The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 10, 1925, Image 7

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LEGAL NOTICES court house ’„{ said county on the lint in . liar, 1925, between the rfhou-s of sale, to the hipest !Ser for cash, the following prop to Wit: the life estate of Susie ertJ and to the following lands: “ract O. parcel of .and ituated in Madison County, Ga., S ‘ : irin c lands of W. P- Rowe on fZ Ed Johnson on West; Mose it’piace and Graham place on v rtf and Ed Johnson on East; en closed'in the following lines: Begin nin ~ at a maple thence S 48 y-2 W ",- g s 3l W 168; S 47 W 23; S It Vs W 122; S 73 W 141; S 44 W 000 to rock; thence S 64 1-2 E 3.10 frock - thence Sl2 1-2 W 10.00 to alienee S 67 1-4 E 21.34; vence S 88 3-4 E 6.67 to/ iron L ke - thence N 23 W 22.57 to rock; fence N 63 W 12.65 to beginning copier, containing 95.45 acres more or ]e s; being the dower interest of c usie Arnold, and levied upon as the property of Susie Arnold to satisfy t P ax execution issued by T. G. iptch cock against Susie Arnold for taxes for 1924. This March 2nd, 1925. W H. HALL, Sheriff Georgia, Madison County. W'd oe sold at the courthouse door in Madison' County, Ge rg;a, on the first Tuesday in May, l l< 2o, within the legal hours of sale, the following described tract or parcel °f land: “A certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in Grove , Hill District of Madison County* Georgia, as per survey land map made by C. A. Mize, in October, 1818, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County, Georgia, in book 12, pages 384-385, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a rock corner on - the branch, which is a corner be tween Gray and the within described j land as the point of beginning, and ( running along the of j said branch in a southerly direction j to the point where this branch con- j nects with Rocky Creek; which point is on the line between the within de- j scribed land and McGurley; thence along the (neanderings of said Rocky Creek in a northeasterly direction to a point 530 feet from where the road crosses the said Rocky Creek, to the southeastern corner of tract No. 3; thence aionb a gully N 25 E 220 feet the ce >1 34 3-4 E .11 fee - thence N 60 3-4 E 217 feet; thence Nl9 3-4 E "0 r - feet; thence N 55 E 653 feet to a stake on the road; thence along said road N 2 E 165 feet; thence S U 1-4 E 793 feet to the point of b. ginning; 63.75 acres, more or less.” The above described land be n? s- : ! as the property of Crawford & M< r \\ a partnership composed of J- G. Craw oi l and M. B. M rry, ur ' the power of sale contained in a security deed given by - the said C ford & Merry to the Commer ce •nk of Athens, said deed being of record in the office of the Clerk <■: t’ 3 Superior Court of Madison County, Georgia, in Deed Book P-2, Polio 124, dr.d being dated the 23rd eh-.y of October, 1922, and October 31st, 1922. ihe debt secured by said deed has matured and the makers thereof have failed to pay the same, and said property is being said by Com mercial Bank of Athens as the duly authorized agent, of the said Craw ford & Merry, to the highest bidde • for cash, for th e purpose of repay/ mg said debt, together with the in terest due thereon, together with a ny advances made and to pay the expenses of this proceedings. This 31st day of March, 1925. COMMERCIAL BANK OF ATHENS As Agent for Crawford & Merry, a partnership composed of J. G. Grawford and -■I. H. Merry. Georgia, Madiso* County. Andrew Witcher Vs Callie Witcher To Callie Witcher, Wocdlawn, Penn You are hereby required to be and appear at the June term, 1925, of Madison Superior Court to an swer plaintiff’s petition for divorce; as in default thereof the court will proceed, as to jjustice will appertain. Witness the Hon. W. L. Hodges Judge of said Court, this Ist day o April, 1925. Wra. D. Meadow, Cle I Georgia, Madison County. To All Whom it May Concern :- J. T. Threlkeld having apple! for Guardianship of Jefferson Th e - keld, an imbecile person; notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at my office at ten clock, A. M., on the first Monday u May, 1925. This April 7th, 1925. N. C. BULLOCK, Or. in; y * COLLIERS ACADEMY •*•*****♦# * Easter is drawing near. We had real Easter weather for the last ten days. Mr. J. W. Thomas was sick the past week but is much improved at this writing. Mrs. L. 0. Chandler spent a few days last week with her father, Mr. J . W. Thomas who was then sick. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Paul spent Sunday afternoon near Mt. Pleasant Although it v. as raining Sunday, a very good crowd came out for Sun day School that afternoon. Miss Mattie Mae Anthony spent the week-end with home folks. Prayer meeting has been changed from Thursday night to Saturday night so as to" lot the people who work during the week have a better chance to go. Let more of us come out Saturday night and with earnest hearts pray for the upbuilding of Christ’s Kingdom in our midst. Mesdames L. O. and C. I. Chand ler were the guests of Mrs. J. 0. Chandler Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas be as their guests Monday ( afternoon, Mrs. H. P. Dickerson and (laughter I Mrs.' Hyatt Wheeless. '****#**** * MASON MILL DOTS * I j**** * * * * i j The farmers of this section a.e nearly ready to plant the'r cnttc-n, | just waiting for the weather „o warm up. | Miss Maneta Benton spent Satur day night, with Mi s Nell Phillips I ° j Mr. and Mrs. Tandy Wehun* ’spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Holman Fowler and family. , Mr. Ezra Christian haid the mis fortune of getting his eye hurt; hope it will soon be v/ell. Miss Willie Tyner and Mr. Guy Crowe spent a while with Mr. and Mrs. Tandy Wehunt Sunday after noon . Mr. Clarence Christian and wife is visiting Mrs. W. W. Chii tian and family. . FOR SALE PejdmOyit Cleveland Big 801 l Cotton Seed, second year from Pedigreed Seed Farm, field selected, carefullv ginned, culled and graded. $2.00 bushel or $5 .GO per hundred. • F. D STRIBLIMG, THE OANLELSVILLb MONITOR. OAN'ELSVtLLE. GEORGIA. Madison Superior Court, June term, 1925. Divorce | • French Champ Here i o%?’ • :•? Edward Mascart, Europe’s 125 pound king, is in the U. S. to meet the winner of Johnny Dundee-Kid Kaplan bout for the world’s featherweight championship. Dental Notice Dr. D. L. Cloud from Greens boro, Ga. will be in Comer on Second Monday each month pre pared to do all classes of dental work, to remain one week. He will appreciate a caM. Office in Roper Building. So Weak I Couldn’t Stand “My wife’s health broke down and for years she was just a physical wreck,’’ says Mr. Thomas Glynn, of Gib son, La. “We did everything we knew, yet she seemed to get worse and worse. She was so weak till she couldn’t stand, and had to be carried like a baby. It looked like nothing would save her that had been done. For Female Wes* “I began looking around. I ! knew that Cardui was for wo men. I decided to try it for | her as all else had failed, i She couldn’t eat, she couldn’t j sleep, and I was desperate. “After taking a- few doses of Cardui, we were so glad I to rote that she wanted some- | thihg to eat, and with each ; bit oi nourishment, and each clay’s doses of Cardui, she ; grew stronger and got up out of bed. She is now able to cook, and stronger than in a ! long time.'' j Crrdui has been in semenss ful use for nearly 50 years, i: the rea* ion’ of many com mou female troubles. All Druggists’ s _ ica ] FOR OVER haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. V* HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druegists. Insist on die original genuine Coizi Aled/.1. Koles.l M-inv people lose money erd other valuable thirps out of their pockets and know nothing of it until lons after when recovery is impossible. Thoughtful people never carry about their persons apy more ca e h is absolutely necessary for bare expenses. They keep their money deposited in seme good bank where it is sase from theft. burglary, fire and other haz ards and where they can get it when they need it. We will appreciate your banking business. \ . The Peoples Bank Comer C35-s& You Can Make Money! Illustration describes how easy it’s done by making PAINT FACTS BEST—PURE — PAINT mw , $3 oo ll per Gallon Theyaresimply adding Linseed Oil toL&M Semi-Pasta Paint. Witft Quickly done. Saves you Money. L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT It is White Lead and Costly White Zinc to assure longest years of wear, as proven by 51 years of utmost satis factory use. least CQST-heeanse in Semi-Paste form, and therefore you mix 3 quarts of Linseed Oil into each gallon, and so make 1 gallons of Pure Paint for *.3.03-per gallon. GUARANTEE— Use a gallon cut of any you buy, and if not per fectly satisfactory the remainder cun be returned without payment being made for the one gallon used. • FCR SALE BY GHOLSTON BROS. Coraie'F, Every Woman Hopes That some time she will own a complete outfit of table sil ver. We carry several good designs in stock and suggest that now is a good time to commence or add to your collec tion, M- F- FICKETT JEWELRY CO. ,/e vve/ers— -C)pl onief rist s 268 CLAYTON ST. ATHENS* GA