The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 20, 1924, Image 5

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I Announcements FOB .MK^t.^IAUVE , , v announce myself a candi / r"V-nrcsentatwc of Madison ° - the General Assembly of iV ' i'g “sub ect to the rules and ° r .fs of the Primary Election thereafter called for the election the saw- • earnestly solicit the support of , be yoier- . both Ladies and Gen ;en> and assure you that I will ■mreciate your vote. ■ •njs February u<lth, 11)24. R j K. F. THOMPSON I fOR STATE SENATE Jo the voters of the 30th Senatorial E District: ■ ] hereby announce my candidacy c , state Senator from the 30th Senatorial district for the term 1925- Eg j t teing Madison’s time to fur bish ti e Senator, and -ince I will Save finished my four years in the 'ouse this summer, T feel that I am ■pell into the workings of the Gener- Assembly and will be in position r do more for my District than I ■could possibly do later. Thanking ■the people, especially of my County, ■tor their expression of confidence in [the pa.-t, I ask your support at- this I time, and if elected will serve the district to the best, interest of all the people Faithfully yours, 3. Preston Whitworth. Huil, Ga ■, Lt • 3 ! For Solir- tor Genera! To the White Voters of the Northern Judicial Circuit: 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Solicitor Gen eral of the Northern Judicial Cir cuit .subn et to the action of the Dem ocratic Primary, September 1924. I prom; a fearless, honest discharge of the and kies of the office. I will appreciate the favorable considera tion and support of both women and men voter,- of the circuit. uespectf ully, Linton S. Johnson for state senator To the voters of the 30th Senato rwi District of Georgia: Under the rotation system it is now Madison County's time to fur bish the materia] to reprerent the ■idth Senatorial district, composed of Elbert, Hart, and Madison; so through the influence of a few trendy I nave persuaded myself to enter the race, and do hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Sena tor from trie district subject to the nction of the Democratic primary to he held in September of this year. U successful, it will be my higfce t an< * chiefesi endeavor to serve ail tho people to the uttermost of my '' ren fdh ?.r,<i ability, championing on! y s,;c h measurer. ?a may be for h " welfare and advancement of the 11 strict as a whole. The support and food will of nil voters, men and wo wen, is earnestly solicited, and will f remembered by my friends an d me. Respectfully, . N. R. Thompson. PRICES AND COMMISSIONS TK c ' ' re, of Nash ville T r „ ■ .'.ugurating a big ’ ' •' 'amoeign in which it is Olfcr 4 > . . t j ßn -workers a spler.- u rfce cash piizos ,n additii , . •j oral commissions. • :■ the only general • he entira South, and it ■’■'T'i of conrtructive ser- V !<T- * m son Tlrfo offer gives 'n+erested in the welfare ■ n opportunity to help . of u i Southern institution ./; * e ranis 4 .:r,e engaging in nd profitable occupation. • ■ . ■ .mole ccpv and <* _ * • * - - •• - - 1 -pc to work at ones. FOR JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT Fully appreciating past favor j shown me by the voter-; of the North cm Circuit, 1 announce my candidacy fo-'- re-election ns Judge of this cir cuit. A continuation of a fair and economical administration of the laws shail he my assurance to the public if re-elected. I solicit the sup port of the peociLe. This May 19th, 1924. Respectfully. Walter L. Hodges FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the Voters of Madison County: 1 respectfully ar.nonn myself a candidate for ‘"the 1 legislature subject to the action of the State Democrat ic primary to be held September 10, 1924. Women have made good in every walk of life—Why not honor the womanhood of your county by send ing one to represent yea in the next general assembly of Georgia? I earnestly ask the support of every man or woman v.oter. Sincerely, Mrs. J. S. Daniel FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL NORTHERN CIRCUIT 1 am a candidate for re-election to the office of Solicitor General of the Northern Circuit in the Democratic White Primary to be held in Septem ber next. During my tenure of office, I have endeavored to serve the public with fairness, courtesy, and fidelity. With a sincere appreciation of your past support, I submit my candidacy to your favorable consideration. Respectfully, Steve Skelton, Hartwell, Ga. LEGAL NOTICES I/BEL FOR DIVORCE Madison v Superior Court, January Term, 1924 Lillie Belle Whitehead, vs .... Early Whitehead Verdict for total divorce, , 14th lay of January, 1224.. Notice is hereby given that on the sth day of May, 1924, the undersign ed filed in the Clerks office of the Su perior Court of Madison Gourdy, Ga., an application for removal of disa bilities resting upon him under trie verdict in the above stated cause. Said application will te heard at the next term of said court which com mences on the Fcturth Monday in •July, 1224. EaUy Whitehead. 5-23 to 7-25, 10 times. I Georgia, Madison County. G. M Landers, guardian of Mes l dames Pearl Whitehead, Evie Beusse ! and Daisy Bradshaw has applied to me for a discharge from his guard:- ! unship of said persons; This is, | therefor re, to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections, ; if any they have, on or before the : first Monday in July, 1924, else G. I K. Landers will bo discharged from his guardianship as applied for. N. C . BULLOCK. Ordinary PETITION FOR DIVORCE Madison Superior Court, July itr r*, 1924 Lizzie Vaughn Brooks vs Ethridge Prooks • T . Ethridge Brooks: Lizzie Vaughn Brooks baaing tiled her petition for divorce against you in this court, returnable to .July Term 1924 and •.- order hot ng been grant eti for : ervice on you by pobHcatior-, you are hereby notified to he and ap pe;: r.t ibc ng:t term of this court to be u ft* t ourtfc Monday in jylv, \ 9£4. to r ." -r this complaint. Witre- the Honorable W. L. Ho ig"- i"• of the S- ; peri-:r Cour* T is 2. -o. 192 . V'n . IE iivaduw fieri 3~g- .> , f> J . * *■' } -'' ' TfiE BAftiiLsviLLE monitor, danielsville. ga PETITION ON SEDUCTION BOND Ir. the Superior Cohrt of Madison Coun'y, July Term, 1524. No. 177C> N. C. Bullock Ordinary of Madison County, for the use of Mr*. Lula Bctkh Scott, vs Henry C. Sroct, principal, John C. Scott, ecurity. To Henry C. Scott, defendant: You are hereby com manded to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County, to be held on the fourth Mon day in July, 1924, and make your answer in the above named and stat ed, as required by the order of said court. Witness the Honorable Walter L HodgeN Judge of the Superior. This otli day of June, 1924. VV m. D. Mor.d ow, Clerk Superior Court. SUIT ON NOTE Madi*on Superior Court, Jul*.- Term, 192 4 No. 1775 k. e. McKenzie Willif.m Arr-rW Jr, To Willigm Arr.cJd Jr. You are here by com mantled to be and appear at tbe next Term of the Superior Cou rt of said County to be held or the fourth Monday in July 19 i4 and make your anrwer in the aboved named and stated case, as required by <he order of said Court. Witness the honorable Walter L, Hodges, Judge of the Super ior Court. This 5 day of June, 1924. Wm D. Meadow Clerk Superior Court SHERIFF’S SALES Georgia, Madion County. Will he sold on the First Tuesday on July, next, before the court hours door at. Daniekville, Ga., in said County, between the legal hours of sa’e, the following dencribed person al property, to wit: 1 five-passenger Ford Automobile, 1524 model, Motor Number 9,147,- 429, etc. Said property is levied on an the property of J. W. Bray to satisfy an execution issued from the Supe rior Court of Said County in favor of M. Y. Freeman, agr.inst the said J. W. Bray, on the dt’n day of Mch. 1923. Tbi r June 3, 1924 . W. H.; HALL, Sherif, M.'idbon County, Ga,. NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE ✓ In the District Court of the United Slates, for the Northern Die'.rici of Georgia Nc 1704 in Bankruptcy Tn Re J. T. PORTERFIELD, Bankrupt A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by above named bankrupt, and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said petition ho had on .June 28th, 1924, at ten o’clock A. M., at, the United state-- District Court roon, in the city of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby given to all creditors iand other per ons in interest to ap j pear at said time ar.d piace and show cause, if any they have, why (lie p:ay | e.r of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted . 0. C. FULLER, Clerk. Bankrupt's Atiy: i S. C. Upson. Athens Ga. , 5-30, 2t. Georgia, Madison County. Whereas, T. N. B. The rep :, Administrator of J. E. Carcoufh, deceased, represents to the Court i hin petition duly filed an i < nt< ed on record, that he has fully adminis tered J E. Ca.mouth’s c-:tat e; Thi ireeT uuok aeoß kei4 ,oiii etao sdu is, therefore, to cite ail pe. - con cerscd, kindred and creditors, .o show cause, if ary they can, why said Administrator should rot he discharged from r- ; - .•••*- ->! ration and receive T c f Jji >• -I- do - - on the first Monday in July. LL. >c c. in. '.c:r. . Georgia, Mad son County, All persons owing the cp’a'e of J. B. Stveotman, decear:td, drii hereby no fined to make pnyhient of the same to n:c at once. All persons holding claims against said estate ar- hereby notified, to file their claims with mo immediately. Ti ic 7th day of June, 1924. COMERS G. MOORE, Danielsville, Ga. Executor or the estate of J. B. Street man,’ deceased. STRAYED Straye I from home, May 7th, one mile :cc:t between 3 &r.d 4 months old. ;i pale yellow color, with black mark undei right car. If found please notify Miss Annie Bray and you will to rewarded for same. Miss Annie Bray. Tit. 2, Danielsville, Ga. o-l fi, 4t, pd. ASPIRIN Beware of Imitations! p (&AYE*L M) Unlcsp you pee the "Bayer Crown” on fueling*' or on tablet) you are not get ting tho genuine Bayer Aspirin proved nio t.y nnllionn ami prescribed by piiyavian' over twenty-three year* for Colds Hcndacbo Toutbacbc Lumbago Neuritis ' Kiieuiaatism Neuralgia. Pain, Pain Ae'pt “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin’* tUy. Each unbiokon psekape contain* prove.® diri-rtiens. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also Sell bottles of 34 and 100. Aspirin is tine trade mark of Bayer Manufacture f UouMMtioMidwter of SalicyikadiL See Fh For Benthall Fesnut 1 ickcrs, McCormick and Deering Mowing Machines, Hav Rakes, Riding Cultivators, (lenuine McCormick & Deering Mowing Machine Repairs, (ias Engines. S3. D. SI_EDGE Atbens, Ga. Norris H(ie. & hrpliKtit Cnrftiiv Successors tc Cr ffelh In pH. Cos, iloiuqui rleTB fer Farm Mathirciy, Buggies, Wa pons, Etc. Mowers I>3k Harrcws Hakes prit g Tooth Cultivators Binders Weed ere Plows Planters Hart ets arc Hsir.t ti I( l t:i ; i p ii Cn Cvn Shop Big Lir e(f 1< 1 f-Hf )f- t v (i! f m Binders. We tell lie ft-nets Farmers Joy Concen trate and Liquid <ri< feixn. Or-e Bottle nftkes-30 ~, ;i, -y ( f f;e£,d’y Pc ircri, Price SI,RO per bottle. '.lantiti. ( beeper. Sc’d cn a M< ney-i'etk guaran t J . t ; ir ci ic f {j j" < roisen on the nipii.c t. NOHRiS HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. 378 BROAD STREET ATHENS, GEOK (31A Blinding Headaches “For about twenty •yecra " says Mr. P. A. Walker, a well known citizen of Newlairg, Ky., “one of our family reme dies has l>ccn Black-Draught, the old reliable. . . I use it for colds, biliousness, sour stomach and indigestion. I was subject to headaches when my liver would get out of order. I would have blinding headaches and couldn't stoop about mv work, ju9t couldn't go. I used Thedford’s BUCK-DRAUGHT and it relieved me. “About eight years ago my wife got down with liver and stomach trouble. .. We tried all week to help‘her, . . . but she didn’t get any better. One day I said,to:.the doctor, ‘I believe I will tpy Black- Draught, it helps my liver.’ lie said that I might try it and to follow directions. She war, nrvu a-ea ted and couldn't .eat er rett. She be gan t ale i rtg • Black-Draught and m two she was greatly improved *and in a week she was up.” ' Try Black-Draught. It costs only ie cent a dose. Sold everywhere. £ q 9 FOR SALE—McCormick Binder Candler Carithert Alliens Business College Bookkeepirg, thcutlfrd and typewriting. Save 50 perceut of expenses bv attending llis tdcol. The Graduates of the Atnens Busi ness College always get the best position. Every graduate employed. Write for informa tion to-day. Box Athens, Ga.