The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 20, 1925, Image 5

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legal notices ,-ttCE to debtors N oT,CL AND CRBDITORS •„ Madisoa County. G Tfcreditors of the estate of the ' c .f Misses Mary and Maggie S) deceased, late of said cou.ty, hereby notified to render m Zn claims to the undersigned ac ting to law, and all persons in, i to said estate are required ma ke immediate payments to me. rphigJan- 6t h, 1925. W. S. Threlkeld, Bx’r of will 0 f Misses Mary and Maggie Woods, deceased. Georgia, Madison County. To the Creditors of 11. E. Scogin, deceased: You are hereby required to ren der to the undersigned a statement of your demands. This Jan. 12th, 1925. C. H. Scogin, Admr. of M. E. Seogin, deceased. M, 1-16, et. PETITION FOR DIVORCE IN MAD ISON SUPERIOR COURT; FILED TO DECEMBER TERM, 1924 Janie Wynn _ ?' vs Simon Wynn To Simon Wynn Janie Wynn filed her petition a gainst you for divorce in this court to the December Term 1924, and you not residing in this county or State, an order being granted to perfect service on you by publication, you are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of Madison Superior Court, to be held on the first Monday in Ma ch 1925, to answer the com plaint. Witness the Honorable W. L. Hodg es, Judge cf said Court, This January Ist, 1925. Wm. D. Meadow, Clerk. M, 1-23, 4t. Georgia, Madison County. W. J. Spearman and C. W. Spearman having applied to the Or dinary by petition asking- that T. W Adams, as administrator of the es tate of A. L. Adam'- deceased, late of said county, be required to make a deed to a certain tract of land in Madison County, Ga.. about two miles from Danielsville, and being known as the A. H. Adams home place, on the Bankhead highway, and adjoining lands of J. .T. Meadow, C. E. Adams, and Bankhead highway, and being described in : certain bond for title given by A. L. Adams to said W. J. Spearman and C. W. Speerman in pursuance of a bond fir title made by the said A. L. Adams to said W. J . and C. W . Speerman, in his life time, the said W. J. Speer man ,-nd C. W. Speerm m allegii g that they hive fully met Choir >hli- P ' ■ ns in said bond. Teis r s to notify Mrs. Lettie Ad ams and Asa Adams, heirs at law of the sail deceased, A. L’. Adams, to be and appear at the March Term 1r,2l r, 2 of the Court of Ordinary of Mralison County, and show cause, if cry they can, why said administra tor should not be required to make -"id deed as prayed for by the said Speerman and C. W. Speer nian, petitioners. N. C. BULLOCK, Ordinary. Georgia. JTadison County. To whom it may concern: Q- H. Massey having, in proper onn, applied to me for Permanent Tetters of Administration on the es hi’e of Mrs. Nancy C. Massey, late °f said County; this is t<* cite all and Angular the creditors and next of >: Mrs. Nancy C. Massey to be an 'l appear at my office within the t'roe allowed by law, md show cause, any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted Q- H. Massey on Mrs. Nancy C. Massey’s estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature > this 2nd day jf F*h. 1925. N. C. BULLOCK, Ordinary. Madison County. Notice is hereby given that C. F. ’ 1 eld, as administrator of Mrs. ' ! ha Threlkeld, deceased, having a ; pned to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased; ad that an ®rder was made therein at the February term, 1925, for cita tion, and citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said de ceased will take notice that I will pass upon said application at the March term, 1925, of the court ef Ordinary of Madison County; and that unless cause is shewn to the contrary at said time, said leave will be granted. Tfc : s Feb. 2 1925. N. C. BULLOCK, Ordinary. Georgia, Madison County. Notice is hereby given that J. T. Murray as administrator of E. L. Benton, deceased, having applied to rae by petition for leave te sell the real estate of the said deceased; an order was made thereon at the Feb. 1925 term, for citation, that citation issue; all the heirs at law and credi tors of the said E. L. Benton, de ceased, will take notice thst I will pars upon said application at the March term, 1925, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and that unless cause is shewn to the contrary, at said time, said leave will be grant ed. This Feb. 2, 1925. N. C. BULLOCK, Ordinary. Georgia, Madison County. Will be sold at the court house door in said county on the first Tues ay in March, 1925, within the legal hours of sale, to-wit: All that certain tract of land ly ing and being in Madison County, Ga., 438th District, G. M. and bounded on the North by Madison Springs tract, now owned by L. W. Berryman, on the East by Edgar Goodrum, on the South by Madison Springs land, now owned by Mason, and on the West by Will Christian, more fully described as follows: . . Beginning at Will Christian’s and Madison Springs land, post oak cor ner, thence S 88 E 18.44 to black gum on the branch, then up said branch with meanderings of seme to a corner in the middle of said branch, thence N 89 W 17.35 to pine cor ner. thence S 1 3-4 W 12.25 to the beginning post oak. containing 24 acres more or less, more fully de scribed by nlat. made by FJ. E. Stone Oct. 13. 1908, hereto attached and made a part of this deed. Said property is known as the Joe Bal lenger place and is levied on to sat isfy the within fi fa, that is a Supe rior Court execution in favor of Mrs Ella E. Dean against L. W. Berry man, and sold as L. W. Berryman’? property. This Feb. 2. 1925. W. H. HALL, Sheriff Georgia, Madison County. Will be sold before the court house door at Danielsville, Ga., betweenn the legal hours of sale. the.following personal property to-wit: 1 red and white spotted milk cow: also 1 ton buggy. F. A. Ames make. Said property sold to satisfy an ex ecution issued from the Superior Court of said County in fawor of Madison Bank against Charley Lord and S. E. Whitworth, said property levied on as the property of Charley Lord. This Feb. 2, 1925. W. H. HALL, Sheriff Geoi’gia, Madison County. Will be sold bafore the <jourt house door at Danielsville, said Coun ty on the first Tuesday in March, 1925, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit: Lot No. 1. Being all that tract or parcel of land, being in the incorporate limits of the town of Danielsville, Madison County, Ga., ion the road leading from Danielsville to Madison Springs adjoining lands of W. D. Meadow on the North, Mrsv. Mary A. Sor rells on the East, J. R. Echols on the South, being now H. L. Echols, said Danielsville and Madison Springs Hoad on the West, the courses and dis tances being according to a plat made by E. E. Stone and attached to deed made by W. D. Meadow to J. E. Bond Sr., dated April 12th, 1912, containing two acres more or less. Lot No). 2. Being all that tract of land lying and being in the City of Danielsville, said County, this lot being distin guished as lot No. 9 in ti e plet and plan of the City of Danielsville, con- the Danielsville monitor, danielsville. Georgia taining One-Fourth of an acre more oi less, together with all improve mento thereon, said lot lying on the public square and Athens road, west of said road, and known as the Bo rum lot, bounded o the North by Public Square, East by Athens road, South by lot herein conveyed, and West by Bullock lot. Lot No. 3 Being all that lot or parcel of land, in said City of Danielsville, said State and County, adjoining the a bove described lot on the North, Ath ens road on the East, Blackwell lot, now T. G. Hitchcock on the South, and Bullock lot on the West, con taining one-half acre more or less, and known as the D . E. Griffeth noffin house let. On the first described lot there is a six room dwelling and stable and other out buildings. On the second described lot, there is a good five room dwelling, a stove room with tw r o' other rooms attached. On the thr’rd described lot there is a two story building, the lower story used for coffin bouse room, and t v e second floor for lodge purposes. Also good barn on this l®t. Also ©n the following describe property as the property of D. E Griffetlu One lot of caskets and coffins r follow's: 1 Casket, 6-3 No. 1 705; 1 Casket, 6-e, No 515; 2 Caskets, 2-2 No. 202; 2 Caskets, 2-6 No. 233: 1 Casket, 6-3 No. 140; 1 Casket., 6 3 No. 48,579; l Casket, 6-3 No. 8847; 1 Casket 3-0 No number; 1 Casket 6- 3 No 509: 1 Casket 6-0 No. 2 N. L. 1 Casket 2-2 No. 5 ; 1 Casket 2-6 Plush; 1 Casket 2-6 W. L. ; 2 Cas kets 2-6 Flat top, W. L.; 1 Casket 6-3 No 503; 2 Caskets No. 202; 1 Casket 2-0 No. 5; 1 Casket 6-3, No. 575-8; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 55; 1 Cas ket 6-3 No. 96 State Grey: 1 Casket 2- No. 122; 1 Casket 2- No 98; 1 Casket 6-0 No. 2022-70 IVhue, 1 Casket 8-3 33-24; 1 Casket 6 No. GI7S Gay Plush; 1 Casket 3 No. 101 P; 1 Casket 2-6 in 4 feet box; 1 Casket 6-3 Broad Cloth, Cover Black; 1 Casket 5-9 No. 603: 1 Cas ket 4- No. 5; 1 Casket 6-6 No. 75; 1 Casket 6-3 No 72; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 75; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 601; 1 Gasket 6-3 No. 0107; 1 Casket 6-0 No. 70; 1 Casket 2-0 No. B; 1 Casket 2-6 No. B; 1 Casket 5-9 No. B; 1 Casket 5-9 N0.67; 1 Casket 2-9 No. 202; 1 Casket 2-0 No. A; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 80; 1 Casket 6-0 No. 82; 1 Casket 4-6 No. 503; 1 Casket 6-0 No. 71; 1 Caiket 6-0 B; 1 Casket 5- 0 B; 2 Caskets 2-6 No. 10; 1 Casket 6-6 No. 94; 1 Casket 6-6 No. 93; 2 Caskets 6-6 No. 550 r; 1 Casket 5-9 No. 5501 ; 1 Casket 3-6 No. 10; 1 Cas ket 5-6 No. 603; 1 Casket 5-6 No. 599-50; 1 Casket'2-6 B; 1 Cask-t 4- 6 B: 1 Casket 2-6 No. 733; 1 Ca-ket 4- No. 5; 2 Casket? 2- No. 202; 2 Caskets 2-3 No 202; 2 Caskets 2-6 No. 202; 1 Casket 2-0 No. 2 1-2; 1 Gasket 5-9 No. 5; 1 Casket 4-6 No. F2 1-2; 1 Casket 2-0 N. B; 1 Cas ket 2 feat No. B-l-2; 1 Casket 2-6 A; 1 Casket 4-6 B 1-2: 1 Casket 3- 0 B 1-2; 1 Casket 5-6 3 1-2; 1 Cas ket 2-6 No. 205-70; 1 Casket 6-0 No. 5511; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 101; 1 Cas ket 6-3 No. 170; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 4265; 1 Caskpt 2-6 No. 0; 1 Casket 2- 103 1-2; 1 Casket 2-0 No. L. S.: 1 Casket 2-6 No 202-55; 1 Ca*ket 6- 0 No. 509-55; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 8; 2 Caskets 2-6B”-l-2; 1 Casket 2-6 No. 70; 1 Casket 4- No. B-l-2; 4 Caskets 2-6 No. 6; 1 Casket 4-8 No. 355; 1 Casket 5-3 No. 5; 1 Casket 2- OB.S. L. S; 1 Casket 2-6 B. S. ; 1 Casket 2-6 No. 101; 1 Casket 2-6 Flat top; 1 Casket 3-0 No. 10; 1 Cas ket 3-0 No. 5; 2 Caskets 2-6 B-l-2; 1 Casket 2-6 No. 5; 3 Caskets 3-6 B -1-2; 1 Casket 2-6 B-l-2; 2 Caskets 3- B-l-2; 1 Casket 2- No. 203; 1 Casket 2-6 B-l-2; 1 Casket 2-6 202 55; 1 Casket 2- No. 312; 1 Casket 4- No. 5; 1 Casket 2- No. 10; 1 Casket 2- Mo. B; 1 Casket 4- No. 5; 1 Casket 2-6 No. 5; 1 Cesket 3-6 No. 5; 1 Casket 2-6 B-l-2; 1 Casket 2-0 B. S. L. Sf.j 1 Casket 2-6 No. B. S. L. S. ; 1 Casket 3- No. 6; 1 Cas ket 2-9 No. 202-55; 1 Casket 3- White Plush; 1 Casket 5-3 No. 603 1 Casket 5-6 No. 5501; 1 Casket 6-3 G. J. G. ; 1 Chsket 4- No. 5 1-2; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 53 1-2; 1 Casket 6-0 B 1-2; 1 Casket 5-6 No. B 1-2; 1 Casket 3-0 No. B 1-2; 1 Casket 5-3 No. 5501; 1 Casket 6-3 PIO6I C. C. ; 1 Casket 6-3 No. J. 17 P; 1 Casket 6-3 N®. 1401-7; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 183; 1 Casket No. 509-50; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 1421-70; 1 Casket 6-S No. 103; 1 Coffin 6-3 No. B 1-2; 1 Cas ket 5- No. B 1-2; 1 Cauket 2- No. 5; 1 Caaket 2-6 No. A; 1 Casket 2- B. 3. L. S.; 1 Casket 2-6 Flat top; 1 Casket 2-0 No. 10; 1 Casket 6-0 2106-6; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 509-45; 2 Caskets 2-6 No. 5; J Casket 6-3 No. 149; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 1705-6; 1 Casket 5-9 No. 101; 1 Casket 6-3 No. 88-29; 1 Casket 6-3 No. T. W. ; 1 Casket 6-3 200BE; 1 Casket 3-6 No. 2 L 1; 2 Caskets 0 3 2-9; 4 Cas kets 2-0 No. 841; 1 Casket 6-3 4700 Block C; 1 Caaket 6-3 No. 42 L 4; 1 Casket 2-3 No. 2; 1 Casket 6-3 46 No. LOG. 1 Ford Hearse. Said property levied upon as the property of D. E. Griffeth to satisfy excut r on issued from the Supe rior Court ®f Madison County, Ga., on the Ist day of September 1924 in favor of Gholston Bros, against D. E. Griffeth and C. J. Tyner Jr. Deed from Gholston Bros, to D. E. Griffeth filed and recorded in Clerk’s office of Madison Superior Court, for the purpose of levy and sale, before levy made. Written notice given D. E. Griffeth, defendant in fifa and tenant in pessession as required by law. Also the following property levied upon as the property of D. Es, Grif feth and C. J. Tvner Jr. 1 Grind rock, 8 oil cams, 29 pieces bn steel, 1 lot joint stuff and car bodies, 400 crossmem'ner braces for Ford cars, 1 Running in machine, 1 engine and free air tank pump, 1 drill on post, 2 wagon tires, 11-2 in. 16 axel for Ford and other makes of cars. 2 Ford drive shafts, 7 Ford wheels, new and second hand, about 400 long cylinder bead bolts, about 32 short cylinder head bolts, abouf 300 washers, 1-2 inch; 1 pint can cement and lit small sizes; 1 quart can cement; 2 glasses for cars; 6 Ford patent hangers; 1 lot CJhevoht parts in basket; 12 car gaskets, dif ferent makes: about 50 car bolts; 1 case; 1 lot hose clamps; 4 ra-dious rods; 1 lot felt washers; 25 rubber hose 1 1-2 inch, 3 feet long; 1 lot case hose, short lengths; 1 lot second-hand washers; 28 Ford fan belts; 1 lot steel bolts; 1 cam shaft for cars; 2 rubber floor boards for Fords; 1 set magnets, 16 comp; 1 set magnets, 13 comp.: 2 front bum pers; 1 five gallon glass jug; 100 & L turn buckles; 1 sledge hammer; 1 axle puller; I roller jack; wheels; 1 lot gas pipe; abouut 25 patches; 50 yards size; 40 patches 30 yards size; 1 lot duusting machines and parts; 1 lot attachments for Ford cars; 1 THE WAY TO (£ Make Money Save it in the cost of Paint for painting your house by mak ing your own PURE PAINT with L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT and PURE LINSEED OIL COST—ready for use $2.82 Per Gallon 3 gallons of Pure Linseed Oil are mixed into every 4 gallons of the L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT, to make 7 gallons of the best and cheapest Paint ready to use. Longest years of wear assured, be cause made with WHITE LEAD and costly WHITE ZINC added to make the paint durable. GUARANTEE- a gallon out of any pmrehate, and if not perfectly eatiefactory, the balance may be returned without payment being made for any paint need -FOR SALE BY GHOLSTON BROS. Comer, €3rSL Dodge truck, broken down; 1 Ford car, broke down, new block; 1 l*t shafting etc.; 1 lot Ford bolts, nuts, and all kinds washers etc.; and bear ings and bushings; 1 Ford five-pas senger car. The above property levied upon as tbe property of D. F. Griffeth and C. J. Tyner Jr. to satisfy a fifa is sued from the Superior Court ®f Madison County, Ga., on the Ist day of Sepetmber 1924 in favor of Ghol ston Bros, against said D. E. Grif feth and C. J. Tyner Jr. % This January 29th, !925. W. H. HALL, Sheriff j NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDI TORS In the District Court cf the United States for the Northern District of Ga . Eastern Division . AS A COURT IN BANKRUPTCY IN RE: Jno. M. Sorrow, Bankrupt, Colbert, C,a., R. F. D. ) To the Creditors of said Bankrupt; You are hereby notified that there will be a meeting of creditors of the above named bankrupt on Feb'. 12, 1925, at 613 and 614 Southern Mu tual Building, Athens, Ga. at 10:00 o’clock A. M., for the purpose <o£ Examining bankrupt, allowing claims selecting a trustee and other legal business. ... HOWELL COBB, Referee Athens, Ga., Feb. 3rd 1925. Cough Remedy Mother Gave Us Still Best Pine Tar and Honey Beat All Modem Drugs In thousands of families It haa been the custom for many years to keep pine tar and honey always on 1 hand for coughs, chest colds, bron chitis, spasmodic croup, and throat lrritatlono. Our mothers knew that It was good, that it often broke up the worst cough in 24 hours, and that it could bo given to young and old alike, as it contains no nar cotics or harmful drugs. And now we are told that in ppito of modern medical discoveries there Is still no better or quicker cough remedy. Doctors say the plno tar quickly loosens and removes tha phlegm and congestion that cause tho coughing, also healing soreness, while the honey not only gives a pleasant taste, but helps soothe irri tation. The original compound, made up many years ago and used by mil lions of people, was Dr. Bell’s Pine- Tar Honey. This is scientifically composed of just the right propor tions of pins tar, honey and other quick-acting, healing Ingredients which the best doctors have found to aid in quick relief. If you want the original and the best, be sure you get Dr. Boll’s i’ine-Tar Honey and no other. Only 30c. at any good druggists. Jb Dr.BELL'S mk for emsm