The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 22, 1924, Image 5

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NEWTOWN , \V-jik's Locals) }j jicWhirter from Co •lr' - v nvn Tuesday on bus '£ ' ; given by Mr. -1. ,- e d by all on last wj] P ( unlay. ■* • u a ,he cams from E’.brrt i’niy Silent week end wnh Miss .Sn'iith. . ir a; ,i Mrs. Oiin Kidd have ! e< | bad; into our community. We ,’glad to have diem back with us. M „ and Mrs. W. E- Brown and ton S pei,t Sunday with Mr. and E. J. King at Carlton . jj r . and Mrs. Baity from Carlton visit;ne Mrs. Otho David Suu , ' _ Mrs. Tom Ebovhardt visited Mrs. a, Carrouth Monday. The party given by Miss Kehn aith wa? enjoyed i>y all P- e ent turdey night. Master Butter Frown ‘••pent Srm v with blaster Henry Eberlrardt. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Threlkeld and children spent Sunday night and jitbv wiiii Krp,. J • >L Carrou*h. Mur Eulalia Brown spent Sunday thMrs. Koyt Nash. We had a very good Sunday School iiiday. Let everybody come and irg someone with you next Sunday nday School at 3 o'clock P. M. ayer r.eeting at 7 o'clock Sunday [hi We sit sorry Mrs. J. 11. Car nth is sick at present. Mrs. Ho"t Mash and children were siting Mr:.. Dewey Thvelkeld ibis ,* Auxiliary from New Hope churCh it, with Mrs. 1.. P. Smith Satur i afternoon; had a nice program; lumbers present. He sre shad to reuort the sick c-f rcommunity better. * * :'t sjr :■< * # SHILO * * f $ * ;> iff & W.’ihc Mae Harwell and Mr. *yrnon Edwards were happily ma> Sunday. Wo wi-h for them a si t and happy Tie aaeirg gvcm by Misses Clyde "* *'ith >. rnv.'c was enjoyed bv all ■* nt * i j- !> ' cfj r:, “ week-end with Mr. G. ’ J . T Bev ar.d family. i * IV,: ‘ rov> 'e spent the week hon>>. folks of Commerce. ("wave and family of '' ' r,;f Bweek-end with M;f s fi v i .. * '■-roive spent Sunday -da ! . Lane Sorrells. knH, i ■ ‘ rowo spent Sunday | °° n with Miss Etta Dudley. J !f. G|,.n n ~ , f.\! r was the jn-ast yjj, ' ( vov.’c Sunday a/tei' Hi. ~ T *.. burroughs s’jent Sat ' l| ‘v with Mr. T. L. Notiro ‘ '' >ud from Greens- Wr r -I in ( ( nier on '‘ a > ach month pre 1 . a*ses of dental jj ; ,aui f re week. ,) P . ll tJreeiae a call Uuildinjj. BLUE STONE DOTS Vs* 7t I u (fie; e '.vc co re aga r af oi having ."€ ;i nl nt . o long, there war. no preaching Sundae or-, account of bad wealth :.-v: the rear- i .:• was ab ; nt. The Vabsriinc Party giv n by .Mr W. V.. Christian was enjoyed by a li'.'ge crowd. . There will be a Musical at M-. Dove's Saturday night; wa wirh for them a large crowd. -Miss Lottie and Pascal Hi'lty had a- their guests Sunday afternoon Misses Ruby and Louise Highia and. t-i.r. f liarii. 1 1. e th. Mr. Ca.vln Brar.yan. M : sn Mangle Wi 1 Hairs had c s v e guest Saturday r.jglit Mbs Willie Gamer. iLavg Donie Mae and Dczzie Mae Jordon had es .heir guest Saturday nis-Txt ar.d Sunday, Miss Heather E&- tou kl -* I etl :e Mae and Pascal ill'.by had as tke-ir guests Sunday uf.e trion Mr. Cleo Patter;cr. said Mr. Hiram Murry from Duunom] 11111. Doric Mae usd De;.lc Mae Gosa’on had as .ufternoon, li:. Kami! Bridges an-i Mr. Ad in Pa terfie'd iird Cori; e Par. ' or he'd. Mr. Garnett- Coil passed fcbro- j <v h our community Sunday after noon. f here was a candy drawing at Mr. George Simmons Friday night and was enjoyed by all present’. Mr. A. A. Garner spoilt the day Sunday with Mr. G. T. Allan and family. Our Sunday School at Flue S one Is fme; *,v<- invi'e every body -twe mi c Miss Aril Car'thers w 11 preach at the New Holland church, Sundae morning, February 17; Everybody, rorne am; be with as. EGGS FOR HATCHING from S. C. R. !. Rcjdr., Dontldsfip. Strain, at $1.50 jcr 15. Aio booking orders now tor F> nby Lhick*, I" cb., Mch., nd Apr. tleliverr, at 20 tents each or t4.SO per 25. J. L. McMURRAY CAN'D FOR RENT Two-Horte Farm on read froci Athens to Fdbertcn. 1 wifi help the right party. See J 8 Dudley or Mi * S, T. E. Dudley, Comer, Georgia. FARM LOANS The 1 utornatione! Life Insurance Cotcpauy i now cnaking lean* on Madison County {arms. See Feed Bond at the Clerk's Of riee > n Denieiiiillt every Ttr>sdy. Half your living Money Cost You can make if wwll> at home. H&stißze' Seeds, Hants and u,hfi. “The Standard of the South,’’ are a!l fully described with hundreds of actual photographic pictures in the new • ■>- Seed Book of the South. ? h.s u , w Hastings’ Seed Catalog is the great est and most useful Seed Book e'er published for the South, 'ou need it. unci we want you to have it entirely \\\> are aiso glviD? to ! customer 5 SEED PA< KK - o BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS ABSOLT-1 L I.Y FREE, 'rhe new Catalog tens s.j about it ainl gives “every care for the consideration of the buyer Ft P chasing and planting seeds, bulbs and plants,’’ says the Seed War.d Re view We want you to and keen the wonderful new Heed Book in vour home for ready reference at 1 sll 'times. Write for it now. A pos.- | card will do. It will come to you a i return mail. n i H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMkN, ATLANTA, GA. PA* T-i -vi‘ r*. -.rn-nrerr o j-vu.t f GEObf'A. l-everal from lur. 1 tic Earners nesting at Danichv. Ie lust Friday’. Messes J. H. McWhirter and C. M. Dean made a business trip to Athens Thursday. Mr. Guy Gordon and family of Shady Dale arc visiting relatives here ' The basket ball team and aeveva' others weVo in Danieisvillfe Friday attending the tournament. The boys enjoyed the games very much, cveV, though they did not win. Some plowing is being done now, which is a reminder that spring Is not far off. Dev. M. C. Alien tilled bus regu lar appointment litre Saturday and Sunday. There i.s some talk of changing the Saturday appointment to Sunday right. Mrs. M. F. McWhirter is. con fined to her room with rheumatism, we are sorry to state. Hi * her.a Mcalor, who is terahing at Lilhurn, spent i-be week-end with home fell-:?. Mr. Howard Higginbotham of Do gait was visiliog hi:; father's family hove recently. Mr. Gbailps Dean ard sin of", Chape! cOinmunity were !:e*e Pu may afternoon. Wo are sorry to bear ef .Vie. Frunk Parker’s sieknes.% but hope he will soon be well again. We notice John Gunnels (col) has been making c-j'jsiddrable imprevy ments on his place recently—building some new out-houses, rccowving some old ones, and getting stalled to plowing and arranging for anoiber crop. John is one of our best col ored citizens—has been on the same place )metliing like tbrity years, has had to pay some unjust debt', owing to tbs bankruptcy of Tome' white men; but lie is coming out of this, and hopes to do well hero, with out going North or any other part of the country. FORT LAMAR Buy Your Ford Now > WITH spring almost here thousands of families, antici pating the demand that is certain to exist for Ford Care and Trucks are placing their orders lor immediate delivery. Sales now are far ahead of salts at this time last year. Advance orders calling for delivery under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan have already reached a total of 255-759 Cars and Trucks. The prospect of securing prompt delivery is daily becom ing more uncertain. We cannot urge too srrongly, tnere fore, the necessity for placing your order immediately, if you are planning to drive a Ford Car this spring. See the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer ’ v 4. Motor £ Detroit, Michigan It is r>cr necessary to pay for your car in full in order to seccre delivery. You can get on the pteicrrcil list tor early delivery by making a email payraeat dwn. Or, if you wish, you can arr.jige for delivery under the terms of the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. ‘THE I lITI.E PRICE 1 ’ DIM KG ROOM 190 Clayton St., Athfit?, Ga, Second to Non^ in Service arci Satisfytft;n LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT WINDSTORM SURETY BONDS, AUTOMOBILE. \V E lIENSLEP* Agent. D, GORHAM JACKSON FARM LOANS L ri w Rate Dependable Service 804 Holman Building, Athens, Ga, WABTTED LUMBER LUMPER LUMBER Ilmr.lK and I‘Yan.ii);! WE PAY CASH- Mens Saw and Flanging Mill Go. ATHENS, GA, <jfc>?ec6 THE UNIVERSAL CAR