The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 20, 1924, Image 4

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3ME DAMELSVILLE MONITOR C. E. AyoTt, F-blrber Miiicreri ar st'coni class matter at the pQt-oflice at DanielfiVißfe I Official ut Madison County i Subscription Kate*: One Year, ¥l.hO Six Months, 7f* Cents. WITH THE EiGHTH AND NINTH DISTRICT EDITORS AT KOYSTON Friday ninrifirg, June 1 3th, Mr. Ayers and I, accompanied by Mrl. and Mrs. D. A\ Moseley of Danieia /ille, motoicd to Royal on where we had been invited to meet with the i'diters cf the Eighth and Ninth districts at tl.eir second quarterly meeting of the year. Friday, the thirteenth, may be a;i unlucky day for some, hut not ,so with us, for from the very srtart un til our retur, the day was full to overflowing with pleasure. Driving over the g>od roads, now being soiled and improved, noticing on every side the well worked fields, of cotton and coorn, and enjoyiug to the fullest the sparkle and wit of Mr. and Mr i, Moseley’s conversa tion, we arrived on time at the Meth odist church in Royst< n where the soj.ions were held. • *!#! And such a cordial welcome as we received! It was a day among such lovely people, -and with our own folks, the editors and their wives'. Quite a number were present on this occasion, and a must interesting program was arranged, with Pres ident E. A. Caldwell of Walton News prodding. 'J he word? of welcome f=o.beauti fully spoken by Rev, C. V*'. Hert *ler,yon vt the Baptist church waft re.ponded to by Mr. Camp of Mon*- roc in bis own delightful way. Mayor C. C. Fain welcomed the JP'tv-v, in behalf of the city of R o yt> ton, Mr, Howe:/, pro blent, ill of the* Beard of Trade, and M. Hubert Dear pave a welcome in hehaif <1 The Roj’ston ReoOul. Mr i oui. Morris <T MertWell epPke on '"•'he If-, t.Mil Amis of tro Print hfcop,” si • .John Shannon of Com merce o.i the Constructive Newspa per, and then came, t.c me, one of the most: wonderful addrcsfccn I’ve ever listened to. Hon. Willis A. Sutton, superintendent of the city schools of Atlanta spoke op “A New Creed for Georgia,’’ and I wi h „hat every person in Madison County dould have heard tbis address. He said, “1 believe r. r.ew day will dawn for the state whop Georgians realize just what untold wealth and po' si- b’litirs are theirs.” The first article of the mew creed 1 1, “I believe in 1 what lies under the soil in Georgia, 1 1 will do my best to iinii and and evelop j it.” The speaker in discussing tbs part of the “creed” declared that untold wealth lies under the soil of Georgia, and the reason that this wealth is undeveloped and the recsion that it remains, undeveloped is due to two mighty forces: “The failure on the part of the educational forces of Georgia to teach their develop ment, and the failure on the part of the press of Georgia to give to the world the knowledge of the untold wealth which lie:' beneath our soil.” “Oi r purport' a school men and your purpose as men of the pres-,” the speaker told the gathering, “is to declare to the state that there lies henneath our soil in om- min r:. , in our days and in our ;rra:'iu\ our marble, our slate enough wealth to make the s'ate of Georgia fabulously rich. Bui the err eat need of th.o hour is trained heads anil trained hands to bring this wealth to the surface and m:!o it a reality.” The music by the fin- • -i i<- ('lub added a irreat deal to the occn r ion . At th.e noon. ’ our. on the beautiful lawn ;d the hovi of Dr. rnd XI rt . J. O. Xlet'-run y. e. bountiful and de licimi dinner v. served by the Xvoyvtor. Wo mar' Club. \t this tine we had. chance to nt. * many > f the Key-ton people who wire o cli ini ir.p and delightful in their hospitality. is ahi.v a i v to be among the • ,-v -v..v.r f • with Roy.eon . ire day was ■ *- Ions: to ho re memo r and as the t" e'ht ipo*s *i eur lives. SURE SHCT FOR BOLL WEEVIL CONTROL Madam County is in as much dan ger of losing a irop of cotton thii year from boll wetvil as it was last year or any year. Just bccau'?!e you are noe not able to find two weevils to the stalk i;<s no reason why we will r.ot have a heavy infestation. I have scarcely been in a field where there v/e’e nox we'cviJo to be found. FIGHT the boll weevil and follow these directions if you want to in sure your crop against boll weevi' destruction. Where there are many weevils on cotton a pre-,square application of cal cium ansenatc is important!. After that the question is what to do next. If it were not. so much trouble ar.d so ei-pensive it would be nice to ap ply poison every four dr.ys through out the reason, but this is NOT nec essary if you do EXACTLY what 1 r.m going to tell you. , Watch your field closely. Count the punctured .squared. Go down the row, taking all squares in your hand. After counting 100 squares, stop and count the punctured in your hand. If you hold ten punc tured squares in your hand it is time to poison your cotton by the follow ing method!. Make at least five counts ld<e you did the above before you decide, it should average ter. punctured squares to the 100 squares. Make the count in every different pa it "f the field. ihe day the above determination hflfi been made, apply calcium ause natc. Wait exactly four days, then apply calcium arsenate again. Wait exactly four days and make third ap plication of calcium arsenate. Be sore that these applications are made at four days intervals. The fir.-t application should ki 1 fill old weevils and the first new ones that hatch put, The second apnlic<i don should kill uil weeviis hatching out in the n*i‘\"t four days before they are < Id enough to puncture squares. The third application should get the last weevils to hatch out thereby totally destroying tecuiid crop of weevi/5. After this is done stop pom until you got another infesta tion f ten punctured squares to the hundren. It will then be neccJavy to repeat the above round of poison ing the same as you did before. It may be that it will only be necessary to do the above once. It may be ncce,*ry to do it two or three time s , depending on how well it i,s done the fir.-t. time ns well as weather condi tion v For further information see, write or call County Agent. W . R. Eskew, Daniehville, Ga. Coifcei t \Vt n c r s C!ub The Jure mo iii g of <he Col hej t VV< n an ’s C üb, held op last Friday afternoon at the home of Air? C. C. K'ncaid was a de iputjui, as well as vtiy in teresting ore. The mertirp was called to order by Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. Kidd had charge of the devotional. Prof. Thivis was present and taleed to the club in i; tcrest of a better school. The roll was called, minutes iml b\-jfcws h :.d. The j. ro gram was .me Ihe very l est the dub iris ever ii and ti.d was given i y ll> lei c wng mem bers. ihv main subject was Belt- 1 O'iU S cir.l View- Mis 11 ‘' Har m n Roc came View airs J E Kidd Christie i View MrsJC i gs. Mo a ! .i’"'- M's c v\ i-’orct r fie ii A True ; j-.n-.e Mi s Susie J v - reiis. Ial!t v >’v o' i In: the Great ten; h*r in the •.•u - Mrs It a. Ke-u EiiVct i N n-ChriUian home- Mrs H 11 Hartt inf -n ct .; iV.rents- Mrs L C S ; r • w. Inj'iiemt : uoi.t - i,'t> J Hi ten cock. oi huiher- Mrs C r THE OAKilLiviuut rtONITOR. DANIELSVIU.E,, Kincaid. Influence of Children on other- Mrs L Grier, Stages in chikd development 'ft Hampton Nutritian in the home Mrs VV W Barnett Effect of Beauty in the home Mrs ,1 B Sims These subjects had been giv en.much serious thonght ard were most inspiring, Mrs Kin caid with the aasistar ce cf Mrs R A Patterson,served tempting refreshments. The meeting in July will he a at Mis Hampton's on the 18th. signed, Mrs J B Sims, Sec, • * ♦♦******< * COLBERT * • * • • * *!**• Sunday School I?sy was ob served at the Methodist church Sunday ard an irteieflirg j ic gram was giver, Messers H. C. and W. N. Hardman spent Monday in At lanta. Misses Jeanette Steed and Clara Kincaid are visiiirg ie ! - atives in Atlanta. Miss Ossie Whitworth of Ma con and Miss Ci-mi V hitworth of Atlanta are spending s m3 time wiih their patents he e ! Mrs, H. C. Hardrnah visited' Mrs. •). R. Garrett at Logans-' ville this week. i l Mr and Mrs. Vassie Barnett are visiting Mr and Mis W. W. Barnett, , Mr and Mrs J(hn Eo s ofj Shelby N, C. visited Mr and J Mrs R M Ross last v, T eek s ♦- dV ’2'? SGS . It due. i ■ a capacity - - A■ ' by th v.nd *, 1 1 Si -r.' li an ; :>. ; v *s a jro ' ’ > say to over . • o t -O', it '..1 ■ • One ei i i . alia*;-; .... ■ tc.uv house ' . ■ : ' wit e- v. -mng to set. . tn :f -. aa s. rip of an au ner e m place of th ular nsala - . Te free cn-i of the strip J rubber fasten a tope and run • i•. r-e through a wheel pulley C- v;h\- i- til of this rope, r.ow h tl a pulley, fasten • heavy . :.i . kc-*' the nerial from lir.g slack. To the free end of FOLKS IN OUR TOWN I i Out of Luck Again t tty Edward McCullough ADTOCASTER — 7 V 7 TV ■ You MAY. j l S>i - 'I \ Do YOU J v g THiNK j SVi' V y / \nmat is Vv x \ rr ! ? \ /' \ [3 m> i’- JfMlSiwßfcSv t > /N A- ■ jKjyfev • i ■ -' v . •} -i C >lf yCxy j h-g. i' id aw' ■ : : | i )JJ C • ! . -J " ""j l- . ■ - AW. ■ - /\ j ff i'; TT', S In /. ELEANORS tORhsD ME \ / Down plat = e-ur still \ j THSRfc’S MAY AM’ FLORIE \ THINK l'Li_ CALI- UP \ V KAV AN' TEU'itfi ’M \ codin’ over - maybe / tr sueano?i£ sres me \ VI'.TK MAV CKL'T.L / \ tealous a*s;? / N WANT NVc BACK - BUT / |P“n\ ! LIKE MAY TOO / = vmEi_l - , r' a rape and bind the * •>_ ■.• •. j the tree. The results at e • fcvious. of ior i ion bar overed to be caused by the {. ' co'.'.- .'t plates r-uus o.i a tube socket being loose. Also the nuts holding the - . ,o ■,1.0 rheostat work loose rod * results. tighten ail v, revs and routs from time to lime. A crystal cuts expense. Sets using a crystal detector ar.d four amplifier tubes draw only half as :eh current irg a i t v; niuffl titi.-f detector and four a !().dy tuc■•■••s. Michael Brothers Athens Cfha. ■ 5 CSH S3 Beginning Thursday, June 26th, and continuing through the first of September, our Retail store will close at 1 o’clock every Thursday, We are notifying you to this effect so that you will not be inconvenienced if you come to Athens intending to shop at our store on Thursday afternoons; however, it will be considerably to your advantage t© visit the store every Thursday morning, as we will feature for the half dav very special values in a!! lines of merchandise. / DID DAT \ } COME YET WAT 7 ( KAMA M v \ comin = , °.y<; !i !< \ { WANNA SEE A 0 r ° 0 \ iT *Vo c 0 f|° <c il .. 7 HELLO = !S_ THIS \ ; / You MA.Y THIS'S ) > CURLY * IP YOU ) HAVEN'T ANY DATE f ON TO-NI&HT I’LL / COME OVER //. \ W\ -WHTT A little vaseline will terminals of a storage prevent corrosion. Many complain that worked all right li won’t work now. .. n y • Proves nothing amiss. Qf . . tenes being all trouble lies m a conn h . has become corroded tinou, aso of too much sniderm, . _ ’Ji • TT'RV >V a v •-V / ■ il-*. ' • f | f J A xttsw