The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 20, 1925, Image 3

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L Madison County. irtue of an order of the Court B ndin uy of said county, will be 0f , f public outcry at the court ?0i ,L at Danielsville on the first hoUS6 / f in April, 1925, within the Sluours o t sa>e, the Mowin, iC All ttat'tr.ct or parcel of land, Ip .A | b eing in the county of Madi lngU M state Brookline district, S ° n , Coining lands of Mrs. Ethel rln the Northeast ;‘J. T. Threl fTd on the Southeast; Mrs. Jessie Scarborough on "the Southwest ; Co on the Northwest; and con -96 35 Acres more or less# tor the purposi! of diitnta tio„ among heirs. Terms Cash. This March 4, e 925. C F • Threlkeld, Admr of Mrs . Martha Threlkeld, Estate. Georgia, Madison County. Will be sold before the court house It said county on the M Tuesday in April 1925, between the W hours of sale, to the h.ghest bidder for cash, the following prop erty to wit; the life estate of basic Arnold in and to the following lands; -AU tin* tract 0. parcel of -and situated in Madison County, Ga..,. ■ . i ric nf w P Rowe on adjoining lands ot W . r. couth; Ed Johnson on West; Mose Smith place and Graham place on North; and Ed Johnson on East; en closed in the following lines: Begin ning at a maple thence S 48 y-2 W 14 7• S3l W 168; 547 W 235; S 28 1-2 W 122; S 73 W 141; S 44 W 222 to rock; thence S 64 1-2 E 3.19 to rock; thence S 12 1-2 W 10.00 to rock; thence S 67 1-4 E 21.34; thence S' 88 3-4 E 6.67 to iron stake; thence N 23 W 22.57 to rock; thence N 63 W 12.65 to beginning corner, containing 95.45 acres more or less; ; being the * dower interest of Susie Arnold, and levied upon as the property of Susie Arnold to satisfy tax execution issued by T. G . Hitch cock against Susie Arnold for taxes for 1924. This March 2nd ? , 1925. W. H. HALL, Sheriff ‘Georgia, Madison County By virtue of afi fa in favor of Clara Brightwell against W. 0. Pitman, issued from a judgment of Madison Superior Court, (fated Marj 3, 1924, I will sell to th e higl.esij bidder for cash, during legal nours on the first Tuesday in April 1925, before the Court House door at Dan ielsfille, Madison County, Georgia the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land ly ing in Madison County Georgia, on the waters of Little Sandy Creek, ad joining lands of Mrs. Sarah Wages, Cole, Huff and others, and lying o‘ the West side of Sandy Creek, an. the East side of Nowhere road, anc being a part of tlie Wages land, mr fully described as. follows: Being the land described in a,dced from Mrs. Sarah Wages to Allen IT. Talmage which deed is recorded in deed book y page 440, for further description reference can be made to deed from Mrs. Maude F. Talmage to W. 0. Pitman dated October 31, 1917 and recorded in Clerks office of Superior Court of Madison County November % 1917. Said property levied on as the r>ror> C*;‘y ol (~\ |!•■■>-,!<- af c- <- from Cla a 3rigf:twe!i t° W. 0. Pitmart conveying said land v ‘ as recorded. Written notice given to W. O. Pitman, the tenant in pos session. - * This March 2nd, 1925. W. H. HALL, Sheriff Georgia, Madison County. Whereas, D. R. Carithers, Admin-* n-trator of Mrs. N. D. Carithers, represents to the Court in his peti- J°n, duly filed and entered on record, mat he has faithfully administered . rs - N. D. Carithers’ estate; This ,s ’ therefore, to cite all persons con fined, kindred and creditors, to -show cause, if any they can. why s ?!“ Administrator should not be dis ( arged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dismission, on nrst Monday in AnriL 1925. N. C. BULLOCK, Ordinary. GeovgipMiaihiwn. (Bounty. >. * r N-S*that Q : Massey £s administrator of‘ Mr%. Nancy C- Massey, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to -sell real estate of said deceased; an orderwas made thereon at the Match term, 1925, for citation, that citation issue 1 ; dll'the heirs at law and creditors of said deceased will take notice that I will pass upon said application at the April term, 1925, of- the Court of Ordinary of said County, and unless cause is shown, to the contrary at said time, said leave will be granted. This March 2, 1925 N. G. BULLOCK, Ordinary. Georgia. Madison County. Notice is hereby given that Q. H. Massey, as Executor of Dr. H. D. Massey, deceased, having applied by petition for leave to sell the real es tate of the said deceased; ah oi'der was made thereon for citation, that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said Dr. H. D. Massey, deceased, will take notice that I will pass upon said application at the April term, 1925, of Court of Ordinary of said county, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary at said time, said leave will be grant ed. This March 2nd, 1925. N. C . BULLOCK, Ordinary. PLAY THE DUST OF THE EARTH Progress School House Cast of Characters: David Moore of Maple Farm Cottage, —Birch Jones. Susan Jones, his wife—Ruby Chand ler. Elizabeth, their daughter— May Belle Williams. , Jerry, their son—Arthur Maddox Rev. Dr. Templeton, a young .di vine—Hoke Jonees Miss Arabella, gossipper—Bessie Me Connell John Ryder, Master of the Maples, —Goss Jones!, Wandering Tom, a mystery—Jordan Glenn. Nell, the dust of the earth—Lucille Glenn Admission: 15 and 25 cents STRAIGHT SALARY: $35.00 per week and expenses Man or woman with rig to introduce POULTRY MIXTURE. Eureka Mfg. Cos., East St. Louis, 111. Grass oil Lung ♦ Jeannette English, 11 years old, of San Antonio, Tex., who has liv ed for four years with a blade of grass on her lung. Citizens sub scribed a thousand dollars for ao operation. 9-^ t* * aitUfJ V. Zj-J .-.w.iawuv or Neuralgia Apply Good Old Musterole A little Musterole rubbed on the ach ing spot, will usually drive away head ache or neuralgia. A clean, white oint ment, combining in a marvelous way the virtues of oil of mustard, camphor and menthol, Musterole does the work without any 0 f the evil after-effects of narcotics °r heart depressants. Put up in jars or tubes for 35 or 65 cents, with a special milder form for little children, called “Children’s Musterole.” Great for colds, sore throat, croup, rheuma tism or any sore spot or pain. Better than a mustard plaster •THE OA*IIfeLSviLLg *6*l TDr/ 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney,liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal. Hastings'Free Flowers Seeds/ Hastings’ Is giving away Absolutely Free,,. 8 Seed Packets ot Beautiful Flowers to each 1925 customer, blast ings’ beautiful, new 112-page. 1925 Catalog shows these flowers In full natural colors. The front cover pic ures the great Stone Mountain Confed erate Memorial This Big Seed Book is the Standard Planting Guide, with valuable culture directions -and accurate descriptions of all kinds of seeds, plants and bulbs. It has over 250 pictures from actual photographs and is bigger and better than ever. Brim-full of Informa tion, It’s the most useful Seed Book ever published. You need it for ready reference al most daily. Be sure to write for it today; a post-card will do. It comes to you entirely free by return mall. H. Q. HABTINGB CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. Athens Business College Bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. Save 50 per cet of expenses bv attending this school. The Graduates of the Atnens Busi ness College always get the best position. Every graduate employed. Write for informa tion to-day. Box Athens, Ga. r“ ,ri -r-bbqa^J If you sire interested in an ,7 easy way to own a Ford * now —or at some future • ' -W t * , ?< J.' ” -) < t r m date-see the nearest Au thorized Ford Dealer for facts regarding a conven ient plan of payment, or /write us direct) W : Ford Motor Company, Dept. N. • Detroit, Michigan ; Please mail me full particulars regarding your ssLsy ; plan for owning an automobile. I m • Mama a • atw* ■ - 5 Town . State mmmmmmammsemmmmaemmSSSt: it is easy to own a car through this plan Hopes *i| • \i A .**’> 1 ( \\*f4 r * That some time she will owii a complete outfit, of table sil ver. We carry several good designs in stock and suggest that now is a good time to commence or add to your collec tion, * ....... M- F. FIGKETT JEWELRY CO- Jewe/ers—Opfometriats 268 CLAYTON ST. ATHENS* GA- * v gi** v-LM... . You Can Make Money! ju—tu tfia, '....1 ... gras * v * ... 4 Illustration describes how easy it’s done by making a fACT BEST—PURE—PAINT * t per Gallon | They aresimplyaddihgLtn seed ... Oil toL AM Semi-Paste Paint. WIUI Quickly done. SavesyouMoney. L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINT It is White Lead and Costly White Zinc to assure longest years of wear, as proven by 61 years of utmost satis factory use. , r " LEAST COST— because in Semi-Paste form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Linseed Oil into each gallon, and so make V/i gallons of Pure Paint for $3.00 per gallon. GUARANTEE— Use a gallon obi of any you bay, and if not per fectly satisfactory the remainder can be returned without payment being made for the one gallon used. FGSLSAUE OF . 3’- i! ‘ GHOLSTON BROS. GOa . r.,, -.f | r d)