About The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1894)
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1894. R. C. WILDER'S SOUS CO., MACON, GA. Contractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. dumber, rough and dresaed. ahinglm, laths, end dealers In mixed paints, lead, ells, lime, plaster, cement and builders' hardware. 614 TO 622 THIRD STREET. GRAND CONCERT, MERCER CHAPEL, Next Thursday Night by the Ladies' Orchestra of the Southern Female College, of LaGrange. SOLOISTS AND VOCAL QUAR TETS Will Render a Magnificent Programme te a Macon Amllenee— fta Knier- talsmentThBl Will Bo Very r Nseli Appreciated, T The iwulcal event of the eeason is the concert at Mercer chapel Thursday night, 12 tU Inst., Eevry arrangement has been perfected for a. beautiful en ter Laomncnt. A large party from Ia Grange 'will accompany the musical or ganisation, of which the (town is proud. Full graduated of the'college will wear upon the stage Grecian rubes. IDelow are copied some comments on ithe playing of the orchestra, when on a concert tour some ycare ago: From Uu* Columbus JQnqulreMfim. '‘The largo audience was perfectly delighted. Tho harmonise were deli cious. Mo muBio lias been given here ainoo Theodore Thomae uyjxiared which at all uppraachod It. it was charming beyond description. One ad mirable feature was tho skillful train ing which, united with natural talent, had made the execution perfect. If we are owr so happy as to get to happier, spheres we cannq^ expect to livar more ravishing tnolodlos, none that appeal so strongly to all that is beautiful in tho soul, or create sweeter emotions of gladness. "The orchestra. 1a simply magnifi cent. The playing is characterised by nurto culture, careful and finished drilling. We havo never hoard n bet ter, in proportion to the Hunrumems, lind we havo listened to the beat of tho North, or ihut ever visited this coun- ttry." From tho Macon Telegraph. "line audience was at once critical, cultivated and refifisdL und contained the muitlcMl tuknit of tliu city, uiul while their cxpeotatioDf were qulio hlgli, they luurilly loakod for such ex cel lenco as w«is dlsptAF*6. "WMh Uhe exception of the «Mondcls- nohn Club of Boston, this company is the to**{ which b<u» passed through our vlt> for yea-re." SOLOS AND QUARTKTTm (Mrs. Pnmllrie Wtthtrspoon Hutchin son is one of the Booth's sweotest song birds. A d1atingul»li**d -t«aolior and critic of voonl music writes: "Mrs. Hutchinson's voice is a high soprano of delightful quality, and her cCiiisUi stylo of winging cannot fail to give unalloyed pleasure. • "Lyman Whoolcr. 'M3oston, June 10, 1890." IMm. Hutchinson and the members of the vocal chips will rentier several delightful -selection*. iMme Alice M. Cox will perform List's Hungarian airs with orchestral accompaniment. Dr. Ernest Jedllcka t*f BerHn, now tho leading pianist of that city, says of iMIsm Cox: *iH«r memory U marvellous, her mu- sWia'l taste Is excellent, her touch ex quisite and she has developed her tec- rrtquo to virtuosity. We recommend her as a 'brilliant and distinguished concert player, who cannot fall of the most beautiful success." The programme sill be as fallows: 1. Overture to Beminatnlde. CKosaint.) College Orchestra— 1 Mfssea Alice M. Cox, Kate Bampey, Maggie Had, Ruia Render, violin; “Mr. C. C. Cox, vlria tid cornet; Mine Annie l.lscie Btrong. vlokmorilo; Miss L. M. llooten, double bass; -Miss Blanche Hooten. harp; Ml**** H. Dek*le and fi. titakoly, piano; Miss F. M. Burin, organ; Misses An nie Burks. (Marat*- . Harrison, Ladle Mrs. llutchltMKm, drums, tri angle and tambourine. 2. DoUlblv vooal quartet—'\3rcetlng to Storing." fWl.sou.) 3. x'*ivheetra. (a). .Minuet ^-uth ornate*, L. Boc- lnli>—Mieses Cox, Caovpcy, Render, Hall, Blakely, Harrison. vtaHn; Mias Btrong, violoncello; MU* I,. M. ltnaten, double bass; Miss B. llooten. harp. Cb.) "VlennA Dude's March." (J. F. ,W.»gner.)—Orchestra as In No. 1. 4. Vocal Bolo—Cavatina. "O Luce do Quest Anton*." (Dophiottl.)—/Miss Pau line Witherspoon Hutchinson. 6‘. Plano -Bolo—A'PngansoIre Fan ta sk?." (lintHUUa A*.toe M. Cox. tA'coonvpantod by oriSbretra (arrange ment by Dr. dlads von Buiow.) 6. Vocal QuAridle—iUrcsrolle," •'Fldelln," "Job." (Brahms.)—Mrs. Hutchinson. Misses Dekle, Goss. Har rison. 7. Orchestra—^"Mexican Serenade." (Ptslcito O. Langey.)—Performers as in minuet 2 a. S V.H'al S .!<» -"lx* Chirnfvaa tl»>- Ve- nlse." (Julc%» Benedict.)—Odra. Hutch inson. 9. Orrhestr* <b)—‘'WWnw Rlut Walt*«s." (J. Btraues.) 10 Vocal Quariotte--'*R\»w Vs Bwift'y." fOMwpana.) Mrs. Hutchin son. Misses Deklo, Goss, Harrison. H. Orohestra—'Vhaae of the lAon." |Ctl. KWMng.) The lion aWp*. wakes and roan*, hunter’s horn with echo, chase begins, gallop. h.>rns. charge, chaae continue", the death. A HOUSEHOLD ‘TREASURE, [>. W. Fuller of Odiujoliarit, N. Y., vk that ho always ktvp* l)r. King's jw pisco7*17 lu the Iioum* nnd his Bally 1*6 tlivvy* found the very best suit follow it* in 1 ; that h»* would >t lx' without it. if procurable. O. Dyk canon, drag* *t, <\it*kill. N. Y., y*. that Dr. Kite's Now Discovery undoubtedly (be beat cough roiu«*- ;!».*; If lias um\1 ,t in his family c eight yean*. and i*. be* uovor failed do all that Is olilmed for It Why >t try a nmely so long tried and ited? Trial bottles frvo at IL J. uu.tr & Son's drug store. Ht*guhir to 50 ccuta and $1. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Mode. TO MISS BESSIE LILLIAN KICE. Surely good fairies stood by at thy otrtn And each bestowed un thee some rich gift of earth; One gave thee complexion transparently fair, Another Qiy dark eyes and rich, glossy hair. On# passed theo by with an ominous frown, Bui thy baby hands caught at her gos samer gown And smiled in her face with infantile delight— What fairy could resist a sweet being so bright. She touched with her wand thy soft cheex so white: Loi a dimple appeared, fit for Cupid's delight; And the fairy passed on and left thee to rest. With dimpled hands clasped on thy in- nocent breast. A good fairy gave thee thy graceful form tnll. And the 1o8t gift she gave was the best gift of all— To win friend after friend where'er you may roam. And be sunshine and joy in some happy —Nemo, CROWDED ALL DAY. The Ladles of Macon Flocked to the DumcoftXSY Cow's Opening. Yesterday die Dtooeoberg Company had ite formal opening uf their m?w stores, 404 and 400 Third Street. From early morning until tho closing hour the handsome stores wen* crowd ed ami Jammed with customers. Noth ing like it lms ever been seen in Mu* con. In Sunday’s Telegraph the Ann had a page advertfseniom, which was brim full of bargains. That It was widely read goes without saying, and tho Arm 1s delighted with tho results. TJio DuundbM* Company is growing, and growing fast. In their new quar tern rimy are b.'tter prepare I than r to servo tho public, uml the Indications are thrt they will Increase thedr busl- im«kk by «loubl<*. Yw^tcffday’s dcumOnstiwtlon Is wittooot parallel In trade divles. U did not look like hard times fen MoOon, and Just as largo a crowd will ooiuo out tomor row. DENTISTRY. Dr. A. S. Moore, who has for the Inst eight yoars been reasonable in hlj charges for dental work, and who Is better prepared to do bridge, crown and all kinds of dental work, having taken a post graduate course In pros thetic dentistry, owing to tho stringen cy of tho times, is willing to bo even more reasonable In his elinrgcs. Come, let him oxnmlno your teeth and see how reasonable you can havo your dental work done. Tooth extracted without pain. 121 Washington ave nue, near First Baptist Church. Vlne- vtllo and belt line of streot cars pass bis office door, Macon. Ga. DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS. By asohange of achtdule in effect Sunday, May IS. Macon has doublo daily schedules to Washington and New York via Atlanta and the R, and D. railroad: Leave Macon 7:55 a. m., 4:25 p. m . Arrive Atlanta 11:30 a. m.. 8:05 p.m. Leave Atlanta, R. and D„ 12 m . t 8 p. m. Arrive Greenville, R. and D„ 5:30 p. m., 3 a.m. Arrive Charlotte. R. and D.. 2:29 p m., 6:30 a. m. Arrive Danville, R. and D., ll;S0 a. m., 11:45 a. m. Arrive Washington, R. and D„ 7d8 a. m., 8 p. m. Arrive New York. P. n. R.. i;2| m, 8:23 a. m. Train leaving Macon in morning ar rives at Richmond next morning 7:15 a. m., and leaving Macon In tho af ternoon arrives . at Richmond 4:50 p. m. POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Mr. noward OowtVs, tvno of Macon’s moat ltdIHnut young men, lme rcturnod from a visit to his si*tor, Mrs. E. N. JvlkM, in Hh-wkinaville. Mrs. 15, N. Jftti of HawkinHviUc is vWring her parcels, Rov. and Mn. B J. OotfN, an'Hugnonin Hdghts. Mix* Mamio ICsihn, one of Mtuym's popular j-oung lndU s. is vlsUtng her relative. Mrs. 11. Dub, at thi Bcrcvou bouse, 8av**nah, Mil* Blanche Brown, a lovely young lady from Fort Yu 1 ley. who bn been visVlng the city, relumed to Iut home pstertof nnd was nixomixmitHl by her csuWii, M iss Emily Kahn. Office of J. F. GREER, County Judge. Green Cove Springs. Clay Oiunty, Fin., May 2, 1S91.—Gentlemen: Twnty-ihres years ago I was attacked with Inti- tnatoo* rheumarism. I was attended by the most eminent physicians In the land. I visited the gmu Sarati^ga Springs, N. Y.. and the noM Hot Springs of Arkansas, nnd many other watering places, and always consulting wAh the local physician fV>r tUreeiiona; Anally esme tv* Florida ten ycura ago. About two year* ago I had a sever* attack of rheuimxic»m. was conflnM to my tbocn for twelve weeks and during that time I was Induced to try P. p. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and FVxas- eium). knowtnir that eacit ingredient was g\H¥l Lx* hnpurHlee of tho bl.wd; after using two small tAAtlee I was relieved. At fuur different «Um*» since I have had slight attacks and I have ejeh time ttfett two small bottles of P. P. P. and been relieved, and 1 consider tt the best medicine of Ks kind. R< *Metf*Hy, J. F. GREER RHEUMATISM. I* emphatically a Wood disorder caused by inability \>f the kidney* to throw off certain poWa>ns whl***! accumulate in the tissues at>out the joints and musi'lea P. P. very simply, quickly and The stock of Clothing for. warm weather is larger than we ever had before. Every garment was made for our own re tail sales from special designs in Serges, Cheviots, Homespuns, Worsteds, Cassimeres and Flannel. The human interest in this business touch all humanity—from the boy to gray man. MACON, GA. 351 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET J, UUI1U1U, SAW MILLS, Machinery All Kinds. PRESENT3 IN VAKIOUS KTYI.ES AND PRICE8. NO OBJECT THESE 330 Second bt. LAND SALE. Georgia, Bibb County—Under and by virtue of a power of sale vested in the New South Building and Loan Asso ciation of New Oceans, La., by W. E. Thomas and the stipulations in a deed to secure debt made and de/llvered to U by him, recorded in office clerk of Bibb superior court, book 69, page 81-83, tho undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder , for cash, before the court house door In Bibb county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August, 1894, the following described tproperty, ' to- wit: A lot of (and in said state and cokniy, East Macon, bring lot No. 8, block 13, of Fairview, according to the map recorded In office <fierit,Blbb su perior court, book "P OP," folio 704, fronting titty feet on Applewcod street and running back along Third avenue one hundred and 'twenty-five, feet, to gether with all the rights and appur tenances thereunto appertaining. Bald land to be sold os the property of W. E. Thomas for the purposo of paying the sum of ,8814.66, bring ad vances, 3700; premiums and in terest, 8120.1; dues, 5112, and fines, 815, leM $182.60 paid in, •ridenoed toy and duo on a certain rote or bond dated October 6, 1892, tilgned by W. E. Thomas, payable to the Now South Bluldlng and Loan Association, to gether with all the costa of this pro ceeding. Bald note or bond having matured by Us terms for the failure of said Thomas to pay the Instalments on Uhe same as they fell due. Said note or bond bring part of the contract evidenced by said deed and bond. This sale Is made according to the terms of the deed aforesaid, default having been made In the payments by said Thomas thereby the entire amount of said indebtedness maturing .and now being due under the terms of said deed and bund and pay.iUo out "f tho pro ceeds of said sale. NEW SOUTH BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF NEW ORLEANS, LA. 'Estes & Jones, Attorneys. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Under n ml by virtu* bt a power of sal* con tained In a deed to securo debt made and delivered to the undersigned by T. J. Bell and J. O. Bell, dated the 24th day of March, IS93. and n-vrdod In the clerk's office of Bibb superior court in K*"k 69. folio 630. the undtq.dsned will scU at publlo outcry, tor cash, before the court h uon; door in I5ibh county, Ga., between tho legal liburs of sale on the ilrwt Tuesday In AugUKt, 1S94, the following dcsc.itnd real estate :im the property of Said T. J. Bril and J. O. Bell: All that traot or parcel of land lying ivnd being in said state and county cciwiUulng of rivo lofts, known In the plan of survey of the Tindall property no lot six (6) In block fourteen (14). end lot eight IM in bl*h\. Hr-"it UM; xtid plan of survey of said Tindall property is recorded In clerk's office of Bibb su perior court in book Mil, folio 714. Ibdd deed to secure debt gives the un- dersignod authority to sell at public outcry -the above described real estate upofi default by said T. J. Bril and J. O. Bril in the pnyment of three month ly installments on said debt and said T. J. Bell and J. O. Bell have now de faulted in the p.iym. ut m :.- than three moivthljr Installments. The debt secured by said deed will ambunt. under the terms of said deed, to the sum of 3S13.12 on the day of sale, which slid amount, together with the expenses of this proceeding, will be paid out of the proceeds of said sale. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS’ BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION. Ryals & Stone, Attorneys. impurlt 4 ** In the Mood. Experkwc* ami science K*h Indorse P. P. P. ** the only infallible Wood purifier known. Ill health gives way to Brown’s Iron Bitters! GUARDIAN SALE. By virtue of sn order from the court of ordinary of Bibb county. Go., parsed at the July term. 1894. of said court I will cell before the court house door in Macon, Bibb county, Gl, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday In August. 1894, ten (10) share* cf .the Central Georgia Bank stock of Macon. Os., held by me as ku udlan of Bril Louise Collla*. W. W. Collins, Jr., and Mattie Wlliftm Collins, i stock be longing to hsUI miners and sold by’me ss guardian for the purpose of main tenance and support of T arid min Terms of sale cash. This July 2. 1S94 .. nna . W. \V. COLLINS. cure* this disease, n -utrallzlng G x? r ?n 4n w f iSSm Lou1 *** v * w - and Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds, LIME. CEMENT and BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. T. C. BURKE. Write for Quotaliors^^tf Before Placing Your Orders. 0- P. & B. E WILLINGHAM, MACON, GA. SASH 00033. LUMBEH MOULDIMH ■ PAINTS. LIME AND CEMENT. AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. LEADING WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd & Co. WACOTT, OA. Manufacturer* and Doator*.* MABHESfc SADDLERY, lsathee and SHOE FID Of q\ 450. #52. 464 an*3 456 Cherry Street. L. Cohen & Co., J. J- HACK. Manager. #51 Cherry Street, Macon, CU. Prices always tho lowest. "Manola”—boat 5c. Cigar ia Maooa. Distiller* and Wholesale Dealer* i« LIQUORS, TOBACCO and OKJAVh Faricular attention paid to Order*. MACOH SASH, DOOH k LUMBER CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, JifiD MANUF ACTUIIERS OF . , Sash, Doors and 1 Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair. BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—•Where- aa, Robert W. Patterson dfd, on Feb ruary 1, 1890, execute and deJiver to the Scottish American Mortgage Com pany, (limited his deed to the lands hereinafter described for the purposo of securing a debt referred to In the said deed, which deed ia recorded In tho clerk's office of. Bibb superior court. 'Now, therefore, by virtue of the power eo vested In the undersigned, which Is more accurately shown toy reference -to said deed, said company will sril at public outcry to the high est bfdder Tor cash, on the first Tues day In August next, during the legal hours of sale, before the 'court house door at Macdn, the 4ands described In the aforesaid deed of It. W. Patter son/viz.: One fafrm lylhg In the Seventh dis trict of Bibb county, Ga., bounded north by lands of «R. M. Patterson; east by lands of John Adkins, and pub lic road leading from (Macon to Marlon; south by lands of John Ad kins and J. A. Ncflson, and west by Ocmulgee river. Said farm containing two hundred and ten acres, more or less. The said deed above referred to was executed and delivered to secure the payment cf a certain promissory note for the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, and five Interest notes attached for 1187.50 each, all of said notes dated February 1, 1890, and the principal note bearing Interest at the rate of seven and one ha£f per cent, per an num. and Obligating the said R. W. Patterson to pay ten per cent, on prin cipal and Interest for attorneys' fees, *h>uM said no ten bo pl'uvd in attor neys* hands for collection. Said principal note ia now past due by the terms thereof, and Is so de clared to be, for default In payment of interest coupons annexed thereto, due February 1, 1892. February 1, 1893, and February 1, 1894. The lands above described were re cently sold at sheriff's sale under ex ecution from the city court of Macon In favor of W. H. Whitehead and pur chased by the undersigned at threo hundred and fifteen dollars, which amount is due to the undersigned, in addition te the 'principal, interest and attorney's fees aforesaid. The total amount which will be due to the un dersigned on the first Tuesday In Au gust next, exclusive of the expenses of this salei will be 33.775.49. THE SOOTTraH AMERICAN MORT GAGE COMPANY. (Limited.) ANDERSON & ANDERSON. Attorneys. BIBB'COUNTY'S SHERIFF'S SALES Georgia, (Bibb County.—(Will be sold before the court nous* door in the city of M&<xn, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August, 1894, the following property: One-half undivided Interest in that part of lot No. 6 in the southwestern range of the city of Macon, fronting 75 fe^t on Fourth street; situated on the north east corner of said 'lot No. 6, at the intersrirtlon of Fourth and Oglethorpe streets, running 60 feet on Oglethorpe street to Martha Davis’ line, now Indi cated by a *ro** fence, thence along the sine of -Martha Davis 75 feet, more or loss; the sombwewtern line of this lot commencing at a point 70 feet from the corner of Fourth and Oglethorpo streets and running at right angles to said Fourth etreei until it reaches the line .Manila Davta In the rear, distance of 70 feet, more or lees. On said lot is a brick building two stories high, containing two stores, with rooms up-stairs. Levied on as the property of E. Crockett to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from the city court of Macon in favor of R. S. Lanier vs. E. Crockett. G. S. WTBSTCOITT, Sheriff. adminibhrator's 'sale. •By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of Bibb county I will setl to the highest bidder at public outcry, within the legal (hours of sale, at court house door of Bibb county, on the flrdt Tuesday In August, 1894, the following property. One hundred and eleven acres, more or less, of land situated In Bibb county .Georgia, one hundred acres of this being west part of lot one. hundred and righ'ty-slx 08© In Fourth district of originally Hob*ton, now Bibb county, commencing near the norShlwest corner of said Jot and run ning down a certain branch extending through said lot In a southeasterly di rection to the fine of said lot, and the other eleven acres being lot sixty-eight (68) in the Macon reserve, west side of Ocmulgee river, being land bought by H. T. Johnson from Effison Edwards. Terms, one-half cash, baT.ance In eight een months at 7 per cent. Interest per anunm. Also, two hundred and Blx (206) ahare.i of the capital a took of the Ma con Fire Insurance Company of the par value of >100 a share. ‘Also, live (5) shares of the capital stock of the Planter,’ 'Real Estate Company, of the par value of >100 a share. Terms for stock cash. JULTON S. RODGERS, Administrator of H. T. Johnson. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—By vir tue of an order regifiarty granted by the court of ordinary of said county I will sell at public outcry to the high est bidder, before the Bltfb county court house door in the city of Macon, during tihe legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in August, 1896, tho fol lowing property, to-wltj That lot or parcct of 6and situated fn the northwest commons of the city of Macon, said county, and being part of lot No. 2 in tftock No. 15. the prop erty referred to being the place known na the “Harriett A Freeman Place,” where Capt. J. W. Wilcox now resides, fronting sixty feet, more or less, on rv>rsyth street, and running back an uniform width one hundred and one feet, more or less, to an alley, bounded southeast by the property of Floyd lions and northwest by the property of Thud E. Murphy. Salil property to be sold as the property of the estate of Harriett A. Freeman for the pur pose of paying the debts of said es tate and for distribution among the heirs of said estate. 8a1d property Is rented until tho 1st of October, 1894. Terms of sale cash. JAIMES L. ANDERSON, Administrator ‘De I ton in Non of Har riett A. Freeman. MACON SAVINGS BANK >76, Mulberry Street, Macon, Qa. Capital and Surplus tlM.ooo.w Faya > per cent, lntereat on deposit, of >1 and upward. Real estate loans on tha monthly Installment plan, and loans on good securities at low rate,. Legal de pository for trust funds. Will act as administrator, executor, guardian, recetvor and trustee. H. T. POWEIA President H. O. CUTTER Vice-President J. W. CANNON Cashier Directors—Geo. B. Jewett, A. E. Board, man, H. C. Tindall, H. Q.. Cutter, P. II Druid. H. T. Powell, Samuel Altmayer. EXCHANGE BANK, OF MACON, QA. 7 H. J. Lamar, Gto. B. Turpin. Froldtnt. Vlca-PrsakUnt. J. W. CabanlM, Caabltr. Wa solicit tha business of msrohanta planters and banks, offering them courtesy, promptness, safety and liber ality. The largest capital and surplus of any bank in Middle Georgia. GEORGIA BIBB COUNTY—S» R. Prices executor estate of Mrs. Julia F. Price, late of said county, deceased, having rop- re»ented to this court that he has fully discharged the duties of said trust and at-ks for letters of dlmrnlsston, therefore, this Is to notify all parlies concerned to tile their objections. If any they have, on or before the first Monday In August, !Ky4. why letters of dlmlastou should not Ui issued to him. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. IHE UNION SAVINGS BANK i IBUSI 00 MACON. GEORGIA. H. J. Lamar, President; Os* b. Tur- ptr. Vice-President; J. W. Caban tat Cashier; D. M. NeUlgan. Accountant. CAPITAL 3206,000. SURPLUS, $30,000. Interest paid on deposits I per cent, per annum. Economy Is the road to wealth. Deposit your savings any they will be increased by Interest. Com pounded semi-annually. Madison Avenue HOTEL, ftadison Ave. and 58th St. f NEW YORK. Ss d°y ond up. American Plan, ' Fireproof and first-class in every par- ’ ticular. Two blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4th Ave. and Belt Line cars pass the door. * H. M. CLARK, Paor. Passenger Elevator runs all night. WARM SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUNTY. GEORGIA*. On a spur of Pine Mountain, 1,200 feet above sea level; delightfully cool cli mate; no malaria, dust or mosquitos. The finest bathing on the continent; swimming pools 15 by 40 feet, and in dividual baths for ladles and gentle men. Temperature of water 90 de grees—a cure for dyspepsia, rheuma tism and diseases of the kidneys. New hotel, with all modern Improvements. Double dally malls, telegraph and ex press office. Terms moderate. For information apply for circular* at C. R. R. office or to CHAS. L. DAYI9, Proprietor. HALE SPRINGS. Ia the mountains of East Tennessee. Red sulphur, iron, epsom, alum and freestone waters. Table flrst-ciaas. Climate excellent. Everything consid ered, the cheapest and best summer resort in the South. For particulars and catalogue write to GEORGE A. MURRAY. W. X. domino*, w. A Bin,, PnaldooL Vice President. Bovaaa U. Buna, Seentery and TrsuarM The Guarantee Co of Georgia. Writes bonds for caahten, treasunnk ■— alnlaiTMora, anouton. guardian., rw. c*iY,r*. and doe. • central fiduolaryt one. mi Mecond iuhc h PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. , I | DR. J. J. BUBERS. . Fermanmlly located. In th. ip. etaltle. venereal. Lost energy n> stored. Female Irregularities and poison oak. Cur. guaranteed. Address in confidence, with sump. >10 Fourth street. Macon. Ga. DR. C H. PEETH. BTB, EAR, THROAT AND NOSH, Hour,, * to 1 and > to >. Telephone •4. Office, 572 Mulberry, corner S*ooni) street, Macon, Ga. DR. ». H. SHORTER. BYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Office 658 cherry 8t. Macon. On. DR. J. M. MOORE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offle* with Dr. K. P. Moore, 118 Waah. ington Avenue, Macon. Oa. Office Hbura—7 to » a. -a.. 1 to I p. m. I to I D. m. B. W. WRENN, JR. Attorney-at-Law, SSSwnll” Atlanta, Georgia, GEORGTA, Bibb County—E. G. Fer guson having applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of M. L. Munger, late of said county, de ceased, this la to notify ell partita concern»1 to file objections, if any, they bow. on or before the first Mon day in August, 1894, why letters should not be Issued as asked for. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. J. M. Johnston. President. J. D. Stetson. Vie. President L. P. Hlllyer. cashier. The American Rational Bank, MACON, GA. CAPITAL.... .. .. .. .8550.000 M SURPLUS.. „ .. .. .,885,00.0. Largest capital of any national bank In Central Georgia. Account, of banka, corporation, and Indl/tduala will receive careful attention. Curmpo^ dence Invited. Mattie W. CblUna. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—The ap- prakrra appointed to set aside a twelve month, support out of the estate ct W. T. Nelson, late of said county, deceased, to Mrs. S. E. Nelson having n:<-l their returns in this office this ts thervf >re to no.lfy all parties concerned to Ole their objections to said return on ‘or before the Hist Monday in Auguat. isst. why the utd return of the appraisers should not b. nude the Judgment of this court C M. WILEY. Ordinary. OF MACON. GA. CAPITAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 R. H. PLANT, PRESIDENT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASHIER. L C. PLAITS SOM, BANKER ■AC0R GEORGIA - - ESTABLISHED 1863 Banking in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposits- e handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London for all European points.