The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 20, 1924, Image 3

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'ZEN of | thgA&®?l S<:&Lof the foothills I ; ■ : ; 1 • . £■ rr | X’>- i * J ! By ROBERT STEAD i UjmisUadm" — “Netthbon,"-ttc. < CoprrUtht by F.OBERT STEAD f CHAPTER' I X—fcpWifiWpci V —l 2 <u suit for a feliow about my size," tm; an h(Theft’s abotft the same as me; Put iu one of them Hereford B2 0> -V • fet 9 f,n.' t lie lied tlie package surrepti tiously in his room and awaited the da* emotions. Zen yielding to Transley’s lmpor tuaititW if.jfdrat day! "The wedding would be In the house, with leading rafieia;. fe *<£’ M di stF f c & asjUtvhed guests, and the general tm- ..was to toe ,given out that 'M? y4o\dd wejfeonie. Ail could not be taken care of 5n the house, so Y,D. gave orders tli# t#*ss fB - the barns and the floor put in slitoie for dancing. Open house would botfie, urnere substantial refreshments H’oUld be served .to all and sundry. (ilirilf’liP.ilt day tf&xnediitfiili Eomible nip to the air, but the sun rose warm and bright. ; A.s , the hour appr -iched i ?ehij:found 4lt<3pselT>2 jpo(g of a calmness which she deemed worthy of Y.D.’s daughter.. She had elected to be unattended as she. had no very special girl friend, and' that seemed the simplest way out of the problem of selecting someone for' this. .honor,:. - Sltfe-u.fffls;:#Pj¥ amply assisted with her dressing, and the color of her fine cheeks burned deeper with the compliments to which ehe listened with modest appreciation. At'-w covered that Y.D. had not for the occasion. He was, in fact, enga g'i(T“\vTnr~Ta ri'dsbh"TTT' ffl aKltTJf'tr tentative arrangement the 'dis.;. tributlon of next year’s hayvj.-Zemhad been go insistent.upon <M--invitation' being ,sent to Mr. atjd Mfs., Litfrdl&n,;; that V. D„ although '-fearing a'snuj? for his last conceded tile*, point. He JtwrtH done V* T'uu&ljjftcr rather less ffi'an and liandson, with a^sistjpjajWVftfi 1 a well-fliled .were/ the hatchet in a corner of. bouse. ___ ___ J^-w.. 'M>in "I ‘’J+H-t-bls United a nlas sag ln>!ant action; readied son, hear me now S I wotqSfe tak#jl million dollars fo\ that 'gß&y’ derstand—and I mangy cayuse for jiff So, grumbling, he/foundjliis bis room land begjifi-a"- ftinestTe , \vsSt bis "store” clothes: Before thefiSjpifc-- was '-rr —to-vra'a l 'being- reminded" throu i" TlTo'TrooFTmrrtl'g" WHSffTTßpv Ins a steer, and every<b6<iy ; wa¥*walt-- In?. At the last moftWht ered neglected ; -t? buy slices/'’there, was nothing'Vljr It -hCrf' his lojjf ranch bbots, so_on the/%elffr? lie sought Zeirin herrt&rm. "Wfrt'V do In this?’’ ho feeling very sheepish. t . Zen could have laughe<E~~TsF she coui ! have cried, but she <Jtd neither. She sf||ed in some way the fact that to ‘this experience vya#- a positive ordeal So she .Just slipped her arm through his antf whispered: "Of Course yotPll’ do, yoti /gllly old f.” and dripped down” - -fhjj fitairs ty thefside of lijs ponderous steps,'" ; A rr ' r the ,chii&nony the tat town to. dinner in the house, and the otters In.' the bunk-house. Zen was radiant 4fl.d calm; Transgey hand* 3 f ■“> delighted, self-possessed.,”THs g" 1 ! Tuch wff3-tho subject-of-roany-a '"nt, and ■ out of tii f ; pe adsepfed It at-dpi fulls yalue, dfae who has,#Tight W-?i that luck will play hlrirwTfae fav -< 7■ • *t -- —■ only there was a rush ‘ from and Zen found herself being i- b4Ur away. The young had decided that the dancing ! Wait no longer, so a half dozen '. had been deputed to kidnap ; ri/e an' carry her to the barn, i the fiddles were already strum- j ■ - Aon insisted that the first dance | to TranSley, but after 1 e danced with the young ranch - I r' r -1 cowboys jyith‘ ! strict Impartial- ! j ev en as sbs danced she found | : vonderlng if, ,among all this n; tion Q { the countryside, that . , •* n whom her thoughts had sc much should be missing, . She found herself watching have helped to whirl her Joyously' away into the new life in which the past had to be forgotten. . . . How mucli better thfct trfej&ftjou’.d part that £>'uffhhi\fi(fmth"e{^s|n ori es they hadi| : But Dennison Grant did not appear. Evidently he joref Jyeeite his memories?!** .Mt*. Wlien at last the night had worn -ifc. was time for the bridal couple to leave if they were to catch tiie morning train in town, nnd they hoof-beats, the old ranch became sud tiie Tiig room by the fire, and saw was a good fellow, but how much a man wm I v' T i . 'Prtgeiitly Y.D; fibefime aware a hand resting upon Jpis should ejiyAnd tingHftgyfmiV'lts -ham soiu<*thts n TiT 1 ttfe al most forgotten rapture of a day long v ,lle >riu§e(pij|. g-rpah-lpfilnv-.a^d atOok'-* dl-mt^srowly 1 ' ngelfitpifckAd, Vitibe round and fresh lilfe Zen’s, in his. To- Grant occupied himself with the t 4 W 'ranch t-hutr toprfelg •’Mfc* -Stmimer;- OccitiidfiaD fiews'’' - 6f Mrs. ( Transley filtered through; she .was ;to^te#um?hent T comrtr.v'Si(Te to bellhst traTk of lira season. But anything which reached *p<riftentai W*‘4u? or fief, and turned a deaf ear, almost, to what 5-toe:jWifrfl. Then f an iiMaeW wlii'th *Tm men lately cMVfged the course of his career, e ..Lt, paßii, ; ki Ahb; ;for otmu;lrjjpwr rt‘nt-ft)bttiftg''-'ltcr' ‘ with an r Eastct postmark. It had been delivered with itt |tli^4ic^B,‘,'nnd> /Ejaadsen fifthsbff broifgnt It doom tirant v Wad it and at first stored at it somewhat blankly, portent. “Not bad news, I hope?” said his employer, cloaking his curiosity in Rather,” Grant admitted, and handed him the letter. Landson read: “It is our duty to place before you information which must -be of a very same time will have the effect of great ly increasing your responsibilities and ;opT^ rMt!es d”TTnTt?sT‘ymT'trnre to see the brigf •wkjcl) liave appeared in jjiie this teCtem\vill the figst lnjir- j&ajlon to that yoa father, and. younger brdther Roy wCie the’vlothM of a jjiost regrell ab ’d'<scl"dent vVidl.e; -motoring on' a brief holljlayjjlp tlie,! rgSouth. The automobile Ifi;"Whlehthey fw.ere traveling was train, and |)Oth of them' reeeived.jlftr’ Juries from'which theysSS^jmbed al hftost immediately. f ii* ' ■p-“ Your fathor, by hlst'&Jll. left all hid; property, ap@fi fr^n| : po charity, tbjjj’ls S(j6 Rs, t/ut Roy hpd/ Lno will, and pi he j was unmarried, Jhd eas there are '.no -tftneF surviving ntbip- Ibers of the f £tr^prreptfyiiurselt:the estate,t ajready,.' preferred to,,descends'‘fo*yp^ j-not yet attempted an appraisal buT will lend tv that the amount-4s *gry. oonoidonaMc . Indeed..— ■youe-fathcr'a -lwioinoao -undertakings jyffere remarkably successful, and _v\m • think we may conservatively ithat the amount of the estate will be leery much greater than etfter you. may. anticipate. ' “The brokerage firm which yoar far. ther founded is, temporarily, Wlthtout -a head. You hav*e ; had , some experi ence in .your father’, and as Ms sol letters for many..years, we take the liberty of suggesting that you should control of- the faithful staff are at pres ent •’“ptinning it to the best of their stf&ttpj .-l&nir’ you will understand that t^lftrftifßietir organization must be ef fected at us early a date as may be \fsjps!l)le. '■ '4 to locate you until after exhaustive inquiries had made explains the failure to notify you by wire in time to permit of your, attending the funeral of your father and brother, which took place ZST this city on the- eighth'lnstant.'.and |was marked by many evidences of re •ipect> ■ - ■ “VVbr beg to -tender -our very -sincere sympathy, and to urge upon you that you so arrange your affairs as to en able yon to assume the responsibili ties which have, in a sense, been forced upon you, at a very early date, j In the meantime we assure you of our 1 earnest attention to your Interests. “Yours sincerely, i “BARRETT, JONES, BARRETT, ! DEACON * BARRETT.” “Well, I guess It means you've i struck oil, and I’ve lost a good fore ' man," said Landson, as he returned the letter. “I’m sorry about your loss, Grant, and glad to hear of your good | luck, if I may put it that way. What ) Jo ynn reckon the'a worth?’’ he askL THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR, DANIELSVILLE, GEORGIA. ' “Oh. I don’t know. pr 'ieight millions by TM* tijnei,” ;< Bis*‘-or f ‘ jVhat will yontaalwuh arf; y! “LooJ; after It. Mr. Jf.andson, you „ ijtiow ’fidVef' VfKrtitil afiotfr .-inonet';ytlTlha& lflvol6n’t be here. I Tlon’t care for the money, but any, ,spn- : J)f-a-gun who'”ntkes it frMn toe'is' a tian *1 and I’ll sit up mights at both end.? of .the day .to heat, pm !So\V, ‘junt as foil ctutilinc up someone to -ctoafge^Tlil^'■ .-.i Graht put his, affairs in order as TpAcfcl-y air 'pSk^ile, f: afrtl • I W I tllierfist . wli ,at;rtrim|fiii! W oll ' ijaid risen up to haunt hiin. He crushed tit lodfln* ‘Tuft k wdiifi!' 'brriy ijthis had happened a If d-ant S |eached h is a ql and • at' night, and art£r ni qutoi cigar qhd. fh fhi'bugh l sbnte : -Vift We"half-#br-* ■iottop pt)t atjpae- the ’best hotels. He was deferentially jkiown ta_a. ns fflie whole Landson bouse; soft lights jlvete burning’ under’' piAk Shades; his 'leet fell thick car jjiets. lie placed a chair by a window, S'vhere he ctoilct Watch the- myriad ighls' oLNw ctstJiQmditPPdiio flf)fiaPe 'H 11 v]v* • % ■ 'Jiiinselr. It would he a very different .eartfe fronf ? rf*dl rt># ’ (fie 1 Hi ■or •■VAp- Tng steers, but it wwid ihe .& ♦gamfc" Nevertheless; a game in which lie k ; aiftd hsve K'lfcu stand -Wi TBS' hnliti eyan. L-tUfy), %jfW\SSS; Shave days In the foothills, lie urplished the notion of the game erefr sli6itkl t! do' OfiW 'Uwsalrtij ’ who some lll ing V>i^th k-7 ■ aho.ut, pyery carefully in tiie days and years $o - ijtbfji tkpe- {hi* ojt§> it'snmtld, be'fiaTiaietr HCf titrnddiitife’-tHHer KVfe there -aj.pjjjpyf nbpufp.ther to>s'cl^, : |he ’linen, the sopp, that, was gratdfiibto lilshflofet'rftof. . . <<' lofiice of Grant & Son.. t Jip turn In, but pursued his'tvay t. a' door Lwherg . n plate Jthe*|aw iirjn of Barrett, Jpnes, Barrett, Deacon &' smiled At ■this” , elaboration of names; it represented, tliree generations of the Barrett fam ily And fwd -1 aw. Grant-founJl liiiqself spliculilting over a name, fpij the Landson rapeh; -it might have been Landson/ Grant, Lail'dson, Mur - ’rkyrWrirr’- ! TrT^T”.^T Asa result of his interview it was arranged that Mr. Jones, second "tTmrtTßtiy-trf —rtrts ftrirr- of-legal- hghts, shop Id take Grant’s •' affairs under ids fare until? {jjg'jgpn?' West- safe in hj£ r ,tty>jv .When yQrrmt, by fTftaily appeared at ttfcf 'DfttCe of 1 his fnthfejf’S' firm lie wap a i Jef^i(4i?pe l amounting #mt|st 'JO' Jpbels- Btice. ‘ '-Murdoch, the chief clerk, and N known higt the old days when io&Jiadbeen Twire him into the private‘Wfrcc which jia<J*|er so many years sacred r&6es\of the senior Grant. Only big •jnen.liffifrfusted employees were In {lie old (boy. bowses It?” said wlreh tlferTflm.*?r tnkjng ■'®-' 4 *Not so,bud, sir? not so bad, con- IfciaCTingJbe shockjmtf jßwvoepMmL *lh 11.-so JXA. who, k.n gut .you. — “Listen, Murdy,” said Grant. “Whait’s [fhe Idea of all tfc£lrs?” “Why,” saidHlfe sdttfttvhat abashed official, “you kri6W yotP'.fire now the head of the firm, cvW?*' (r . “Quite so. Because a chauffeur neg lected to look over hlj.shoulder I am converted from TT*cow puncher to a frir. Well, go easy on it. If; a man has native him lie doesn't need It piled on tt&ha outside.”' “V,ery true sir. fc tope you will be comfortable -here, ihemorable matters have lieotf; within these walls, sir. Latent} fpke your hat and cane.” - “Cline? What “Your stick, >lr ;..,dl4o’{. you have a stick?" “What for? Rave you rattlers here? Oh, I gee— : more dignity. No, I don’t carry .a stick. Perli&p.s when I’m oid—”. “You’ll have to try and accoramo date 'yoursejrfo ' offr~ififthh(ffS,~ said Jones, when Murdoch had left the room. “They may seem unnecessary. even absurd, .but they are sanc tioned by custom, and. you know, civ ilization Is built on, custom. The poet speaks of a freedom which ’slowly broadens down from precedent to precedent.’ Precedent Is custom. Never defy custom, or you will find her your master. Humor her and she will he your slave. Now I think I shall leave, while you try and attune yourself to the atmosphere of these surroundings.” So this was the room which had !>een the inner shrine of the firm of Grant A Son. The quarters were -new since he had left the East; the furnishings revealed that large sim pllcltv which is elegance and wealth. , a Dfllntinz of elder Grant bung ,( ilk* R n, H tJul tin,,! it tooking‘hito flffi sad, gray" e.fes. What lialUOft r 4ArfitigVil}'iA ffl4 l Jailor (kit umcthf Aie price those - 1 DfifiTirson found his own eyes rnoistcirhig~\vTTh memories nowrstratpety •po'gmffitrL''H , >’-.' aUbiilf "'4>A' i iftttUtnentoungjaian rtutea: thp i?r*fP‘W-- L !A if by" iSVoocr on'’the' mmSftlril^Pr-ifh^ m\(]& Tty itfto- little s(lror rfraiuwM*& tMV 'erllth - mttht'rr - . himee'Ul 'itogtiieTa and fyH-,to ao- the pa*-, jibra jlVtois ;nl , TbU> v Grant s first concern was to get. a "gtasp ’3f illt?"business .1 m (T'' ‘so v u n’e yfi e Aedfi'' r o f?th” unlH f r'i hUf 1 :iiirection. To accomplish thiS ! h^''fdtl* i ' tin.H.ed.,;|iiif vpractlce nf. thedl.mndsdli la pgh,he. }Vg s; (U p., ewr r . puif n Ing. : *p, n ' v ?rak. (l fore the mehibers’oTTils' staff began to ' hssiAASle. 0 ' iT ii{f VfiMied ttt' Jooow ajWl the ftmti'nge niemt .ofi t autine>rtlTniM*'4ie fieft-'enttncil'y in Utedl.ittcn ilaubadv. ?6on', camaraderie jif-llni-rancli would .not, wotlf'frT'n strtff Wtrils pntl/ so 'vh?Tb ' L lie was formulall of ’hls T: 6wn r lie jtefitdtho frkmtnisl hifthn'Wt iUutdhefi-. Ile-,{kgui(l. this a 1 1 5 1 ume. ofn ytM' aniO n' > ie ,, m 9?Ar'ift l Tas a^tHfel t u.Wri ot , #js positron; it soeinedThat iils.wealth Aiad' tiftVtfted lilnf out of tiie Tuimali iiimHp :j Hd’AvhHri'd KetwhVh’ aßittke"” n\eHtrra3d(!tft'.i l wyttn< , §Voffer W£ : ’rt%WtS ,eaqftr4jtja|j \ya3>.-paid hinv . Stonei of- thoi ppenjy liiA-ap .proacQ. j PFO , fr>o • y Not so Jiiss IJrucf?.,. Miss.Bruye had. u'e' 'door nnd entered with ’flie'^ivoriWf' l ’ *'TfttW'r's ' . sjtcnogwitphep.’'' 1 ' Ite* lPft : filP 1 tlhMy AR Tils onrrresponddnco to nth. oi worked at this desk it. tli.O'aora*r, nnd-, had ( the, door 'tlrere lhid" which I slipped ,\ylieu my i - ~ the’ rSdrn, 'hhrf, In stead 6f before Grantis dask, luul chtue aritUnd the tttd Itr Grarifr looked upi wttli some-.eun pl;lse. .{uui, uoted lluAt hov-featuCTSj.wera ' not without coniprejiendjag qualities., •“llow do you thinfi* you’re going to, lilte your sfie a'SkCifi 1 ?- Grant ftWtin>g'-nrot/n(f hf* Jtflwiir. iNo ou*i In Mie ktaff had spoken, to .bijfl,„iUie that;. pjn.seit, wovlhi not have dared' 'address ill pi In •so f , HinlliAt''nTiuiAher. !J 'lie decided to ’ titke h- #rfi* podltlflil. ‘ ■* u ‘ ; ’’ “Wero-you’in the-hntiit-of: speaking “to my fa teller like thity?’’ . •• l .“Your fnther was a man, well on In years, Ml ; . ’Grant. Every ihah accora ing Mf’hiAAfeg.” '•’ Gfnrtt Iboked'rtt her keenly. rWhat ever.lher wocds;:4ie'-had to admit tiiat her jtjQtie ,wus not Unpertinent -,5^1 young he remarked,, “I flm a • r llttie‘ surprised—X hjCT hardly thoi&gfrt athei- H’otrfrf sele’cf'young } worrifen tffffbuV type hs his Confidential secretawieSk^H j to w '■ oh or tj- !: -. “Rrtvsrte.. etepoyrpher;t 6 ie cor rectal “A^Uttlp,,extra rsldc on p t/tla . Is nejthcr Jiere iiQr there. WpU, I wljl. admit 'that r nitli'er too*k your fatjier'a breath at 'discharged me so' often it beofrtfhMf hn?blt, +>ut we grew to have .assort of baclt understanding that that was just ids way of blowing off steam. You see, I did his work, and I did -ft--right. I never lost my head when he got into a temper; I coul# Always rend ifiy notes even after he had spent most of the dny In death grips 'with so|ijie. business rival. Xo° see, T wasn’t afraid of'nim, not the least' bit*.* ’ And I'm not afraid of‘you.”‘ ”1 Jdon’t, belieoe you are," Grunt adi- ■ niltted. .‘‘Xbh nre a remarkable wopi-,. nn . “i think wt; shall get along all right If you ate aide- to distinguish be-’ tween’lndependence and bravndo!’' H turned- to Ji is desk, then suddenly looked up again. He was homesick for some bne hd eoufd talk'to frankly. “I don’t mind! telilng you," he said abruptly, the deferppee whiph is being showered upon me around this Institutfoh 'gives nie a good deal of a pain. I’ve been accustomed h| working .with men on the same level. They took their orders from me, and they' carried them out, but the older hands called me by my first name, and any gf them swore back when he thought lie had occasion. I enn’t fit in to tills ‘Yes Sir,* ‘no sir,’ ‘Very good, sir,’ way of doing business. It doesn’t rly.g true." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Quick Witted, but — Afraid to breathe, ulmost, the re turned reveller crept quietly into his bedchamber as the gray dawn was breaking. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he cautiously undid his boots. But', with all bis care, bis wife stirred In bed, and he presently was all too well aware of a pair of sleepy eyes re garding him over the edge of the sheet. “Why, Tom,” yawned the little woman, “how early you are tide morn ing r “Yes. my dear,” replied Tom, stifling a groan, “I’ve got to go to Montreal for the firm today." Arid replacing his footgear the wretched man dragged his aching limbs out again into the cold und heartless street# : . r: jUI ‘AlSttglglg lit . , r • >MV.lrt*kUiarr r\\ ;}VtI>TVT.t CT()qRF^,; . ( aniined in a case of assault. ‘T.JW with malice?"' '. ' ' ” •if§ (lfii : ■ fiop-’bo -mv* i • After fMwott'MnrrftA r>Cotcreilr. sel idprclgcediaia.-, “Whuuovc.werfts. ,yo\k. t , pit dftisKT .•:(■’ ■i-JsJ’lh t. tf99.s *s{ >d n. a.‘prijv,'i Yes, hut wlint part?" , _ - “What part, ‘i’he HVoWf'd^ ■ i(ue|‘ ; nv n coWßfe.’' ,, -' Fr<9 tJiid- otli .vn.n'.- o,’ K f t‘i‘< —,w-: —vnt. vsMi ;i nrßetativety Sorfe- > •-’ ibr t: (?usttiHihrn©r> yytm mhe • ) ,{safety of this iswatibld *(jrw -{iT.v/o.rr>v { TfUT?.'? t>d from its use. n ,p,ii ->‘l ,t,t. 7T •' r • • :rt ‘ C&rry'Qhl aoiJl ‘ "' “f’nrtlrtii 'ftfe, fiSff'tiiat ?l;nTiri’ffA V ybti *.hre- Jtwryo*";,;!. ..tit cm J i “WUH'ouhß?fh oiwi iv n<ivrTn, w ,r, vi . “^YIPII'TffUbT- 1 fimi 'itibefu’re-yoM dldA-f Legion .niro: • ... • * iii “What do 3!<m suppose Jjecntne of all Ihe ipuPg- jnen's .when r ,they, ~ furned rropi the war?” ' “Mosf bf ’em Ueh( to‘\vaist!“ “i.”' ' 1 i- < 1 1-> : -u;ih ii- R-n <: Ptoof of It 1 "Man wnrrts bnitilUtlis here hettfw"—, 5 > , Tbls.wo Jerjd^. Rert.emoertnK all the nion wo know r; 'WhOiiwa eetf-anilHliod. ; *.l‘ ,ni ,-i -.V. 1 1 or .'-'Of? ..1 ~ Jfthfl **HT3 e; ghir escaped down a water pipe. '' Jlftrlf—Gosllfl ’lie’ mUtif , 'ui(ve r beiinf' 'sklrini*. "-••i* : '->>*■ ' *"•* bur: r ‘ - -• < yy>v ' TitE DOUBLE* INCENTIVE" tvraa llrw -(smw.: . ?*’ ,i.ia ■ ■< narit—ri-'-f )d<- - To u -- v - HBv l mu F T r l l?nd^- i^ow'’, > ttia’t you're' a dnljfly, you ’ tofto; a* gVi*nt-'lnedrfflvc ; to' liiirlf 1 ttrork; - iJOp-i'iv *b’t f-u'fc i- u;l i NewiK^f) —Yffi; a tkrtible.incentlvr-* J* H U I'l vd i J O-’ *>fl 'j Theory ■ , ta The earth with steady rnotlpn tur.qp. , TAferti IS'do Way’ to’stop. 8 oe IRC UK tt Pt4 then,.,tjymkl(J dladera* ■ , underworld on tjp. | Carefully Thought*Out “Mother," Knlil BVfliby, "cifh* 4 be a preacher wlieli I grAw up?" " •lOf couitse you may, dear. If. yon wapt to.” . "Yes, I d°- 1 s’pose I’ve got to, go to church all iuy life, anyhow; an' It’s u good dear harder to sff Still t'iian it Is to vrafkriround anff’holler.’’ ■ .i.,-1 •' Callous 1 “Why sucti a ftiu* city’ liaH ft>r Plunkvllle?” v. “For posterltyi" “I’m to, vote for nlnety-piue yf-ar fionds.’’ “Huh?” “Let posterity pay tlie bill.” _i_ 1 Ingratitude “So you won Hie SIOO prize for a slogan to boost your home town. What are you going to do with the money?” “Use It to move away!” ■i < The Wherefore •*9Tiy do you cull that man Oen '■ era IV” ' “He used to keep a general store."