The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 12, 1924, Image 2

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FOLKS IN OUR TOWN The Wrong 'Nutnber Py Edward McCullough AI/TOCASTFR / / / SA Y / Ae? ~ VOU \ I TRYING- -TO K'.D ME ? WHAT'S TH‘ ) l IDEA? AIN'T < \ THIS TH' PALACE. J \ THEATRE y J l gi(: tx;i 1 %"7 7—- \ /'.fit. ' ) ■ ■YOUL MEEIf NOT FAIL 1 have told you so often about boys v. lh “no chance” v.ho con quered and idie ul ties and hardships and thereafter rose to fame and fortune that it is only fair now to j tell you about a woman who w ij Success. 5s Mrs. Iccerhine Duble Miller of N> w Orleans. In 3 008, when Mrs. Miller was twenty- •, }e r y ar\.r busbar ! (he;!. 1 cath had followed a long illness ni i f in its wake came ex treme poverty. large unpaid <!• bis. the pr>/hleni of what she. sickly an I ak and inexp- '<■ ad. was i t; J.fc. and ;i future aim and . and i n • cls . Mr. M"d. r iad ■*’' ahp v! . Purer r the same yar of b< r husband’s death Mrs. Mil .t do iiTORKI) ItY OR SOU) THROWHI Independent Warehouses, Inc. OF GEORGIA Will Prove Satisfactory and Profitable TO YOU Athens is one of the highest markets in the country. VVe can and will obtain the top ol the Athens market FOR YOU And we can prove it to your satisfaction and profit. Write us for Shipping Tags and other information. Independent Warehouses ine. OF GEORGIA ATHENS (iEOIUiIA a • • v . , Robert Quid. Hen F. W* ds. Henry L Pope. ’ AC PHOHVOED Bt/./. s i'j ; ir- TAX 6 HCfi. o Sf?S? a / IN ~“HL : CITV NEHr v‘: ; ’ ■ AV NIGHT a (AlftSft I'D v;. , : SCATS CiESEAVGD n- . /OPERATOR. \ Cri'i .iv// Cr,vu me \ - 4 h£2”- s- i \ ) r •3. rXSSRyis / A BOX &vrr_L J * ' ' TV.'O ?/' ! i -V 7" : "p. X \ / Iv/ \ \ / Y K) Jk > \4; r-=>\ Y 1 * 1 * iterrninc:! to become one of the most I talked locksmiths in the world and j: 1 that end she went to work as a loci' 1 -nith’s apprentice, j Marine locks wore her specialty. ■ To get business she canvassed the j docks and personally interviewed! lb' 1 masters of ships whose vessels I docked at the port of New Orleans, la suits of a paying nature were slow and poverty was keen, but she stuck to her chosen work and i during the spring of the following] year she entered a bid against n number of competitors to com pletely overhaul and rebuild the •locks of a steamship which had t ; i; in for repairs. She was given It ":? oop.trr (t. From that day V • fame began to mount. It b - ■, .he custom of ship owners / NO VCU DLMBELL / [ “THIS IS TH’ / UNDERTAKERS / / /assarte -j\ / rar at ?3\ IHE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR DANIEL*VILLE. C.A f -^t.TrggßPaocgsL.;;^ 1 ■ l^l " 1111 1,1 ■“—*■ ■ , " ’* ‘ - COX Toa. \ V i W 2 \ • T KAVS ) -•’ THEY / ’ • j / %-Y COME. / A-— / // \ Ssni&es y / X / sTSLII-j JJv 1 WrtJT ] HADLEY to send for Mrs. Miller and place large orders with her. Before two years had passed she was employ ing a number of helpers, had moved into a pretentious shop and her net profits were hovering about 37,000 a year. About four years ago two large buildings, housing the Canal-Commercial and the Whitra y - Centi fd Banks were e:o ted. Contract bids for locks for all doors ware let. Mrs. M:l --ler won both bids. Today Mrs. I Mbar's busines.i ; s a ’argo one i and she is called a specialist. m sj 1 C WE SELL THEM NEW FALL “Star Brand Shoes” At Lowest Prices Mens ‘Work Shoes Stronger-than-the-law, The Rest Work Shoe Made and other good shoes at, 2.65 to 4.65 rwmwmwmi2i'2i mu n . HadiesHeavyShoes For better service at, 2.50. 2.75 3.00. CliiMren Shoes We hav- a complete line of many styles, ail sizes at 60c to 3.00. HJ&'JkJ&M'M* K2££rJh tJsrJih. Dress Shoes New ones ail the time, in straps, ox tors arsd some high shoes,Priced low as, 2 65 to 4,50. HfSCoasLSs* Oress ESSicse The best to be had at, 3.50 to 5.50. N. B. Sometime drop in and look oar line over,lf you wear Star Brand Shoes once. You will wear them for* ever. We give trade tickets. W. A. Rowe £? Cos. Comer &■&*>. The first week of our busi ness has been all we could expect yet we are anxious to all our old friends and others call and inspect our stock. We are offering to the pub lic the best in meats at the following prices: Beefsteak 20c pound Pork Steak 25c “ Chops 25c “ Ribs 20c “ “ Sausage 25c Mixed Sausage 20c Canvas ham 35c Cheese 30c Other Meats in Proportion.