The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 23, 1924, Image 4

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Scltooi Notes’ NOTICE tiLORGIA CEKiIEICAIION Ob TEACHERS lviUbliaked by be Sue Bo*d of Education ** CertiflpaUM to ti-ach hereafter Will ),<. issued by tie Superintend ent of Schcolg ui'J'jr authority of the tMttttc Board of Education There wll ]*e only on exception to this riilfci. *i'h,c County School Superintendent m;,y icNUe bj*C>! Temporary Certifi cates, goc'i until the next orate Ex amination. These certificates can be cf no higher rating than that of trie tmrd grade. Teachers’ certilcate.s are of two Vends. 1. By examination. ‘ 2. by certification of proficiency from approved schools and colleges. Examination question.-) will It sent cut from t.h< office of the State Su perintendent of Schools at Sta ed p*i xiods. All certificates, wire her by exatm 1. or certification from approved nxhools and iolitgos will be of three J asses. / 3. Provisional. 2. pTofessicnc!. 8. Life Proftrs’oni;J. A Provisioned C nifieate is • n< is sued either on examination or cer tification from ail approved school r.r •• allege that sppiiu.nt has had ’ess than three years of sacs:.;; f 1 expc i ience of at nrsl eight months a year i..,\ d lias not ii that time studied at noproved f inv. or other approved schools. A Piofi -i >nal 0 rtificate is issued x'r on the appKeant*; presenting a Pro visional Certificate with evidence of 1 aviog taught three years cf at least <• -nl months * year ami a ie:d;- ‘ ■jminer school, or bv other g- od evi dence showing s.'ody ard p." > ii • ihcrfihmn' scab eel*. A Pro?o. ; ;iur>- .1 Certificate n ; v, at ti e end of sev en years (or at least ten >o. rs in all) t v convertc I into a Pr >"■■■.-*} Lifo <'ei tificate hy p":ithig c vide-nee of T.nvirg taught - .K‘.;'.'*sfuily ami made progress in education. This may he ihown by certificates from approved aehool aad ce’ievo,; or by examina tion and ocher satisfac. ory evidence. ( ERTIFICATK BY EXAMINATION Genera] E’ementary High .School Special High School The general rule is that a teacher holding first grade certificate should have the education of a High School yradoate This, however, will not Bo required f”i second aid third grade certificates, as will be explained later. A teacher to hold a Gen r.d High School Certificate should have an ed ucation corresponding to a graduate of a standard junior coll-go. A special Subject High School Cer tificate has ; 11 the requirements of a General High School Certificate and 'n addition an extra oxamiaation in a Special Subject or group cf uojeet; •;r evidence of special proficiency in this subject or group of subjects. 1 General Elementary Certificate Applicants for the general e.emen tury certificate ore required to take an examination of the following sub jects: 1 . Heading and Literature. 2. Writing. 8. Spelling. 4. Arithmetic. b. English Composition, Grammar and Literature. . L omentary Scienie (including Physiology. Health and VgrieiilU”e. t • • United States History and Civics. 5. Geography. T'hr following subjects classed as High School: Englih History, Mathematics, Gen eral Science. Tim questions baseo > > n these subjtvL v-. Ibo of n ge er:.l ’ "tore to :how he applicant ‘ is the ed icarionm euuipnuv.t of a i. -'Ui School Guuiuate. Tht applicant n ay present rti'i of work in oth < " Higa School sub ,*c's in lieu c" any of the o and y.-H he considered ' V 'V- *> (H , f , Por ev . ni - *'*' - np-1.. , . . o a. :,-- he questions in Mathematics. He iay certificates of High School ,r c i,. >r good evidence that he has atisxactrrily passed an ordinary ligh Sr 00l Jat in course or one in |*i Lcvnomicy.. etc. Pap appfi •&r ’s vvili only nave- to satis-} the 3oard >f Examiners that thev have tau The o juiva.ert of a High School . euiati jn. tt. b;>'r,h School Certificates Tht fxurniration for High _c; ot>. ierjjiisato wdll be general ,n character, 'reading question', in w History.' hematics, Gc t* -fftl St: mce, Pnysloß#- rv, Physical Ge ography, Method-:. At in the cuse if in c General El< •‘rvvtary Exantiirm ucr f v e pppjicftft roy nresert to 'he iionr.} o* ..Mfiirtf 'k (v lae.i^e sng compictod othe, * > *rts not co. iv- fi. tb<. esa:Min--, f .'oit which may I or? rfuo.-titutod fo; such as tl.e apt.-t ant 'o-.y havo studied. The object ir-o ph.rpose of the teat ia to show v hat the applicant ha;j an e.!u?ation ;g]niva’e'fi, to A graduate of a .Tun o -I'oLiegd. In addition, to receivt a Sptciu' High School Co-rlilicate tht ayp’.icai't 7/ill take one or more of re foOewing groups: x . Mathcmatiis; Arithiftctic, Algi' t -a, Flare xnd Solid Geometry, 'Tr'gonometry. 2. L: ; Grammar, Composition and Rhctorii, and English and Am-erican Literature. 8. Science: Agriculture, Biology, 'Memental'y Physiology, Botany Geology) Physics, Chemistry. (Take any two) 4. Languages; Jatin, Greek, I'x‘rich, Spanish, German (Take a.oy one) 5. H .story: Ancient Modern, Unit 'd States, aid Civics. dee a special fig h school ee: tificate v- :. \v i'at in holder is qualified i: ; tex.-'h tin s.ibje ts mentioned ire. :e'.n in n Scrri >r High school, i. <-., d.i v- th ,id twelfth graded. 111. Crt£fi.a: t- by certincation cf ap prevt** school? and colleges (’•onera! Elementary Is. rv i to I.’.gh r-eiiool gradua 4 ei v.j‘i i.dditlo.’i to their regular high kn■- . w< di, have-taken the pi, :\; -<*-i Tcacl’.rr-Traiuiiig (lours . The Plan 1. High Sc :ooJs desiring to nnxl j i ’y for such clasres must make ap j piicatMtn on oillclal blanks for rec -1 ogniticn. j 2. The high school must be a four , year s'..-m-uni school. Teachers of | # r this course .must be approved. ! b. It must, l ave- a library (includ ing at beast thirty reference books j on teaching) a laboratory; courses in i home economics; and physical train j ing must be given. 4. Provision must be made for ! practice teaching and observation. <'l- There will tea uniform course fo: these clos es, given during the fourth '*enr of the High School to occupy no 'es*. than one fifty of the time, with extra work on nine Sat urday *r>. Pupils should be at least seventeen years of age. One unit’s credit will be allowed this course towards graduation. C. Tho work of these clasves will bo supervised by the State Depart ment: the professional work should he taught by one of the High School teachers, but in practice teaching, tr.e instructor should be assisted by the principal of the elementary school 7. The final papers in the Teaeh Pours:., should be cor rected bv the Teacher and sent to the a! e Department., with the final record of the pupil in all studies of the High School completed for gradu ation . t 5. On the pupil’s completing the high school and the teacher-training course, the Stale Department will is :ue a provisional certificate to teach in the ■eU-menvary schools of the state, good for three years. This cer tiorate may be converted into a pro k--.Moral general elementary, as oth er provisional certificates. Normal Certificate tat A graduate of an approved Nor mal School, the prescribed curricu lum of which extends at least two years ho vend ihe high school and titi course completed by tho gradu ate to include: 1 Psychology ar.d methods the e quiv.xlent <>f three hours a week throughout a scholastic year; S. • ;cnt. Ik 1 -t vr •' • -v*-i ?. e. e, .ha e ■ " of THE DANMELSVILtE WONITOR. DAN IEV-SVILLfe. GEORGIA^ .icee hours a week throughout the j rear; 8. HiMoiy of Education, the equiv j alent of three hoars a week for ore j halt the year; •1. And observation and teaching, he equivalent o* throe hours a week or one-half year; will he issued £ rrovisionul normal certificate. j 7he Prov::tonal Normal Cerlificate vil.’ also he iesuefl upon certificate** from approved Junior Colleges and regular colleges certifying that- the applicant has done two years c o’lege work above tfcut of a four year high school and the resinned work In ed ucation. (a) A graduate having received ft 1 ilaciiclors degree from an approved 'allege c v? ii.ig State, or ether Stator, 1 utid wlioae ceurtci taken for said de cree include * IB semester hours In courses preparatory to teaching, s.i* oevvikiofi, fcitmlnlb'Utttoi’, at ’•cai-r tw* of those hbwm to be supervised ob seivalibn and teaching on the basis y£ two hours of observation, for one hour of credit, shall be eligible fer College Certificate, the same to he granted after the plan agreed upon hy the bt&t* Board of Education. If a Special Subject certificate is de sired, the applicant must have ma joi-Cd in that subject or subjects. This .•ertiiicate shall be valid as a first grade certificate for three years' in any public school or any system com ing under the direction of this Board, and at the expiration of three years, renewable for a .period of sev en years, and thereafter for an in definite period of active participa tion in educational work, subject to regulations of this Board for the actual experience and nrefe sionul growth of the holder. (b) A graduate of college as be fore described except that his couts- i taken did not include eighteen j semertcr hourj in education prepar atory to reaching, supervision, a id administrator, may be granted the highest provisional High Scho 1 eev j tificate Issued,, on which will be des ignated the subjects majored upon the- College certifying to the compe tency of the applicant to teach the particular subject. This provisional certificate may be converted into a professional college by presenting evidence of successful teaching for three years and, in addi tion, thereto, certificate of one ap proved school or college, that the ap i pikant ha* successfully Completed jthe work in education, supervision, and administration, as required un der college certificates “a”. Corner <g| W W Corner H Back Home H. Warren J. Smith & Bro. I ■ \ THIRTY YPARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE DRUGS, PAINT, OIL, SEED, GLASS We take pleasure in anncxn ’irg taour Thousands (If customers throughout North* effst (jeorgia that we are “Back II inie, ’ of Broad and Thomas Streets, after hav ing been in Umpeiarv quarters several mont'hs w'hiie oilr old stand was being repaired and enlarged. We appreciate the spier did patronage recervcd while we v;ere in temporary quarters and it is a pleasure to announce that ve aT*. now better equfpppd than ever to serve you, and solicit a centii tf ycur patr>nc*ge. Warren J, Smith 6c Bro. i' rne r £>iv it c•an and Tldm a s IMuone ILS Athens,tia* IV. Spec’a! Certificates j These certificates may be granted j for three year periods to those can ! didates who desire vo teach a special subject only, technical in character, and who have made special prepara tion for the work. The certifies‘e | will entitle the holder to teach or to supervise the special subjectv The applicant should have scholarship the equivalent of that- for graduation from an approved high school, and should have ad training in the spe cialty and in science anu in o' teaching. The following subjects are clashed an special: Domestic Sci (once, Art, Vocal or l&stmmental , jlu3ic, Manual Trsiafc?/* Physical Ed , ucatioifr Drawing Kindergarten, Com mercial Branched, eertifica o t will be i) t&r4'4iU&iX\ and where the applicant- can preieht \ an I excellent record of uccjiropiishineni in the special subjfect; Any oi thfi a bove subjects may fcfe endorsed on high school, normal and college cer tificates. This will givb the certificate a much Mgner rati-g. V, Bared oa Junior Senior Plan A teacher holding a first general elementary certificate is au thorized to teach in the first six grades and by special permission in the Junior High School. A teacher holding a second or third grade gen eral elementary can teach only in the elementary schools. A teacher holding a General High School Certificate io authorized to teach through the Junior High School and by special permission in the Senior High Schools. A teacher holding a Special High School Certificate is authorized to teach in the Senior High School and the subject named in the certificate. A teacher holding a normal or college certificate is authorized to teach in Junior or Senior High school, but to get the highest rating the certificate should show the sub ject in which the applicant has ma jored and received special profession al and academic training. VI. Pees A fee of one dollar must accompa ny all applications for State certifica tion. The raire fee will be charged for converting a provisional certifi cate into a professional, etc. Notes and Explanation* 1. Second and third grade Gener al Elementary will be given to those who do not make leas than GO per cent and more than 85 per cent on both the General Elementary and High School examination a should an applicant not knowing fith school subjects given |ij General Elementary h* ma a * only the elementary subjects bu l could not bo granted a certified higher than second 'trade 2 A Standard Junior College may' be denned as a school! offering J> ***** ot work above the hk school taught hy inrtrufctbrs Hr terrace. A normal 3 chob!;4t proved for a normal certificate n J not only do the required worl- i. Education hut must do tie ,e.dU work of a Standard Jun’or co!W. S The questions on Latin oab Jj, the Language Group will he J Those applying for Greek,. French' Spanish, and German should certificates from approved school and colleges stating that the aotfi cant has majored iff ahjf o re and'fi Competent to teach it, of by other evidence saHefaetbKy to the Board of Examine rh; 4 * Kb certificate wall be issued t* any applicant who is not eigkiaen: yeai-s old,. (Another article on thi* nbjes.t. will appear under thi* head a*xt week, Those interacted in teaching or, the selection of teachers woahL do wel! to preserve this article and-, the one following for future refirte.) ( kureh’ i "V f Sc * . \ *v> f 7 /Jp t, r \ b- . fessrvSrJ \ / M /} l v I Y\ ; 'vU v *Ck< J . \ S3 r F Mm BsSu n 1 /./ .f a*** s-f* v* '' i\ • - '? $ ' >'.'*>•-. . •; - . . . r A „-p -%/*■.% v.v.-.< : sy;. V. ’ J * i y>■ J r IV T V -f - | 1% ,x |. :r.-: r_-* St. A iii Is.s i ha pel a*. Ft. At kihsoh, fit. , the smarcst church in the world* 'viti seat just eight peo ple. It \iu buiit m 1848 by S. J. Huber and John tdS I'tnci 1 , vvno roi* grated fir, Pi Ohio.