The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 22, 1924, Image 1

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ll | £ S'", I JPff'jt ill V"® |W %/ || s &-* / lIsI 111 S #*■ a. ■d. w Jit-*- W& a1 I v sitaJ AI A l AH-rl I. I tut a VOL XXv fit for near EAST relief Bundle week will be observed si multaneously next week in four places in Madison County when Club Women and Church workers of Co mer, Dan •-•lsv.ile, Ha and Colbert w il' co-operate in an intensive drive to steure old clothes to alliterate re ported distressing conditions among refugee.- and children in American orphanages of the Near East. Mrs. Jewell Bond Murray of Dan jdsville ha: assum.-d chairmanship of the drive ar.d has enlisted the aid of workers in each c ; ' the four towns. The slogan of the drive will be, "Five pounds of clothes from cve'y home in the four places,” and those on the committee are very enthusias tic over the prospect of reaching this objective. Bundle weeks have been conducted in the past in various parts of the state, but the present needs of the refugees in the Bible lands are the greatest since the world war is the information recei v, *d from the state offices of the Near Relief in Atlanta, which organization charters by Congress is now doing the relief work in the Near East. Professor Paul Monroe of Columbia University and world traveler, in cablegram to the National Headquarters of the Near East Relief, Tuesday, a copy ef white was received m the Georgia State office, declare', distressing con (htiens now exist among the refugees in the Near East, ar.d that scores of thousands, mostly women and dren, are undernourished, housed in indwirable crowded, unsanitary bairrc!:','levels and shacks. Or.e 1 ‘-he greatest i ..edv besides actual tnds o take car o of the refugees and orphan children, declares the of ficials of the Naer East Relief, is the need of doilies'. Any kind of gar ments are wanted. i P 1 ’ ' vc nen who w ill conduct the dnve in this county urge the citizens tn g!ve <s y garments they can -pare ; dd ov.jjcoats, suits, woolen glcves, ■i .act, any kind wearing apparel , 1 be solicited. The many hemes be visaed and the donors told ■'awe to place these handles to be by the committee. These !. Ct f es Wis j be shipped direve to New and from there sent to tlje Near EIGHTh DISTRICT a. & M. SCHOOL WINS 14TO 7 , dison ' Feb. 19—Madison . &M ; defeated Soeial Circle, Feb ' ‘ letters court in a game k* ball. The special feature arae was tbe clo e guarding ■a r : .! Kat ! e Mae Mnuld ■ *'• - VJ - team. Social Circ’e ! two field goals, the , "i o! their points were made Fhis game was the >f M idii on A. & M . L “••• 1 '.-c 1 -. Lola Branyan Ruby McGsrify 6 * of • The c< nter% Eiva Tea played a splen-- T hc?i r ,.. up . Mj|i ■ 11 Li P(,s. Sod'll Circle (7 Ml by • i Fv-’yn Almand ’’ Eliza’ '-th Herndon G Lo ire Bowers G I n < Don 7 Spearman f & Stan'or. MADCOV rrs 4 C 0 b INCH: 1 CHOIR - a 'j n Corn --V Singr.g **• Meadow "hurch ih> rnoon March at r ' V: - v ‘ ‘ ] y i-* extc ’ed a cor > iv ! c ’ s wiil be o j sin prs will be GRAND JURORS, MARCH TERM 0. T. Ldwards, H. T. Long. C. C. Kmc a id. J. R. o‘Krlley, Clauds G. Stevens, W. F. Mathews, W. T. oook. J. D. Drake, G. L. Sailors C. W. Duncan. H. Z. Carrington. E. J. Jonet, W. P. Butler Sr., Cohen Wil liams, R. F. Bird, Rufus J., J. V. Jenkins, H. G. Btins e-, li. B. Bullock, A. B. Chandler, C. W. Beacbain, J. 0. Carter. T. S. EliioD, •L L. Chatham, C C. Sanders, C. V. Ridgway, W. I. Williams, J. A. Max well, W. B. Nash, L. Id. Roper. TRAVERSE JURORS, MARCH TERM No. I B. B. Spratling, R. J. McEwen, C. B. Boyd, A. L. Mann, S. W. King, L. 0. Edwards, J. W. ChiTstophvr, J. S. Patten, ,T. M. Faulkner, M. N. Bur den, Nedl L. Johnson, Clifford J Cape- No 2 M. H. Hardman VR-v Manley, Jul ius E. Benton, ,T. Howard Long, C. C. Wood, T. A. Long. Dupree Cox, G. A. O’Kelley, R. M. Boggs, J. F. Spearman. J. L. Fortson, J. B. Patten. No. 3 H. B. Sanders, J. H. Sorrow, A. D. Gunnells., H. W. Dav'd, 0. Loy Moon, E. 3. Gordon, 0. C. Dil’ard, D. P. Lane, J. H. I'endergrasv, J. L. Martin, 0. A. Edwards, K. C. Wil liams. No. 4 E. J. Threlkeld, John A Phi lips, G W. Whitehead. J . T. Burden, F. C. Graham, Fred C. Whelchel, M. W. Perryman, J. O. Parham. T. L. Long, A. V. Tonkins, Joseph L. Pow- C. J. Tv-net Sr. COLBERT HIGH WINNER OF MADISON COUNTY TOURNEY Daniel&ville, Ga..— tSpee’al) Coltert Hi eh School brsketba l quintet was crowned as the chavnp-on ship five of Madison county at Dan ielrville Saturday afternoon of e : winning the annual Madi on County High School Besiketfcall Tc urn a mint from a field of five other fast teams. The final game of the tourn y was played between Colbert and Danielsville, the local team losing af ter a hard fight, 24 to 15. Colbert worked her way through the tournament in fine style, defeat ing the best tfto county had to offer. In the semi-final round Co’bert beat Coiner High 36 to 17. ~ In the other game of the semi finals, Danickviile beat I!a, th rd place winner in the 1923 North-east Georgia High School Basketball Tour nairent, by a score of 17 to 14. This game was the hardest fought of tbe I tournament. I '.a turned ca". an,; cc vu -.... < the latter named team for third ;>’a e | by the score of 36 to 9. ; Roy Hogson and ‘Slick’ Lamar ref i creed the tournament and their work • was highly prai '.cd by all the players I in the tournament. The teams on tore 1 in the tourna -1 ment were Danielsvillo, Colbert, La, J Fori Lamar and Bond Academy . The tournament was m;n • F in | splendid form, not a single incident marring it* succors. It was tated | here that the tournament will here after be an annual affair. MONTHLY MEETING W M S The W ■ n:-':’; Mi, -.:on’:r> •> icr-ty cf the Fa ( ” V| > ’' • • R monthiy me---'- ing v.' '- ' is. ’ ■ William ■ .’ m Iru - ' it'.'., 3:30. Th< - ly was, “Cuba and tig- sal 7>o\ A number of im port ant matters were take i up iti the bu t . 1 sion . I Arrangements were made to o - ! serve the March week of prayer for jhome missions. | A delicious salad course was smv [ cd bv the hostess. Diuielsviije, Georgia, Friday, Feb 22, i.924 COLBERT WOMAN'S CLUB Ti e Woman’s Club held its Febru ary meeting r.t the home of Mrs. J. C. Biggs. The meeting was presided over by Mis. Hampton. There were 13 members present. The quotations were ff Washington. The program was most instructive and had been carefully planned and studied. was Public Welfare Work, with the subjects given as follows: Why a boy should lie a Christian Mrs. M. W. Collier. Evils qf tobaevo in youth—Mrs. J. B. Sims. Where Education Begins— Miss hu sie Sorrells. Safety and Happiness—Mrs. S. R. Hardman. Your Stranger Child—Mrs. 11. H. Hartj. The Cause of Social Evil—Mrs. H. G. H:u*dman. Flow to Avert Sochi! Evil—Mis. J. E. Kidd. Strong Drink:;—Mrs. R. M. Ross. Why a Giii Should Bea Chrktian— Mrs. W. W. Barnett. Biographical Sketch—Mrs. J. A. Hitchcock Why a M< tear Should Study the So cial Condition of Children from Birth. The Value of Story Tel ling and a Mother’s Part-—Mrs. H. H. Hampton. The business mocking was then entered into, after which Mrs. Biggs and Mrs. I*. C. Soirom served de licious rofrebluacEta. The Club adjourned, and will me t on March 4th with Mr-. F. M. Ross. HELF WANTED Single colored man by month, that zzn run Fo’J Car. S. W. Crawford, Ila, Georgia. Motors Hall Westbrook, J. L. Thompson motored to Atlanta Thurs day. Mr. 1. ./. Brown motored to Athens Friday. Mrs. Hal] Westbrook a;id Mrs*. A. S. Westbrook were visitors in Ath ens Friday. Mr. Grady Mercietr was in Atlan ta Friday cn busin-oss—to buy him a “very large” deg. Look out and don’t get bit! | Mrs: H. G. Daniivtr motored to ! Athens Friday. : Mix. Mae Lord and Mr. Garland ' i: s w. :e married in Comer :-Sunday after. 'on. We v>h th-.-m ! much i.i pniiK'ss a’l a long life . Miss Irene Martin returned home ; on Sunday. j On Tiro.- day evening the young j folks enjoye ' a <}■• nehtful social at j Mi;., and Mrs’ ./. L. Thompson’s i home. Mr. S. W. F.-av/ford has been j apn. : nti 1 jy .r :.u. ter at Ha, (la. Mr. J. I T*- on, Mr. A. S. ! Westbrook, 1 ; H Woetl took and Ed i fluriouei. ■ a lc :dfr! the Amomynik show in A ! ' u < Monday, Mrs Fred < is some bette !a: this Wiiti-g. out their boy not j doing so v. ml!.. HA/.EL SMITH DIES ..Friends are grieved to lea *n of j the death of Hazel Smith. little i daughter Mr. and Air-?. A, h. 1 frtiith a: their home in Decatur, ! p’c'o. ft. Tiio funeral and interment j was at Decatur Surviving aie lh* parents and two sisters, Annie To- I hecca and Tommie* Ruth who hi vo ! the, sympathy of all ir: their hour- of | sorrow. JUST FROM ILA DANIELSYILLE DAVIS—McCLAID A quiet mairiage of intercut to their friends-, was that of Miss Es telle Davit and Mr. Sherman D. McClaid, which was solemnized Sun day afternoon at the home of i lie* brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dav , Rev. W. L. Barber performing the ceremony, Mrs. W. B. Roper of Atlanta and Mrs. C. R. Gresham of Jackson, Ga. have been the guest.-: of Mrs. J. N. Grift'eth for several days. Mr, p,. W. Blackwell is spending several days in Carbon Hill, Ala., where she is visiting some very sick j relatives. Mr. Loftin Gaulding of Colbert was in town Wednesday. The Ladies’ Club of Daniek-ville entertained the Basket Ball contest ants with a lovely luncheon Saturday Miss Ettie Belle Harrison spent the week-end with Miss Floyc-e Long. Mr. and Mrs). J. N. Griffith and Mrs. W. B. Roper left Wedne-vlay to spend .several days in Washington, guests cf Mrs. M. 0. McCord. Mr. John Herndon attended a Basket Ball banic in Athens Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Lee Mattox wore the spend-the day guests of Mrs. G. A. Mathews Wednesday. Mrs. Flora Westbrook and M’ss Gladys Burroughs cf Ila were visitors here Monday. Messers Eugene Huff and Horace Daniel are on the sick list thin week. Miss Ruby Griffeth and Hope Grif loth were at home for the week-end. Mr?. Frank Martin, Mr. Dave .Long and Geo. Whitehead Jr. of Carlton attended the Tournament j Friday and Saturday. i . . Mr l . C. G. Stevens spent last week ■ end with his parents at Carlton. j Mr. CuT.sen Knight made a splen j did address to the Madison County ! farmers Friday afternoon at the i court house. Mr. Fred Bond of Roy-ton was here Tuc .day on business. Mr. and Mi 1.. Garland Williams have room with Mrs. J. R. Gor don. Mrs. William i \va-. before her meriiage last Sunday, Mi-- Maye Lord cf lia. MOORE—POWER Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. NairnFeb. 16th, Miss Willie Moore to Mr. Thorn;.;- Dewey lov r, T. J. Nelms perffirming the ceremony. Th; Monitor join* their nia y friends in extending ; tv: !i . anil congratulations. SPECIAL SERVICES Programs for February 24, 1924 Rev. M. A 1!<-i wi-he to an nounce that he will begin the Culti vation period for ihi h?;.ip'.-r-Endow ment Se-cial J phi ef work with tre f-dlowit <•: I>; •- -el viile, Col. G. K. '■ 1 , VV . Fj . A. M.; .lone-. Chapel, James Chi-Tty J 1 :0(i o’clock, Dr. W. D. Ghoirton 11:13 A. /L; J.ibertv, R. C. David 11:00 o’clock, Col. R. H. Gor don, 11:15 A. M.; Gordon Chanel, Rev. M. C. Allen 11 :00 o’clock A. M.; | Wesley Chapel, Col. C. E. Adams, 3 | o’clock P. M. Let’s get ready and rally to the call of the forgotten man. FRIENDSHIP DOTS Mbs. W. D. Graham, Mrs. Luvin Perry, Mrs A. 11. Akin s wire gue is of Mrs. Salbe Chandler afternoon. Mb. and Mrs. Wilber Harahon spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Lonie Haralson. Mr. ar.d Mrs. .logic Tolbert of Athens were visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs(. Bob Nash Sunday. Misres Mabel Graham and Mary Akins were the g-ieni's of Miss Flee ta Pony Wednesday afternoon. We are sorry to say that Miss Jes sie Mae Aaron has bronchial pneu monia; we hope sin* will be well goon. Mr. Wheel Ingram and little son, Fred, i quite sick with measles. Mrs. Lizzie Haralson spent Friday with Mrs. Annie Graham. Mr Henry McElroy carried h’ grandson, Grady So'iih, homo S.m day afternocn; ho wan qu te si k but we thick b.o will lq. alright in a few day;*,.. Miss Ficeta and Mr. Young Perry had as their gm.:ts a while Sunday night, Mcv.-wis; p.nvu ami Jewell Bry ant of Alabama. Rue! Nash and Her rhel Ingram, Mi- bos Vener Lee and Bell Bryant. li Mrs. Pearle Crm k mid children .spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Maude Portion. Mr. Luvin Perry seems quite in terested in making wardrobes on rainy days. Mrs. LeonL* Graham and children took supper with Mrs. Etta Perry Tuesday nighS. Mr. and .".Irs. f'nier Carey spent Saturday night night and Sunday with Mr. Howard Crook and family. SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE Three will be a Sunday School In stitute at Daniclsville Methodist church Mrcch 30, for tho Center, Comer, Colbert, and Daniclsville charges; both district and local speak or;- will be on the program. Be .sure to be there at 10 o’clock A. M. * COLBERT HIGH SCHOOL The "ircc ‘h of our basketball tenm this year is due to the excellent coach ing which th y have received from I’r- f H. IK- has struggle and patiently with them from day to day and d< niwc-3 much credit for the ; p’ci did team w- have this year. Ho also In;, ami is now doing some npl-ndid iiierary work. f I; f i,i -i -1 il l cap’ii '. of •! e It. y. ..- -i, v.the winner l ( !' t'' i\ ■< the m >.4 u.-e --f I on a. : V i in .Mudiion. < ui ‘y -•- ■- t Tr coi- - v-nti for the Literary - ia-. ..■< <i i ,t • n- i.-t ;re : trying i. r.r 'ho j lace.-t. We hope to mi •!;, ,i rif.-d jhowi! gin a'l !he eve; 4 which V'c i nb. r. OYSTER S! FPER AT IL„ Come and brir ;r your fj to the Oyster .uy-; -i a-, the iia Schorl house Friday evening, l eb. 22n.i . You needn’t bother to cook supper f-n that dale for v.-e'll have plenty ' .* supply your hunger and thirst. So pipase remember to come and bring .. friend . 'umber