The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 06, 1924, Image 8

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i_ ■ ii , sl2 rLI 2 :i ' ,V 3ir .* :tlr. Hiram WeTthead, Mrs. G. V/ . Whitehead, Mrs. VV. G. Cos >x *U!d Mir. C. B. A p *.*•;< mutcre.i to. I.nvtmia Friday for tii<c E ghlh Dis trict Club meeting:. Mb's Janette Comer leavers Satur •iay afternoon for Whicingsville, Mass, where she will visit her father and mother, Mr. arid Mri. R. i. < lomer & Mr. and MuR J. A. Sims and chii- J;en spent Friday in Madison aud j.t tended the meeting of the Eighth Di th Rural Carriers.. Mr. Wade Durham of Woodville end Mr. Hoyt McPherson of U. of Jin. spent Sunday at home of Mr. and Mrs T. C. Davison. Mr. and Mr*. N. C. McPherson Jr. in and two sons of Atlanta came over Sunday to visit Mil. and Mrs. T. ('. Davison. Mi: .••< E-sie Evans accompanied by Miss Mae Evan, left this ween for Milledjf'jville where Miss Evans wlli ti tch during the summer, Mists Mae going for a coursic at Woman’s OoUege. Mrs. Roy Williams is visiting her moiher, Mrs. Ranipey in Eiberton. Miss Loio Birchmcre accompanied by Mi. ; Geraldine Nocll motored to Maxeys on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Parl‘.j Rice vvho have been in Texas the past year vi ited relatives here last week. Mr-. F<,>. <l. Williams pent last vm ok with ' Mr.-. (’. (V Kidd in Crawford . ,!. T. Comer of Huntersville, N C spent last week-end with rel l ivt's and friends here. She was en r< iff to Milledgeville to stay during the Summer School at Georgia Wo man": College. Mrs*. A. C. Sorrells, Mrta. J T <.u cithers and Mrs| J. R. Turner motored to Lavonia Friday for the. J'e.-.triet Club Meeting. Friend# of MtC. Bernice Akins regret to learn that she is sick but hope she will soon be well. Mrs. J. D. Thompson and Elea nor were jin Athens this weak for Lucy Cobb commence monk. Mins Allie Thompson this week from that school. e. . .. / >. Mr. J. W. Gaol..ton motored to Luvonin Friday for Mr:-. Gholston, Mr*. .letton and Mrs. Ebo.rhardi, who had attended all sessions of the District Club Meeting. a** MuV. U. S. Akins of Augusta will leave in a few days for Sparten imrg, S. C*., accompanied hv Mis-: Ethel Akins who will then return ‘o Augwta with her Mr. Bernice Akins of Lawieuce ville pent the week-end with rela tive In ED erten o' and Com**-. Mr. Miles Comer of Rockingham, M is visiting hi; parents, Mr. and Alrr H. T. Corner. , Mr. Reuben Corner of Whit on-*- j \ illc. Ma:s. will spend the week-end : with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Comer. M *s Jar.ette will aecor.i- | privy him hack to M -.s-achu-tett for h \ idt. M t and Mrs W. V'. farC’-ers Tiud -rod t.i Athens Sundae :-i ev.ooii to so© Miss Willie (-ariti.ore u 1 St. Marys Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Daniel of Baniclsvdie were vMi tors here yos tvvday. In this i sue. appears the formal announcement of Mi-s. Dar ed for repre eatative of Madison county. Mis. Daniel is the first woman of the county to take this top and her friends are watching with interest her political careen. Mis Leo Sanders had to undergo :.i; operation for append iritis at St. M.rys hospital last Friday nnd is i- m-.-oriii?* Mi. Vr fan Bciit " Jr. of Athens i. i(, _ of Master Pclk Gisolston. :A Roy John-on has returned ir a plea.-ant visit to relatives in nrlton. M"> E. S. Kilpatrilk of Eatonton i- expectod tomorrow to visit her sister, Mrs. R. C. Davison. f ;;: ’.is of Miss Willie Caritherr • ill b; '/.• and to learn that she is ex r-o rlef borne from s?t. Mary's Hos pital Sunday, .Mr-dame F. C. Whelihel, N". C. vltPher-son, T C. Davison and Ge rie Matthews arc pending today in Athens. METHODIST ORDER SEATS The Methodist have placed an or der for new estate for their church. These are expected' in the next few wed;-, aid will add greatly to the comfort and beauty of the church. MR. H T. BRANON RETURNS TO COMER Mr. Hi. T. Branon i-: re-opening a Ford Sales and Service Station in the same building formerly occupied by Rim and will be ready for business in a few days. Thilt business is rjuite ?.u addition to the town, and we welcome welcome Mr. Branon and his family back with us. F.t.DELIS CLASS MEETS The Fidelia class of Comer Baptist church met on Tujcudtiy at’teruocn at the h .rue of All, -I. Carmich ael. The vo nils wore give a a grt rious. neiv tentity by the artistic decorations of taikets of choice roses ami rta ■ elv lillion, pink and white oc-iiy; tin* color motif used. lie punch, •: r. .bedded in a ;nu:>: of .Dorothy Pevkina roses was pm-idfd over ;>y M ; au Mary Carolyn f urmichacl. Mrs. S. .1. Carmichael, president, prodded over the business) ses •:ons, replete with, report.-: and plana for th.v month. The class was tho recipient of a check for $25.00 from Mr. and Mrs N. C. McPherson to go th ■ building Fund. This was indeed a delightful uirnise. accepted with many thank?. Mr.ij. McPherson is fstill our own. though removed U> another city ami church. The nominating committee pre sented the following for officers,: Prerident-—Mrs. C. 4. Howe Vice-Pres. —Mrs}. R. T. Eberhardt Sec.—Mrs. W. A. Rowe Tre-ns.—Mca. £ M. Jetton. All officer:, were unanimously elected The hostess, assirted by her daughters, memved delicious brick cream and cake, the refreshments übo carrying out the pink and white color combination. Present were: Mrs. N. C. Mc- Pherson of Atlanta. Mesdames W. •). b> : ”c v r>"*re R M. Jetton, .1 E iohnso, J. F. Moon. F. C. Whe'chel, AT. T Payne, A. M. Wilkins, R v Divisc'ii, W. i. Ho we. Vv G. Cook. C Rowe. Boyd Seymour, :*nt C. B. Ayers PREACHING AT PRES3Y S e.*l AN CHURCH SUNDAY The wi ii : preaeh r.g at tin Ore- by'.•>• •: • ,rci: Son'ay morn in ec.->;i-:o • y the new paste"*. Rev. C .-are Let every u <y attend and give Rev. Cra-'e a hearty welcome. Alliens -3-dsinsß College !'•'cl : a- : f :li ;,i j.r c and rupee. vi '; _- Sa v: ; . r ceH cf expenses lv alt. m this svlcei. The Cln-uin.: f es i the T n re? Busi ness C--lie a w ays? yet the best posit! a. Eu-r\ graduate enp loved Write for informa tion to*day. Box A thins, Ga. THE DAN’ELSVJLLE MONITOR. DANIEI.SVILEE'. GEORGIA PHILATHEA CLASS MEETS Mrs. J3. L. David and Mrs. Hugh look ins enter ained the Philathea -'a •- on Monday afternoon at t; e :’.roe of Mrs. Hopkins. The house was beautifully decorat ed with bowls, vases and baskets of bright spring flowers placed here and there. After being called to order by the president and matters of business at tended to, the class enjoyed a most delightful social hear, blower games and con becks were used. Mrs. Coyle Cox was the lucky winner of the prize, a handpainted bud vase filled with peas while Mrs. Dan For toifield was given the booby, a bunch of pansies . A delicious salad course was nerved by Mrs. David and Mid. Hopkins, assisted by Mrs. Harriet Thompson. MRS. J W GHOLSTON HONORED At tne annual meeting of the Bth District Convention of Women's Clubs held in Lavonia last week, Mas ,f. W. Gholston, president of Corner Woman’s Club, was elected second vice president. For the past three years Mvsj. Gholston has served the* Comer Club with marked succe:f?, and this district office is only anoth er recognition of her wonderful a bility. Mrs. VV. H Hodges of Hartwell was elected president. The doors and -windows for the Baptist S. S. Annex arrived yester day and will be put in at once. In a few weeks the Baptist expect to have the annex so that it can be used. *********** COLLIER ACADEMY * •*•***■*** Miss Mattie Mae An'hcny spent Saturday with Misses Dorris and Pearl Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins Moore of Comer spent Saturday with Mr. J. M. Dillard and attended the singing at. Colliers. Mrs. Carrington and son, Hoy, of Meadow spent Saturday with Mr . and Miy. Joe Chandler. Mr. and Mrs-. F. C. Tiller spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Tiller near Crawford. Mis& Emily Graham spent Sunday night with Miss Mattie Mae Anthony. Mr. it. M. Kellis? and little daughters of Arnoldsviile ape tit Fri day night with M|. and Mrs. San ford Kelly. Mis> Mary Maiden ha# returned to her heme in Athens after a week’s visit to relatives here. Ms 1 . Lee Thomas spent Sunday with his grandpa rente, Mr. and Mrs. Ji. W. Thomas. Mr. Malcolm Raiden spent Sun day with Mr. George Johnson). Mrs. rf. P. Dickerson spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. W. H. Webb. Miss Mildred Collier visited rela tives at Carhon last week Mr. and Mr . Pave Me Gunn on of Union spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. dig Anthony jj^iyCgjsy^gj 1 ißßOsriw Q; ruNgRALDIRECTORS 1 #* EMBALMERS '? 'I AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT;* >M war 4* COFFINJ — Anight ife WL&i K— 61 vl Sj®\ # \-~SOdEJ —yS f! ip/j liiijiffi iIL, M B.VOAD JTREETyr# 1 ,4Ji Men’s Matras Shirts of heavy quality guaranteed fast colors regu lar 3.00 value 1.39. We have a brand new selection of Men’s and Young Men’s pants. Some wondfull values in them, for instance, an ail woo! cassmere pants regular it would cost about s.oo, this week 2.89. The heav iest grade of overalls per pair 1.48. Anew line of Men’s and Ladies hose in silk and lisle at ridiculously low prices. We pay you for your produce: hens 20c, Friers 35c, Roosters 10c eggs 25c, butter packed any way 25c scrap iron 35c, rags 50c, hides sc. Come and give us a trial. Oechovitz & Simmons S. M. SIMMONS, Manager. Guaranteed Wrist Watches ID YOU WANT AN INDIVID UAIISTIC WATCH THEN LET US SHOW YOU SEVER AL OF OUR EXCEPTIONAL DESIGNS THAT HAVE BEE N CREATED ONLY ONCE AND ARE FOR THE WOMA N WHO DEMANDS THE EX CEPTIONAL M- F- FiGKETT JEWELRY CO ,Je welers—Optometrists 268 CLAYTON ST * ATHENS* C. A. SCUDDER JKMEI-ER ATHENS, GA* Jl> isGisi* on cl sc. Wa-tolies Jewelery, Bteriingj Silv- x REPAIR: WATCHES & JEWELERY.