The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 06, 1924, Image 5

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jligguttftlßnts , oR RLPREiitMi A'iTVE , t. el f-by announce myself a candi , Representative of Madison P c eneral Assembly of * s , ; r:iect to the rules and 1 . ( . . ... Primary Election called for the election t - ||]C • * , solicit the support of - uterA. both Ladies and Gen an.i assure you that I Will appreciate your vote. 'r. February 20th, 1..-4* j. R, P. THOMPSON for state senate 5v n v..-L' ■ the :10th Senatorial je, strict: ri • i ( creby announce my candidacy s.w ; Senator from the 30th district for the term 1925- •. .'a.jisoivs time to fur j- the Senator, and since I will i. , .. . ie d my four years in Hie jr.-.i . summer. 1 feel that I am rt ,ji re.; the workings ox the Gener- Arscmbiv and will he in position nore for my District than I !y do later. Thanking tJ .specially oi my County, /. ,j ;v. K. ; ;on of confidenee in - J ash your support at this t. : ! if elected will serve the .-, . the beinteresfc of all the ]"- pie. F, ri fully veins. G. Preston Whitworth. Bull, Sr.. ?.t. 3 s 'or Solicitor Gonera! Tl t -V: he Voters <i the Ncrtfcern Jr.d.cial Circuit: T )■• v-b; 1 azncannc myself a can the ffice of Solicitor Gen* citd the- Northern Judicial Cir c tj. ’,!•••?£ to the action cf the Dera ( -ci". 3'rimay, September 1924. I are.r.. l u tearless, honest discharge cf tic duties of the office. I will appiesh'.fe the favorable considers* (ion a,..: support of both women and i.-'-on voters of the circuit. Respectfully, Linton S. Johnson FOR STATE SENATOR To (• f voters of the 30fh Senato rial Distnct cf Georgia: Under the rotation system it is row Madison County’s tore to fur nish -,ti < material, to represent the 20th Senatorial district, composed cf Elbert, Hart, and Madison; so through the influence of a few friendf 1 have persuaded myself to enter the race, ar,d do hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Sena (°r from this district subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held m September of this year, and ■ner-usfu), it will be my highest oiifi chiefost endeavor to serve ail “■ ,l people to the uttermost of my length and ability, championing '■ n ‘y socn measures sa may be for U:e we > : ar e and advancement of the 'Rlrict a? a whole. The support and. hOod will of all voters, men and wo* "* en > :s earnestly solicited, and will * or!fr remembered by my friends *nd nie Respectfully, J. N. B. Thompson. fASH PRIZES AND COMMISSIONS The touthtrn Magazine, of Nash- VI lip T *M t s inaugurating a big carn F a i(?n in which it is J. r!! ebscription workers a eplen c-iaree to obtain large cash prizes "?<Jition U) liberal commissions. , I,;l! thcrn is the only general , ;ri the entire South, and it “ ’’ic.gram of constructive ser ,flCC fo +L„ , “ ' ; section. Thk> offer gives ff \ J '' ,7 ‘terestcd in the welfare j, !y an opportunity to help *' ■ a useful Southern institution while a f ,u„ . . . same time engaging in ** - . _ protitable occ^apatiori. Wy fex *;n?plt ccpy and -, - •-k •-id go 10 work a:, one . # J ■. FOR JUDGE SUPERIOR court i’:i.y appro Gating past favor* shown me by the voters of ,he North .on Circuit, 1 nr-ouace my ca-ididacy .or le-etoctiior r ;g Judge t.f this ci - cuit. A con fir. ration of a fair and economical adrnimetraiion of the Jaws send be my assurance to the pitone il rc-SioetoJ. i solicit the sup- T.rt cf the - copilc. TbU May 19th, 1924. He pectfully, Vfalter L. Hodges PETITION FOR DIVORCE viscifcu Superior Court, July Term, iS24 —: UzsJc Vaughn Brooks vs Ethridge Brook* To Ethridge Brooks; e.i., ai ghn Brocks having filed hc v petition ”ur -Jivotce again J you in this court,- t ticrnshk to July Term I '2-i, ar.d an erkr having been grant ed for service on you by nfifi ratio.;, yon are iioret-y notified t > be and ap p •’.! .be rext term of this court to be he’d on the Fourth Monday in July., 1924, to answer this complain . Witne.* the Hororalle W. L. Hot yes, Judge of the Sup eric r Court. Th.f< May 29th. iS2i. Wn. T. Meadow, Clerk 5-23, :,0; 7-1/?, 25. LEGAL NOTICES LIE EL FOR DIVORCE M-.dLv.i Si. ~c rim 1 Court, January Term. 192.4 Liliie Belle Whitehead, vs .... F r. t j y ■ V ri+ehead Void'A for total divorce, J4th '.ay of Jct.n-.-nry. ]224.. Not :e is I eieby given that on the 51 h day f May. 1924, the undersign ed filed in the Clerks office of the Su perior- Court of Miiciion Coun'y, Ga., a:i anpiicaiicn for removal of disa rcs' upoa him under ihc vm-riicfc in the above stated c-aupe. Pave appßcati'-n will be heard at the oc ri. term of said court which com mences on ti e T cfyii.h Monday in ;y, 1924 . Early Wl:itehcad. 5-23 to 7-25, 10 times.. Georgia Madison County. G. M. Landers, guardian of Mes dames Pearl Whitehead, Evie BeuSsc and Daisy Bradshaw has applied to me for a discharge from his guardi anship of said persons; This is, thereto'?re, in notify all persons concerned, to file their objections iif ary they have, on c r before the first Monday in July, 1924, eise G. If Landers will be discharged from his guardianship a* applied for. N. C. BULLOCK, Ordinary SHERIFF’S SALES Georgia, Madison County. 7/ill be sold on the First Tuesday in July, next, before the court house door at Dacielcviile, Ga., in said County, between the legal hours of sale, the following dencribed person al property, to wit: 1 five-pafisenger Ford Automobile, 1924 model, Motor Number 9,1.47,- 429, etc. Said property is levied on an the property of J. W. Bray to satisfy an execution issued from the Supe rior Court of Said County in favor of M. V. Freeman, against the said J. W. Bray, or, the Gr,h day of Mch. 1823,. This June 3, 1924. W. H. HALL, Sheriff, Madison County, Ga,. Georgia, Madison tiounty. Whereas, 3. N. B. Thompson, Adminifitraioa of J. F• Carrouth, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed and entered or. record, that he has fully adminis tered J Hi. Carrouth’s estate; Thi.: ineeT uusk aoh kei4 ,oiii etao sdu is, therefore, to cite all pei-son* con carsed, kindred and creditors, to show cau*e, if anv they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administration, ?>''• . • r * - tf If On 1. e fir r. Aloft y in J, iy 19° 1. N. C, BULLOCK, Ch'dinary uan:eesv)! le vm\i stu UAN.Ef sv! f,e. c;a | F''V>VfDt* ON SEDUCTION POND th the Superior Corrt cf Madison Cuun y, July Term, 1524. No. 1776 N 0. Bullock Ordinary cf Madison County, for the are of Mr;. Lula Booth Feoff, vs Henry C. Srott, principal, ; John C Tret 4 -, ocas ity. To Henry C. Scott, defendant: You arc hereby com manded to he and appear at the next berm of the Superior Court of ?o : d Countyy to he held on the fourth Mon j dry in July, 1924, and make your answer in the above named and sta;- : ed cr-e, a- required by the order I of said court. Witney the Honorable Waiter L Hodges, Judge of the Superior, i TliA sth day of June, 1921. Vvm. 1). Mor.dcw, Clerk Superior Court. SUIT ON NOTE Madison Superior Court. July Term, IP2 J No. 1775 b. e. McKenzie V 2 Vi til':. lit Ai r(ld Jr. Tv; Willi? ip Air r V Jr. You are 1 ere t y con> n a u,e : to be and at p- ar. t l,e next. Term of th-: Buper'or (’cu rt o l ‘ said Cos ,n*y to ! e It. 1 - o ■ the fourth Mot day in July 3!a 4 an and rn ahe y. \ r answ e r in the aboved named aid • t e ! case, as required i > the o >hjr • f ta'd f'o rri Wi; ness the h i vora 1 IVi. * e • L, Hoi as, Judge < f the Sup - ior Court. This 5 day of June, 1924. Wm. i.k Mc-r.dew Cle'k Superior Court * * t Z * * * * ♦ * * * NEWTOWN * * *- * * * We are having a lot of rain at present and farmers are getting be hind with their crops. . Mrs. Grace Dudley of Atlanta re turned home Sunday afternoon after spending several days with Mt. and Mrs. .1. H. Carouth. Mr Lucius Anderson cf Greenwood S. 0. spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. A I*. Anderson and family. Several jVmn Elbert county attend ed Sunday School here Sunday. Mm. W. W. Cambers is with her sister, Mbs > Mollie Power who is quite sink. Mr. Harbyn Carourh who has been in Detroit for the past 2 years has: returned homo. We are sorry to note Mr. C. F. Christian is on the sir 1: list this week. Wc are glad to know that Mrs. Tom Eberhardt who has been quite sick is improving. If anyone finds a last calf return to John Anderron. W<> are glad to know that Mrs. O. T. Kidd who has; been quite sick is improving Mr. Hubert Carithers of near Danielsville was here Monday cn business. Mr. W. iV Brown of this place spent Monday with Mr. Joel Dudley of Madi on Springs who is quite wick. Miss Iteba Smith, Me,e**s Voile Smith and Harbyn Cacouth dined with Mi x Eulalia Brown Sunday. There will He a Brunswick Stew at School house Saturday night at 7:30 o’clock for Ihe purpose of rci-ing money to buy new so rig books. STRAYED Strayed f-on home, May 7th, on< mU‘ liwai between .3 end 4 months old, a pale yellow' color, with black mark under right ear. If found pit ms-* notify Miss Annie B-ay no ' you w.,1 be rewarded for same. Mias Ann/* P.j. y, Rt. 2, -viito, r;.a. fi-lfi, -it, p<i. * ****** * * * COLBERTS MILL * ***•**. Vi'v! ate <oiiv io report Mr. Mike Scoring no better at present. Mrs. Sv io Bridge' and ehikbei were Sunday guu'sis oi M-. and M s L. L. Adam?;. T’ic pj- y eivtn t*v vju.... Kun-tie Lou >k-.:\vn astunity w.rht \v;-. s joyed by kayo crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Jo: 'lie S: rrow and family -~ent. Sunday M-. and Mr< . •' bar tie Wit,: , end f. n-i Me. and M:s. Aml row M.Cariy n joining over a fire bub-- ' May diet:. Mirs J '.nie- Sue Hv i lry of lb, i visiting b r a- j t M-s Sam Whie wc. rh. Wo a> • to "t lit ' . Mot] a K ,-it Rice if i-.nt'ov-i 'y .-ri te.'' brine; .1] a long time. -;•*****#:!, 4 RED CROSSING NEWS * We are having a lot of tsiu and it i-. ari.ti- ;. the farmbehind with Own.- crop.'.. Siveral from htmc attended the singing at Shiio Sund,-;y; all rep' r<* i x ~iee. time. Mr. ar.d Bill. Wood? ,-ud fami’y •i Jed tbe;> da a, Mr:,. Sallie Er.-ir C'w'.w-O'-cc Satunday. Mrs. A len a sja.-it Friday pf!t*r :■<, . wit; Mm. Par, Ilurr'con. ft ——* Mr. and 'W-. George Tonecr :rj ' Mr. urr’ M ;■ p. Che ‘< r Vt.'j-rr.': spent Sunday at with Sir., and Miy. G. B. Smith. We are sorry 1 know that th" children of Mr. and Mrs. Pec Wood have the whoopina; cough; hope they will -,'tn he bettor. Mis? Etta Smith had a- her guestr Sunday Mec> Paul Freeman, Ar vin Holden, Dallas Fitzpatrick and Bfl.nrvm Tenner; Mk-se* Lcla, Lizzie and Emma Holden. Jtelativ.T of Mr. and Mrs. Rill Woods of Clarkceville spent the day with them Sunday. Mr-;. J. It. Fitzpatrick spent Monday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Jo hr Freemen. Mr. Paul Freeman wpent Sunday night with Mr. Hoke .Smith. Mb* Pauline Fitzpatrick was tb guest of ML*. Loire Chasiine Sunday. Mir. Erastus Freeman was very sad Suuuuy, cheer up Krautus ai d don’t be heartbroken. Mr. Garfield Hooper wa? visiting Mr. Hoke Smith Friday. Ke:.<ers flharley Wood, Tom and Hoke Smith, Garfield Hooper mo- 1 tored to Masons Mill fiahing Friday [ af< ernoon. Mr. Aby Fitzpatrick wa:-; the Saturday evening guest of Mis. Let. Lackey. Mi*. Buford Adams and sister* at tended ringing at Cleveland Satur day night. Mr. Arthur Bray visited Mr. J. E. Fitzpatrick Suday morning. Come on boys and girls and let’s make Red Cr;siiig a popular place. I —-Gold Du fit Twins j FEDERAL LAND BANK Money can be had at 51-2 per cent on farm lad* from The Federal Land Bank of Columbia. If loan I i deiirr-d, kindly re* rre before May • it. C **'fM'*r rr>*v?v Secretary Trcryurer NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE In the District Ci>urt of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia No 1704 f>i Rmkruptey In Ke J. T. FORTERFTELI). Bankrupt; A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by above named bankrupt, amt the Court having ordered that the l.ea'h:g upon said petition be had on June 23th, 1924, at ten o'clock A. M., at the L’nited .-tate-'. District Court roon, in the city of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons ia interest to ap pear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the pray er of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted* O’ C. FULLER, Clerk. Bankrupt's Atty: 9. O. Upson, Athc' s Ca. 5-30, 2t. “THE ROAD TO HAI’PINESS” Ti e story of what improved bighr ways mean to the rural communities as told iii the motion picture, “The Road to Happii ; is,’’ is given a tinw impetus! to good road 1 sentiment everywhere through the country. This is -shown in reports being ri - c ived daily bv government oiticials who co-operated in, the making of the picture and by the Ford Motion Picture Laboratory which produced it. “Ti e Road to Happiness" films are diluted free from all Ford !’: in the Ui ited States and ■.in c the first of the n went out. u few week.; ago the demand for their showing has been so great that it. ha, been necer ivy to supply overy branch with extra copies. Thu picture tells of the influence. < f improved hi riiwny-; upon the so c. il, educath nal, religious and eco nomic phase -of life in rural commu nities, arid the need for .'killed high way engineering to bring about tl. improvement, the moral of .“Il which is that “we nay for improved road a whether we have them or not, and we pay less if we have them than if we have - not." The film was produced jointly by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, representing the mo tor car industry and the Highway Education Board, amt was made by the Ford Motor Picture Laboratory, under the guidance of the Bureau of Public Roads, U. Si. Department of Agriculture. Because of the success of the picture in this country, the titles are being translated into foreign languages and ay soon as possible ■it will be tent to Mexico, South A* mei’ica and Europe. i • * * * • * * • m MASONS MILL * c *****. *’ "We are gi ad to know that Mr. : John Dove Is able to bo out' again after everul dayr jsicknea:. ! Rev. Roy Bonds preached a very interesting sermon at Jones Chapel •Sunday:. | Mr. and .Mrs/Marion Scardoroitgh and yfi n, Dewey, were visßorts in Ila Sunday. -Mr. and Jfrs. Holmon Fowler and children wore .Sunday affcerno in c.ut.-:/: of Mr. and Mrs. John Dove. V* llie Adams nr.d little .('onp)' .‘-iailie Finnic, and Mrs. ; lieopie Evar e were gue<ls Thursday of Mrs. Clarence Ki&er and family. Mb* Lottie Mae and Pascal Hiilcy and Hu she] Bullock attended the singing a* Shilo Sunday afternoon. | Mieses Nellie and Pearl Cbrhtian lied as their gueists Sunday afternoon Mk::es LillH Dove, Corent Porter field and brother, Otis, Collie Nelmj, of Athens, Coyle Epps, and Hubert McKinney. • Miss'Pascal Hilley -event last Saturday afternoon wit/ Mic s r.illy Dove. Mr. Hentry Sartin and family Tperit Sunday with his brother, Ml?, and .Mrs. George Sartin and family,, There will le rveicLi-o- ** Mr -- < f '.fua eh jr.ii Vufurd: y, Eu jrc y night, Sunday and : •• ; . v ..* I