The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 28, 1924, Image 4

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LfcliAL NOTICES Till bi> ?'■)•} ui ihe Court W<*y-c do*. at L’t.r>lsvii! in sidul County or the Tuer/iny in April 1924, bf' -vicr the legal hours of ed.e t the highest bidder for carii, the fol lowing df bci'/hod property tc wit All of the certain thirje fr.icM of land lyiny one being fr; Sfadison County, Ga.; the.e tracts making up the home tract of L. W. Berryman, one tract containing 94.73 acres, he ing lar.d deeded to 1. W. .n by (too. K. Scott.; or.;o tract coii.-uLns 07 acres, b;ir.g deeded to L. Vv. B ■•r ryman by W. VV. .Scott, tiro. K. Bcott, h.kl Howard Scott; i'.c ibi"o ac'e tract being dosded by E. K. Bione to L W. Berryman, the whole, tract in the aggregate containing l'T> acre., more or less, adjoining lands of K. M. Turner on north, A. F. Hal* ar and S. B. Freeman on ea?.t, •ichool hou:e lot and Maud Hr id gee or south, and B. F. Anthony and E. G. Stone on west; and improvements thereon. Said land levied on as the proper ly of 1.. W. Berryman to satisfy a r execution issued on the Ith day of March 1921 from ‘he Superior iCourt of said county in favor of B. K. An t'ony agaiast said L. W. Rr* rymar.. Quit-claim deed rvneuted ly B, F. Anthony-to 1.. \V. Berryman, tilei and recorded in office of *;if ik Supe rior Court as required by law. Written notice given tenv. 1 .;: In |>o*er>sion a* required hy law. 1 his March 4th, 1924. W. IJ. HALL, SheritV. I ADMINIS 1 KA-.'OK S JhALt; Georgia, Madison County . Hy virtue of nn order from t v, e .court of Ordini.ry of said county wviij be sold, at public outcry, o;i the Vivst Tue.'rcny in .April, ]& H4, at l!\* qpun hojivr dpc. ip >.rovnty, U;. tweon th legal hour*; of sale, Wet of lujkl tn stud county, describ ed an follows: u All that tract or parcel of land ly *X4WiatL hfilrK In the 438th Dktvlfcl G. M., said county, adjoining in ids oi Madison Rpri its nn the North, T I>. (IKs on the Kart, R.J.t. T. Par. icl nn t.l' > South, nnr other In >' Vi. W. SdOi.i nrl the TT( id ;nU ttdnotl within U.: roilo*vi£ !nc . Vbfrimilng lit f*b!r,t Cl‘i Cr.t r■ 1 ■ , it hdt’tr W, W. SfvWt'H t w v he*, fciU fa hi.intr £ > ?' ds.d'i to >■ thence S. K 8 1-2 F. 3J?.s>fj In a Ida •. oak, the per N ’> R 25. ! 8 *o Vde up the r.v.-ntrtkningrt <f '*h: fcHh to while thence S Mi I• (i.'IO t.o pointers tilth uo 4 t*i iid’O pi no.'.nuc S ?: W 22 to bins, p.o.n on the creel:, teepee up the creek t the* beginning cornier, c>r •a‘ , ii • eighty acrt'S more o* has. 1100-t cr there is noi included in tie? sa r, a Dower of 2b ‘2-3 never mere o>- le s. the said dower lands including C <■ dwelling wl i reou the anil C. \Y. ic n drt** lived dating his li'etiriO. na4 Dower intercut Having beer u.V.gied to the widow of the late t\ W.-'-Heu drex at tlir JaMiarv Teem, 1224, Madison Superior Court. Also at. the time r.ral jdaco wi’l be sold ‘J.e foil owing dr-c-ibcd real property to wit: Two'-eOrt'in city lcte in the City of Bowman. Oa. nii-'drsci ;•;* fellows, to-wit.; - l*>t<* Sand i> in block A, as shown h> map drawn * j 11. Warren a?;-J recorded in Poo l Dook !, puyo 3*1(1, Orrk's office. Filbert County, raid Slate. Term* Cash. R. IS. CORDON. Adue v w Hor,w ' x - ADMIN IS t'KAI OK’S .SAMS (Jooiyifc, ivi t , i-rty. Ry virtue* of hi* . !er i i \ the Court of Ordinary of Miui iCm County, (In., \i ill h-> >o’l m ;,V<> Tuesday in Apr I 1021 •:{ p>*l outcry. uf tho court ‘iousv dlur n ;h! i-o'iutv. (ho !< I-,i o - ol (ho ollow *np <!t>sr.rU p ( l-,: . . A certain one-third ndi\ ded i in *!. that tract or y. iv.i ol j?,nd iii.o , heiny **, I'ivt ’■*;*!* No. •isii (I. M„ ■ t oilt.iy, Scon , r.vout 2 u T'.* M'P l' r.-w of Wi-s,. on I’r.i* pulihi ro:!, i lc.-ulinsr 'rwn .\\>p-o tc OniioJ?- | vii.o. knov.n h s ti c old \ hors • • *■'. Cam,. \ iV Road, hour clod on ;h? hv 'air's ..<* W. S’. Wr-lian s ad LT". p ~ ' <1 s; ... the Ka-t h-, la "h '• f . •; on the Sm: h \ Ms. rv Anich nd .L, .iitfeth; and on the East by lan is f .1 aa A. Griffeih, and more particj :ai I*. u< .•eribed ar, follows: Begin ning at a rock corner, formerly a red oal., on said road, and running with ‘■aid rond South 37 East 11.30 chairs to a Bock Corner, end cm in ning with said road South 7 1-2 East ■ chains to rock comer; thence North SO East 40.17 chains to a post oak corner; thence South 17 1-2 had. If. Ia chains to a roc,' cor. 0., HuT.ce South SO 1-2 West 22.04 .'.bains; thence South 83 1-2 W st 18.r>7 cbahiM to a rock corner on .aid Road; vhc .ee with said Road Noc.h 2 East 2.40 chains to rock corner; ‘hence South SO 1-2 West 21 cha ns to pine corner; thence North 1 1-2 Eni.l 20,9.7 chain* to rock corner; thcnct North 7.7 1-2 East. 12 chains * u beginning corner, ar.d known a ‘.h<> w. ft. Gunnell; old home place containing one-hundred twenty eight acres more or less. J Said property sold as the property of Mrs. Sarah E. Lord, deceased, terms of such sale being cash. Tins March 3rd, 1924. W. K. 1 OKI), A direr of Mrs. Sati.ii E. Lord, deceased. NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION Georgia, Madison County. The qualified voters of Colbert School district of iaid County and State are Hereby notified that on March 2t)th, 1924, an election will be held at the District. Court, liou e in ■>rd for ihe 382nd District G. M. | id County* at Colbert, Ga., in sa ! d | school district, during the legal hours fv holding genera! elections in M&iicia District,- for county officers nnd other officers, for fh<■ purpose of determining the question of whether bonds .-.tia.ll he issued by said Col bert School District, for the purpose of building and equipping a school budding, arc purchasing a si e for the \fp ard r or said school dis '.rief. The amount .if bonds to bo issued is $14,000.00, the annual rate of in terest is ffve per cent per annum, payable annually on the first day of February of 5 92."', and each and ev ery year rheroafte - til! said bond? five paid off n full, and the same S ufur<y. Ore hood for $300.0Q each to matUfo .in the ‘i day of Fehrtiftry 1 &s!>. t:T2b, 1927, 1928 and ■ 92y. Or ,* fond for the JTTfri 'of $400.00 each to mature ou the first day of tebrun l y of the following y 1330, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934. Or* htipd for t:h*. sum o!' [$(700.00 inch *o nu.tuie on the first | day • February of the following | years, to-witl933, 193(1, 1937, 1938 and lit 33. Ore bond for tlu* ! sin;'* *.f s<>oo. i 0 each to tuati-Te on ; ti c ‘int o'ey of February oj’ each of following years. to-wit:- 1949, 1 19*11, ,942. 1943 and 1944. One j l*<mo for the su?u o* $1900.00 each Ito b.n:o rr.o rV payable on the ! first nay of '/(Tu-igry of each of the ■ felbowing- yours, to-wlt:- 194,7, 1940, 19)/, 1948 and 1949.. t*;te : est on **l- bond,s to be paid annually on the tir-t day of iVpruary, beginning with ft.,? >vr 142.7, uud running through the 2.7 year period, and ail borjue to*,*cUf vi;h the interesc due lbe,con rii q paid from February Ist. 1923, * > wit to Kftbvuury Is', i949, the date that, the last bond shrt') become dee and payable. Ihe Ha dots cast :p said ele Lon shall have printed or written there -,r• the failowing: “FOR SCIIOOI. KOUhE” ,r AGAINST S('Cf>OT iHOI BE.” - v- ’>;■ ovot <f the School of i’r.s‘*>,*<? "or said Colbert ■.so'• *1 i)isi" o|. Pkis Fii>ruv v ih'tii, 024 . ‘ • H. Hamilton • v hide! ' >■ Hcrrinq • - 1 . Sorrow o. vS. , owe. See. t’d 'fv. - usi of i'rs!<c-R Coihort. S.huo' Ho*' ri, :. ADMINiSTRA I'OK'S SALE vi. Pi;; :V*uri.-n t onoly. f.y virtue o* an order Kiiuited l.v tlx- Conn .o' Ore inarv of V'ad : so:i loop’ll, 1.a., upon tin' application '*f .1, N. H. Thompson, j,uu-v if th e lute of .!. f. Carr.urtli, docettacd. Into of said eov.uty, to soil the land I* 1 ' tiu! <i<i s K. Carvouth, do -otired. ifcr-tl'P O' puyirrt . ohts and THE DANIELSVILtfe MONITOR. OANIELSVILLE, CEORGiA. for distribution among the heirs, here will be sold before the Cos ,rl House door at Daniclrviilc, Ga., bc wetn the legal iicms of sale on tlve Fir.-t Tuesday in April, 1924, as the i jroporiy of ai,i deceased, the foliow ng described lard, to wit: Lot No. 1. Being ail vlmt tract or parcel of ’and, lying ard being in Madi;on lountty. Ga., and being the place mown as the Ofcioulh home place be weeu Comer nnd Carlton, ml joining and? on the South by Neal Johnson, >n the East by •*. D. Wynn place, *n t:.e North by Seaboard Air Line T. R., ard on tin; West by Eber- Imrts, cotjtainirg 33 93-100 acres mote or less. Lot No. 2 Being all of that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Mad is on County, Ga., said tract of iar. i be longing to the said -1. E. Carrouth at the time cf his death, adjoini g the 8. A. L. R. R. on the South, on the West by lands known as 11. T. Comer place, on the North by t e Long lands, nnd on tbe Ea it by Brown land and James A. Oaruth, con n n ing 7-> 4-10 acres more or less. A plat of said land will be exhibited on day of sale and can be seen by .'ailing on the undersigned. DeeJs to said land will be made according ■ o coin-os and distances or. said plats. Terms Cash. This March fitb. J 924. J- N. K. THOMPSON, Adm'r •*f J. K. Carnt.h, deceaed. FOR SALE One ne% Ford Touring Car. Ser WHtTEI-iEAD A GHOLSTQN FOR RENT I Athens Business College Bockket pirg, : Lon]; t<j and fypewritiijgf. Save 50 per ctfit of expenses bv attending this H-h fek The I Graduates of the Atnens Busi ness College always* pet the best position. Every graduate employed Write for info na tion to day. Box Atkira, CcG r THE UNIVERSAL CAR Make Delivery Certain! TV TITH the entire factory output of Ford Cars ™ being absorbed a.s rapidly as the cars can be produced, it is certain that plant capacity will be greatly over-sold when spring buying reaches it highest point. We advise that you place your order at once, < taking advantage of ycur dealer’s first oppor- Utility to make delivery, W> : i V J Detroit, Michigan • D you do not wish to pay cash for your car, conr wnient installment terms can he. arranged. Or you can enroll under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. -y;s? V-'"?. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer “THE LITTLE PRICE” DINING ROOM 190 Clayton St., Athens, Ga, Second to Non'* in Service and Satisfaction zwsuk awrcE LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT VLINDSTORM SURETY LT-NDS. AUTOMOBILE. w. E HENSL.EE, Agent. I), GORHAM JACKSON FARM LOANS Lovt Rate Dependable Service 804 Holman Building. Athens, Ga, WAKTTBD LUMBER LUMPER LUMBER Boarih ami Framiug WE PAY CASH Athens Saw and Planeing Will Go. ATHENS, GA.