The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 15, 1925, Image 1

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|p 1 11 vOL. XXX ~ \ COUNTY HIGH MA-' - ;OL COMMENCEMENT .eneement exercises of H S. will begin on next - ••■•ht, May 21, and coi , through Tuesday night. The ,> u rams aopear in this issue. . ■ ' NEWTON —SI MPT ON engagement which : ; n last" Sunday Constitution bi of c ordial interest to many ; i .oughout this section. rs. Charles H. Newton of Athens, Ga.. announce the engage ment of their daughter, Fiances Mar cm to Rev. John A. Simpson, p. t nan r-e will take place in June. DANIELSVILLE WOMAN’S CLUB MEETING The last meeting of thd Daniels vii]e Woman’s Club for the 1524-25 club year was held Wednesday, May 6th, in the Club room, with Mrs. A? g. Dalton presiding. Election of officers for the ensuing year was the feature of tht mteting. After the ballots wtre rtad the new club officers elected wtre as follows. President —Mrs. R. C. Griffeth Ist Vice Pi es. —Mrs. C. E. ‘Adams 2nd Vice-Pres. —Mrs. R. J. Sorrells Secretary—Mrs. J. N. Griffeth Treasurer —Airs. 13. T. Mcssley With this able corpse of efficient officers, ./e feel that the club will uccoiii; i greater tilings than e%er before. Each club member present predged her hearty co-operation. The ith Birthday of the Club re sulted ! n many useful gifts being re ceived for the new club room—pre sented by each member. Mrs. bllis Burrouihs was welcom ed as anew member. The most enjoyable part of the afternoon was the social hour. Quan tities of sweet peas were used cn ta bles and mantle, the club colors, green and gold being carried out in the decorations and refreshments. A delicious salad course was served — each plate being graced with a min iature birthday cake, containing four burning candles, and the initials, “W, C.” being embossed in green. Each member left thanking the hostesses for the afternoon, Mrs. W, D. Meadow, and Mrs. C. E. Adams, for a most enjoyable after noon, and declaring them “the most ■charming hostesses.” NOTICE To the People of Madison Ctounty: Notice is hereby given that at the next meeting of the General Assembly of Georgia, which will convene in June, 10 2 r -, a bill will be introduced to create the City Court cf Danielsville, in and for the Coun ‘X of Madison, to define its powers, Jurisdiction, procedure and practice; Provide for a Ju Jge, Solicitor, and other officers of said Court; to c'mpencat*'-n "or sVd offi ctr ‘'’ an ‘ a place for holding said and for other purposes. T his April 10, 1925. .. R. Howard Gordon, N & M, 5-14, It SPECIAL fares, s. a. l. ‘ announces reduced arf s to the following occasions: Annual United Confederate Vet fot?’ Dallas > Texas, May 19-22, Southern Baptise Convention, Tenn, May 13-18, 1925. r T ares, information cr Pullman e -rtions, call on nearest SEA ARD Ticket Agent, ef write R ; E CAMP, £t - Pass’r Agt.V 7 HOME ECONOMICS DEPART MENT M. C. H. S. The Home ■ Econonics Department of Madicn County Hign School will display the articles made during this school year in the Home Econnmics Room, on Saturday afternoon, M y 23, between 3 and 5 o’clock. Every body is invited to come and see if Ruby Jenkins (teacher) I For Values here, Saturday May 16th, you will find real ones in all Mer chandise. My present stock of shoes must go to make room for anew one. It will pay you to contemplate your future needs. Take advantage of this opportunintv now and save money in the Fall. F. ft FROST ■ Comer 9 Gra^ THE DARKEST DAY IN HISTORY Danielsviile, Georgia, Friday, MAY, 15, 1925 COLBERT MISSIONARY MEETING A With the- greatest of pleasure we accepted the invitation to meet Sat urday afternoon with our president, Mrs. J. E. Kidd, at her lovely new country home. She treated us with great consideration, which placed each one m an agreeable frame of mind. We feel thankful to be able to at- tend these meetings which inspire us to higher thoughts and nobler deed, and actions. We thank our Father, who has planted good in every life, for the gift he has sent to us—our president. The dominant note of our charac ter and life is loyalty, and we feel it a great privilege to follow such a leader as Airs. Kidd. Tbe work is ours. By A. B. CHAPIN ft. WORKERS' CONFERENCE The W . I. U. Workers’ Confer ence of the Fi Ah DVrict will be Fid Tin ’ay. May ID, at 3.00 o’- clock at Union church. \ MINSTREL PLACE—HoIIy Heights .School near Barbersville. Time—Thursday, May 2tst, 8:30. ARMIS-TON—IQ and 15 cents. Everybody cordially invited to come. MONTHLY MEETING, ILA W M S The Woman’s Missionary sciicty of the Ila Baptist rhurrh met Mo May afternoon, May 11, at the home of Mrs. Howard MrCannon. The meet ing opened by singing, “0, Zi n Haste,” after the Sdripture les-on from Second Timothy, Airs. Gip Burroughs led in prayer. The subject for study was the Southern Br ptist Theological Semi nary. Different members traced the growth of the Seminary from a very small beginning to the time. We learned that it is now the ’arge t The; ofca’ sim’naty America Tt has outgrown the old bhildings and Is badly in need of a few million dollars with which to erect new buildings. After sinning, “We’v > a Story to Tell to the Nations,” and prayer by Miss Maude Gurley business was taken up. It was decided to meet twice a month for a while in order to com plete the study course. The society voted to give Miss Gladys Williams a linen shower at the next meeting. It was also decided to give a shower to the pastor on next preaching day. It was reported that good progress is being made in securing flunds for painting the church. The h°stess served a delicious sal ad cour.c; twenty-two ladies wero present. ][kemM Uncle John They’re still a-slashin’ at taxes, as they promised the folks they would, several months afore the election, when candi dates thought they should; I reckon they went an’ slashed ’em as the papers declare they did, but I was a small exception, so mine was an upward skid. So fur as 1 have observed ’em, the taxes was never so high— tut the papers sez they are low er—and the newspapers never lie. Yes, they’re goin’ to keep on siashin’ with some mighty furious blows—the Daily Hokus has said so, and the Daily knows! Of course it takes con siderable change to satisfy Government needs, like salary hikes and benzine cars, and the mailin’ of punkin seed3. And it takes a right smart boodle fer the cabinet’s small affairs, the little social endeavors of the glorified millionaires. The elec tion is done passed over and the cost of livin' is high—ard we reckon they’ll slash the tax some more—in the sweet by and by! N number