The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 13, 1925, Image 1

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The Danielsville flonitor. VOL. XXX . ■ i ~~ r 1 j h J I LOCAL I JIAPPENWG^ Mrs. Claude Montgomery, Mrs. John Montgomery of Commerce and Miss Evelyn Sorrells were guest* at this meeting. Col. Hamilton McWhorter of Lexington was here Saturday on le gal business. The monthly meeting of the Wo man’s Missionary Society of the Methodist church met on Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock at the church. Mrs. J. H. Boggs motored to Athens Friday to see the Thief of Bagdab playing at the Palace. Protracted services begin at the Methodist church on next Sunday Ee|. Shankle, pastor of First church Elberton, will be here to assist in the meeting 1 and will deliver some very able sermons. Everybody is invited to be present. It’s a mighty easy matter to get in the habit of non church attendance. If this is our trouble, let’s turn over anew leaf and get an early start next Sunday, and attend all the services possible and much good will be accomplished Mrs. Charlie Sanders was shop ping in town on Saturday p, m. Mr. and Mrs. Comers Moore were in Athens Tuesday night. I>llS. vjrtruigia VjUI'UOII ai.'.tj qftn, Jim, were in Athens Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Graham of i Athens were guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Graham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snellings were in Athens Tuesday afternoon. Mi and Mrs. W. D. Graham were among those in Athens Tues day to see the Birth of a Nation. Adolphus Sorrells returned home Sunday afternoon from Comer, af ter having spent the week-end wit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Sorrell. Mr. and Mrs. Ben White and Ben Simpson, accompanied by Mess ers Westbrook and Marion of Ha, were spend-the- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Witcher Sunday. The Council meeting of the Meth odist Sunday School held a most in teresting meeting on Monday eve ning at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Allen. Misses Ada Jack Wilson and Jes sie Neal Strange attended preaching services in Athens on Tast Sunday. Mr. Alvin Baker and Miss Marie Barrow were in Athens Tuesday eve ning to attend the Glee Club recital at Lucy Cobb. Miss Jennie Duncan, one of our i efficient primary teachers, spent the past week-end with relatives at Tig nail. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Moseley at tended the funeral of Mrs. Hill Ran dolph, Mrs. Moseley’s aunt, at Gal- Wee, near Jefferson, Ga. on Tuesday Miss Susie Colquitt spent last week end with relatives at Crawford. Mr. and Mrs Walter Roper and young son were dinner guests of Mr ar,d Mrs Nat Griffeth Sunday. Mr. Roy Murray who has the Class of Junior boys in the Methodist Sun day School entertained them on Mon day evening by carrying them over to Athens to see the Birth of a Na if*oll • Mr. Murray has eleven fine | boys in his class who enjoyed this : treat thoroughly. The picture is one that combines an appeal that is wide enough to cover the delights of all who enjoy motion pictures, and it furnishedes entertainment that no other picture carries. It's education al value alone of the reconstruction days ofl the South is worth going toi see. Mrj. W. H. Hall and Miss Ger trude, Miss Kathleen Scarborough, and Mrs. Clhude Parham were in Athens Tuesday. Among those forming a congenial party for Athens on Monday evening’ to see the Birth of a Nation were: Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ware, Misses Ruby Jenkins, Susie Colquitt, Lucile Burroughs, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall, Miss Strange, Buel Hite Moon, Mr. and Mrs. R'. Howard Gordon, Mrs. ,]i. H. Boggs and Virginia Moseley. j Mr. Luther Williams, our efficient City Marshal, is doing some much needed work on our side walks and streets. NEW HOLMAN HOTEL OPENS AT ATHENS Athens new hotel, The Holman, BRfiQiCd.-OPl_ 3'’tC~dcirav -0x,";,,™— —‘ ‘i — gram. The Holman Orchestra fur nished music for the happy occasion, and quite a large number of people were present. This new hotel is nine stories, and is very elaborately fur nished. Among those going over from here for the opening were: Misses Ada Wilson and Virginia Moseley, Messers L. E. Greene, W. D. Meadow and D. A. Moseley Notice! Attention!! Rev, A. G. Shankle will begin a ten days Series of Revival Services at Danielsville Methodist Church. Mar, £ * 15th at 11 o'clock A. M. It will be a great Spiritual loss to you to missthees Services. Bro, Shankle comes highly reccommended and we expect some old time Soul Stirring.revival preaching. All denominations are cordially invited to attend and take part in the Services. M. C. ALLEN. Pastor in charge. Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, MAR, 13, 1925 DANIELSVILLE WOMAN’S CLUB The monthly meeting ofl the Dan ielsville Woman’s Club was held Meh 4, 1925 at the home of Mrs. R. C. Griffeth\. Mrs. A. S. Dalton and Mrs. Griffcth being joint hostesses. In discussing old and new business many things of vital importance was brought before the Club. Among them was the much appreciated offer by Mr. B. T. Moseley for the Club tc use his vacant office as a tempo rary club room—the club very grate fully accepted this offer and will hold the regular meetings there. A com mittee was appointed to move the various things belonging to the Club to its new location, 1 . Our president leaves us at this meeting to be connected with the New Holman Hotel in Athens, but at the urgent request of the club war asked to still occupy the chair for the next two meetings, when election ot new club o cers takes place. T , she consented to do and the next two meetings will be held at 2 o’clock im stead of three, in order to make more convenient for her to make the trip out from Athens. An interesting program arranged by Mrs. C. E. Adams on “Public j School Education” was piesented. After the club adjourned a most happy social hour was enjoyed. A profusion of jonquils, daffodils and buttercups was used as decoration in the living and dining room. De licious cake a-!a-mode with punch was served by the hostesses, after which the club members surprised Mrs. Dalton with a handkerchief shower. It is with the deepest regret that the club gives up Dalton—but FOR SALE Peidmont Cleveland Big 801 l Cotton Seed, second year from Pedigreed Seed Farm, field selected, carefully ginned, culled and graded. $2.00 bushel or $6.00 per hundred. F. D. STRIBLING, Danielsville, Ga. DANIELSVILLE METHODIST NEWS LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN!:' About one hundred and .twenty-!'ve members of the Danielsville Moth )- dist church. Finder will return same to Rev. M. C. Allen and re ceivt reward. While wt had a most beautiful day Sunday and trtily appreciated tht attendance at the services both morsing asd evtsisg, we were sorry to see so many if our church mem bers absent. According to the Bible itself, if we reject God’s present messengers, we would also reject one though he were risen from the dead. Brethren, if we turn a cold shoulder to the church that Christ died to redeem, how can we expect the warm smiles of approval from our Lord himself? W’e speak from a bruise 1 heart when we say that we are sorry to see people able to go where pleas ure or duuty calls but unable to go to church. We are made to ask our selves the question, is there a healing balm in Gilead of a er n agravr.ti n for our present lHs. I firmly believe that we get what we go to church to get. Elsewhere in this issue you wfll see a notice of our revival to begin next Sunday morning at eleven o’- clock. Now, brethren, I firmly be lieve that it is with us ts it was in the days of Christ, “As your faith is so be it unto thee.” So let’- nsk ourselves hew strong our faith ‘s We can enjoy Penticostai showers a gain if we will only meet the .mndi tions. Our second Quarterly Conference will be hek| at Gordons Chapel tion present *srm -mi T-e >— *— ble reports. REV. W. M. COILE TO PREACH AT DANIELSVILLE On the third Sunday in April Rev. W. M. Coile will preach at the Bapi tist church at Danielsvillle, Every body cordially invited. Dr. Dawson of the Ag. College*, who has spent the past two weeks in this county inspecting cattle, return ed to Athens Saturday. Mr. .and Mr?!. Schoupe and two children of Atlanta were soend the day guests Sunday of Supt H. J. Schoupe. LITTLE CHRISTINE GORDON CEL EBRATES SECOND BIRTHDAY Little Christine Gordon celebr t ed her second birthday with a love ly dinner on last Sunday. The attractive appointed table was centered with a handsome cake, with two sparkling candies. Covers were laid for the following: Mrs. Georgia Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boggs. Tom Neese and Harold Arthur Boggs, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moseley and Virginia Moseley. An elaborate dinner was seived at noon. BUSINESS MEETING OF PURE SEED ASSOCIATION On Monday night, Marck 16. at 8:00 o’clock at Danielsville in School Auditorium there will be a business meeting of Madison County Pure Seed Association to elecc officers and select varieties of seed to be grown. All come and help organize. FINANCES FOR PRODUCING YOUR 1925 CROP Members of the Georgia Cotton Growers Co-operative Association, and Cotton Growers desiring to co operate with the Association, who this County *■- Call C. E. Adams, Danielsville, Secretary Loan Committee CALCIUM ARSENATE If you want 'Calcium Arsenate, let me know by, at least, March 18. The price is Bc. delivered with a de posit of tc. a pound}. It is high timej that we had our poison if we expect to grow cotton. Just as a word of warning—do not expect to have as l'ttle trouble with the BOLL WEEVIL as you did last year. If you want me to get Calcium Arsenate for you please act at once. ESPER E. HALL County Agent. COLBERT HAS GREAT BASKET BALL TEAM The showing that the Colbert High Basket Ball Team made at Athens, during the Northeast Georgia Tour nament, is one that not only Colbert, but the entire County should feel proud of. The Colbert team fought its way, eliminating many teams that were counted on going to the finals^. It seems, if it had not been for Colbert, Madison County would not have gotten anything. Colbert has a good team, there is no doubt. In we Teel like if Colbert had been irf Winder’s place, the finals would have been fought out between Colbert* and Grayson. Grayson defeated Winder worse thna Grayson defeated Colbert; therefore, we say that Colbert is second. Boys, you have a good, clean team, and you five boys deserve far more credit than some of the papers have given you. Your team displayed “team work,” and this is what it takes to win the game. You have made a record for your-” selves, and Colbert High School. Respectfully submitted, Roy C. Murray. ‘ Number