The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 13, 1924, Image 5

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■ IMflcsmente I J.QU REPRESENTATIVE ■ , H( , rr i.v ..:vnce rnyreif a candi ■; ' f ’,r resentative of Madison V :be General Assembly of subject to the rules and Kuiavlo.,- of the Primary Election ■V • called for the election Ht the same. ■ j ea rneetly solicit the support of ■il. , voters, both Ladies and Gen- BemCT, and assure you that 1 will Hppreciate your vote. jiii February 26th, 1924. ■ j. H. ?• THOMPSON I ?C -F STATE SENATE K tb vOc-rs ■/ the SOth Senatorial ■ District: I I hereby announce my candidacy ■or State Senator from the 30th Benator >1 district for tic term 1925- Kit be!r-t Madison’s time to fur- Br.:sh the Sena'or, arid since I will v v {' f ; j;iihcd my four years in tho-~ Blcust' this summer, 1 feel that I am BLn into the workings of the Gener -1.1 Assembly and will be in position H 0 do more for ir.y District than I Ho aid possibly do later. Thanking ■the people, especially of my County, for {heir expression of confidence in the part, I ask your support at this time, and if elected Will serve the district to the best interest of ell tk people. Faithfully yours, G. Preston Whitworth. Bull, Ga., Rt. 3 For Solicitor General To the White Voters of the Northern Judicial Circuit: I hereby anr.ounnc myself a can didate for the - ffice of Solicitor Gen mi c? the Northern Judicial Cir cuit subject to the action of the Dem ocratic Primary, September 1924. Ipromi'c a fearless, honest discharge cf the duties of the office. 1 wiU tppreciate the favorable considera tion and support cf both women and lion voters of the circuit. Respectfully, Linton S. Johnson for state senator To the voters, of the 30th Senato rial District cf Georgia: Under the rotation system it is iuw Madison County’s time to inr ush the material to represent the 30th Senatorial dsirict, composed if Elbert, Hart, and Madison; so through the influence cf a few friends ■ lave persuaded myself to inter the race, and do hereby an lource myself a candidate for Sena tor from, this district ent eject to the action of the Democratic primary to he held in September of this year. J successful, it will be my highest uii! chiefest endeavor to -serve all the people tc the uttermost of my :gth and ability, championing cn ty such measures, sa may be for the welfare and advancement of the i‘Strict C(- a whole. The support and wail of t ’1 voters, men and wo *s earnestly solicited, and will •i long remembered by my a "d me. Respectfully, J. N. B. Thompson. CA - PRIZES AND COMMISSIONS Magazine, of Nash r° nn -- "* E inaugurating a big 1 1,1 campaign in which it is b -criptior workers a splen hance to obtain large cash prizes liberal commissions. 1 ' ‘ f \ 1 ♦ 1- outnern is the only general 2i " in tre entire South, and it ' "ram of conrtructive for tr, tU . ( etion. Thi.; o/Ter gives interested In the welfare of the c. j.,. . an opportunity to help , •. '* useful Southern institution -.-i f i , - ne same time engaging in - aid profitable oecupat’on. ' ■i■ mp ;py .• : -* i;t ‘‘ad go to work at once. FOR JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT Euiiy appreciating past favors si:own me by the voters of the North ern Circuit, I announce my candidacy for re-eVctioh ns Judge of this cir cuit. A continuation of a fair and economical administration o£ the irr.vs shad be my u: suranee to the ooblic if rc-clecte 1. I solicit the auo x-rt of the pcopfic. This May 19tb, 1924. Respectfully. Walter L. Hodges FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the Voters of Mad bon County: I respectfully an noon myaelf a candidate for the legislature subject to the action of tie; State Democrat ic primary to be held September 10, 1924. Women have made good in every walk of life—Why not honor the womanhood of your county by send ing one to represent you in the next general assembly of Georgia? 1 earnestly ask the support of every man or woman voter. Sincerely, Mrs. J. S. Daniel LEGAL NOTICES LIBEL FOR DIVORCE MadisOn Superior Court, January Terra, 1924 Li!lie Belle Whitehead, vs .... Earl y W hit eh ead Verdict for total divorce, 14th day of January, 1924.. Notice is hereby given that on the oth day of May, 1924, the undersign ed filed in the Clerks office of the Su perior Court of Madison four y, Ga.. an application for removal of disa bilities nesting upon him under the verdict in the above stated cause. Said application will be beard at the next term of said court which com mences on the Fourth Monday in July, 1924. Early Whitehead. 5-23 to 7-25, 10 times. Georgia, Madison County. G. M. Landers, guardian of Mes damer. Pearl Whitehead, Evie Eeusse and Daisy Bradshaw has applied to mo for a discharge from his guardi anship cf said persons; This is, therefarre, to notify all persons concerned, to file their objection", if ar.y they have, on cr before the first Monday in July, 1224, else G. M Landefa vdL be discharged from his guardianship as applied for. N. C. BULLOCK, Ordinary PETITION FOR DIVORCE Maciton Superior Co'Jr-, Jv’y term, 1224 Lizzie Vaughn Brook" VP Ethridge Brook* To Ethridge Brooks | Lizzie Vaughn Brooks having filed | her petition for divorce against you ; in this court, returnable to July Term i 1924, and an order having been grant ! ed for service or. you by publication, ' you are hereby notified to be and ap ' pear at the next term of this court : to be hold or. the Fourth Monday in | July, 1924, to answer this complaint. Witness, the Honorable W. L. ; H wlgt-r, Judge of the S'.ne/ior Court iTbi:: May 2 r th, 1924 Wrn. D. Meadow, Clerk i•• • ofj. 7.18 05 Get -t’.iz. Madiron Ccurdy Whereas, T. N B. Trompso--, Administrator of J L. Carroutu, deceased, reprerents to the Court i |! };if s petit-Cn dulv filed and entert - on record, that he has fully adminis tc-rr*d JE. Civ.*routh'?i f-tate: Thi" incwT uuj ; k aeoß k.' it ,oi:i ctao s-i J is. therefore, to cite all peiaoirs con cerned, kindred and creditors, o ' efif w cause, if any they can, why gaiJ Admiriiptrator should not be dirchareed from •: administration r.rd ="•’<• I r *.*>s- f L i -v.or on the first Moi.cav in July. 19 N C. BULLOCK, Ordinary THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. DANIELSVILLS, GA PETITION ON SEDUCTION BOND In the Superior Cohrt f M&dHon | Cocu'y, July Terra, 1924. 1 No. 1770 N. C. Bullock Ordinary of Madison County, for ti e use' of Mrt. Lula Booth Scctt., vs Henry G. Srott, pr ncipal, John C. Scot', oecurity. To Henry C. Scott, defendant: You are hereby coni namled to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County, to be hold on the fourth Mon day in July, 1924, and make your answer in the above named and stat ed wise, as required by the order of said court. Witness the Honorable Waiter I. Hodges, Judge of the Superior. . This rtli day of Jure, 1924. Wrn. D. Meadow, Clerk Superior Court. SUIT ON NOTE Madv’eor, Superior Court, Julv Term 1924 . ■ ■ , No. 1775 E. McKenzie V 5 WiMteir An<-v ,?r. To Wiilirm Arrc’o* ,’r. You are ’ere by com r/ianded to be and appear at tLe next Term of the Superior Ocu rt of said County to be beiJ or she fourth Monday in July 19; 4 and make your ar..ver in the aboved named and stated esse, as required by the or-J?r of said Court.. Witness the hin ora He. Walter L, Hodges, Judge of the Super ior Court. This 5 dsy of Jure, 3f24. Win D. Meadow Clerk Superior Courl SHERIFF’S SALES Georgia. Madison County. Will he sold pn the Firs. 1 , Tuesday in July, next, before the court house ! door at Daniekville, Ga., in said County, between the legal hour.-s of sale, the following dercribod person al property, to wit: 1 five-passenger Ford Automobile, 1924 model, Motor Number 9,147,- 429, etc. Said property is levied on an the property of J. W. Bray to satisfy an execution issued from the Supe rior Court of Said County in favor of M. Y. Freeman, against the said J. W. Bray, on the Cm day of Mch. 1923,. This June 3, 1924. W. H. HA LL, Sheriff, - Madison County, Ga., NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE In the- District Court of the United State*, for the Northern District of Georgia No 1704 in Bankruptcy In Fve J. T. PORTERFIELD, Bankrupt A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by above named bankrupt, and the Court having ordered that the bearing upon .said petition be had on June 28th, 1924, at ten o’clock A. M., at the United stater, District Court roon, in the city of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to ap pear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why (he pray er of the bankrupt for discharge shoo'd not be granted. O. C. FULLER, C'erk. Bankrupt’s Atty.: S. C. Upson, Athens Ga. F-30, 2t. STRAYED Strayed from homo, May 7th, one male shoat between 3 and 4 mo'.lh old, a pale yellow color, with biacb mark under right ear. If fcun ; I please notify Miss Ann;e Lay an ; you will be rewarded for same. Miss Annie Bray, Rt. 2, Danielsville. Ga. 5-16, 4t, pd. NOTICE— -1 repreunt the Cr,*!r.:irer'* Monument Company of Vml Circi:*>d. Ga., and will appreciate noy S-„;b!es* A. L COMER n 5:: 5. av .w.w \z s> . r<g wrsr.v cwgjrx.T.T.s See f it* l’r Benthall Peanut Pitkere, Mcrbirmiek and Dee ring Mowing Machines, Bay Rakes, Hiding (.ultiv j tors. (Genuine McCormick & Deurirg Mowing Machine Repairs, • Gas E't feincs. 3ES. T 3-. 534L_JE5233F3E5 /I IJitf? jrs., CSs*. Ntiris Hdwe. & impieiMit Goiiipany Successors to Grifitth In pit. Cos, Headquat toif for Farm Mai hir < ry, Puypies, Wa pom, Etc. Mowers Disk Harrows Rakes Spring; Tooth Cultivators Kinders Weed ere Plows Planters Harness and Hair ost Ft 1 air ; i ii (ii Cv n Shop Rig Line of K> } sin U 1 h 1v t n i: < Bir c’trs. We seii the f&ivius Farmers Joy Concen trated Liquid Arsenic poiten. OreKollle n akcsßO gallons of Deadly Poison, Price SI.CO per bottle. Quantities Cheaper, Sold on a Money-Pack guaran tee. Best, cheapest and eusirst 1] 1 '■(c poison on the rm.rkct. NORRIS HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. 376 BROAD STREET ATHBNS, OROROIA A Great Savings at DECHOVITZ & SIMMONS Oneloatof Ladies ►iipjns in tan and black, special 1.69, Voils 9 3-4cyd. Orgende 10 l-2c yd. Pongee 59c yd. Sattins 34c vd. Mens dress Shirts 89c % Mens fancy hose 25c pair Mens suspenders I9c pair Boys “ 15c pair W e pay you for your produce: hens 20c, Friers 35c, Roosters 10c eggs 25c, butter packed any way 25c scrap iron 35c, rags 50c, hides sc. Come and give us a trial. Beohovitz & Simmons H. M. SIMMONS, Manager, 'OSTSB'CJJE* A.3VCS LIFE ACCIDENT SURETY BONDS, VV f: lIENSLEL : . Agent. FIRE WINDSTORM AUTOMOBILE.