The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 06, 1925, Image 4

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(^unffNews* • ._ ..*•••• • NEESE LOCALS • ••• • The singing given by Mr. John Martin Sunday night was enjoyed kj all present. ; .. i; i'U~jt+ Mrs. Butler is visiting her son, Luther, in Atlunta. Mr. Mary Williams is on the sick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Key Boswell spent Saturday night with Mr. Hom ing Sorrow and family. Many from here attended the sing ing at Shiloh Sunday afternoon and reported good singing. Mrs. Willie Murray is on the sick fist; we hope she will soon he well. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McElroy and bit!* son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sorrow. Miss Gladys Sorrow spent Sunday with Miss Bell Martin. Mr. Jewel Murray, Misses Eula Mae Strickland and Gladys Sorrow spent a while Saturday night with Misses Rosa Nell, Susie and Mr. T. L. Crowe. Miss Vetie Martin returned home after spending a while with friends near Honersville. Mr. S. R. Strickland and family spent- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Murray and little son, Clove land. The quilting given by Mrs. Bud Martin Thursday afternoon was at tended by Mrs. Elsie Bullock, Mis. Willis C>owe, Mrs. Roy Key Baus well, Mrs. Evie Hardman ani Mrs. Dorn Bauswell.' After finishing quilt ing enjoyed a good supper. Miss Viola Brown spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Louesa and Shsie Crowe. Mrs. Loyd Bullock enent Monday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Henry Hawks. Little Miss Pmilene Mc Elroy is out of school on account of mumps. We hope she will soon be well. • COLLIERS ACADEMY * March has arrived but. it brought ibrth winter instead of spring. The farmers are taking advantage of the open weather and are break ing much dirt for another rrop. Master Allen Anthony spent Wed nesday night with Master Oliver Chandler. Miss Helen Bridges spent the week end with homefolks at Indian Creek. Mr. J. T. Carter of near Colbert spent a few days last week with Mr J. W. Tin mas, doi g carpenter work Rev. Philip Code spent the week end with his father-in-law, Mr Booth Master Oliver Chandler had as his guest Friday night Master Tom my Tiller. Our Sunday School visitors Sun day were Mr. Bridges and Miss Brides of Indian Creek. Wo welcome* all visitors. We are glad to report Mrs. F. C.' Tiller much improved at present but Mrs. Power’s condition is about the' same. rr. Mr. and C. I. Chandler and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Tiller and family. Very good crowd *ut at B. Y. P. U. at Clouds Greek Sunday night; Let’s come out and serve the Lord. *••••••••••* • MT. ZION LOCALS •*** * * * * Everybody in this neck of the woods seems to be in a farming no tion. We hear the familiar “gee and haw” of the bu; y plowman. Mr. .1. B. Patten made a business trip to Athens Saturday. One of Mr. Roy Huff’s little girls has been quite sick the past week. Mrs. Nettie Milton from near Wintevville has been visiting be. mother, Mrs. Collier Porterfield, the past week. s Messers Will and Howard Irvin visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ivey in Madison, Morgan, the past week-end. MH. and Mrs. Jefcse Patten were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Patten Sunday. Mr. Pattern celebrat ed his seventy-fourth birthday. Miss Gladys Bates was guest of Miss Edna Irvin Saturday night. Mrs. Hope Carithers spent the day Tuesday last with Mrs. Frank Lord of Meadow. Little Reba May Landers has been on tb e sick list for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Epps spent part of the past week with the lat ter’s parents, Mrj. and Mrs. Eeece Porterfield. Mr. Hope Carithers was guest of Mr. Eastern Hall near Meadow Sun day. Miss Jewel Escoe has been quite sick for the past week. Master Poilin Carithers was week end guest of Grover Meadow. Mr. and Mrs. BurrougV'S Holcomb from near Bullocks Mill visited the former’s sister, Mrs. Vaecoe Landes Sunday. Rev. Burgess of Commerce visited his daughter, Mrs. Dallas Caritners in this community Sunday nightl. Mrs. Comers Moore of Daniel ville visited her mother, Mrs. Bud F,scoe, during last week. Mbs Francis carithers was the week end guest of Miss Lillian Ca ritlsers below Meadow. Dalton, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Carrington, has been quite sick the past week. Master J. P. Escoe is better, hav ing been sick with a severe cold for a few days. Mrs. Mary Carithers visited Mrs. Brant Lord during the past week-end The young folks enjoyed a singing at Mil. and Mrs. Bud Carithe Sunday night. . Several from this community at tended the dance at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Escoes last Thursday night ne Cedar Grove. AUCTION SALE Desirable Residence I oti, Daniels viHe, G The Trustees of the Madison Coun-> ty High School will offer for sale on the first Tuesday in March, at the Court House in Danieisville, at 11:00. o’clock A M., to the highest bidder, for cash : the Lott known as the Old School House Lot, in Danieisville, on which is situated the old School Building, said lot being on Athens, St., and contains four acres, more or less. •* i • Said sale subject to confirmation by the Trustees of said School. TRUSTEES M. C. H. S. THE DANIELS VILI.K MON It OR. OANIELSVIfXE. FOR SALE Peidmont Cleveland Big 801 l Cotton l>eed, second year from Pedigreed Seed Farm, field selected, carefully ginned, culled and graded. $2.00 bushel Or $6.00 per hundred. F. D. STRIBLING, DanieUville, Ga. Athens Business College Bookkeepirg, shoithard and typewriting. Save 50 per cent of expenses bv attending this school. The Graduates of the Atnens Busi ness College always get the best position. Every graduate employed- Write for informa tion to-day. Box Athens, Ga. Pyorrhea often In & few hours. If w ***"—'"* you suffer from Pyor rhea, sore and spongy sums, loose teet& or other mouth irritations, I want to send you my simple home tr&atment un der plain wrapper. Thousands say It stopped Pyorrhea after everything else failed. Merely send name for generous 10 day free trial offer of my secret treat ment and rid yourself of for good. PING RUM-KDIES Gate way St&tlon, Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. “Champ” Champion Jack Dempsey And his bride, Estelle Tayl.or, snapped an hour after they had promised “to iove, honor and—” “Gosh, we’re happy,” say they. j Scared! Geo. engineer in the Interior Department, who has, worked in Alaska for 16 years, was “scared stiff’' when appointed Gov ernor of Alaska by Pres. Coolidge to succeed Scott C. Bone, whose term expire*- Parks says he will “try.” . ft IliaDii iiiijii![ii[[iii!iiiii]i.i 1 Achievement is gained by the man who tries. The fruition of your dreams and desires comes at the end of an effort to achieve them. In the achievement of success in business the first step is a bank account—you cannot establish a line of credit with creditors without it, Your.g man, if you hope some day to be at the head of your own business, come to our bank today and start your account. Take the first step. Then when you are ready take the second step,. You cannot climb a hill without taking the first step, THE COMER BANK Deposits Insured COMER, GEORGIA. MONEY TO LEND ON FARMS Have unlimited funds to place on im proved farms. Very reasonable com missions. Interest rate 6 per cent. Loans closed promptly. Green & Michael, Loan Department Southern Mutual Building Athens, Ga. IKTSIJR ATST CMES LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT WINDSTORM SURETY, BONDS, AUTOMOBILE. W t E. HENSLEE, Agent. Fertilizer is an INVESTMENT Not an EXPENSE. How many successful farmers do you know who do not attribute their success to proper fertilization? They do not question as to whether or not they can afford to use fertilizer, but rather can they afford not to; and as quality counts in everything else, so, also does it count in fertilizer. Forget the low analysis goods, as a thing of the past, and determine to make your 1925 farming profitable by using nothing but High Analysis Fertilizers 15-5-5 or 12-4-4 Invest in High Analysis Fertilizers For Big Yields —For Big Profits D <0 GUANOS