The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 13, 1924, Image 4

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This Week By Arthur Brohoae USED CARS FOR EUROPE. A TEXT FOR FORD. WHAT IS A CAREER? THE JUDGES COCKTAIL When the automobile arrived, olil fashioned - carriages, Victorias, brcughuints, cm:., became worthless here, and a market was found for them ir. South America where they did not give up horses >id car riages so *usdy ludely the American problem has been “how to yet rid of second hand automobiles.” Europe, it aeems. will hcip solve that problem. A company, formed to ship sec ond-hand ears to Europe, sends over bargains by the shipload. Money is not as plentiful there as it is here. The "used ear,’’ at a whittled down price, is attractive. Unloading of used ears abroad wdl be n good thing for Europe, which needs economy, and a good thing for the United States, where m il ions need "a bigger or better ear.” The Senate Agricultural Com, 11 to 6, voted against 1 ’oi.i’t; Muscle Shoals offer and took up Senator Norris’s bill. Senators that refused Ford's offer are hurting fanners and hurt ing themselves. But that, doesn’t console Ford, who must now find his consolation in the 146th Fsalm. Verse 3 is especially recommended: “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help ” The unreliable son of man in this case seems to be Mr. Coolulge. Chlorine gars that wiped out bat talions in 1 it*' great war, will hr us* •! on a bigjjei sonic of destruc tion against germs of intiuen/.a, pneumonia. and othei diseases That's n better war Exclusive clubs t’r; Hew York de cide to suspend their visitors’ list during Iho Democrat ic convention. U'hk; is presumably to oblige mem bers that occasionally dre-aru politi cal dream*'. m their own account, but would not like to push the thinj so far ns t<> ’‘invite iliosc political chaps to rule's own citsb, don'i you know " We really uav*. at. Ameri can aristocracy. o poor thing, hut our own. The Methodists, with “going for ward” for i tour kc-yrintxs, vote t to 1 In their gene ml conference to lift the ban on dances and theatres. The old rule was no amusement “except those Which can be Used in th name of the Lord .Jesus.” Now amusement and religion can be kept separate, as education and religion are separate in jiublje schools Charles II Mayo, groat Burgeon, eays cancer "will be fionqured “within a fey ycaia.” Alreiitly acventy fo eighty per cent of can cers fan. V'*, “jf, taken in time,’' Remember that <sVei;-eat * is one of tho principal cause* ofeatetr. Keel* your system light, dear, clean, full of energy, and it will deal with the diseases that at tack it. Overloaded, It in helpless. Miss Gilderslccve, dean of Bar nard College, telle the girls that marriage is not ENOUGH for women now Pinch girl roust have a career, as well an a husband. What IS a career? Beethoven’s job was music. Michel Angelo’s was art. Did not their mothers have a career, when they created thorn V Or must they also paint pictures and write music? Is not tho creator ns great as the thing created? * Mothers me tile creators, men are only the product, depending for their fame on what their mothers give them. It would horrify you to road about n female gorilla rapturing a young girl, skinning her, to use the skin as sandals. That never hap pened But European ladies are having sandals made of the “soft and piu.bie’’ skin of monkeys, guar antee : not to “squeak." In a gor illa tint would shock us. It’s all right for a lady. Rebecca West, an intelligent young English wr ter, back in Lou den. tells of a ji; Ige in the Middle West “who danced the tango with pass:av rarely exhibited in public plans. And afterward gave me a wonderful cocktail made of a brand of white fire out of a silver flask the size of the Ascot Cup." At his invitation she sat on the bench with him next day and saw him tine a colored lady, seventy flvr vears old :i ''r carrying a ) at b*.t tit t r. ’ ' ■’!' whiskey. She presents that as n sample of •ur “respect for law." *" Corner Local J\eus Mwscfi Rtba and Hilda Thompson spent last week end in Colbert with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hardman. Noll Thompson has returned home after spending the past week with friends in Atlanta. Mr. 0. S'. Tally has returned from a stay of several weeekis in Ma con . July McCnlFfc new on rale at Comer News Office Quite a number from Comer in Athens yesterday for the Annua, meeting of Calhoun Highway Asso ciation . Mr.-: Howard Long of Carlton spent Tuesday with, Mrs. Fletcher Wall at the home c-f Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Davison. Friends of Rev. and Mrs. Lcgan regret tc loam of the illness ef their little son. Mr. >l. E. Hanna of Cheraw, S. G. president cf Calhoun Highway Association and Mr. W. S', Lowe vicc-pre ident of Georgia Division, were here Tuesday in interest of Highway. While here they called a meeting of business men. Sveral responded and an enthusiastic .meeting flolowcd. Mrs. M. M,. Carson of Demerest spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Moon. Friends of Miss Willie Oarithers v. c g'od to welcome her back to Co mer after an illrMjsr at St. Mary’s Hospital. Mr. Dupree Cox who ra beer, tju’lo siri v: improving. Circle No. 1 of Comer W. M. LJ. met at the home of Mr.. L. A. Aim and Tuesday afternoon and en joyed the devotional and the inter esting Study hour. Misat:. Geraldine Noell and Emily Mu.ler- n'.i? venting Wife? Oharlottje ISircbmore in Athens. M-. and Mrs. J. T. Noell, Miss ‘■•a'a and Mr. Willis Noell attended th-c High School Contest in Athens last evening. Mr. M. C. McPherson of Atlanta came ever lust week-end to visit Mr. and Mtr. T. C). Devisor. Mra Mc- Ptieryon and childrc who had spent liv part work her> returned to At lanta with him. Mr. and Mrs. f\ g. Rmve mo fiorod to VVoodvi lit; Si. > day to 'Voo lvillo Sunday. IMoasers D. A. Moseley, and W. L> Meadow of Df.nidfvjPe were here Monday let the JK. P. Barbecue. Mr, and Mrs, Fob Re wo, Mr and Mrs. Jim Gi mt's aid Hat - rv of Garli c n vt if 1 ere Mon day for the barbecue. Mrs George Felton and nns of Athens vt re guests of Mr. and Earl Y r hito S md&y. Mr Ralph C< Her i r.d Miss Mildred Collier tpent Sunday ;i> Wsrrenton, Mr €o!l>r hav j i '.pr tH’cjt invited to deliver ar a biros- to the l'. Y.'P. U. I' m . YV, F. : two, part r of Pro-; v‘f ri;'. n chut cl visited at the home of Mts. 'att : e Long. and family mst -0 k end, _ L)n. !,.,i McCur ly < !'’apoo jsa is \i '’.inif ivs siste Mrs. J. | P. GhoFlor, 'tr. A. M. Wilkins was a v'si- Ui tv El'oeiaon fdenaftx. THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR DAMIELSVILLF. GA. Miss E?r. Chandler has re turned from Eibertcn where she alien led the Johnson Crier wedding. Mis. A, H. Long and family of Danielfcville w ere guests of Mrs. Mattie Lorg Sunday. Messers H. TANARUS, Branon arc J P, Moon were in Athens yes teiday. Miss Ouida Carson of Hart ford Conn. was t lfee£we-h-er.d guest of Mr. and Mrs D. P. Moon. Mrs. Veipoje Long and daugh ter of Savannah are visiting Mrs Mattie Long. i Miss Frances Pairrs return | ee to MilledgeviJJe Monday to i tudy at Georgia W< rr ar s Col lege during the summer. i The Young Set. chaperoned by Mr. and Mis. W. E. flens i lee enjoyed a picnic at Wat son’s Mill Saturday everirjr. ' Mrs. S.] Carnr'chael spent I last woe ;< t-rd ■ Filer ten with her M 1 s .1. 1 . Efcer hr. rd’. Mr-.. G. Kilpatrick and chil • . r-. •• rri- ; tj Eatonton Sunday Saber > • t v-it to M s. E. O. ! Hii-. is,-ri. t Mrs. Mary Gas; of Atlanta spent several days This* week in Comer looking after bnsinu-.s a ft" ai rs and ! visit‘ne r fiend-:. t Mr. nno. Mrs Bob David fit At a:”a ■ . -. "■.„ _ v l irf T - \ [/ SAY* THESE \ ) i Suppose \ i Fftf K$ / Lsrr’ft \ /wJ ukS } J CORN WiTTB\ / TOjsi \j INCUR ( j )\*2?'£)\ McCuLugh i||| J i On! AUTOCASTER S I I .. ."~ 1 I — r7TT-.rrr?rt!;;,;rr-.v : r y°~ Jr. / wHkT \i / corn \ iSSlliiiflll ) \ l was I / 1 .-dV'• was ON£ \ \ t r ’ / I\ rnil J ', . jk, - THING- mother ) \ ‘ J } V ° A,t / a NEVER COULD / / | \ y/ \ ..23 V COOK RHSrHT / {-! 1 3 \ /m,!. f V_|j - -T- Hj - you WEEP NOT'FAILIafcL m - . - - ■— ■ ■ mmmM- Back in 1884, when Gloucester, Mass., had a composite population as it has to-day of fishermen, glue and twine manufacturers and fol lowers of the sea there was born in their midst one Harry Allen. His father and grandfather had been fishermen, h:s mother and grandmother makers of sails. His father was drowned the day he was born, his mother died giving h.m life. An illiterate aunt and her dis solute husband attempted to raise him. Ue was sent to a Hinder garden when seven and ran away when he was ten. When eleven he was a cabin boy on a coastwise sailing vessei. ' The hardships of those days beggar description— hunger, cold, whippings, hard work, but he emerged from it at seven teen a man, six feet tall, brawny, well balanced but bitter. He had managed to save from scant earn ings s2ll, and with it he opened a small general store in a Gloucester side street A yenr later a rival burned him out. Allen ferreted out the incendiary, whipped hire within an inch of bis life and then rode him out of town on a broomstick. Three years’ toil ir, a glue factory, where he slept and also ate his meals followed, and then. Allen opened a grocery store with the $570 ho had saved. His campaign iof personally soliciting trade I brought results and his became the j leading grocery, coal and wood, and ! accessory store in the town. Ten years later he had a large figure in a small place a:ul was the Mr?. Eldo Adams of Atla -ta is the guest of her father, Mr. Tom David and other relatives). Mr. and Mrs. M. IJ. Carithers of Athens were business visitorr to Comer Monday. Miss Louise Kidd of Crav.-ford re turned home Monday after spending the week with Milas Katherine "Wil liams. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baiiy of Ath ens, Mr,, and Mrs. Charlie Crawford and Mns. Minnie Crawford of Lex ington, Dr. McCurdy of Tallapoosa, Ga. Mis). J. P. Gholiston and Mr. Knor Gholston were guasts of Mr. and Mrrs. J. W. Gholstcn Sunday. Mr. S. M. Simirois, formerly ol Macon is now manager of the new firm of Pechovifz & Simmons, suc cessors of A. Dechovitz. Sir. Dech oviitz leaves' shortly for Atlanta. <f-~ ~ DON’T FAIL TO SEE THE PLAY, “THE FRUIT OF HIS FOLLY”, AT SCHOOL AUDITORIUM NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 14. PRESENTED BY THE YOUNG FEOPLE OF COMER BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL BENEFIT OF SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNEX. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL NORTHERN CIRCUIT ! ~ I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Solicitor General of the Northern Giicuit j.j the Domccrath White Primary to ho held in Septem ber next. 1 During: my tenure of office, I have endeavored to serve the publi -with fairness, courte-v, and fidelity. With a sincere appreciation of your past support, 1 submit my candidacy to your favorable eora-fidcration . t Respectfully, Sieve Skeitor., { > . o iiartwell, Ga. relief ft 7 jHADLEYg^|§i : ri-& ft ; . * so-called political boss of Essex County, Mess. When he ws thirty-two ho moved to Boston, 28 miles distant, and opened a depart ment store on Hanover Street known as Harry Alien & Go. When he was forty he sold tne stove for $900,000 and retired, telling his friends that the first forty years of hia life had beer. Hell and that he intended to make the next f rty years a heaven. i i He is now enjoying the ii-.,- of ilia labors. .. ... Unde If wa take the gineral average of the people ac tivey come; they’re voluble on ome thing* while on other* they are uvu * >i * . , And. you're forced to this conclusion —if you'd only tab* the pains,— that they’re more inclined to money than fIE plus of brains. ... * I wouldn’t do injestice to the chick or child of man, who pine hie faith to dollars ar.d replevin* ail he can—but we can’t dlsmto* the question from the feller that reflecks, how brains compares with dollar* in acquirin’ mens . respecks! Sometimes the man with mu lions create* an awful stir, while the baggy-kr.eed philos opher is one were sorriest for. . . . The fat-head with the for tune that’s been handed down to him, may write a fust ' r * t * poem,—but his chance is nugnty j slim! j | I \thfVO T f•* 8P HisliiiO vL-w 1- 1 ! •- ' ' a: ‘ i r vuewritii n. ' i*ve hOpcrcf-u ' \ T , e by siterdirg 11 J'’ ' . | Graduates of the - 1 ' ■ e : ness College fdv *k-- nos'fieri. E'*ef > c ogl.T.’od vVn’i 'lC . t-'J c-.ii. - [ss* Atbeos, <js