The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 29, 1924, Image 8

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T 8 THE WHITE VOTERS Cf GEORGIA >• *?• '■■■• -i •’ ' •:. v £ ", 4 I •h*' >. • '• ‘f-'-. 4<r . i ?: T • ,4 :i >. . . " ■ ' jfe" ; i;iVi ’ ’ /. - •?'" -' i-' *. • .;# Vi; ? Mg ; . ■ ~ f . v ;.;V i’w' 1 w ?-|W; £ . - y '- ; r & * * /•, >: i : ■j S' ■■■<* ■",:■■ i JJ: and IAM-S D. PRICE I am orfct-iUM for re election as a okinter of flit Gc-or. : !‘u'!ic Service Commission. My candulacy is. Ibo Move, justified by the service I have rendered the people of O or :a in the performance of net lie duties with which you have entrusted me. In this day of specialization . the ex perienced man is better qualified to render efficient service to his ent ployer or to Pis constituents than one who has had no training in a partic ular line whether in the service of an individual or in the service of the people and the experience I have train ed during this rev first, term of office has better qualified me to serve the of *hr* yoitr 4 Vi r\ OPf* vrVo not had the opportunity to consider VOTE ASAAIMST JOHN T. 30IFEUILLET FOB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER For a man to havt hold office con tinuously fofi the past thirty-five years, as Honorable John T. Boifeuil let boasts of having done, with never anything reflecting substantial ser vict in the various positions he has held, in America and in Europe, don’t you think it is time for a change? He has been the recipient of $30,000 in salary, with interest at 6 per cent since going on the Commission, and I charge that he has never done any thing of substantial value for the masses of Gtorgia. On the contrary, he has given his time almost exclu sively to newspaper work, for which he is paid a handsome salary, in vio lation of the law nnd his oath of of fice. He has voted against placing twenty-one hundred small shipping points in Georgia on an equal footing with thirty-odd large shipping points in Georgia which, had his views pre vailed, would have resulted in great loss and handicap in the way of growth to the rural sections of Geor gia. It has been within his power since last January to have join ed others and lowered rates on fertilizers nnd pulverized limestone, for agricultural purposes, if he cared to do so, with tht result that count less thousands of dollars would have been saved the farmers of Georgia on the 1024 crops. 1 charge that ht knows no mote about the technical BOYS HAVE ALL EXPENSES PAID TO SOUTHEASTERN FAIR SCHOOL A Week in Atlanta Studying Fair Exhibits and ! >x. Modern Farm Methods Under Com petent Instructors. Atlanta. —Thorn is a slogan in use in Texas, which runs' “The titter the folks, the fitter the State.” That sounds (toed and it is an absolute truth. Since the year of its inception, the Southeastern Pair baa been striving to make fitter the folks of the section It serves, and one of the means of at taining this has been to work with th? young folks of the country. One of the most Important features of the annual events Is the Southeast ern Fair School, which Is made up of two boys from each county In Geor gia, more than three hundred boys, who conm to the fair, are provided with meals and sloeping quarters, and instruction daily during the fair tn matters pertaining to farming and stock raising. The Instructors are furnished by the stat-a agricultural college, while the and study the matters that come be fore the Public Service Commission. A large majority of the people o! Georgia are either actively engaged in iarming or depend upon agriculture for their livelihood and prosperity an.; I ha/e found that many of the qufcs tions tl.e Public Service Commission s called upon to consider directly af feet the farmer. Farming has been my business and more of ny life has been devoted to this industry than to any or In r. in addition to practice grin;, lira! experience ! have served • s Commissioner of Agriculture and Director of the Georgia Experiment Station and in l oth of these positions iny time has been given to the stuilv of agriculture and my efforts have been devoted to doing what I could to advance the interests of the farm rs. believing that the progress of th-* ft*ate and cf the Nation depends upon their pr< spcrlty I am the only dirt farmer on 'he commission. In view of mv practical knowlorlg" and the exnerience gained ir. my one term in office as a member of the oufdic Service Commission, t believe I know the needs cf th' farming com mun Mies. especially and that I am ovnj’fied 1 o administer the offfioe in the interest of all the people of the Stnte crmitahly and and fairiv Tim platform upon which I stand in mv candidacy for re-election and to which 1 expect to stick, if elected, is: in matters coming before me for con sidoration. to do justice between ah •'lasses and to administer the offioe in a wav to effect *he greatest possible "nod for a'! of onr citizens and insofar ns in me lies to conduct the offioe. so as to foster and promote a greater Georgia for us all. I pledge mv continued and unwav ering efforts to serve you. if re-elect ml, and will appreciate your support at be Detunc-atic white primary on Sep temher 10th. JAMES D. PRICE ADVERTISEMENT duties of his office today than he djl.f the day that he wtnt in office,, due largely to the fact that he has given his time to newspaper work, at the expense and with great l'oss to the citizens of Georgia. Our State Highway Department is forced to incur an expense against the tax-payers of the State of ap proximately $500,000.00 a year, bt cause of the high rates maintained in Georgia on sand and gravel, as ap ply on such when moved from with out tht state into points in Georgia, He recently voted for the payment of an Engineer of over SIBOO.OO for an inspection of passtnger coaches, which work {re should have done him self. His record has been one of wasteful extravagance of the funds provided for the work of the Com mission, and with no substantial ser vice to the people as a Commissioner I believe he ought to be dtfeated, and if I am elected as his succesor, I pledgt a sane and equitable dis charge of all duties devolving upon me as one of your Commissioners, and I will stay on the job. Office holding in Georgia, as a sidt line, must stop; office holding is prac tically all Mr Boifeuillet has ever done since young manhood. Rt peetfully, O. R. BENNETT, Eastman, Ga. Ad vert semen t railroad fares, meals and other ex penses are paid for by the fair asso ciatlon. These boys are the most pro gressive In the communities from which they come, and are selected af ter a competitive examination by coun ty school superintendents or district demonstration agents. The bo s who will come to the fair this year, October 4 to 11. have already been selected by most of the counties. It is impossible to calculate the benefit which will eventually accrue to the boys, the com munities and the State by reason of these days spent studying the exhibits at the fair. Many of these boys have live stock and agricultural exhibits at the fair, land, wlntlier they win any of the pre miums or not, this demonstrates an ambition and a desire for better things and is part of the making of fitter folks and a fitter Stalo. THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. PANIELSVILLE. GA. St. Joseph, Michigan—The above .photos show Florence McKinney and Emile Zupke, confessed slayers of Zupke’s other sweetheart, Cora May Raber. Zupke, in his confes sion, declared that Florence sat at the wheel of his car while he choked the Raber girl to death and then helped him dispose of the body. Dental Notice Dr D. L. Cloud from Greens boro, Ga. will be in Comer on Second Monday each month pre pared to do all classes of dental work, to remain one week. He will appreciate a call. Office in Roper Building. FOR SALE— Pure bred S. C. R. i. Red*, Don aid son strain. Hens, 17 month* old, $1.75. Also 30 pullets 7 months old, $1.50. Other pullets and cockerels of various ages, 60 centts to $1.25 each. J. L. McMURRAY, N,S-21, 4t Comer. Ga. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the Inflammation con be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Wood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists. 75c F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Held for Killing -g 3 : T " ■' ■’ : s~ J> Jo \ ■**** '■ ■- 'SaMI 9/ ‘ ' ~ fA^ocAgrcßl m FUN ERAL DIRECTORS f f * EHBALMERS 3 ll AUTOMOBILE EOUiPH^NTf #, BAY M COF FI NT rife, NIGHT ,'S fe v 6l g~\ — rjr 61* Jr CTjliulv If) n—- PO £>iu3 / C |ort /ifrtffl I H,v J^BR9ADJTO^d| i lu || i l - Sale I Msal Shirts Mf/mil l and I f i Mjm I Neckwear I Full modeled shirts well made through! out and every shirt a real bargain at this price. With collar attached or neckband! style. A complete assortment of 70J patterns and colors- 1 wli Silk Neckwear. Every pattern distinct! and seasonable. We have grouped manvl high-priced neckties /1 O nrifl into this lot -T'O Anew line of Mens Hose in all colors regular 35c value, Saturday only 19c. Dechovitz & Simmons S. M. SIMMONS, Manager. ZIVTS'HR AIXTCE life fire ACCIDENT WINDSTORM SURETY BONDS, AUTOMOBILE. VV E HENSLEE, Agent. C. A. SCUDDER fJEWEEER ATHENS, GA- Jewelery, Sterling Silver REPAIR: WATCHES & JEWELERY. _