The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 25, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsville ITonitor. VOL XX vIII danielsville Miss Mattie Sue Hansford and Mr. Jack Hansford of Ao-noldsville are visiting relatives here. ** * * Miss Treva Scnger of Bowman pass ed thru Danielsville Monday or. her way to Athens. ** * * Mr. Higginbotham of Athens Bus iness College was here on business Tuesday. •* * • Mr. W. R. Eskew and a number of Madison County farmers spent Tuesday at Narcoochee Valley look ing. over and buying cattle from Dr. V. G. Hardman. | D t) | Mr. and Mr*. H. T. Sanders and Mrs. Tom Sanders, were visitors to Athens Monday. •• * Beginning May Ist, L. E. Greene i Cos. will close their store promptly at six o’clock. * * • Most every school in the county v ?„s well represented at the Athletic Contest held here Tuesday afternoon. *** * Miss Evelyn Carson vilipend +he week-end with home folks in Cornelia. ** # * Mr. o'. E. Bond and family, H. b. Echols and family attended a birthday dinner at the home of Bond Sunday ** W * Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon spent Sunday with Mr*. Georgia Gordon. Cel. Berry T. Moseley and. wife, Mrs. J. S. Daniel, Mr. L. E. Greene and Mr. N. C. Bullock spent Wed nesday in Atlanta a- delegates to the McAdoo Convention. * a m Mrs. J. C. Duggan, and Dorothy, Miss Blanche Gwvnn and Mr. Cad mus of Atlanta motored thru the country and scent the week-end with Col. and Mrs. B. T. Moseley. i* * Mrs. F. D. Strickland continues very ill. ** * * Mrs. Hope Mealor of Ft. Lamar was a visitor here Tuesday. mm * * Mr. and Mrs. Will D. Graham 'pent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. end Mrs. C. P. Graham at Rogers. ** * * Mr. Florence Hall spent the week end with his parents. ** * * Miss Sarah Frances Carson of Cor nd.a was a visitor h-ere the past week-end. •* * * Mir:; Lucile Whitworth and Ber '■‘a |- ee Bridges spent Saturday and Sunday at heme. ***** Mrs. ( ampbell of Athens was the : r ' n of Mr*, and Mrs. A. C. Camp -"! 1 >ast week. n u u te I Jonah Davis of Atlanta is -P-cted to spend Sunday here with oomefolks. ** * * II r - fmd Mrs*. Cecil Carson are ' eir parents in Watkinsville tn >s week. * * * T’no p .... ■*>-er programs at the differ s Sunday morning were ,■ . ' "ed and enjoyed by all . pleasure of hearing 1 ; :.i, * * * ■' "** : Griffeth of U. of Ga. • here with his parents. ** * * g . . Mrs. R. 0. David were r Mr - and Mrs. J. P. Ar. t v '• Saturday and Sun- Mrs. Edna Royston is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C'. G. Bcoche. ** * n [ Quite a number of Faster egg hunts were enjoyed by the little folks last week. w w P Mrs. O. G. Moore and children spent- several days the latter part of | the week with Mrs. Mcore’s parents. •• * • You are cordially invited to at | totfd the Epworth League every ** * * J Wednesday evening and B. Y. P. U. Friday evenings. ** * • | Mr. Howard Burroughs of At lanta is expected to spend Sunday here with his family. •* * • Messers A. V. Jenkins and H. T. Sanders made a business trip to Commerce Wednesday evening. FOR STATE SENATE To the voters o-f the 30th Senatorial District: ! I hereby announce my candidacy | for State Senator from the 30th j Senatorial district for the term 1925- i 26. It being Madison’s time to fur ; nish the Senator, and since I will | have finished my four years in the i House thh, summer, I feel that I am j well into the workings of the Gener | al Assembly and will be in position i to do more for my District than I i could possibly do later. Thanking i the people, especially of niv County, j for their expression of confidence in the past, 1 ask rear support at this i time, and if elected will serve the | district to the best of all ; the people. Faithfully yours, G. Preston Whitworth. j Hull, Ga., Rt. 3 DR A S J STOVALL SPEAKS IN DANIELSVILLE Dr. A S. J. Stovall will speak at | Court Home in Danielsville on First j Tuesday, May 6, at 10 o’clock, on : question of Tax Exemption for a ! term of years of New Indhstsies. i The public is invite^. I BANKS WILL CLOSE SATURDAY ! Both The Corner Bank and the ! Peoples Bank will be closed all day j Saturday on account of Memorial ; Day holiday, ! TO CLOSE AT SIX O’CLOCK j We. the undersigned merchants of the- town cf Cotter, Georgia, hereby ■ agree to close our respective places of business promptly at six (6:00) o’clock P. M. from May Ist until Sep tember Ist, except Saturdays and • rainy days. Please let the public be * so advised arid govern themselves ae ; cordiiigly. Signed: Whitehead & Gholston, Gholston Brothers, W. T. Cook, H. T. Hopkins, Comer Mercantile Cos., N. 11. 4 J H Carmichael, B. L. David L. F. McConnell, A. Dechovitz, D. W r . Porterfield W. A. Rowe f. Cos, H. Moscow, G. W. David FEDERAL LAND SANK Money can be had at o 1-2 per , cent on farm lads from The Federal 1 Land Bank of Columbia. If loan is desired, kindly see me before May | I*. CLARENCE E. ADAMS Sscretar '-Treasurer Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, April 25, 1924 DREAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W. GRADY ‘‘When every farmer in the South snail eat broad from his own fields and meat from his own pasture, and disturbed by no creditor and enslaved by no de*t, shall sit amid his teeming gardens and orchards and vine yards and dairies and barn yards, pitching his crops in his own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot ton his clean surplus, and sel ling it in his own time, and in his chosen market, and no* at a master ’3 bidding—getting his pay in cash anri not in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but does not restore his freedom—then shall be the breaking of the fuHness of our day.” KNIGHTS OF PYTH'AS I The regular meeting of Comer Lodge, No. 151, Knights of Pythias will meet Monday evening, April 28th, at 8 o’clock; work in the Rank of Knight. All members in good standing are urged to meet with us. J. P. MOON, C. C. ! -J. A. SIMS, K. of R & S 1 I ******** * JUST FROM SHILO * I ******* * Here we come again after being absent so long. Wo arc glad to hear that Mrs. : Goss Dudley h improving so well, j after having been ,-ick so long. j The musical given by Mies Allie j Carey Wed tv -day night was enjoyed * by all present. - ■' Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crowe spent j Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1 Beaten bough. Miss Rc-tha Eaton spent Sunday | with Mifs Laura Hill. 1 Misrib Pauline Bruce and Minnie j Will Fowler spent Sunday with Mr. iani Mrs. Eddie Beatenbough. j Miss Ruth Crowe spent Sunday | with Miss Louesa Crowe. *********** * JEPTHA DOTS * ********* ** Wc- have been having some pretty weather and wo were glad to see it. Little Miss Mae Power was the | guest of little Miss Thelma Parham : Saturday night arid Sunday. Mi-s Beatrice Booth was the day guest of Miss Thrcssa Parham Sun | day. Mr,. Boston Hall was the gust of Mr. Charley McGee Saturday night. Miss Willie Mae Brooks of Comer was the guest of Mieses Robbie and Gussie Compton Sunday. Mr. Floyd Brown is vioiting n our sealeaicnt this week. Mr. Frank Lird was visiting his daughter and son, Ms . Mayzelle j Compton and Mr. W. O. Lord Sat uraay night and Sunday. The singing was enjoyed by a large crowd Sunday night, which was j given by Miss Mae Collin- . i Oak Grove Sunday School is ■ building up ven T fast. Every one I has an invitation to come each Sun :clay morning at ten o’clock. MASON MILL We are having some* more pretty weather at present. Wr hope* it will continue so the farmers can get busy with their crops. The singing given bv Miss Lilly Dove Sunday night was enjoyed hy a large crowd. Mrs. Bounce Fc;rt3on was the Sunday gue>.t of her son, Mr. Mack Fortson and family. Mr. .Tack Fowler of Andersen S. C. is spending a few days with his ion, Mr. Holmon Fowler and family. Mr. Roy Simmons and sister were guc*sts of Miss Ruth Tucker a while Sunday night. Mrs. John Dove is improving after being very ill for a few days. Mr. Fred Dover spent a while Sat urday night with Mr. Hentry Sartain and family. Miss Bessie Bridges has been ■.pending a few days with her brother Mr. Clifford Bridges and family. M iss Dezzie Gordon and Pascal Hilley were the guests of Mis* Lilly Dove a while Thursday. Messers Homer and Charley Dove of Roy-iton were the guests of Mr. L. C. Dove Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Chris tian a fine baby girl, April ID. •** ***•* * PROGRESS * *•••**.• **• Several from around here attended preaching at Pleasant Grove Sunday afternoon and heard a lne sermon by Rev*. W. L. Culberson. Miss Jennie Glenn, who has been visiting for a few days with her brother, Mr. W. M. Glenn, and his family, returned to her home Monday Mr. S. B. Foster and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. Rhinchart and family of below Danielsville. Mr. G. W. Scarboro and family Mr. and Mrs, Harvie Carter and son were the* r,pend-the-day guests of Mr. L. V. Scarboro and family Sunday. Mr. If. F. White and family-pent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter’- parents, Mr. rod Mrs. W. M. Glenn. The* children of Mr. G. W. Scar boi'o and of Mr. J. F. Grindlc,Pau lire McLeroy and Minnie Fete Scar boro enjoyed a nice egg hunt Sat urday afternoon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF PLANTERS BANK, CARLTON, GA. In accordance with provisions of Sections 13 and 14 of Article 7 o t it- banking Act, approved August 16, lull), you are hereby no'ified '■> present your claim, properly attested, on or before ninety days from U: s date. A.-o depositors, are hereby notified to bring their pas.i ' ooka to be balanced and compered wi h the bo ,ks of the bank, filing same with Mr. H. L. Holcomb, Liquidating Agent. This the 17 day of March, 1 924. T. It. BENNETT, Superintendent of Banks Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Jones and daughter, Mary Lem, spent Saturday night with Mr. D. Jone3 and fumily and spent Sunday and Sunday night with Mr. W. M. Glenn and family and Mr f and Mrs. J. D McLeroy. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Bradley spent Tuesday and Tuesday night with Mr. Melvin Bradley and family. Mr. Jim Grinhlc and their chil dren spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mur. L. V. Scarboro. Mr. and Mr*. S. A. Brunyan spent one day la..t week with Mr. W. S. Brunyan and family. Mrs. VV. B Hammond pent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. S. A. Branyan, —Bine Eyes. * *♦♦***#*•• * FORT LAMAR * ****** * * * * * Col. C. E. Adams and family of Danielsville were here Sunday after noon . Mrs. Elizabeth Stephens who has been spending a while with her daughter here, is now vi iting rela tives at Danielsville*. Mr. C. M. Dean made a business trip to Monroe recently. Mr. J. 11. MrWhirter has bren in disposed for several days but is now improving-. Mi-.s Louise Barker ij improving slowly. Mr.;. G. L. Pitmann and family attended the funeral of bier sister-in law, Mr::, Williams, at Pleasant Grove, last Sunday. Mr. Ralph Parker of Seneca, S. C., spent the week-end with home folks here. Miss Lois Rice spent last week-end vrith relatives in the Bold Springs community. Mi'. J. B. Pc-ftitt of S. C. is vis iting relatives here. The friends of Miss Julia Higgin botham will be sorry to learn that her health is no better. FOR GENUINE FORD PARTS and quirk service rail on. Phone 84 Halls Garage and Repair Shop FOR SALE 200 burhels improved Cleveland Wanamaker Cotton Seed, at $4.00 per hundred pound* Early variety, turns out well at gin, and open* well on flat lands. C. C. ECHOLS, Danielsville, Ga. 4*3, 3t. Number