Newspaper Page Text
A Batch of Bright Items Furnished
by the Telegraph's Hustling
Th. Crops in Thmt iMtlss An Promts-
lo(-IIow ••Dry Kiln** Moors Won
Ills Unrao— Young Runaway
Conpls nt Haddock's.
' Tilton, July 15.—(Special.)—Tilton to
one of the beautiful towns of southern
Georgia. It Is situated In the corner of
Berrien. Worth and Irwin counties, and
draws a large trade from these coun
The recent fair was an extraordinary
success and yet remains a prollflo theme
of conversation.
At present everybody Is busy ship
ping grapes, and they are here In every
varloty.lucloua os can be. I saw a bas
ket of grapes this afternoon, exhibited
by Mr. M. J. Kent, which contained
seven varieties It was a beauty. Mr.
Kent deals In fruit, and has shipped
grapes to many markets, realizing good
prices. Mr. Kent Is In love with Tlf-
ton and knows how to talk ot his town.
Ber. Mr. Dnell. the learned anil con
secrated pastor of the Baptist church
bore, is making strenuous efforts to re
build the beautiful church burned some
months ago. The church which was de
stroyed, set ullro by some tramp, per
haps, was erected by Dr. Charles M.
Irvin, liera was his last pastorate and
his last ministerial work. Ho begun to
work at the ripe age of 75 and comple
ted it In his 75th yean—a monument to
his fslth and energy. Mr. Snell needs
help in the rebuilding of the church and
his subscription books are open to any
cheerful giver In Muuon or elsewhere.
Tilton le the centra of a splendid sec
tion Of the state. MaJ. dlosaner nays
it la bound to bo a city, it la sltuatid
amid the plnea on a high plane, line
I'elham In Mitchell county, heltlcra arc
gradually coming here end buying
hollies and firms, and they are de
lighted with the country tnd climate.
Halns have been abundant and the
crops are excellent.
The editorial in the Telegraph describ
ing Tlftou during tho fair amidst peace
and plenty and quiet, and comparing
It to the tumultuous scenes In Chicago
during the strike, was highly apprecia
ted here. It was copied by the local
press and by agricultural papers North
and South.
Hines and Walaon apeak here on the
aecond ot August, llut there aro a stur
dy people In this section and see no
good In a local division of the white
people, when nothing can be gained by
It. and Watson and lllnca will not ac
complish much In their work ot aliena
tion and separation and division.
Trying to dutch a Third Parly Matt to
Exb'.hkt nit tho Mr.
Holton, July 25.—(Special.)—Almost
dally ruUw, >«*m> of wuUlh raw Very
iuuvy, uru putting the lUasUUig touches
to a Hue even crop. OuHOu In. taking
on ait cxctsrt of wood growth .ami uu
light stfa tin- (duck rust Is beginning
to uiUH-nr. 'Jibe noil Iras boon tu> wet
for cnMmMdn for twntflp days, and
ns a result mu* lung iwlHltad,
laying by time, la alow coimutt. In
fact, noiue I'.vrinora will luvo to Btrlku
Oil III,- M ..,I.-, a ml t.i-.m,-..
If sumo of our liuuu-rout OMUllUbK*
.would got up it bit of a public discus
sion -they could nvtt UsillNxl »t n good
country ttuiUcitcc, tut they would be
glad of uu excuse, for it day's ivciv.t-
For luvouiivo guntus mol n commit-
tco to supply ways titnl iihmuh, com-
mi-ud us to Uu* small Auicunun lK*y.
Home Untie fclkiws near .hoiv, wlsblog
to raise motley to visit the Mtmsi fair
aval ftw ChitstrasM, I rove bit upon the
plan of catching a third ivu'iy, *c-
euriug it towt und exhibiting over llow-
nnl's illMtuae, olirnfsig a suutl ndiuls-
slom fee. 1\> curry out their (don. they
have 1 m 111 a large mip l>\ lie- side of
tin* ttutl lividhig from Monroe county
to Mticou. They thou m ule tt tdggiw
doll niul tlnwcid tt up Ike t.MM nod
got a lot of stiver iltaui* ami half
tllnnw with holm In tlirfm und strung
tlient invvsul bis neck and timl him to
tl» ctul of die long nigger for lull
One of tin* Utile fellows iuy« the trap
will cuilclt gw me uisl cumin*. It the
<Ml voter doesnV. tile silver w.ll.
they ilo sttccvxl the grown people of
tho district, most of whom imvo nt
randy nceu a IVumllst, should patronize
BpraMng of the ropnllst*, while it
Is known tltrtt they urc itvgiv for votes,
our piuplc il.*u't take any stock In the
report Hot when they got i*v—-esl,,n
of the suite ROTcnuuoat they will Issue
long shvudltig, low Intctvst bond* to
purclnao large traolirof total to lie
sold to negro™ on Iona lmymeuta on
tin* kzttnllntivM |>ktu. The Idea would
be pretKativous, and, brakhv, the ne
groes Hi nt the mule tmd forty acres.
A young wMower, tt ts hwM, of
Tope's Privy will w**l one of Maoia's
fair daughters as sen as additions
can Ik* made to his tvsldemv. Ami
they do say thttit he to carrying on itie
work day aftd night
Ml** lirnti PaartaO, wtio has been
quite <ck recently, Is nmctf Unpronx],
lUibert Turk of Uouiml IVUc will visit
Big line of Indies’ and children’s
Black and Colored Hosiery to be thrown vSP
§tr\ out at iigures that will cause rapid sell-
ing. Values of these goods ean’t be J
described on paper, so call and see them
T# for yourself.
5c., 5c., 5c., 5c., 5c. ^
llaft of pretty Ginghams, Lawns and
Batiste to he closed out at 5c,, worth
three times the money. Also all fine
Organdies, etc., at specially low prices.
flsgyBargain in Laces & Embroideries Ufcj
All our lino Summer Wash Goods half former price and less.
See what we offer you on our 8c Wash Goods Counter.
Mosquito Nets ready- to hang from $1.30 to $2.25 each.
Best Brussels Net, canopy frame, made and put up $4 each.
300 yards indigo 7c (jalicoe3 at 3 3-4c a yard.
Will continue our cost sale of Table Linen, Towels, Napkins,
&c. this week.
Don’t miss those remnants of colored dress goods on our
front counter.
See what we offer in Colored Silks at 50c this week.
NEW THUNKS.—Large assortment just come. In our
Cherry street store, ground floor; lowest prices in the city
Burden, Smith. & Co.
Don't forget for every dollar spent with us we give a guess on the corn in
Jar, awl the nearest guess will get 550, second gets 525 and the third 525, mak
Ing u tolul of
which we will give away In cash the 2nd ot October, 1894. when the jar writ be
opened and ebunted. Come and ace us and try your hand.
A Runaway Oouplo Relented and the
Girl Beturned Home.
Haddocks, July 25.—Special.)—There
arrived yesterday on the ip. n. train
from Cumak a runaway coifple. They
Hopped at negro cabin near by and
were in’tervlwed shortly afterward by
Were inierviwcu flllWll/ lUlLDnuru uy • _ itvi. rwviuara/l nrunn>>i>H, UTtiM,
a couple of young men. Thinking that So*?/
they were matrimonially Inclined they Klln Moare ta * ’*
gives you a fwltn* of horror sod
drauL There to do tongar iHH-osoity for
its uso in tuAoy duo***'* formerly rvS
gnrdcd M Incurable without cut tins.
Tti Trinpl «l OMumlln Sorjiry
to well illustrated by the feet thst
RUPTURE '" >w r,k, ‘-
i without tho
knife snd to tthout Mia. Cl u msy, chuf-
tiirf truffRS ran bo thrown KWky! They
Dsesr cure bul often induce IntUui*
lu^fi.m. HtmiiAuUiii'ii nipt %:h.
I umwng nd many others, sro now
removed without tho perils of cut*
Uu operations.
other dtoitoMS of tho lower bowel, a
pcra;*nsnilf mni without pain
resort to tho kUifu
STONE &J*L^ t to f 5nSh*dJ < p!
rertsrf. washed out *nd perfectly j
moved without euttinjt.
Dealers in Shoes.
Holton this wook. As Mils was Ills old
home, his friends urc always pleased
to welcome him.
hours by tho absorption process in
vented by “Dry Kiln” Moore. Oordele
Is full of medhanics of genius. Sir. C.
T. Peacock, with Tomlin, Harris &
Oo„ possesses a Tvlgh order of median
teal genius, and the same con be onld
of -Mr. A. J. Comer and Mr. C.
Prtnoe. There to such dheerfulnesa In
the sound of the row and the hammer,
In combination thoy Tiave a merry mu
sic! of their own. Oordele Is the ftrst of
■the cGorgia towns to recover from the
collapse and now there on all aides can
be heard the voice of the saw nod ths
hammer singing a cheerful tune. And
tendered their sendee*, but were In
formed by th* young lady that She bud
reconsidered and concluded she had
rather go 'home. Sn< hud Just found
out that her Intended did not have th*
required cash to defray expenoes on
such occasions, she Was cared for by
the good people of Haddocks, and her
would'bo lover w.m given money to *pay
railroad fare to -Macon. Before he got
off, 'however, Culpt. Knnls, sheriff of
Baldwin county, dawned on the scene
und carried die young pair back to
Mllledgovlllo. The young lady U a Mias
Gertrude Phillips of Columbus, Ga„
now «t convdkwccnt Inmate of the .asy
lum. Tho young man to the son of Mr.
Cowart, a prominent water melon
raiser on the Georgia Southern and
Florida railroad;
Ml*ana Addle and Gertl* Whittaker,
two of .Mtlledgevllto's fairest daughters,
are now uu a visit to Miss Maggie
.Miss Kthel Ciir.tker and Kv.t Phillips,
two hfjR’.U and tnaereallng young la
dle* of ‘Mtltatgevttte and Hitonton, are
spcnitlng u short white with Mias Mat-
Uo Mahon*.
Mlad Mary Newell, a young lady ot
many aocompttohmtraw and charming
pcrsonaBrlcs, In visiting Miss Maggie
Miss DolUnbrooks, an extremely at
tractive young lady ot Dublin, Is stop
ping with 'Mis* Maggie Hardeman.
While sawing lumber at Ur. John
Chirk's row mill Mr. J. W. loyson
go caught lr the .machinery and was
badly mangled. The doctor* *ay he
may possibly recover.
Mias Pearl Dumas, a sweet little girl
of Millville Is ptylng Miss Uzzte Far
rar a short visit.
Oot. IV. K. Jdahonc, assistant gen
eral manager of the Mllledgevlll* Klec-
trlo Llgtot Oimpany, to In the village
shaking bonds with his numerous
J. D. Author*, one of Haddocks'
prosperous merchants, has just re
turned from Conyers, where Tie has
been attending district conference.
IIow He Won the Sobriquet by Ills
BiveiMve Genius.
Oordele, July 25.—(Special.)—It la al
ways pleasant to observe the Inventive
gentin ot Southern men. Mr. La
Fayette Moor*, known all through the
timber section as “Dry Kiln Moore,*'
of Cordate, has been for year* stunt
saw mills and engaged especially in
drying timber. Th* old process was so
slow that Ur. Moore gave the matter
thought, and the result to he has pat
ented a process wMch will revolution-
to* th* business of lumber-drying. He
discards altogether the oM plan of
fans. His lumber to put in sn enclosed
chamber provided with heating de
vices, air Inlets at the base ot the
chamber. Ills process absorb* the
moisture at one* from th* timber. His
process to now used by the Parrott
Lumber Company, by Butts & Co. of
AShbum, by J. J. McDonough, Btll!-
wsll. Milieu & Co. of Savannah and
other*. This Invention by « Georgia
m« ttoows what Southern talent and
gentus con do when necessity calls
their Inventive powers into play. Mr
Moon Is so unanimously called “Dry
Kiln More" that many think It to his
proper name, so christened when a
baby. But his occupation gave him his
name. »» Indians glee to their chlefa
appellation* characteristic of them dis
tinctive traits. Any one atoning Amo*,
kesg or the lumber mills st Conleh*
con see timber dried in twenty-four
Kiln” Moore to s prominent figure, as
h* furnlAhes lumber, dry as powder,
cm short notice.
AOhnta, July 25.—A epoelal to the
Southern AmocMhed Prost) from Pen-
iwcota, Fla., rays the chief of poilco
lms received n tvh'gr.un front Mobile
ndtCfylOfi him of the nrivtct of n white
man uunteil Joint Bobbins, who Is
dlarged with unremirtlng to otti
young lady named 'Mins Ilit:
Tho Inrgott
and t*est Win
ter Wlinnt
Flour Mill
Plant tu tbo
Gruahed jVHddllpgs Flour*
Tho only Flour of It* kind, nnd tho best
auyktml. It la nmilo by a secret pro-
ceeakuowutobuttwopersons. I
1100,V0() lew been OSbred for thn Knowledge
Ask your grocer If his Hour Is mixed
with corn flour. Such flours are Inju
rious to health. Wo have no corn meal
attachment. UNDINK crushed mid
dlings Hour Is pure and wholesome and
la made from selected wheat. IT
moke, taken at one cent a
WANTE1—Those who desire Mg liar
K.Vl.l In clcthlng, hats and genu' Zur-
Mthli.g good* to call at Reudago.
J. Cobb, assignee.
WANTED—You to »*e the 1894 Densmore
model typewriter an exhibition at F.
It. Fomvroy'a J. E. Mluter, ule-
phone U5.
FOR RENT—Nice cottages, 21S and
New street, near Mulberry. Also mg
and ll» College street, near Bound!-
ry. Apply to A V. Tools, SK Cotton
Ths_ Board man dwelling,
557 rail street. Immediate possession.
Apply at Macon Savings Bai^c.
5-room house 4M College street. 555.
7-room house IIS Walnut street. 515.M.
7-room house »1T Walnut street, glltg,
5-room house SB Orange street. 51A
5-room house lit Forsyth street, gas.
*-room house. 120 Park place, 52D,
5-room house 55* New street, Wt
*room house 107 Georgia avenue? _
Frank M. OUver. ili Second street.
Cut Paper KutUrua Per Kr.ry L,,.
Reader of Til# Telegraph.
-Jf/L i 1 ? ve ma4 «' arrangements by
which wo are offering to the readers
the Telegraph the Detnoreat Cut Paper
Patterns, which are worth from 20 th r,i
cents each, thus making every copy ot
the paper worth from 10 to 10 cent.
Cut out the coupon below and moll ais
coring to dlyeettona bn it and you win
receive by mall the pattern In tho elz.
chosen. “*
FOR RENT—Thre* desirable rooms,
with an modern covenlences, over
store of W. E. Iltll & Co., on Second
street. Suitable for physician or den
tist. For further Information apply
at Willingham's Warehouse.
FOR RENT—Tho elegant two-story
brick reatdence. 656 Orange street,
containing nine rooms and three bath
rooms and all modern conveniences.
The house has recently been com
pletely overhauled. Accessible to all
street car lines. For further particu
lars apply It. S. Collins & Co.
FOR RENT—Nice seven-room dwell
ing for 516 per month. No. 255
Orange street. Apply to E. J. Will
ingham, at Payne & Willingham's.
FOR RENT—A comfortable, furnished
front room In splendid locality on the
Hill. No children In the house. Ad
dress “J. H„" care Telegraph.
JERSEY BULL, three years old-a
beauty. Price. 525. at my Bibb farm.
H. J. Lamar.
ton typewriter, used only one m'outh.
For price apply to B, care Telegraph.
FOR BALE—Ten ahares Exchange Bank
stock and three shares Union Savings
stock. Apply 717 First street.
FOR SALE—Old papers, for wrapping
purposes, etc.. 25 cents per hundred.
Telegraph office.
FOR SALE—Handsome saddle and har
ness horse; cost 5225; close rockaway
carriage, used very little, cost 5325;
will sell both very cheap. W. G. Sol
BOARD at Chapman a English Kitchen,
the only ladles’ restaurant In Macon.
Fare the finest. *
BUY your parrot seed, canary seed and
mocking bird food at 414 Second street
Daniel Drug and Seed Company.
FOUND—Set of harness, lap robe, oil
cloth and other articles. Owner can
have by proving property and paying
for this notice. Apply, J. W. ElUs,
South Macon. •
THE PUBLIC la warned against buyltw
a note made by T. J. Bell 4 Son on
April 19, due July 18, 1894, amount, 515.
Indorsed by T. J. Wave and Phil M.
Berg, agents. Any Information will
lie thankfully received by Phil M.
Berg, ill Mulberry. _
WILL the lady 'who got off at Macon
from Atlanta Saturday night, lith.
kindly express the sample case )taken
by mistake from train) to F. E. Block
Company, Atlanta. Ga.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells It.
ALL prescriptions' carried to the Daniel
Drug und Seed Company will be ac
curately filled.
CHEAPEST PLACE In tho city to get
your pictures framed. Mignath'a Por
trait House, 125 Cotton avenue.
GROCERIES—We wilt sell you more
goods for the money than any other
house, try us. John C. Holmes &
NEW HOTEL-MIUcdsevllle; on dummy
line; |3 per uay. Drummers' home. Mrs.
Mary D. Lane, proprietor.
DON'T forget to call at ill Second street
for fresh seeds of all kinds. Daniel
Drug and Seed Company.
CRACKERS. Extra Toast, Royal Milk,
and a line of Holmes & Coutta' sweet
cakes always in stock at R. C. Keen's.
I 8ELL Royal MUk crackers like those
left at your house at 19 cents pound.
W. O. Middle-brooks.
10 CENTS per pound for Holmes ft Coutta'
Extra Toast or Royal Milk crackers.
E. S. Smith ft Cro.
OUR friends all say that our soda water
and gems are like our fountain—the
finest In the city. Daniel Drug and
Seed Company.
small select party for LADIES Octo-
ber 1: twelfth year, twcniy-thlrd.par
ty. 'References in Macon. Address
for circulars, care ot City Bank, Rich
mond. Va.
Prepares for Govern
ment Academies. Uni.
versifies and Business.
For catalogues address
Mil. R. A. 5tclntyre,
Bethel Academy P. O.
Military Academy
Front Royal, Virginia.
Prepares young men and boys fbr col
lege and business. Moderate charge*.
Healthfully situated. For catalog tea
address Rev. B. W. BOND. Prin.
Lexington, Vs.
tsth year. State military, eeienttfle and
technical school. Thorough course ■-
general and applied chemistry, nnd
gin coring- Confers degree of graduate in
academic court!; also degree* of It 6
and C. 8, In technical courses. All ex
penses. including clothing and InddeauL,
provided at rate of IN.SS per month, as
an average for four yean, exclusive of
outfit. New cadets report Repteatuor 1.
Yet . . ..
Securely bound in handsome
cloth, now ready for
COS—Northcoto Blazer—Sizes for 11
and 10 Yearn.
A pretty and stylish tailor gowu ii
as necessary to complete a young gUl't
wardrobe ns It Is for ladles. This is a
useful and becoming style of blazer
which when worn with nay style •>!
plain skirt completes the popular slylt
of tailor gown. This convenient gar
ment makes It cosy to vary the watmtl
by using shirt wultsts, blouses or waist
coats of different weights, to atilt till
temperatures. -It Is llUed with tin
usual seams nnd has sufficient lullm-t
to the back. Hie fullness of the bloiun
front is shirred becomingly in fin
form of a shallow yoke below ibc siwl
collar. Cheviots, tweeds and strxii
are the popular materials for thnn
gowns, nnd for summer those mm'c "I
cotton or linen duck, canvas or gala
tea cloth are both stylish and coo!.
A special illustration aud full il'rra
tlons about the pattern v- lll be fount,
on the envelope In which It '.s enclosed
Sizes for Twelve, Fourteen and Six-
teen Years.
This la a vefy popular style of skirt
cut with five gored breadths and t
bias oeam in the back. Any of tin
popular cotton or woolen materhila cat
be used for this skirt, and when fin
ished with rows of stitching it can In
selected to complete any ot the tailor,
made costumes.
A special Illustration and fuil dlreo
tlons about the pattern will be fount
on the envelopo In which lit is en
If you visited the JMr
you can appreciate this volume
and if you did not it is the
next best thing to a visit.
Come and see it. When will
you ever again have an offer
of 180 fine Photographic Views
handsomely bound for 30 cents.
This is all it will cost you if
you will clip out the following
Coupon and bring or send it to
The Telegraph.
World’s Fair
rarOa »m*»s *| wig ram OKlut S tua
Send thii coupon and JO centt to tht j
Macon Telegraph and yon can get any one
of Patterns puUUhoL A'olic# number and
name of Pattern, and writs plainly w*
forgetting to stale sin.
Ovioss 10c. for each pattern datrel \
W. L. Douglas
S3 SHOE ho sauEAtaitb.
3 3.iP P0UCE.3 Sous.
You can lave money by pnrcbaaln* W* I*
_ Domains Bboe«» . .-**#*ol
Docauae. xrc arc the largest manufacturer!^
advertise! slioca in the world, and f®*T a ®*£f
the value by stamping the name and tice **
the bottom, whicn protect* you **•*"** 5 A*
price* and the middleman’* profit*. Oaf *****
equal custom work in style, «*ay fil” 0 *
wearing qualities. We have them
where at lower prices for the valno fiven t
any other make. Take no *ub«Utute. « y®
dealer cannot supply yon, we can. SotY
(Prvm U. 8. Journal ef ^
IYof.W. II. Peeke.who make* a specialty of
hi* Without donbttreated and cored moree*** uj-.®
have heanlofciv^rf 50 rears’standinycn red
lie pubtmhe** valuable work on tbi*
■ends with a brye bouk of hi* absolote enr--. tr - w
aay soffrrer who may send their P.O. and *
dresa. Wa idtiwanyone uiahing * can l? -
!*»£. W. Q, P£BKE, Y.D.,4CedarSfc.