , I F>ii . I fj to 11 *. LAX\R i KI: . 1.5, 12 to 2 IVNEK-S STORE reK , K „ o to 4 ~ FED. „1, f g ; or,t '' FEB. IS, 10 to 12 IMMEoSVOLE FED. IS, 1 to 4 BCHAN-S MIU FEB. 12. 10 to l; HARRISON COURT HOUSE , p’ER jn A .> . SPEARMAN'S STORE FEB. IP,’ 2 to 4 - FEB. 30, 4* to M.l.n F/uiuNS MILL FEB. 20, 1 to 2 C2.OLFEI.TERS STOLE FEB . 20, 3 to j rLEASE MEET MU AT PLACE AND TIME STATED AMOVE rtNH CIVIC j.\ YOUR TAX. A. M. HIX, T. R , M.CT. I), GORHAM JACKSON FARM LOANS Low Rate Dependable Service 804 Holman Building. Athens, Ga. 'W-A.3srm?i3i LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER HtKtr.ift and IGainiuit WE PAY CASH* Athens Saw and Plueieg Mill Oc. ATHENS, C;A.