The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 29, 1924, Image 1

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The DanielsviUe Honitor. VOL XX v 111 BUNDLE*WEEK” drive T le committee of women iu Mad lsw County putting on the “Bundle Week” drive for the benefit of refu gees and orphans of East is meeting with much success, ac cording to reports received, by Mrs. jewel Bond Murray of DameUviUe, general chairman. Those who are associated with Mrs. Murray in the campaign are Mrs. J. K. Boggs of paniekville, Mr:.. A. S. Westbrook 41;( j Mrs. G. D. Westbrook of Ha, Mrs. \\\ A. Rowe of Comer, ar.d Mri H. ][ Hampton of Colbert. The slogan of the drive this week is “five pounds of old clothes from every family in lia, Corner, Colbert and DanielsviUe,” and the committee hopes to reach this quota. Only servicable garments are asked |,v the committee, and requests that silks and finery not be donated as those wSI he cf small use to those for when the drive ;r> conducted . Oid overcoats, man and women’s suits, woolen gloves, children’s clothes, any old comfortable garments are solic ited . The drive in Madison county .is be ing undertaken under the auspices •of the Near East Relief, which or ganization, chartered by Congress, is the official agent of the American people in the Bible lands. This or ganization has (Tony a great deal of humniiarian work among these peo ple and at present time are. feeding, educating and otherwise caring for ■thousands of 1 stile orphans. Recent reports of distressing con ditions have come to the. national of fice of the organization oner the ad ditional needs of the people, particu larly for clothes, has proved a great strain on the resources of the Near East Relief, which now in the emer gency Is using this means to meet the great need. Mrs. Murray has permission of dent. R. C. David to allow the school children to bring cans of condensed milk and ear.s of syifup to bo shipped with the old clothes. BTH A. Sl m. wins games Madison. Ga., Feb. 27, 1924 Bosvick and A. &M. played a doub- Rlc header in basket-ball last Friday, Ecb. 22nd, on ihe A. & M. courts. A- & M. was victorious in both con the boys winning 27—4, the girls 38 to 3. Boswick sir's put up a hull dci;; fignt and in spite of the piled up scr,re by their opponents, they never JOr " moment gave up until the last toot of the vliistlq. There girls hoiih. be commended for the cvedita- Wc showing which they made in this, ihe r first match cratr.e. ’ rir.r.tnr 'r'< r ‘ spor- n>. .R ilvip, making the game f :i ul l-i'juzui'e to ail concerned, and v/;!; h real pleas-ure that v, r e look forward to the return game at Bcs "icc, Frid iv the 29th 1 A. &M. girls had it on the A team ir. better training, be '• ■ -ore experienced team, more V ' ' and good pars work! "• R’-ra a splendid team " ! oS•, :.t s.-he proud of and just * > T . Cj. iv. Davis i • coaching thi • * ' * * * * *** DaNIELSVILLE * \ M T ,.‘ ■ j. n. Boggs. ' ; ; i V/. R. Eskew at -1 a l J 2:r; Meeting in Athens at- Agricultural College England and Evelyn r ' and er.t the week-end with Miss ■ ' -A-'ke-r near Tallulah. ' y- r ’ Mrs? W. D. Graham, Mrs C!.olsten and Mrs. C. B. Par e shopping in .Athens Friday. Miss Ava Byrd and mother of 11a were :happing here Saturday. Rev. John Ai. Simpson and son, Ben White, of Commerce visited Mrs 8. N. White Saturday. The many friends of Mr. Eugene Huff are glad to aee him out again. Miss Roxie Echcls is very sick his week. We are nighty sorry to learn that Col. Howard Gordon is confined to his roots with aaevere case of “flu”. Mr. A. S. Westbrook, Mrs. J. W Marion and son, John White of Cleveland were visitors here Satur day. Miss Sallie Fannie Daniel of U. of Ga. : :pc nt last week-end with her parents, Dr. ar.d Mrs. J. S. Daniel. Mrs. Adc'ie Brooks is in Athens this week with her daughter, Pau line, who is quite sick. Thirty-four members of the B. Y. P. U. and Epworth League enjoyed a joint social at the school building on Friday evening, Feb. 22. A num ber cf interesting game- and con ' tests were •enjoyed, with favors, re minders of Washington’s birthday. Sandwiches and coffee were served. 0 lij i|!lf l§|;ill ; o- ; - , fj 1035 Model I j TOURING CARS 5210.00 JCxi Gold TUI— - * tmm u+**-*~ % To emiray JES For every dollar tiaded with the stores named below you will be given a trade ticket 9 to draw for one of the above Cars and Gold. The Gold will be given away as follows: First prise sls; second prize $10; third prise $5; fourth prise $5. This will be given away at each of the stores on Saturday, June 14th, 4 o’clock; also on Saturday, Oct. 4th, 4 o’clock. All tickets will be held in the boxes for the drawing of the Ford cats. Hold ail your ikueis until the Ford Cars are given away; it might pay you. One car will be given away at each place: Ist car givan away by Rowe Supply Cos, Mon. Dec. 29. R PM. 1 2nd car given away by Rowe liros., lues., Dec. .>(), 41. M . 3*’d car **ivesi away by li *A. Howe cv fo. t I'd. Dec. 51, .j.llfl. FOR EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF FERTILIZERS (GUANO) ECUGHT FROM US W£ WILL mvF A TRADE TICKET. ~ EVERY DOLLAR TRADED WITH US, Oh PAID ON ACCOUNT OR NOTE WILL BE GIVEN A irA3 WEGiVE TRADE TICKETS WITH CHICKENS, EGGS, PEAS, C ORN, AND ALL COUNTRY PRO DUCE OT> 0 T> ANYONE CONNECTED WITH OUR STORE S, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED T ) . tRAv ; OTHERS S 'v/H£THE R, BLACK OR WHITE, MAN OR, WOMAN, GIRLS OR BOYS, WILL p-7 r~ 71/ ET T\J "5 7- j- 7} T? r '7 £- 7" ■*> . “ 7 o r,p ~w FOR T.X ABOVE PRIZES, YOU MUST EE ON THE GROUND V.TTH VOUR TICKET W " E ”o™V ONeVr'iZE WILL BE hvL.7-.-0 A PERSON AT EACH 3RAV/ING. Come in and let us explain it to you. w, A. ROWE & CO.. Coiner, Ga. ROWE BROS., Colbert, Ga. ROWE SUPPLY CO., Carlton, Ga. DanielsviUe, Georgia, Friday, Feb. 29, 1924 The Junior 3. Y. P. U. and Junior \ League were delightfully entortuin ! cd at tile School Building on S'-itur day evening, MNs Neil Campbell and Mrs. Maud Blackwell chaperoned. A number of games were enjoyed aiter which refreshments \ver-: served GRAND JURORS, MARCH TERM C. T. Edwards, H. T. Long. C. C, Bin aid. J. R. O’Kelley, Clauds G. Stevens, W. F. Mathews, W. T. Cook, J, I). Drake, G. L. Sailors C. W. Duncan. H. /. Carring:op, E. J. Jones, W. P. Butler Sr., Cohen Wil liams, It. p. Bird, Rufus J. Sorrtds, J. V. Jenkins, H. G. Bains e - *, It. B. Bullock, A. B. Chandler, C. W. Beacham, J. Q. Cnrttvr, T. S. Elliott, J. L. Chatham, C C. Sanders, C. V. Ridgway, W. P. Williams, J. A. Max well, W. B. Nash, L. f}. Roper. TRAVERSE JURORS, MARCH TERM I No. I B. E. Spratling, it. J. AlcEwen, C. B. Boyd, A. L. Mann, S. VV. King, L, O. Edwards, J. W. Christopher. J. S. Patten, J. M. Faulkner, M. X. Bur den, Neal L. Johns m, Clifford .J Cape- No 2 M. H. Hardman, Alex Manley, Jul ius E. Benton, J. Howard Long, C. C. Wood, T. A. Long, Dupree Cox. G. A. O’Kelley, K. M. Boggs, J. F- Epearman, J. L. Fortson, J. B. Patten. No. .1 H. B. Sander's, J. If. Sorrow. A. p. Gunnells, IT. W. David, O. Loy Moon, E. B, Gordon, 0. C. DiFard, lb T. Lane, J. H. Pendergrass J. Martin, 0. A. Edwards, tl. (!. Wil liams. No. 4 E. J. Threlkeld, John A Phillips G. W. Whitehead, J. T. Burden. I'. C. Graham, Fred C. M. W. Berryman, J. 0. Parluuv, J. L. Long. A V. Tonkins, Joseph L. Pow r.\ C. J. Tyner S:. friendship dots ID’w’s everybody enjoying this snowy weather? % Miss Ezzclte Harakon was the week-end guest of her brother, MV. and Mrs. Wilber Haralson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crook spent Saturday night with parents, Mr. ;• rfl M is. \v. E. C; owe. Mr. ami Mrs. W. D. Haraldson wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haraldson Friday rdpht. Miss Fleets Perry spent Sunday w ith. Misses Mai el and Willie Graham Mrs. J. J. Graham spent Sunday | afternoon with Mrs. Luvin Perry. Mrs. W. D. Graham is hack on t.ha tj-k list this week. We hope she will .-oon he ’.veil. Miss Janie and Annie Smith had as their guest." a while Sunday nigld; Mr. ami Mrs. Purine Freeman, Mb* Tavie, and Messers Gilbert and RuH Nash, Mis* Fieeta and Mr. Young Berry, Miss Rilla, Freeman, Miss Gladys Smith, Miss Della Murry and Messers Paul Freeman and Dan Brooks. fa aster Bennie Graham spent Sun d.-iy With Messers G. Aubrey and Freeman Perry. Or, Friday morning at 5:110 o’clock the Death Angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chandler, took f.vvr.y their lovely young daughter, Jes.-r.v Mae, which was a great shock to all who knew her. Mrs. i‘eerie Crook wa-i the truest of Mrs. Liezio. Haraldson Sunday. Mr. Pink Culbertson is very sick at IT v, writing. Me hope for him a speedy recovery. | M Mabel (J"aham spent V r onr?ay noon with Miss Fleeta Pony. : Mrs. Lizzie Haraldson spent Fri- May afternoon with Mrs. liita Perry, W - are sorry to state Mr. Hor s’nel Ingram ami two little brothers, Carl and Willie, are ijuite sick with measles. Mis. Leonic- Graham and Mi,* Fleeta Perry spent Saturday after noon with Mrs. Lizzie Ilaialdson. -We are having a good Sunday school here now, which eveiyhody in i’lviied to attend. —Line Eyed JJetty. MT. ZION We are having some very disa greeable weather at present. Mrs. Patten spent part of the par-t week visiting Mrs. T. A. Grimes of Athens. Miss Edna Irvin is visiting her brother, Mr. Homer Irving and fam ily of Commerce. Mi .s Annie Belle Patten vi-ite<l Miss Cora Loftis near Palter*on last week-end. Mr. Joe Patten of thi., community ,od Miss Susie Sorrow of Pattersons ••m e married on the afternoon of l 1 •a. lTib, Rev. Alarm officiating. Cuitc a number of young people en jle;i the lioz-pif alitv of the try 'ootn’B paronts, Mr. ami MrJ. J. H. Patten h'er -immediately affcr-r the cer . • :-hoi.y. Tr,C popular young couple hove the go and wishes of adust of for a happy and prosrperoua journey through life. 1 1 " Q .arfi ily Conference of Mt. -• ’ w; - ,; attended and .en joyed by all pro cut. • Guo cy f.< r.-; fhom r< -ir Col* !< rt -no ;t part of Inst week with the -m' y of Me. J. B. Patten. . .. to note the continued ' N ijlnt , of the little child of Air. Rollin. In 'if- c. J. Patten is quite sick t this writing. Mu es Maybe I Escoe, Francos Ca •’ t'.cr , and Pauhne Irvin were m t i -Mi.vs Fannie Lou Patten Sunday. W;- are glad to atate that Mr. Walt C:--! hers is improving, having had a .were poll of pneumonia, Number