The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 13, 1925, Image 4

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MT. AIRY * • • * fc < **•••• Mr. and Mm. Roy Sheridan an nounce the birth of a son, the sth, who is being called Roy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Barnett were visitors to Athens Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. EL T. Cole of Com merce and Mr. and M. F. Webb of Nicholson were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheri dan . Mr. and Mrs. Joe F<rcoe of Cedar Grove vicinity were visitors in our burg Saturday and Suiday. The Box Supper Friday night was a great success; a nice sum was made and will help the sehoeli. Miss Lillie Patten was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. G.'Eseoe, Friday. Mr. L. R. Sheridan and daugh ters, Misses Geraldine an 1 Lucille, were visitors to Nicholson Saturday. We are glad to state the sickness in this community is better. Here’s hoping the weather will con tinue to stay pretty so the farmers can get busy. + *** * * * * • DIAMOND HILL * • ••••••••••• Mrs. Roy Thompson of Atlanta returned I'ome Friday after spending eeveral days with relatives in thiis community. MnV J. H. Mathews and Misses Lurline Mathews and Thelma Benten were guests of Mrs. W. 11. Patter eon on last Wednesday. Mrs. Dave Drake and children spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Epps. Mss. W. H. Keilar was the guest of Mrs Jim Iloloomh Thursday. Ml. Lonnie Thompson and fam ily of Colbert has moved into our community. Little Miss Margie Lee Holcomb was the guest of Miss Janette Math ews Sunday. A large crowd was out Friday eve ning to see the basket ball game be tween Danielsville and Diamond Hill. The score was 13 to 10 in favor of Diamond Hill. „ This very unusual street frock of c • >'j Commander Blue Seraphcen has a if . J simulated Eton jacket. It is worn 1 ever n waist-coat oi white pique L I S! . A / \ >■" 1 ■ -" " ■ '4 \ ; v\ L X F The coat of this Costume En- .J&k . - scmble is fashioned of White Jcseena, and is trimmed with hands of white fox at the cuffs and at the bottom. The frock is of yellow _____ faille and is trimmed with White j ~ Josecna in an applique design. __ i j ts onJy trimming a wide band of black monkey fur, the whole charm of this day coat lies in its elegant fft * simplicity. All of these models yV I are by American designers and * 1 I made from American materials. American Styles for Spring Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Strickland of Athens were visiting lelatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Charlie Winfrey and family f pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Epps|. Mr. and Mrs. George Benton were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Rice Sunday afternoon. Mis ses Thelma Benton, Lurline Mathews, Lucile Whitworth and Mar jorie Smith were in Athens Sunday afternoon visiting Miss Bertha Bridges at S. N. S. Mrs. Frank Gunnells and infant son is quite sick. The party at Mr. W. H. Kellar’s Friday night was enjoyed by all present. In The District Court of the United States, For the North ern District of Georgia. . In Re L. J. Rogers, Bankrupt, No. 1617 In Bankruptcy A petition for discharge hay ing been filed in conformity with law by above-named bank rupt, and the Court ha 'mg or dered that the hearing upon said petition to be had on Feb. 28. 1925 at ten o,clock a. m., at the United States District Court room, in the cit.v of At iant. Georgia, notice is heiebj given to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why prayer of the bankrupt for dis charge should not be granted. O. C. Fuller, Clerk, Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who ore iri a "run-down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in pood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions IIAI.I.'S CATARRH MKDICINF 1s a Combined Treatment, both local and in ternal. and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty yet,re. Sold by all drupcists. F. J Cheney & Cos 1 Toledo. Ohio. CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH dental gold, platinum and discard ed jewelry. Hoke Smelting & Refin ing Cos., Otsego, Michigan. THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOK, DAMEISV tLLE, GEORGIA Nome Angels i *■ M il • 4 I mm pip ■ iTtiifli ijj p. j % 1'- A?■ r -Pi w&} 1 I". . s? -.3 : < '3 |:;v.. v t'&S. • . /' /(/St .TC VsT FT " and m Wmi mm- -■ 1 I ’Jt I *r. ■ h' ■? ■;v • W ' ' f ' Three hundred thousand units of life-saving diptheria antitoxin reached Nome, Alaska, thanks to this great champion musher, Leonard Sepalla and his dog team of twenty fleet Huskies. Sepalla went head-on into a raging bliz zard with the temperature ranging from 20 to 35 below zero. Sepalla had the longest: stretch of more than 650 miles. Seven relays bandied the precious package in the record time 127)4 hours. (Below 1 ) Miss Emily Morgan of Wichita, Kansas, the only nurse in Nome. There are more than thirty cases in the town of 1,000. 8 * Mfct? - * n j In • i It ! f . •• I i i 1 p • • V' M % t• o.w . I r\ r -..- - a 44 m r^l f s;* ■< fty -Ti ,<-i $$ i&iM-’Zm I K 8 ksk i f Mss a * hf-jt. 31. © This is the man, Col. Chas. R. Forbes, convicted of conspiracy to defraud the government in hospital construction for our crippled, blind and disabled world war soldiers. He faces a possible penalty of two years in prison and a SIO,OOO fine. FOR RENT— Good two or three horse farm one mile of Ft Lnir.av, Ga. (Van Ow ens farm) . Also good two-horse farm two miles fsoin Commerce, Ga. See W. D. Sheppard, Commerce, Ga . M, 1-9, -It. Getting Up Nights CAN BE STOPPED “ e 2 t “ can be rid of this strength sapping ailment, have more pep, be free from burning sensation, pain in groins, backache and weakness I’ll send you Walker’s Prostate Specific free and postpaid under plain wrapper. No obligations. No cost. If it cures your prostate gland trouble, you can re pay the favor by telling your friends —if not the loss is mine. Simply send me your rame and prove that you can feel 10 years younger and be rid o* prostate trouble. -■ Walker, 2489 Gateway Station. Kansas City, Mo. Guilty H • (i 0 01)5 lP /i Wkile no modern home should be without a hot water bottle, a fountain syringe,pair of rubber gloves,there are a dozen other articles of rubber that the housewife and mother finds essential in her housework and in caring for the sick, Our line of rubber goods is most complete, and every ar ticle is made of the best grade of pure rubber and guaran teed to give satisfaction with ordinary use. When in need of anything in rubber £oods, come to see us. Comer "IDntg Company Comer, Ceorgia, Use High Analysis Fertilizer For Big Yields — For Big Profits Years ago our forefathers made bumper crops without the aid of commercial fertilizers. That was when the lands were new and rich in plant foc-d. Thai day has passed, just as sure as the successful farmer is getting away from the use of 3o\V analysis, fertilizer ana replacing it with the higher. WHY? LESS Labor. MOKE Time to LF 3 KauEig. fight insects. LI .3 Freight to pay. M 033 Plant food. LI 3S Eags to handle. MOKE Profits. LESS Lags to buy. Make pour It'2s crops a success bp using ? * A I • TT* _ £ 4.2 ( xa /-< H •:^ 7 p ‘ |' i■ •>% ■ - 12-4“ 4 or 15-5*5 D (J) |gpp How to Make Money l paint facts Illustration describes how to make MBEST— PURE— PAINT For $2.82 a Gallon L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINT is White Lead and Costly White Zinc to assure longest years of They are simply adding Linseed Wear, aS proven by 50 years of Quickly utmost satisfactory use. least COST- because in Semi-Paste form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Linseed Oil into each gallon, and so make 1 % gallons of Pure Paint for $2.82 per gallon. GUARANTEE (/ a gallon oat of any you bay, and if not per fectly satisfactory the remainder can be returned without payment being made for the one gallon sued. FOR MALE BY * GHOLSTON BROS. Cs<smerj CBS-O/ GUANOS