The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 16, 1924, Image 3

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' pHiLATHEA CLASS Ccile Cox and Mrs. Dsn n ■ w e ioint hostcases Tues ' C f last week at an old V r , d District School party, at A. M. Scarborough , ivil ,g room was transformed >n lt! ‘..pi; I school room for the e*e -4 ~ , .;v eaU of tire school ..’the children trooped in to the ;,, ir exewiM®. After a-song the K j, eT rent! the rules of the iwhcol, h ', si2 ; nff then- imsprtance. After K-thev song and recitation the arith etin. English and spelling- less w recited ainicljft much iuii faking- When the bell was /for lunch the children marched a table, got their lunches and to a wonderful wel where e teacher drew from its depths de .juus iced t:a. After lunch and a w simple games school took in for , A fte • f.n i n te~ esting. business of the class, presided over , j} r;, the hostesses again nwri strawberry cream and cake'. | 'chance at Dempsey • Hs?ry Wills, giynt Ammican m {Cio P.f- igoJifht, who for ysars hiis hi" a oooifiiier for .Dempsey's title. K'-’.K h.s chance September .6 t Bo; t;t: to Acres, jn .Jersey City. Tex INk.-iti will stage (be* contest. CARD OF THANKS I wish to think the people for the telp given me on account of my lotH by tire. Marry have been so good and kind to me. ] hope that God’s rich t* olt.'-si gs may rest on each and every one. W. T. CHANDLER If you are having tyfs troubl* •ivn’t hesitate to have your eye* ex- Bind by our expert optometrist of *kc Cbt*. A. Green Optical Company, Ariant*. Gs.. who will be* here again cn Thursday, May 22. He will l-adly tell vdu whether or not you r <) (lasses. HARDMAN DRUG COMPANY Colbert, Georgia. ife*. _ _ rh-t’ Why Pay More? ' tii from home concern and sa/e agents com m:Bß,on nd freight. , ( 11 n*'st ar,d Largest rn numental l'iant in Northeast rite for designs end prices. ' Bell Bros* Marble Cos Manufacturers of Marble at and Granite. Monum ntsof Quality ’mas St.. Athens. Georgia Phone 99C J A. Z .dams, Manru;.. r If you know that there is some thing wrong with your eyes don’t pre tcao that there isn’t. Aou know perfectly well the longer you neg lect your eyes the worse they will get. Have them examined by our skilled optometrist from the Chas. A. Green Optical Company, Atlanta, Ga. He will he at our store again on Thursday, May 22. HARDMAN DRUG COMPANY Colbert, Georgia. * % * COLLIERS ACADEMY p (Last Week’s Loeels) . Mr and Mrs Cliff Anthony open; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cleo T illicit. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McC annon of Union spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn(. Ben Patton. Mr. Lee Thpman visited relatives at Sandy Cross Saturday. • Mr. Howard Graham spent Sr urday night and Sunday with Mr’ Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Royal Johnson of Comer spent t. pun of last week with Mr. and Mrs|. Ben Patton. The farmers are all bury this week planting their crops while the weath er is pretty. Mr. ark Johnson and family had as their guerrts a while Sunday, Mi ami Mrs Bob Mathews and baby, and Mir(. Mary Mathews, all of near Lex ingten. Mrs. Mary Mathews remain ed for a week’s visit with relatives. Mrs Cleo Tiler spent last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Bert Patton. There was a large crowd at Sun day School and we welcome thorn beck again. Mrs. 11. $. Dickerson and soli Lee spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mr?. Will Bushin of near Win tervile.. * JEPTHA DOTS * *. * i * (Last Week’s Locate) Miss King was the guest of Miss Beatrice Lord Saturday night). The picnic at the Kings bridge was enjoyed by all present Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ji. G Power were the day guests of Mr and Mrs John Seymour Sunday. Misses Lilly and Alma Mi!or were guests of Misses Evie and Phamie King Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Stewart and children were visiting Mjf. and Mrs -L T last we?k-end. Mr. and Mrs. W . G Compton were visiting Mr. ar.d Mrs -Jim Compton Sunday. Wt are gk.d to learn that Mr. Mart White i.3 improving after a shore spell of illness. We aru r-tirry to i’arn - that. little Willard O’Kelley 1* reai sick at pres ent. • - • • PAIWBLSVi ItLE MQWITOK, DANtgL3VttJj£, GA. MIiNG BEANS I have; a small quantity o{ Mum Beans for sate at 20c pound. OLLIE GENTRY, Rt. 4,, Ga. 4-18, 4t. Catarrhal Deafnes* Cannot Be Cured bV ivcsl applications the* " reach Ih. Stall sad portion of the oar There io / U cure catarrhal '* f that •* by a constitutional r.r/.edj StarrhSl U esfneaa I* <-au..d ly ar. rn flamed * or.ciltion ;t the rnjrotts llnlne of ivßu.tachlan Tube Wb.n th*. tube * inflamed you litre a tJinhllM ecuod o- im hearlriK arid t' tt Is entirely If'J r ?f l u*ut%u Is the nsuH. T'nlee. tlw !nC* Mii'luu can be rcduo.d and this tube re, 'toe. to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for.v.r Many ca-e. of , caused by catarrh rrhich .c i, ibtf/mid condition of the mucous ur face. Hairs Catarrh Medicine am thru t*< blond on the mucous surfsres of t..e * > v*.' n wi ;l rive One Hundred nollar* for ~c:r :s free >:• '••• rW ■ ' . /• J i i,i„-'. v u C*. A Few of Onr Many Good Values HANDSOME FROCKS FOR AFTER NOON WEAR Bright color* in keeping with Spiing and Summer, models to please the mot exacting taste, fashioned of Georgettes ud Cre*c do Chino®, Mine of the models are artistically beaded in bright combinations of colon:, oth*r.* with tiers of luce. Shown in ligurea and solid colors. You'll he sure Vo like these new afternoon divorej. Prices range from $17.00 to $55.00 and a prettier Jot of dreeves you’ve never seen 50 COAT SUITS TO CHOOSE FROM AT sls 00 We have assembled 50 Coat Suits for a special sale at $15.00. They art- shown in sport suits and (ad ored sty!es. Poiret Twills, solid ecdors and hair line stripes and check’s. Originally these suits were priced $29.50 to $45.00. You may-choose from the lot at sls 00 PRETTY SILK FROCKS FOR STR EET WEAR AT $25.00 Every good style is shown in Crepe de Chines. Roabanarn Crepes, Canton Crepes, Georgette <• re pea. All the desirable colors. Straight lire and draped offer tsj. At $25.00 these dresses ai - e unusual values Every one up to the Davison-Nicholson Company Standard, whiclwis you r guarantee of satisfaction. NEW VOILE DRESSES FOR SUM MER WEAR Right new, just from the foremost designern come these new Voile* Fr ocks . Shown in a variet y of pretty models in both dark and light back grounds with pretty tat terns, and solid colors. J eter Pan and Tuxedo collars, round necks, and sleeves that are very short or thron-qunrter length. The prices range from $5 50 to $23.50. L.INEN DRESSES These pew Linen Drosses are shown in pretty tailored models with wh ito collars and cuffs, pain, hand drawn work, and hand embroidered. Shown in white and all the desirable colors with pricer tanging from $9 50 fo $18.50. SPORT DRESSES—ATTRACTIVE MODELS Fashioned of Tub Silk , and Crepe de Chines, showing all U-e wanted colors in a variety of attractive models, tiguros, checks, stripes end solid colors, laces, braids and embroidery add to l.he attractiveness ot many of these new dresses. The prices range from, $11.50 to $28.50. T)avisoit-slicl)oUon (To. Athens, Georgia Westbrook Motor Cos. Ita, Georgia. AND Athens Used Car Cos. Athens, Georgia. Fords any price from 35.00 up. These Cars must move. We have any kind you are ' looking for, new and used. hofmeister’s Shoe Shop 229 Broad Street Athens, Georgia For the Best in Shoe Repairing at Reasonable Frees. Shoes Repaired While You Wait