The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 08, 1925, Image 4

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The Daii')Blsvilie Monitoi Official Organ of Madison County C. B. Ayer*. Publisher >!r. and Mrs. D. A. Moseley, Local and Social Editors Entered as second clab.s matter at the post-office at Danielsville Subscription Kates: One Year, |1.50 Six Months, il> Cents. mother Her girlish chirm has vani.heJ now, The line, are many on her brow; No longer do her suiet ways Bring atmosphere of springl ke oay The years have tinged her h ar wi h . .gray, Her feet grow weary with the <-ay; But of the friends Col t a e to me,. There’s none ro beautiful ts she My mother —Thomas Clark mothers day Miss Anne Jarvis, of Philadelphiaa in honor of her own mother, sug gested that the second Sunday in May be set aside as “Mothers Day and that it be observed by churches and other organizations evryewhere. And now "Mothers Day” has de servedly become one of the most pop ular and generally ob.erved “Special Day” on the calendar. What could he more fitting in our ■churches on Sunday morning than a worthy observance of this day of a 1 days most worthy of remembrance. Wear a flower in honor of yo. r own dear mother Sunday. RED MOSELY'S MIHINCS rionty to do yet a while ii it does not rain Inquire ibout your sick neighbor mryhe you can do something for h m Lest we forget the highways are usually wide enough for two cars — - *■ ..Mire lo- e— le s h tv— be ter world—sweeter country. ' I/ots flowers in bloom —pluck one and puss joy along to someone. Gran in the pasture, milk and butter a plenty, cabbage he-ado 1, English pens ripe, Irish potataes in bloom, ordons and lettuce subcient, strawberries ready and black berries coming. Looks good fcr a while. Those who planted vetch last fal can begin to reap now. I Auto vs. Divorce ~f\ .. r• , <•- v , * ■ v V- x-yF*''" "-i* i F ! v • v ■ .•. •• 'i | V I ’**''> Jr, *- ■" V < - >- ' j-' - ") 1 g* . v.' I ‘ r ) ! Jußge M. C. At ' of Wood bridge, N. J: says t! a tome! Fri ctrr for tie di. • tv!!. He kaj sect hundreds c • hmuU and *• irr , gw- f-, | . e:eu—in J resolvf-J to go Lay a X xr. x3B=acaa=aß=: 1 ■ 1 1,1 ’ 11 ‘“*l LOCAL I tiAPPEMIVG^ Mr. and Mrs. Fen White Jr. of Ashville, N. C. are expected he:e soon to spend their summer vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. White. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Snellings spent Sunday in Commerce with Mr and Mrs Charlie Nelms. The friends of Mrs. Alice B ges Little, will be glad to know she hrs returned home on last Monday after having spent the past six monthi with her daughter, Mrs. Clide Har kins at Zama, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Graham at tended the “May Day Festivities,” in Athens Monday afternoon May 4. Mr. W. S. Long, former County Agent <f Madison, who is held by very high esteem here by his many friends, was over from Hartwell on Wednesday. The friends of Sheriff W. H. Hall will be glad to know he is im proving from his recent sickness. Mrs. 0. L. Power spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Lizz:e Lan ers Mr. D. E. Griffeth has returned from South Geo gin where h:> w nt to purchase potato slips. Mr. C. J. Knight who is conne.t ed with the Cotton Association was here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Meadow of Comer were visiting relatives here Sunday. Col 0. E. Adams made a business trip to Homer on Tuesday. Mr. E. L. McCannon, Clity Po lice of Comer, was here Monday. Mrs. A. S. Dalton of Athens was here on Wednesday afternoon to be present for the regular meeting of the Woman’s Club. Wyatt Bullock left Tuesday for a visit to relatives in South Car olina . Mrs. R. C. Griffeth was a visitor to Athens on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Graham, Mrs. Georgia Gordon and Mr. R. H. Gordon returned on Friday from a motor J rip to Atlanta. Several from Comer were here Tuesday attending legal sales. John F'iggs fi'oni Colbert was here Wednesday. We are sorry to note that John had the misfortune to lose his shop by fire. J). Beater bough of Diamond Hill was with us a while one day this week. Mrs. C. C. Sanders was here Wednesday doing some shopping. D. Ij. Huff was here Wednesday lie had these pretty country hams from which ho was immediately re lieved. Dr. Gholston is making some im provements on the sidewalk from his residence to his office. Hope llamnto i was here Wednes day on business. Mrs. T.. F. Green.' and yourg son. Le.nrdas, who have been at a hospital in Athens for some time ar rived home Thursday. We are giad to welcome them and since this is Leonidas Jr.'s first, visit to his home we trust he will be well pleased with surroundings and not allowed t> have green apples which is a greed colie producer. W. B. Hammond w:i- here Tues day. fi ll knows how to farm and does it. THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR, DANIELSVILLE, GEORGIA. W . M. Threatt was over a while Tuesday. • S. W. Fitts, our good friend from Mill was here Tuesday. J. L. Fortson was over Tuesday - always glad to see you John. Miss Marie Barrow spent last | week end in Athens the guest of Miss Miriam Carter on Hill Street. Mrs. B. N.' White visited her daughter,, Mis. Herbert Witcher at Carlton iast Sunday. Mr. Felton Jenkins spent last week-end with his home folks. Prof. Shoup, with Misses Smith and Dunston, spent last Saturday in Athens. Miss Neal Strange vis.ted her brother, near Commerce last Sunday. Mrs. T. G. Hitchcock has gone to Atlanta to be with her daughte", Miss Roberta Hitchcock, who is qu.te sick. May none forget to wear a flower on Sunday in honor of mother. Ctol. B. T. MViseley spent Monday in Atlanta on legal business Mr. and Mrs. Knox Grixeth spent last week-end here the guests of Mrs. Bessie Long and Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Griffeth. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Murray we:e in Athens for a short time Monday. Mrs. Mary Sorrells visited her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Dalton, at the Holman Building on last Monday WANTED AUTO DEALER OR SALESMAN You can secure the best selling line of six cylinder automobiles in the world. Can be bandied with a lim'ted capital. P. O. Box 186, Athens, Ga. * CARLTON • *******•• Not having stands of cotton to gether with cold and dry weather, the farmers are getting very gloomy. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Turner of the Glade were in town Friday. Mr. J. A. Sav r and family were in Elberton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith of Bogart were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W W. Power Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. :ri 1 daughter were in Elberton Sr.ti.r lay afternoon. We are sorry to report Mrs. Ethel David in the Hospital in A the Mr. ami Mrs J. \Y. cm ... a -a Mrs. J. D. Wynn were in Comer Thu rsday. Mr. G \\ . Moore and son, Gil mer were in Elberton Saturn!: y tt rnoon. ✓ Mr. J. A. Sayer has treated him self to anew ear. Miss Katherine Bradford spent th week-end with h< mefolks . Mrs. A. H : ; 'erhnr!t and son.R b ert Hamilton and M sis Florene Wi] Lumson an 1 Mav V.’ils >n wers in Athens Saturday uf^rnoon For Sale Have 10(i bushels College N<\ 1C! )tton 5331 will sell in any <] 11*itities at $1 per bushel J V. Jenkins HFD. No, 1, Hull, G ' SALE UNDER POWER Under a <* “ cr Sale confined m * Security Deed to the John Hancock SSL- u*. ‘ ~ 5 x made by Lora E. Davis on Septem her 10, 1921, and recorded Septem ber 13, 1 921, in Book 0-2, pages *■ and 220 of the records of Madison Cjounity, Georgia, the undersigned, the John Hancock Mutual Life in surance Company, w?ll sen at outcry to the highest oid ler, 1 cash, before the Court House door in the :own of Damelsv.l e ,’.vl • o, n ty !of Madison, within ‘he Pga. hours of sale, on the first Tieriiy in June, 1925, the following scribed property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Two Hundred Fourth (204th) G. M. District of Madison County, Geor gia, bounded cn the North by proper ty of Mrs. Mary Long; on the East nv property of Dan an 1 G. W. Westbrook Estate; on the South hy property of Dan Sims, G. W. Westbrook Estate and L. J. Rogers; and on West by property of L. J. Rogers and Mrs. Mary Long, con taining One Hundred (100) acres, more or less, and more particularly described by plat of said property recorded in Book 0-2, pabe 220 of Madison County records; for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said Security deed, towit: One interest note for the sum of Two Hundred Ten Dollars ($210.00) due January 1, 1025, and the prin cipal note of Three Thousand Dol lars ($2000.00), together with in terest on said notes as therein pro vided and the expense of this s le; the said property having been con veyed to the undersigned in the deed above described as security for the notes therein set out, and the de fault in the payment of the interest note due January 1, 1925, having occurred and continued for mre than thirty days after the same be came due and by reason of such con tinued default said principal note under its terms has become due. A conveyance will be executed ty the undersigned to the purchaser at such sale as authorized in said Se curity Deed. This 4th day of May, 1925. —Tohn Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company J. D. Bradwell, Attorney, Athens, Georgia THE WOMAN’S AUXILIARY The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Ccmer Presbyterian church met at the church Tuesday afternoon, May Sth, with n!ne present. Prayer and Devotional led by Miss Emma Groves A splendid report was made by Miss Emma Groves of the Presbyfe rial, to which she went as a dele gate . Such meetings create enthu siasm, and put us in better touch with the work. This being the “Birfhdav Cele bration” for the Carlotta Kemp r School in Brazil, the program was on this subject. Mrs. Will Long gave a talk touching on the life and work of this veteran Missionary, Miss Charlotta Kemper, who has so nobly devoted her life to the work in Brazil, and for whom this school was named. Then Mrs. GriiTeth gave a description of the school, from one who had been there. An offering was taken-for this" school, amounting to Sp.oo. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer in concert. Athens Gusiness GoUege P lokkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. Save 50 perce u t of expenses bv attending this sober). The Graduates of the Atner.s Busi ness College always get the best position. Every graduate employed. Write for informa tion t > day. Box Athens, Ga. • MT. ZION LOCALS 1 ' * Mrs. Julius Epps and Miss Fannie- Fields of Meadow were guests of Mr s Reece Porterfield Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patten and lit tle daughter, Frances Elizafce.h have been over from near Colbert visit ng the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. fatten the past week-end. We are sorry to state that Mrs C y Bates has been quite sick the fast week. Mr. W. M. Irviin and family spent part of last week with relatives in Madison, Morgan. Mrs. oerse Patten visited Mrs. T. A. Grimes in Athens last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caldwell and little daughter Mildred of Gommer e. were guests Sunday of Mr. and M-s Hpoe Caiithers. Messers C. C. Bates and Dolpheis Eavens made a business trip to Ath ens Thursday. Misses Annie Belle Patten # the guest this week of Miss Evie Lou Mann of Danielsville. Mr. and Mrs. Burroughs Holcomb were Sunday guests of Mr. Vaseee Landers and fai7.ily. Mr Will Jrvin and family and Miss Fannie Lou Patten were guests of Mr. John Irvin and family near Moons Grove Sunday. Miss Madge Compton is viy ; ing Miss Gladys Bates at present. Mr. Vascoe Landc-rs and family visited Mr. and Mrs Sam Patten in Colbert the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. €r. N e ’ rand Mrs. L. M. Escoe visited Mrs. Ber ry Drake near Davids Home during the past week. Rev. C. T. Burgess of Carnesville has. been, visiting lelatives and friends in this community this week. Mr. andMrs. Pool Hendricks of Greenville, S. C. have returned to their home after visit,.Mg the latter'? parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. E cce. Mrs. Beatrice O’Kelley, Mrs. Mary Sue O’Kelley, and Mr. Percy Escoe were out J&om Athens .Monday enicy ing the hospitality of Mr and Mrs. J. M Escoe at Mr. Pscoe’s sixiy sixty- fifth birthday dimer. There were many oilier relative* and friends gathered t< enjoy this celebiation, ♦ * * * * -* * * * * * * COLLIERS ACADEM i * • *•*****♦#** M e had n o be; n'ce ‘> * v r Min day afternoon. Mr. Kline Graham has >e ifi suk the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John LaCount and children were guests of Mr. and Mi’s Tom Peterman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Isham Thomas spent Sunday with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin of Clouds Creek. Miss Luvie Graham is at ho re for the summer*. We are glad to have her back for the was greatly m's ed while in Atlanta. Mr. Mell Tucker had the m'sf< r tune of losing a fine mule last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas bad as their guests Sunday Mr. an I Mrs H. P. Dickerson, Mr. Lee Thomas, Mr. and Mvs. C. I. Chandler ard children. Brother Collier, our superinten dent was ab-ent from Sunday School again Sunday. The school . wishe rim to attend more regularly, b s presence is greatly missed ■ The young ueople enjoyed a ting ing given by M-. and Airs. F. C • d*il ler Sunday n'ght. Mr. and Aim. Odell Smith spent the week-end with Air. and Mrs. F. C. Tiller. Mr- Fa.l Arth-my -.a* sick 'be