The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, December 05, 1924, Image 6

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Classified Ads . PIGS FOR SALE i . MONEY TO LOAN On Farm* and other Real Estate in the Corner territory. GHOLSTON BROTHERS ~, GIN DAYS N- In order to accommodate the peo ple, I wi'l gin your cotton any day. B. L. RODGERS, Rt. 3 Dan elsville, C. M, 11-21, 4t, pd. " j, f For Sale HOUSES and LOTS Good Location See . • • • W. L. HARDMAN 9.18’ tf Co’bert, Ga.. MONEY LOANED by The Federal Land Bank at 5 1-2 per cent i now available. As it takes some 60 days to ciose loan, please seeß me at once if you need money on your land. This is not only the cheapest money available on farm lands, but the farmer practi cally fixes his own terms #f payment, and can never be called upon to pay the principal sum. except at the rate of SI.OO per SIOO annually. CLARENCE E. ADAMS Cecretary-T reasurer FOR SALE—Three shares of of stock in Comer Hank. Also 1 Large Iron Safe. A. T. Sims, Agt. Di'ntai Notice Dr- D. L. Cloud from Greens boro, Ga. will be in Comer on Second Monday each month pre pared to do all classes of dental work, to remain one week. He will appreciate a call j f Office in Roper Building. ' ’ LAND POSTED We are going to stock part of our land with quail, grtniae and pheas aiit and we have posted our land to protect the game for n few years *ml have posted signs on land read ing: “POSTIfo! Will prosecute any one caught "hunting on our laud. This means you!” We moan exactly what this sign says. We offer a standing reward of SIO.OO for any One caught hunting, or tearing down signs on one lands with evidence to convict. CHOLSTON BUGS {Notice i have been appointed agent by the heirs of estate of Mrs. J. P. Siaut) colbct all past due notes and obligations. Call and settle sams before being placed for suit. A. T. Suns, Agt. LOO POST£S> No tunti# allowed. Pte*e >Uy off RALPH <XSIXJ£R A Solitaire ALWAYS ADDS TO THE BEAUTY OF A WOMAN'S HAND. WE CARRY THEM IN' A GREAT MANY SETTINGS, ALONG WITH A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER STONES AND JEWELRY. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU OUR ASSORTMENT. M- F. FICKETT JEWELRY CO /e welei’s—Optonietrlsts 263 CLAYTON ST: ATHENS* GA* Alliens Basinass College Bookkeeping, thcithnr.d and typewriting. Save 50 per of expenses •bv attending this school. The Graduates of the Atnens Busi ness College always get the best position. Every graduate employed- Write for informa tion to-day. Sox Athens, Ga. FIRE WORKS Fire Works at Wholesale Prices Guaranteed at: J. P. BAILEY, Elberton, Ga. N., 11-27, 3t We take great pleasure in looking after the eyesight of the children, for We know that to start them right means much throughout their lives. It you have the slightest suspicion that your childrens eyes need at tention, bring them in and have an examination made by our well known optometrist from the Chas . A. Green Optical Company, Atlanta, who will be glad to tell you whether or not ; glasses are needed. He will be here again Friday, December 12, L. E. Greene & Cos., Danielsville, Ga Select From Our Staple Lines Perfumes Stationery Brushes Cameras Leather Goods Fountain Pens Razors Vacuum Bottles Candies & Cigars Make Our Store your headquarters Citizens Pharmrcy Cor. Clayton & Jackson St. ’Athens, Ga. '7 HOW ABOUT YOUR EYES? Do you reative how easy it is to strain and overt ik them? In the-stress of a busy day, the eyes are forced to accomplish their work in spite of de fects It’s surprising how much re lief ntsjr be obtained under such cir cumstances, from. properly fitted glasses. 1 Sink this over senousiy and come in on Friday, December 12, and consult our optition from the that. A. Oreen tsptica! Company, Atlanta, about your eyes L. E. Greene-ft Cos., Danieisville, Ga THE D AMI ELS VILLE MONfTG* PANIEUVtLLg. GA FIFTri~t>ISTRICT RALLY Res i:e the ve:y unfavo ..b!e ,vea era good crowd attended the fifth district rally (at the Danielsville Baptiit church Sunday Nov. SO. Mr. G. O. Griffeth led the devotion al using- as the scripture lesson the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Mr Ralph Collier chairman of the Sun ! day School work of the district led in prayer before introduc'ng the speaker of the morning, Mr. Jul'an Brown. He spoke on the Develop ment of the Sunday School. He said in many ways the past year was the Lest in history although the total membership showed no increase. Many Sunday Schools can not grow in numbers any more till larger | buildings are provided. A rural spe cialist will be employed to work a mong churches where there has nev er been a Sunday School. Mr Brown said the greatest need to-day was good old fashioned Christian homes with a family altar. He urged par ents not to send their ch'ldren to Sunday School but to carry them. Mr. Collier called for reports I from the various Sunday Schools. After a prayer and song Mr. R. T. Broome spoke in the absence of Rev A. E. Logan. He said if we are not competent to teach a Sunday School class we should teach the children in our homes. He urged teachers to prepare themselves thoroughly. The afternoon session opened with a song and prayer. Mrs. W. C. Groves was in charge of the W. M. U. hour. Mrs. J . O. M. Smith had BO minutes in which to tell of the State Convention at Savannnah. After the talk of Mrs. R. M'. Jetton the new district young people’s lead er, each president and leader was asked for some report. Mrs. A. E. Logan gave a very helpful message. She emphasized the fact that the standard of excellence is the mini mum and not the maximum. The B. Y. P. U. hour was in charge of Mr. Howard Settles. The Danielsville Juniors favored us with two songs. Reports were heard from each B. Y. P. U. Mr Lowe spoke on the successful B. Y. P. U. He said there should be a complete or ganization, should have a goal and work to reach that goftl. Miss Martin spoke on the Failures. She gave as some of the cfiailures: not attending, not taking part and not'putting e nough into the work. The Senior banner was awarded to Union and the Junior Banner to Danielsvile. The next rally will be held at Ila the fifth Sunday in Mureh. —Press Chairman LAND POSTED No hunting *ll coved jta land*, of the Colbert Etate, and land* of, Mt-s. Mile* Collier and Mile* Collier. MILES COLLIER N, 11-27, 2t FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Justice of Peace, 206th District, G. M. at the election to be held the flirt Saturday in December. Will appreciate your support. • E. C. WILLIAMS FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE On Saturday, Dec. Gth, there will be an election held for office of Jus tice of the Peace, being solicited by my friends to run, have consented to (♦o so, and if elected, will serve to the best of my ability, with special fa vors to none, and Justice to ail. • Respectfully, J. L. McMurray. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS FUNERAL DIRECTORsI 9 EMBALMERS AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT I lA BAY -dps COFFINJ- (A NIGHT if ft 61 Fx— 6l* X fiv BROADJTREET^S, ZZZUFE ACCIDENT SURETY BONDS, Special Sale Plaids in alt colords worth 12 to 15c a yd. you will find it on our bargain tale at 9c a yard, There are many other values at our bargain table, Blanket 50x72 large size 1.98 a pr, SHOES SHOES Special prices on shoes, we have a large stock of shoes latest styles ranging- from 1.98 up, Give Us A Trial Oechovitz & Simmons S. M. SIMMONS, Manager. C. A. SCUDDER fJEM'ELER ATHENS, GA £>iamoxi(ls, *jr <&'w r &JL&xry , Sterling Silver REPAIR* WATCHES & JEWELERY. _ ZNSUR A.JXTC2X2 \V E HENSLEE, Agent. FIRE WINDSTORM AUTOMOBILE.