The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 10, 1925, Image 6

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IN M LMOKIAM Memorial of Wi i am AloT a H.wal son To his 'Excollfc-vcy, the Exalted Cy clop?, ami to Klansmatt in Klon <-ave Assembled. The Kommittee appointed to pre 6cnt resolution.,, a memorial of the t r ~ late Kl-*us- man, Wilbam Alonzo' Harivtn, be.', leave to submit the folowing report: William Alonzo Hara 1 on was *) I ’■ August 31st, loot, iu V t '' <r. ( an tv, Georgia. He diet! at ‘it. Marys Hospital at Athens, Corea the -M Jay of Dec. 1.91?4. H; lather wm* Merry man Haralson of Elbert Co ’ ,n ‘ ty, Ca. aid his moth.ct Salltc Haralson, hr; mrchti later corn ng from Elbert county to thi County where Klansman Hasab on va born. Klanstnan HaraaLtm lived all - s life in Madiw n County, r.ear t.u: place, Datlielsvirir and lived to reach the age of 43 years, by occu- I :,Lion he was a fn. :*r. and was a successful farmer and enjoyed t. e farnt and farm life until his health became bad when he moved to Dan ielsville and engaged in the business of general mcr hdnflise about one year before h:s tifeath. Klansman Haralson married Miss Laura Huff of Madison Co’utvty,. De cember 25, 1899, and there were the issue of laid marriage, three children', MrV/'Vva Clive* arnTMas Ezzelle Haralson, atid Wilbur alson, all surytv^-clm'." Kla ns man' rtnrfdroh' at" tbV time of his death waV a VfV Wf bap tist Church at ' and he was always a consecrat ed member, enjoying*’the ‘Work of his ’ Master, an f Keying his _ fellow man in" any Vay’-thai he ‘could. He whs' Surtllay'Schddl SupfWfendhht at said •’bhurc^bndnife-' School and tlie Gfitrch work fcenac lly: unHer and guid aince. Klansman Haralson was a man of the strictest' ’ .nteTrity, tender of heart, an,l a be-in. e<* in re iigfon." He always Atocel for the truth, was a lover of nature, add the true and tfiV'bcdtutifal .■*‘He , fcas a faithful friend, a true Klansman indeed, a loving and devoted hus band ami father, and A*good man. o\vin(Tto bis condftion of ’health for the lust year ortVo before his death he aoull hdt nd : i ! d ViAt' takeSnTch an active stand m public matters, and general’' tf’ellttr.',’ but nnjfctie could silwasys judge where ho stood on matters of vital importance. His death will oa a personal loss to this Klan and to ninny others who had the pleasure to be thrown in dui,y contact" with his lif<*. * His cOunt> and his State ntid'thc community will feel the loss because of a valuable citizen has been taken from its rank and file. No greater praise can be bestowed or highes Eulogy pronounc ed upon Klansman ithraladK thaA to bear witness that when he JiVvd he was a manly man, and a hr an to whom honor and charaiter meant more than life itself. \ “His life was gentle, and the ele vl • ments So mixed in him, that Nature nvght stand up. And say to all the world, ‘this was a man!’ ” Klansman Haralson seemed for somejtime before his death to Jiavo the r fV?mo?ittiT>n' tfikt a' T;ftal malady lad already overtaken huh, though he never mentioned his '.use to any one yet it is believed that V.c 1 im self realized Ins ‘ eV?ief Cohd.fthh. Yet he' was Always “brave and at times very’V.o’f.e fill"’.n of*h' s dis ease, he performed "to? 'several months his work, and trife'd to share all the duties that devolved "upon j *_ , >• him. * His friends, his family and his na tive county have been hfettered by his having lived in the commdnWealth for which he loved so well. In the sorrow of separation, ' Klar.snvan Haralson’s friends are not without consolation. Ills work is done. W hen gathered to fathers he was like the wcU-ripetied 'golden grain, and. “Mart mttst ehdure*' Their going hence, even as their coming hither, Ripeness is all. ” One of the sweetest rewards of life of struggles and labor is the hope tl at if we die without reproach, we shall ti'l live in the affectionate remembrance of our friends. Let ns all emulate his bfe, and die without reproach, so that we may too have the just reward that awaits us. Respectfully submitted, —TH REE KLANSMAN Relieves Rheumatism MustercN logons up sti.f joints and drives out pain. A clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard, it usually I iingsrehef a., soon as you start to rub it cu lt docs ail the good vc.-k of the old fasliioncdmust.-.rd plaster, without the !'lister. Ivtsr.y cor tersandnurses recom mend its use. Get Muster ole today at your drug store. 35 and 65 cents in jars and tubes. Put vpin a milder form now.for babies and children up to six years; ask for “Children’s Mastercle.” Better than a muttard plaster * FORT LAMAR * ••• • •*• Farmers here seem to be very well up vefth their work. Clarence Blab:, son of Mr. Henry Black of Commerce, died at that place after a week’s illness of pneu monia, and wa3 buried here at Lib ! ’ erty last Thursday with quite a large crowd attending the funeral. He was 19 years old and a member of the church at this place. Mr. C. M. De m made a bu imss trip to Royston luesJay. Mr. Paul Hutcherson of Dalonega spent last week here with relatives. Mr. H. B. Higginbotham of Com merce was in this community recent ly. Misses Lula and Fannie Lee Par ker of the S . N. S. spent last week end 'at home. The sick in the community are improving. i• Mr. Anderson. Demonstration A gent ofl Franklin County, was here on business recently. Mr. Paul Tabor of the Ag, Col lege spent last week-end here. Mr. W. H. Hutcherson made a business trip to Danielsville Satur day . Mr. Ralph Parker of Seneca, S. C. was here last Friday. ASPM Beware of Imitations! |l HJJ \ eUmmdJ VnUm yon me th# "Bayer Croaa" on ftcka.g* or on Übleta you are not get ting tb genuine Bayer Aspirin proved Mi by Billions sod prescribed by (tysicians oraf twsaty-ihree yoan far Ootds Beadschq TH>Ukacha Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Kwuralgi* Pain, Pain Aempt ‘Barer Tablets of Aspirin* tniy. linsh unbroken package contains woven directions. Handy boxes of twstrs tablet* cost few cent*. Drug cuts also sell bottles of S4 and 100. Aspirin Is U trade nark at Bayer “Manufactors of |fcn>flMltio>ddastsr of (BnltcjrOoncldL W V C. } THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. , OANIKLSVILLE. GA. * JUST FROM PROGRESS S’ e • * • * ****** (Last Week’s Locals) Several from here attended tne Fifth Sunday Rally at 11a Sunday. The program as well ts the sumpt ous dinner was enjoyed ty quite a crowd. Ila never fails to entertain royally. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chatham and little Kathryn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Glenn teuA Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McElrov are the proud paren s of a fir e girl, who will be called Bertha Lucille. Our young folks a rf> busy rehea s ing the play, “Dust of the Earth,” which they will present at Poca Fri day evening April •’>, an 1 at Diamond Hill School House Saturday evening, April 4th. Hope a large crowd will be out to see and enjoy this splendid play. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Bone continues very sick-. Mr. Homer Hlx made a business trip to Comer Monday. Mrs. W. 0. Griffeth has return ed home after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Epps, who was very sick. , Mrs. Beulah Williams was visitng her daughter, Mrs. Grover Freeman of Neese, Sunday and Monday. Mr. Horace W r ilLiani3 spent Saf urday night in Danielsville; must tte some strong attraction over there for him. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fortson and children visited the former’s parents near Friendship last week. We are glad to state that Mrs. D. Jones who has been indisposed for the past week is greatly improved. Why is it that so many of our children spend Sunday afternoons playing, visiting and joy-riding when they ought to be attending a Sunday School some where? Good people, let’s wake up, get busy and organize a Sunday School at Progress. There” was a Ford roadster at Miss Ruby Chandlers" last Sunday after noon. She is determined to keep up with Miss Bertha. j News is scarce as everybody is at work. —— j' * 1 J -1 J Mjf' Bi IllHNfi V K V 4 DOrP X ***** •IKIDHVI4X* —\ I jnmffitfcgrM * eowaho V \ \ V Amanda ( • -s\ ,A\ V rViO ca*&o*caj~s ok - , r ■ y _ 4 , *-• 9 - eoitß e'lSa. \Jil. i ~ ~ 0o,? ” 3Up ooizs t \wvov I Pw.up nusbivt lak V.-j l! I* Coe tiVMOf, HBtVAN eEV'OCT PBAE CO CM,N gl jui **■ fJkjfeaaj s’ - . ftco. poor t. {. ex be ‘sa vv,XL' mujshimt, a*. NBR'f Misvooai . A*l * J3J 4,' ~r _ vM# * fry VS*/'- >*.3 flßk -' ' Sum SHBixze*. * woua fV'l'ir r T —— oo* to. *. *r TOWN \\ err, H. ~ P *-• 9 *' rs _lO IBBXS Ulb PCU* Cor.Tl*T P** 1 f \ moot,- re.LV > 'iriPijp a ASMLANO OUii ( j W - E>e AV *. r e fW TEWfv fJW T=&/ N.V. y*/ COLOCAOO V .4 ) feov. c /TY rr i; ( f .* V Tl ir ___ _ _ V_- ; §li j (5 r J PR.Xfi _ * f —|7 TU ports "<•" I9U PQlZff ( UwecMCß - -a* Tpi? 4. 's>-!, cToeaki. " wcoo Mow) -Kr^A U \ '.\ Huywes " SPah&Eh9,ero 2ca sooth ' y V kceoerst 'ifitl , I4tr PC X£ k * 22~Si PQUE / -xn-rn point £o^>€fe4AtttO T OUMINf Jf jQTVI pCfrg* f jit® N. Av"C. NCfth-VAH HC.aor* AteiA IOMA I ™ Tt | ~ e ,y NEXT WEEK. C S ' nrm 2ISS rii? Cl rt" **** Ik . rfSradd , ) p*' \W ; tT FUCUOW Y~yt, WIU-lAM /Jgfi htdßUr LBTift. ■ f outiCAN p3D 7C^J * S ’ W soa-rmsr ,W\ Q Camdwm TC UJ CAUAS TbftOHTb ATL fms Wttfy M W / T- AS 'vt 7 * CHO 3 *** AMT Hpjjpß..* ***•**•** * PCCATALfGO * *••***•••, W e had a nice shower of rain here Saturday night and Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. V/. T. Tidwell is sick with the “Flu.” We hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Freeman are the proud parents of a fine boy. Born April sth. Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Haggard and Mrs. C. L. Lord were in Athens Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bray and l tt’e daughter, Grace, of Tampa, Fla. New Hats We have received anew shipment ot Ladies and Child rens Hats. * SHSHSHSH ESHSHSHS Also anew line of wash / silks and silk crepes. W.F. Carithers l Comer, Georgia, visited relatives here for the wC end. • Misses Minnie Seagraves and Barrett were the guests of Mr*, p M. Henley last Monday. Mrs. L. W. Wilder and Mrs Gflyde Canton spenk Friday noon with Mrs. Mattie White. ________________ I W e had a play here Friday night presented by\ the Progress School The title of it was, “The Dust of the Earth.” It was enjoyed by all who attended. j Mr. and Mrs. Griff Hix announce the arrival of a fine boy on April 6 j | Miss Lula Maude Pittman spent the week-end with her home-people at Rebecca, Ga.