The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 29, 1924, Image 2

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• • • ••**** * JUST FROM ILA * • • • • ••• Miss Mayme Thompson of Wash ington. D. C. is spending her vaca tion with home folks. 'Charlie Vaugon and others have returned from a trip to tho moun tains. Mr. and Mrs Jim W. Burroughs and children visited his mother, Mrs. J. T. Burroughs on Monday. Miss Floyce Burroughs of Rogers spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. f3. W. Crawford. A new steel bridge is. being erect ed in place of the old lattice bridge on the Athens road near Jla. Mr. Mcrica of Jacksonville, Fla. is super intending the work for the Austin Bridge Cos. of Atlanta. Mr. G. A. Burroughs Jr. motored to Athens on Friday.. Revival services arc being held at Gordons Chapel this we>ok and will run through next Sunday. Rev. Al ien of Danielsville, the pastor, is do ing some line preaching there and should accomplish' great results for the Kingdom of God and the saving of souls. Mrs. J. S. Daniel was a visitor in our town on Monday. Mr. S. W. Crawford attended ser vices at Gordons Chapel on .Sunday and Sunday night.. School will begin here next week and we bespeak for the patrons the best, school we have ever had here under tht school faculty employed tor this term. Miss Gladelle Burroughs is spend ing the week with her aunt, Mrs. S. W. Crawford. < *********** • PROGRESS ♦ We had a very pood shower Sat urday afternoon, first in a long while - f nffflSV Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Bradley visit ed relatives in Atlanta a part of last W(>ek - c.mlWi Mri J.. D. McLeroy and family spent Sunday with Mr. C. R. McLe roy and fawily. Mr. Y. D. Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. JL. V. Scarboro and daughters, Misses Alma and Minnie Fae, spent last week-end with Mr. J. K. Black and family of Greenville, S. C. Mr. Oscar Beck of Wrights Acad emy visited friends in this commu nity Saturday afternoon Mrs. Aran Wynn, Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Smith and little Miss Mary Lee Jones spent Thursday night with Mr.< W. M, Glenn and family. Mis sos Fber Leila and Elder Mao Scarboro, nccompabied by their broth ere, Messers Claudine and LeDelbert' Scarboro spent Wednei.'ay afternoon with Misses Fonrna and Mvrton Grin tile. Mr. G. W. Scarboro and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. .1. P. Grindle and family. Mr. J. D. Mol uroy and family spout Thursday with Mr. S. M. Swin dle and wife. Mimes Emma and Annie M. Grin dle spent awhile Monday afternoon with M ss Alma Scarboro. (Last Week’s Locals) Services closed at Union church with four now members. W eregret very much to part with our good pas tor. Rev. W. L. Culb erson of Com merce. He has been our pastor for a long time and we wish him great succors wherevc: 1 e >os. Mi scs Cornelia and Francis Me- Leroy spent, Saturday night with Mr. Johnie McLeroy and family. j Mr. L. V. Scarboro wife and daugh ter, Minnie Fae, spent Sunday with Mr. G W. Scarboro and family. I Messers ViTgil Finley and Odelle Irvin passed through here Sunday afternoon. Mr. S. B. Foster and wife made a business trip to Athens Friday. Miss Alma Scarboro, Messers Johnie Brooks and Robert Sanders spent Sunday with Mr. Harvie Car ter at J family. j Messers Paul Mown and Bullock j Smith pared tin. 5 are Sunday af ternoon. Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS, L. H. Soagraves of Madison County, Georgia, by his Warranty Deed dated February 2, 1022, and duly recorded in Book 0-2 at page 483 of the Land Records of Madison County, Georgia, conveyed to the Pearson-Taft Company, a cor poration, the following described real estate in Madison County, Geor gia. to wit: In the Pittman District and the 383rd Georgia Militia District, lying North of and about 300 yards West of the Athens and Hu Public Rioad, bounded on the North by lands of W E. Lord and on the East by lands of W. E. Lord, on the South by lands of Bob Tolbert, and on tl’te West by lands of T. W. Zackin, more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Be ginning at the most South-easterly corner of the tract hereby conveyed where the lands of W. E. Lord and Bob Tolbert intersect, running thence North 1 ~ degrees West 17.47 chains, to rock, thence North 9 degrees West 6 43 chains, thence South 75 degrees West f0 Jinks to a sweet, gum, now rock, thence North 4G 1-2 degrees West (>.78 chains to red oak. thence North 1 degree West 7.59 chains to Spanish oak, thence North 85 1-2 de grees West 2(5 chains bo post oak, thence South 11 1-2 degrees East 15.18 chains to red oak, thence South 15 degrees East 27.97 chains to post oak, thence North 76 de grees East 23.50 chains to white oak, thence North 77 142 degrees) East 3.40 chains to rock and place of beginning, containing 117 acres, more or less. To secure the promissory note of said L. H. Seapraves for the sum of Two Hundred Ninety-nine and 75- 100 ($299.75) Dollars, payable in installments, and in said deed pro vided that in event of the default in the payment of any installment of said note, said Company might de clare the unpaid balance thereof at once due and payable and sell said land for the payment thereof; and WHEREAS, the installment of said note due February t, 1924, was not paid when due and is still unpaid and said Company has declared the entire unpaid balance of said note now due and payable; NOW. THEREFORE, Taft and Company, formerly the Pearsons- Taft Company, under and by virtue of the power and authority in said Company vested by said Warranty F‘-ed. will proceed to sell the above described real estate and appurte nances thereunto belonging at public a'e to the hichet bidder for cash at the door of the County Court House in the C ty of Danielsville, State of Georgia, between the hours of 10:00 V M'. and 4:00 P. M., on the 11th ■Lay -'f N'■ >1 oTiber, 1024, for the pur- P !V '.e ol raying said indebtedness and the costs of said sale. Vs provided in deed, said sale will he subject to t l *" rights of the holder of that certain principal note for the sum of Three Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars and interest thereon at seven percent from Feb ruary 1 1023. described in and se cured by that certain Warranty Deed recorded in Book 0-2 at page 4bl of the Land Records of Madison County. Georgia. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said Tn:t and Company has caused these presents to be executed by its Pntsi- THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR uANmISVILLE. G*. dent and its corporate seal to be af fixed this 25th day of July, A. D,. 1924. TAFT AND COMPANY, By Oren E. Taft, President. NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS Georgia, Madison County. A petition from more than one fourth of the qualified voters of Wright’s School District having been filed with me, asking for an election to be held in said Wrijfnt’s School District upon the question of consol idation of Wrights Srhool Distrirt with Danielsville and Ila Srhool Districts. By virtue if the authori ty vested in me as Superintendent of Schools of said county, —lt is htreby ordered that on Ihe 6th day of Sep tember, 1924, an election bt held is the school house in the Wrights School Distr ct on the qutstion of consolidation of said Wrights School D strict with 11a School Dis trict and Danielsville School Dis trict, said election to be held under tht same rules and regulations a?, general elections,. Those favoring consolidation of said Wrights School District with 11a School District and Danielsville School District, shall have written or printed on their ballots “For Consol idation of Wrights School District with Ila and Danielsville School Dis tricts.” Thost opposed, shall have written or printed upon their ballots, “Against Consolidation of Wrights School District with Ila and Daniels ville School Districts.” All persons qualified to vote in general elections and who have resided in said Wrights School District six (6) months prior to this election, shall be qualified to vote in this election!. The County Board of Education at its regular August Meeting, held Aug. sth, 1924, signifitd willing ness to consolidate said Wright School District with Danielsville asd Ila School Districts and furnish means of transporting pupils to said Danielsville and Ila Schools, should said election carry for consolidation. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this the 6th dav of August, 1924. R,. C. David, Supt. Madison County Schools - 85 I A( 3*^ AU prices f. o. b. Detroit J Utmost Driving Confidence Driving a Ford is so simple, and requires so little effort that you are free to de vote all your attention to the problems ot traffic. There is a sense of confi dence in driving a Ford, impossible with any more complicated motor car. Detroit, Michigan SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER NEW MEAT MARKET For Comer I am going to open a Real First Class Meat Market back in my old place, in the rear of t The Peoples Bank, I am going to keep at all times the best meats can be bought. We will also deliver, so call us up and we will send it right out. Mr, G. W. Bone will cut meat. We also will open a first class Restaurant, with plenty good something to eat. We appreciate your business. J. W. NELMS Buggies, Wagons, Farm Implements MBS, RASES, REPAIRS, GRAIN DRILLS, PLOWS, BELTING, FAIRBANKS-HORSE ENGINES NORRIS HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO -378 Broad St. Athens, Qa.