The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 01, 1925, Image 4

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C. B. Ayer*, Publisher Ur. and Mr*. D. A. Moseley, Local and Social Editors Entered as second claw, matter at the Post-office at DanicUville Official Organ of Madiron County Subscription Kates: One Yea:, $1.50 Six Months, 75 Cents. Entered at the Danielsville Postoffice us Second Class Mail Matter under the Act of Congress Mch. 8, 1875. • ‘RED" MOSELEY'S MUSINGS 'The count' y will yet better wnen the folk-, in it straighten up. When one speaks, from a V (,t) d clean mind somebody will listen. A man may fool some people—bbt rot his children. Straighten up. . When a fellow has nothing to do but ju:<t as he pleases, he’s in a bad fex. The world is now. seeking, . good straightforward, honest, thrifty, enir gotic, Christian men— Anybody .af ter you? If you are interested in the town in which you live let the town know jt. 1 yoing something for it. Bad thinking will cause ugly do ings. There may he a shelf vor the vice {•resident of the United States. If so they have lost the shelf or elected the wrong man to put on it.—- Dawes is being heard . Last cold snap hasn't gotten . the Leant yet. Keep up with your gar dening. We should have some for the table each day of the year from our garden. Commissioner (i. O Griffeth is do ing a great amount of road work ov pi the county with so small number of convicts. G peaking of hard times we believe if all of us will use our time — all of it- we can change. conditions wonder lullv. Enough time is lovti each year to make several thousand •dol lars by people in Madison county Atlanta is putting the grand opera this week. She is a good "piiter’’. Most everybody talks prosperity-- we want to see someone work for it. Time is precious—to some people. [ local.. ] HAPPENINGS T •* h\-v. T. X Simnsou filled his regular appointment at the Presby terian chureli Sunday and SumbiJ night. Brother Simpson is a fine man ami a good preacher. We are sorry to note that IT. D. Burrowd Jr is very ill. He was carried to St. Murys Hosp.tal Luocs day. APsses Ruth Carson and Rath ] or ,j of Athene wore visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. L. -Carson Sunday. .Mr. 0 D. Scarborough was cell cd to see his sister. n< ar Royton jp :.-.N K. Scarborough, who is very -i-k. Mr. end Mrs / T. G. Hitchcock were visiting relatives in Colbeit last Friday. Mr. J. C. Smith. L. C. of Co mer was here on business hist Sat urdeiy. T'r .1 L. Baker and Mr. F. G O’Keilev of Carlton were among our visitors Monday of this week. Dr. J. S. Daniel attended the Vaughn Memorial Singing in Athens last Sunday. | Mr. Wyatt Gholston is planning to open an ice cream parlor and so da fount at the Blackwell corner soon. Dr. Joe Hardman and Prof Hope Davis wore over from Colbert Friday i night attending the entertainment ; of the S. N. S. Glee Club. | Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moseley are lon a trip to New York this week with the Georgia Press Association. - ; Mr. James Gordon, wi'fle and daughter, were visitors here a few days this week. j Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Huff spent the week-end with relatives at Beth lehem. LONG—GKTFFETH It is with a great deal of interest to the score of friends of Miss Floyce Long and Mr. Knox Griffeth to learn of their marriage in Atlanta Sunday, April 19, 1925. No have yet been re ceived concerning the wedding but therr maany, many friends offer congratulations and predict for them a long, happy married life. Miss Miriam Carter of Lucy Cobb was the week-end guest of Mss Marie Barrow. Mrs. R. C. David spent the last of the week in Atlanta, attending Grand Opera. Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Lunsford of Atlanta announce the arrival of an 8 lb. boy, April 20, 1925. Mrs. Lunsford will be remembered an Miss Mollie Gholston. Among the Normal School girls home Friday were: Misses Julia Ba ker, Frances Scott, Ruby Griffeth and Grace Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Griffeth and Mrs. Bertha Sorrells were ’in Com merce Friday attending the Presby tery . Miss Willie Sue Gwyn of Atlan'a was the guest <f friends hero the first of the week. Mrs. (Howard Gordon and Mrs. Hoyt Boggs motored to Bowersvi le Saturday, visiting Mrs. Walter As kew . Mrs. Emma Turner of Comer spent Friday with he*, sister, Mrs. Georgia Gordon. M iss Kathleen Snellinga spent the week-end with home-folks. Miss Lily Henning of the faculty at State Normal was the week end finest, .of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Grif feth. The people of Danielsville enjoyed t>.e pro am presented Friday n : - hi. by the Gh“* and Dramatic Club from the S. N. S. Each number. \va' entered n such a manner a> t> r - i tieet credit to the members. We ix tend the invitation to "Come again” Miss Marie Harrow complimented ! her guest. Miss Carter, with a pir i ric and fishing pnrtv on “Bread River" Saturday. Quite a nunjl er of the young people enjoyed her j hospitality. Mi<s Helen Smith was in WhfC ; Plains, 'with home-folks fo r the week-end. Mr and T. C. Orn’mm, Mr- Georgia Gordon, Mrs. F. L. M - Ca nnon and Mr Cm t Forteriteld I motored to Comer Sunday. Among those attending the Ga | Mover game in Athens last w ek i were: Mr R. 0. Sorrells. Joe Boyd Gholston and Sorre’ls. Mr. Garnett Ware. Air. R. C. -SHE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. QANIKLSVHJLE, QA. David, Mr. and Mrs. R H Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. B? T. Moseley were in Athens Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roper and Walter Jr. of Athens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. N Griffeth. ■ Mrs. Sadie Kidd spent a few days ■ last weekf in Athens with her son, Mr. Harry Kidd. Miss Rubv Campbell and Mr. Wimberly of Atlanta spent Memo : rial Holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A . C. Campbell. Mrs. W. H. Stephens is spend ing some lime with her daughter, [Mrs. C. E. Adams. *7 Miss Susie Colquitt spent the week-end in Athens with her mothr. i • i Miss Jessie Neel Strange was a ; visitor to Eatonton the past weekend County Commissioner G. O. Grif feth wa in Atlanta lat Thursday t and Friday in communication with state highway authorities who let con tracts for te construction of three concrete bridges on the state road —B from .Danielsville leading to Royston across the three creeks. Mr. Griffeth is taking advantage jof every opportunity for improve of the highways in the county will see that Madison County gets everything possible for her advances He lives, thinks, sleeps and awakes good roads and is always .alert to ev ery opportunity to improvement. We understand this work will be- I gin tes days from date contract is entered into. * MT. ZION LOCALS Mr. Will Sorrow visited his father at Rogers Mill the past week end Mr Quincy Loftis from near Col bert w r a.s dinner guest or Mr. J . B. Patten Sunday. Mr. Cecil Eavens has returned home from Shiloh community where he has been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fletch Patten were guests of relatives at Roysto Sun day. Mr and Mrs. Vasco Landers spent Sunday with Mr. Will H.olcmb and famiily near Zoar. Miss Evie Lou Mann of Daniels ville was week-end guest of Miss An nie Belle Patten. Jft t Mr. Ben Lord and family anb Miss P rances Carithers were among those who enjoye . the ho: pitalif, :;i dinner Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Frank Lord of Meadow. We understand the sumptuous dinner was given eelebrat iii!.. Mr. l ords birthday and quite a number were present. Miss Fonn’e Lou Patten has return ed from Patterson’s community vrher s v o ias ’ eon the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patten duringthe past week Mr. Fred Landers and. family spent Sunday in the Classic City as guest;, of Mr. and Mrs Jerry McClain Mrs Bill Beusee and daughter ?dis ; Lillian and Mi s Ruby Scott of Dan ielsv lie v'sited Mrs Kay B.tes and daughter Sunday P. M. Misses Annie Sue and Jessie Bonds were among those going over to R ys ton Sunday to the Bonds family reun iion. Air. W. M. Irvin and family mo *n d ( o Ga' e v'lti Saturday. Miss Derrde Mae Martin of Daniels vil’o was week end guest of Miss 1 il lie Patten. mrmr . Mesdam* .Ts<e and Gilbert P- tte visited rebut v s n Cedar Grove com* munitv Wo 7 r;e dm-. Let Our Prices And Quality Be Your Guide We want to call your atten tion to our display of lovely prints crepes and voiles. New pieces coming every day. They are snap pj too. Pretty styles in Men’s and Ladies Slippers at popular prices. Try our “Iron Clad Hosiery,’’ Everything the name implies. Anew selection of Men’s Ties. See them. Attractive colors. We appreciate your trade. We Invite You l _ Whitehead and Ghclston COMER, GEORGIA. New Patent Slippers, and Hose in all the stylish light colors. New shipment of Dresses expected this week. A beautiful assortment of Dress goods and Materials for Spring and Summer Wear. Each week finds new arriv als in our millinery depart ment. When in need of anything call on us. W.F. Carithers Comer, Georgia.