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Telegraph will confer a grent favor on
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Humidor Gorman’* gpuetih attacking
UK jitYrihlnit was a strong and skillful
one, cnuHldurutl from Olio Mhuntpoat of
a pmaa.-ailiw cktuumc-y. He wont far
towtml proving Uaat the praddunt tfaa
nat glvctu the acnhliork of lifa own putty
bln uattro uunlhloitco autl (lid gtvo tbctu
cuuso to urinuutlcrnDUul Us position uu
Hut putnUnu tali ft MIL
We (take It, henvuver, Uhttt U» ixwt'le
ertro luillu ndlKldluT Use inxeddmt or Him
atuxuioni ure mt fault to tola iikiAUy.
They may llghlt' tiasih ('tutor an much an
they phase, awl too popular Interest
felt fat itlio owifanit Willi bo UMA'Mt ta a
passing Hliuw-tor elite moment only
anti ptoporKowtl to Clio piquancy of
Cho eatuttultunent.
Wlxiit Him pnqile aru livtoccsbinl la la
the amUtwto of Mite prteildttrt awl iho
senate" tuutird Hie tariff. Wo believe
they overwhelmingly approve tha t of
the president. Tltey know, 1f every
word mud by Btexutir tfarinau la do-
nomieliig tho priwitleilt wero trio—I*
the latter tent mvcrieod too record at
Ids wluih* life uumI IxMxne n pollerer
and tluuMeduylur la iwllUat-dilutt Urn
real qucstikm (St hisui) In not (ho nlmrt
oonrtoga uf Mr, (.Vnvxdwml or the griev
oncra of Air, Gonuiso, but the ex lent
to wbddh they ahull 1m bund at (ho
custom hothtee for 4llm IxurtU. of Him
dal Itftvtcwte, Mr. Cluvolauil imily tsive
Intel all wrong ta Ills trtMnirat of too
samHnrs, liut ithoy nro srttiKtlod tltnt
he in nil rl;3ht hi bis trualtniout of toem'.
'After all, this la too lniirnrhiat inailur.
• A correoixeulent of tho Now York
Kvttifaig root quiki-H Uw following wig-
"The Democratic opponents of President
Cleveland and of hie supporter* In the
efforts made lu redeem tho promises of
their parly lo the people; huve hod eu
much apparent amusement In designating
these supporters ‘cuckoos' that tt sennit
only Just Hint they oheuld have a nick
nemo of Ihctr own. As tho term 'cuckoo'
Is borruwed'frotn tho Swiss clock of that
name, to Indlcetu that certain persons
ore ready lo respond to the proldent's stig.
gentians, why not cell those who refuse
to do so ‘Wuterbury'T Tho nsma is ep
preprints for ninny reasons. The Water
bury welch Is not a ready responder to
anything, not oven to lto owner, it it
cheap, too—aa cheap tm any politician
And especially la It noted for the tune
required to wind It up. This certainly
makes the name applicable to the 'con
servative' Democrats In control, for the
country learned, to Its cost In the silver
and tariff debates, how long It tskee lo
wind theoo men up." ,
IVnvit In tola part rlf too ooivntry rhv
■wvnl "cuckoo" 1s no longtr In
The i*inTt|»i|HT will'll i'lkv lmil gncit
fun In nqiplytog It to every Democrat
fchmilly to Gut Dixuoctutic n,Infill Istra-
that iiroolit.ttwtlnly itone*tuned the use of
tip. imu ulanit toe time Democratic
eoeivolitions begun to pass resolution*,
As a not-off foe “cuckoo," therefore,
“wvitcrtmry" uonm too late, bm
the senators who arc trying to hold
tho D'MiMxrtkUc imply kick from Its
duly ore si 11 at work, K thaw o>d
wholly miss the opportunity' .to
Mr. Watauu, explaining to a corns
epotnloul wbM Is uHtim by tho cxpro.v
tdou "auto of IU to 1," soys:
"Uy the ratio or II to 1 ll meant that
gold Is sixteen times more precious than
etlvtr, end that 111 will he mxde of 'he
same weight of gold which makes 51 at
It atvtm to aa ta (Ks brief para
graph Mr. Watson iMiltits out the twuk-
ness of his position us an udvooate of coinage of bUv,y «* the 10 to
1 rojjo, How dtsw ho know that gold
U fast times more previous
thorn Mlvorl The iimrkws «j.v it
abet it rttmy times more precious, an:
wv nro fatvllutd to thluk toe tvoceosus
of tunima opinion, .rxprtyre'tl in the
hurkvCB, la more valuable than Mr.
Wigaaa'a opinion, Possible wv are
If the ratio of Id to l wwa adopted
fawtusc gold wua tlxtnn tlios more
valoafale than gohl. ought tut the twine
prhu-lph' to obtafin now? If It wua 1m-
popMut et»»ti.ii t» dotismgup the projsT
Mtto ttaei, ft McOma to us tine H should
deieniitue the rtxto now. U a qtuu-
tfay <g sHwr nve'gtiSug sistvvu llnnw
a* muoh tut a gohl dollar to me worth
a dollar. Is* ualy rs> ones, why ahouhl
the governna'te out !t nnl try to make
tlie Cid asm of the nwalry take it far
1(M ceau* Hag would be to raiiniy
Inure the pitnettde aa which Wash-
Ingtwo. Jcffcneua and llneulitoa noted
\vb»et rth*y tlx«\l the uyorutg nxtlo of
toe two utosala
Ncvtr too cloae of his speech in reply
to the pruddtm'g loiter, Mr. Gorman
OTTOotmced idle principle esi which he,
Mr. Brice and Mr. Hnli'to proceeded la
revising *toe Wilson bill. They pre
ferred, be said, to make the rates too
high rntlHT thtnto nsilro ilium too low.
That to to say, they prefurrud that the
people sho>ild be taxed too much rather
titan too little, If tile DcnwctWIc oon-
bsftlon tint tho tariff Is a tax bo trne.
of which we have iio doubt.
Wlliat Mr. Gormtro meiuit was tint
ho aal fcto folloivurs worn dotunmuoil.
M wiiuttover cost, ilxilt duties gliouhl
nag Ik ho towered us to bo uo longer
piMtoOtlvo-or prcfliib'jdury. This was
In the face of tho wulnnib dectaitktlun In
Hie itottform of the lnatty tint tariff
taxaMun exoeiit for fuvunuo Is uitcott
It Is well enough flint Senator Gov
man tttrkcu too Issue perfectly clour.
Tho report In regard to Hus “plagtte"
lu China sent to Hurgivn-Ooneral W.Y
man by Dr. Stuart Ehtrldge of the lot’
perlul Tloanl of Health of Tokyo, Is in
the tMitnro of a warning, says tlie Phil-
itiMpliut lbtxttl, to the hiiUUi authori
ties of this vHintey. AHliouglt accu
rate InbxvntutlotL oiucernlog the
'IiloKue” could not be obtained, it Is
undoubtedly true tliolt tlie pestilence
luw OMSUtnnl gigantic i*r<qirunl»is. As
UAig as toe health olllocrs shall In able
to keep tlu* “plague” out of Jaitam tixut
country'may serve as a bulwurk for
the United State* agtiiiwt toe dlsi'nse.
Stringent itwosures are noideil, how
ever, ngularit tho lmportoMon of goods
that are likely to convey Infection,
such us afanpw inatting, onlbroidcrle*
and ull sorb) uf textile fabvkut, which
are nuaufnetured tn toe small work
shops of Chinn—often, pethaix, with a
victim of fin pcutllencu dying in tlie
same room.
Tlie sugar ships are crowding Into
liort In hat ituto to escape toe appre
hended duty on raw material laid m
the new tariff bill, and nevtT liefure
lu tho history of Itlilladelinlila, ncuurd
lug to the Record of Hint city, was the
lutrbor so tilled with cargoes of this
character. The relUxva luuve 'iilreuly
laid let such largo nipple's fheut Obey
can stand too aougressloattl dillydal
lying faulctlnlttty: it is die govenunctR Is suffering by tho loss of mil
lions of revenue wiiidi It even now
msis. Ttw fftaite uf too trausury
uluue drsiltl nmke nn hnpemitlvo de-
uiatul nissi oongrtfu to gut together
mud isvAsd the revenue syatom on u
ImsIs of prkuctple ulibit could be trusted
to ntand iJlso teat of tone; and if wis
dom and public spirit shall lie per
mitted to have sway In Washington
this dcniauid will wit long coulluue to
fall upon uilhmlhig curs.
Ttio Megrams reported yeslerilny
tlinlt (Ssvau soldiers, Incited by the
Ohlisse minister, hiid attacked the
Jaikimvai garrison of Seoul. If so. It
Is nut lmprelslhle flctt a war lietiwee
China anl Juptui will follow, unless
the Ubbnwo govemmeut at unco
cedes to ail of Ja pain's dcnratids fur
reforms In too government of Corea
autl wftUxlroiws fas Iruoiis. 'Plus would
lie an aibumhuiiueut of China's surer
utility over OoraS, but H Is not Impossi
ble tltnt idle Ulifawte government will
submit evta to that hmiaiaiuton. Ja
pin to raiudi butter imqsnd, anil
too qvent of war would almost cer
tainly win. The la tom H'rangth
Obhxi U ciuirmutis, but it cannot
mndo available In foreign wars.
Ait unexpected market for American
lieef bus Just been discovered hi HtvUt-
rrlaud. Tho reuntry of <Jk> "Raux des
Vox'lles," ttlie fajmnis cow nuislc, hu*
haul aJntast nil fas aowlirills sllencevf.
Tlie failure nf the . Swiss luxy crop kist
j\Mr compelled enrry farmer to ills.
Jiose of all bis Kurjilas .itaHtie. TlK
crops are again nourishing, tuvd the
f.U'inetM, wflw ure mger to Imy new
stuck, Mtorktly refuso to sell mdiat
limte toey%»xx*rtt«. The Swiss lluteli
ere’ Asiweliittou bow iturnid its
hmgtuly towurvl AiimIwh, <u»d the
IVxns stor may sut make his dehut
uudtr flu tduduw of Uw Alps.
Tliere tqijHtini to be a brliliittit ixus
jsvt (g Ixiviug a u»nv idv-t ivtabll.dud
in nhU slrnidy seutsKsttuetwl eouatry,
For a long dhuu lias been trouble
lu St. situs Polish Keinaa Oath
ollC ehrnvh ut Clevefctml, O., which re
sulted w* l.<ng si live in the fanunl «e
txwsluu of u large muuler uf lu mem
hers, 'ltsee are nunv diking steps t,
orgatAre nu Ausvfaou I’ellsli CotooUc
clutreb, wU'cti shall be 'independent or
Rome. A sect nf nu orgnttauttan has
been effected, and a circular Lsshvd
calling oa I’olitdi CuGiolies'lu «U pans
of the country re leave the Renimi
church and Identify qhetuseives with
Hie. uteveiumH. It appeara Hut they
prepoM re ally themselves vvtrh toi>
Amsw'nn dburtti tlmstgli a yeung gen
tleman ixmud Knowles, a \w\Uthy rm-
Ment of Bone st. who claims t» be
qrhMt of toot church, shine time ngn
a mfakte'r of Ute EpMeopal church
WIs,' uiidu, tut nvil Vliartv. beoame dla
AVlsihvl with fata position, and going
alrevrl. nnrnsed re get himself ohiko-
crered "Artiiblslttip of Norttt Aunat
eu" by seutv of toe d<<twt»hxagons
Armwakwis. He ctune ku-k claiming
re bare sjUritml jurisdktyjn ovre ull
•Mkl tVJlsAs-s" fa d>k eouniry, ti claim
HgM hue n lam i»tij>le were willing
t.uagalac. Aiiku Iks reilower* was
Mr. Knnwbv, wtsi bed supplied a c<*vl
putt of toe futhls fig the “apifibtslitak''
owl >kie of VlRvae's Una arHotw wjs
to ,«vk»h lihu a prievtt. Ktxiwles was
not dMWhsl with to'.s, atnl wautnl
be undo tt bishop Vniin vlevly. which
tioDY Vlkurte refusal to omfre eu him.
nail flKCi' was a g>vxl d<ul if trouble
hetwt'en toe twix with tin' result thus
Knowles dHnwmxl VltoXVs tnirlteruy.
tttvl stiut off hU supply of fowls. Now
Knowles himself ho* gene alinxtd
get h'.mv'if erd i.txvl an "arehhMsip'
of North Amertiw, ,r seme w-.kliY Juris-
dletkm. atvl tos premtoxl the d'.saf-
fo-uvl Pah's of Cleveland tbtt. it they
will retvenise bis owtooritr. b.' wall
onkrin .their hxid-Y. Rev.' F. A- Kola
x.-wskl, a blshut'. It to a Nqs'ful
schmwe, and may result 10 a new Oath-
oHo sect, which has no cooinotaou with
None of toe Employes of the E. T.. V.
& O. Will Re Discharged.
CbnUtMSWgu, July !Ci.—Vla"rrod-
denl Baldwin nf the Southern Ru.lwuy.
In att hxterview here today, suid that-
itraoe of too otBelals of toe East Teu-
nessae, VirgWiiU and Grergut nillroa<t
would go unless duty reulgneJ. Mr.
Iialtliwlii suited tout toe Wrtitem di
vision would Is* oftlciTed and rail sep
arate from Ylie HWtoro division, belli
sets of ottictYM having e<|iwl auihotViy
and both to rep>*t to the general olflees
la iVashhigt'Si.
In regard to tlie rumor that the
thsMieiu railway would take >n
Flotilla 'and I’enliwiihir read,
Mr. Baldwin said tihat such a thing
was far fetched and wry unlikely.
tie have all we can xtteuil to right
now," said he, 'Hud we will be pretty
busy as it to getting things lu slui]ie.
Tho Hutuhera railway ts going to be u
grivtt thing far the South," he con
tinued, “and especially for tlvose sec-
lii/ns which it iriavetws. The |iol4ey
of Hie company Is to build up the towns
and dti'cs oa Its Hum atul moans have
bean provided to curry It out. I was
In New York retwfaly and there Is
gru.v d.ul of talk nfliuilt dhe Somili anti
about toe Hoaithern rialliiniy, and Ute
latter will be fho nitt»® of aittraoLug
cupUtti to this section, I have no dotlln.
lu the llrw piece, frem iny observation
the Soutik Is far from (lead. It has not
been hurt nturly so much os the West
and some lurts at tho \«lh. Moneyed
inch are turning ehclr eyes ta this dl-
inetion oimI nrshlug Is grimg to be so
dowdy wutelKvl as the fortunes at the
Southern railway system. That It will
be a success and a lienellt to tile South
Is my hoiuHt conviction."
Illinois, Wisconsin and Arknsas Held
Red Hot Powwows Yesterday.
Sprlngfleld, III., July 26.—Por trea
surer of staltc, Ht-nry Wolff of Chicago;
for superintendent of public Instruc
tion, 3. M. of Conbondalo; for
trustees of the state university, Mrs.
J. M. PKlwer of Chicago, 8. A. Bullard
of UprtntleW and Alexander McLean of
This was 'the ticket placed in nomina
tion today by the Republican state con
vention. For a while it was one of the
most tumultous and exciting gathering
of the party In the 'history of the state.
The proposition to follow the exMmp e
of 'the Democmtlc convention and nom
inate a candidate for United Stales
senator .was tho bona of contention,
and tho feeling manifested by the ad
herents of CuMom and Mason was so
intense that tut- one time It looked us
chough the convention would break up
In dlseurder. Cullom had tile votes, us
the result proved, but his opponent
had a packed floor and the full strength
of tl\o galleries, and on a proposition
submitted rf to a viva voce vote these
completely .drowned 'the accredited ma
jority. When ft came to a show down
In tho way of a.' roll call, however, 1
was speedily demonstrated, that the ex
oongreaaman was not In «; the results
Of 'the ktltht making Senator Cullom
the logical Omtuda'te for re-election
should *the new legislature be Repub
lican, on Joint ba'Y.ot when it assembles
In January next. . L'<
Milwaukee, July M.-After -taking
fa™ halkits, on the last of; which 'M'aJ.
W. II. Upborn of MarSrixKleld had x
Dr. Romls Will Close HU Great Taber-
t-'-nade Meeting Tonight.
A good ^udlenqe jgsembled at the tab-
ernncJe last night. ' Dr. Romig.selected
as his theme "The Tongue," reading
the third chanter of James which treats
of this unruly member.
Tho speaker, by msny spt and fitting
Illustrations, showed the terrible evils,
resulting frcni nn unholy u»e of the
tongue. Part of the time the audience
could scarcely restrain from expressing
the humbrous side of their nature—
while at other times' tears would spring
to their eyes. It was a great sermon
and one calculated to do great good.
If there were men and women within
the sound of the (factor's voice who were
guilty of sny of the bad habits referral
In this discourse, they coulln't help bit
be benefltted. The doctor psld his res
pects to all classes of sinners. When
the men were hit the ladles would cast
shy glances at their husbands and vice
versa when the ladles received their
share of the exhbrtatlon. The evils of
cursing, swearing and gossiping was the
burden of the discourse.
At the conclusion of the service the
congregation adjourned to the church
on Walnut street where the 'ordinance at
bapttom was administered. This after
noon nt 4 o'clock will be another bap
tismal service at tho church.
The great meeting which has lasted
ten weeks, will close tonight. Dr. Ro
mig will preach nt Fort Valley tomori'aw
night and Saturday night, returning to
Macon on Sunday, to bid farewell to the
people of Macon -who have been 60
greatly blessed by his presence In,their
midst and who have given him their
cordial support.
Cot. q'lm Nolan Astonishes Hhe South
Macon People With His Eloquence
'Everybody known Mvat tBoni.. JHm
Nolan Is a remarkably good worker
when It comes to election times, but
that he 'had stored within 'him a well
uf eloquence waa not suspected until
Tutwlay night, when Sve attended a
meeting of the factory people tn Factory
row, nnd at 'the earnest solicitation pi
some of his friends consented to make
them am address.
Of course, at first Col. Nolan was diffi
dent; ail speakers ore when Obey make
their first attempt, but as be warmed
up to his subject -this diffidence woro
off and burning periods of eloquence
fell from h'is Tips iWUSl Hie ease and
grace of a practical campaigner.
Ool. Nolan's platform, Ihe said, was
steady empkiymemt for labor, ihlgher
wages and shorter hours of work. He
dwelt at length on this subject and
■was thoroughly en rapport with his
audience. It was, ‘be aald, time for 'the
workmen 'to assert themselves within
the Democratic party and to send rep
resentatives to 'tine legislature who
would properly represent t'helr inter
ests. He was vigorously applauded
Ho may offere Iris services as a-yam-
pitign orator -re the Democratic cam
paign committee when the campaign
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
For sale at ”wholesale by fi. R. JAQUES & TINSLEY nnd A. B. SMALL*
'bui There Is mile Hope of ills Re
covery. • •*
John Sotvlera, liho (rid man brained
by Elsberry and Andrew Amerson day
before yesrerday la a light at Brau-
liani’s bar, an Elm street, Is not dead
yet, or was still alive whoa fast heard
from lout night. There is very Utile
hope of his recovery, ltqi.vever, and the
end is to be looked, for ait almost nay
Besides having Ms head stabbed to.
tlhe bra'll, lie Is badly brtlewd about
the body, having been struck several
terrific blows with a chair 'u ith> hands
or tire A'mensons.
He bus regained ccosclousness only
once sunee Che tight. About midnight
Tuesday night he became causelists for
a few urluut-M atul reeogul'/al tttctte
about, fas bedside. He Mttt tho fight
occurred over a game of (turds which
he ami tile Amcrsons were playing for
drinks, tuwl that tic was rltruck and
koockted down witii a chair while they
were ta tiie abYe,
SlitYlff WeHloutlt and his Irren tire hot
aa tife tKBl of tilt. Amcrsons anil wall
no doubt run them down before rhey
got out of title country. 'Ube sheriff
had tile ollloers ait the different towns
iiiTVAitMl Miinon uortflfid at' tire
would-be murtlcrcrs ns soon ns tiie af
fair wns made kmown to him, and It
will be Impossible for them to get
uway unless t hey ore unusuully Shrewd
nnd stick close to tiie swamp, avoid
ing telegraph shut Ions, wHiefe tito people
are oa tiie lookont for liiem.
Sheriff Westootlt got a telegram from
an officer tut Pwvit-svlile yesterday af-
temoiat alaitt-ng tixut lie tiiought he laid
two men who knew a good deal about
tiie awe. It wis believed that these
might be tiie Amcrsons, mud
MUllroos iuikI Ford ivotit down.
The sheriff received a tolegram from
Deputy Millions hist night, however,
slixflaig tlxitt tire wrong men hail been
Tlie house wltero the Amarscms lived
In South Macon was raided by tlio
Sheriff and sov«ul deimties Tuesday
night, but they "were not tlhero. The
o'fieers were out nil nigllt saircili'.ug
f,r them, hot they have evidently
taken to (he swtump.
r um a DomScratlc esnuidate for ror-
oner.' subject to nomination on August i
If elected. I propose to administer tlti
affairs of this office to the best ot riv
abfilty. earnestly adhering to duty a i
the law directs. I shall make the o’lti.i
secon-lary to no business, and my i
and brain shall be devoted to a fatthtul
discharge of tho people's business k».
Bpectfully asking and earnestly des'rim
your support, I am, very respectfully,
ELMO Cuay.
The Park Hotel Goes Into the Hands t>f
a Company.
The park hotel hns been leased by a
company, nnd that company has secured
the set vices of Mr. J. H. Clnncey. more
commonly known ts “Jack." as manager.
It Is stated that Mr. Clancey will have
entjre charge of the hotel and that a
number of Improvements have been de
cided upon. In fact, the Park will he
put on an even footing with the best
commercial hotels, and those who know
Ihe new manager, nnd who dues not
know him hi the hotel world,know also
full well that nothing will bo left Un
done to ensure the comfort ot travellers
who are fortunato enough to he Ills
If** •which It oppeared would secure guests.
his mmHnixitlan : for governor In two it Is understoo (l s new sample ron n,
more beMots. , the state Republican “
gubernatorial convoretioil adjourned
until 11 o'clock tomoirrowmorning. The
Schofield, rtXUKihen. land Taylor forces,
oontadering themselves bouton, oom-
bned to'secure an oUJourftment. Com
binations brewing tonight.’ may 'Yhanse
the Whole aspect of affairs,
Lltt'le Rock. July 28.(J*T wav 1.40
o clock this morning when'the Republi
can Wale convention adjourned, after
having nominated u ticket, adopted' a
platform nnd named a central commlt-
«Isyton wan the ruling
spirit of the -meeting, though fils inter
ference tn local controversies over the
seating of the delegation from Jeffer
son county Is likely to lose for the
nominee for governor the support of a
small faction In That county and vldn-
For Using Money to Purchase Votes nt
tho Election.
St. John. N. F.. July Sir William
Whiteway uud Robert Bond, leaders of
‘ jovernment forces, were dis
qualified from tho legislature today far
oorrupt practices at the election. rh-.>y
rtt>reiented tho Trinity diet with Jame.
Watson, who joined them only a few
days before the election, hla connection
being that of a silent partner, now an
““J*.! 8 * orlt * r - Watson was also found
guilty, hut he was only unseated, leav-
tag him eligible to contest the seat. Sir
William and Bond will not he allowed
to again stand for reflection for three
years. They located many thousands of
dollars to lie spent In employing voters
a few weeks before the election. They
obtained n great majority of the votes
caet. but the Judge before whom the
cane wae tried decided that the majori
ty was due to the lavish use of money
consequently they were deprived of
tlielr teats. Tho Goodrich government
now hae a majority of one vote In the
legislature which opens next week. The
government will now be able to pass a
revenue bill to legalize the present 11-
legal collection of revenue.
oar, elevator, eiectno 'DeiMi nnci. jn ncii
xll the improvements bf n modern hotel
will be put In nt once.
The hotel will pies Into the hands of
the new lessees August S.
“Jack 1 ' Clancev will be welcomed
back to Macon by hi* hundreds of good
friends In this city. He Is one of the
best of fellows and deserves unbounded
To Bs Held This Afternoon and Nlgbt
Near Engine Jlouse, No. 4.
The Ladies Aid Society ot Grace
church will give another festival, cone
menclng at 4 b'elock tWa afternoon, ou
Arch atreet. In front of engine house.
No. 4. The afternoon table will be pre
sided over by Mrs. H. A. Gray, and If
Intended to supply suppers to those who
wish to patronize her. The feattval
proper begins after nightfall.
The ladies tn charge of the tables have
gone to extra trouble to make this the
crowning event in the list of church fes
tivals. They have provided everything
good fa eat. which will be served by the
charming ladles of the society, assist’d
by pretty girls who nve wont to be pres
ent on such delightful occasions.
In addition to the well laden tables,
there will be many kinds bf amusements
and sweet music to keep the crowd in
good cheer.
The 4 o'clock table will furnish sup
pers to those who wish to contribute
to the good cause In that way, but at
night the real enjoyment hcgtns. It la
hoped a large crowd will patronize the
Washington, July 76.—Cozey'a ormy
ciunp at llyamavtlle la gradually dispers
ing. The men have been oq me j-oun ot
starvation. Covey in an address to tlieiq
today told them (hit about the omy thing
for them to do new was to g» to Wash
ington and beg to have the district .up-
port them. Coxcy and bis son left lor
home today. \\ ret ts left of Frye's Kti
ler's and Galvin's contmgoms nro con-
<regaled on the government reservation
on the other aide of me Polemic, oppo
site Georgetown. They have eepamte
camps ana are ret at aU neighborly, al
though close together. No. attention Is
paid to their presence, and ixcept tor
u occasional arrest of some of them
bogging In Washington or Georgetown,
nothing would he heard of mem.
Vtckrbtirg, Miss.. July 23.—The nup
tials of Miss Mary Pearce Phelps sad
Count Pauli Casolll. late seoretary of
the Italian Wolhl's Fair ■■ommiesion.
woe celebrated this afternoon at the
plantation residence of the bride's
father. Dr. A. J. Phelps, near tho little
station of Nltta Yuma, acoordtng to the
riles uf Ihe Roman Catholic* church.
The ceremony was private. Vive Consul
Ptiaal of this city being one ot the few
Invited guests. Count Paoll Casein and
bride wtll letve tor Italy via New York
In a few days.
Lawrence. Maas.. July 'JA—it wns
anttoaiKvd today that the large woolen
e ll* of PltHllp* Sc KuoUinlt. omphty-
: rental hundred persona, will cloae
Saturday, btvjuac of dull times.
Mr. E. P. Strong la on • visit to
Aishevlfie. N. C.
Mlaa Sallle Sitlhn of Atlanta la visit
ing Mrs. A. M. Reid on Bond street.
Ool. John M. Sitton of Mardbury, N
J., Is visiting relzitlvcx In the city.
Miss -Willie -Burke of Atlanta, who
Boa been visiting >Mlzscs Nettle Wat
kins and WJnshtp returned home Tues
day afternoon, muoh to the regret of
her friends and admirers In this cky.
Miss Fonda Gilbert of -Albany Is vis
iting Mrs. R. 3. Patltlo on Park Place.
Mrs. J. C. Powers ha* returned from
pleasant visit to Indian Spring. _
At Washington—First game— R.BH.E.
Washington 101 * i 0 o « S-lt U
Philadelphia 611001000—6 IS „
Batteries—Mercer and McOjtre; Fanning
and Buckley.
Second game— ’ R.BH.B.
Washington S41OT0«2<l-7 14 1
Philadelphia (OJllOllx-« 1J i
Balterlea—SulHvtut and McGuire; Care
sey and Buckley.
At Cleveland— R.BH.E.
Cleveland 1 1006212 0-12 14
St. Louts 10000olio—3 7
Dattertes-Xoung and O'Conner; Brott
en stein and felts.
At Chicago- H.BM.JS.
Chicago d 6 4*116-24
Pittsburg .10 0 3 11 o— I _ .
Baltertee—Griffith and Schriver; coloo-
lough end Merritt. Game called
low Pittsburg to catch the train.
At Boston—First game- R.BH.K.
Boston •0313103b-
Brooklyn 3 2 00001.3 1—
Batteries—Stlvetta and Ryan; Kennedy
and Klnakwr
Second canto— R.BH.K.
Botton .0 0002703X—12 11 1
Brooklyn .000003300-6 SI* j
Buttertee-Nlehols and Tenon Under
wood and Earle. , 4
At New York- R.BH.E.
New York 23000bfix— 7 IS
Baltimore .0 100001 00-2 7
Batteries—Meekln anl Farrell; Gleason
and Robinson.
How- He Was Introduced Into
North Atlanta Conference.
One of the most prominent visitors
in attendance upon the north Atlanta
conference was -Dr. E. H. Rowe, tho
newly elected president of 'Wesleyan
Female College.
One who attended tlhe conference
epoke of Dr. Rowe's.Introduction In the
following comiilmentury manner:
"Dr. Rowe is a man of attractive fap-
pearunce, with clear cut classical feat
ures; he wears no beard. He is 'a Vir
ginian 'and speaks eloquently, leaving
the Impression that he possesses de
cided Character, -wtiih a tender, gentle
"Rev. H. P. Moyers addressed the
conference In the Interest of the Amer
ican Bible Association. His father. Dr.
Edwrd Meyers, was president of Wes
leyan (FemaLe College when, years ago,
he resided In 'Augusta, and performed
my marriage ceremony. My thoughts
traveled fast at -that district meeting
Saturday morning. .1 remembered Dr.
Meters and realized what ah important
factor .he was In forming my ch-iracter.
I listened to Dr. Rowe's eloquent re-,
marks and felt the force of his mag
netic manner—thoughts of the old col
lege life were linked with the present
time In lta history.
"In the name of the Alumnae As
sociation of Wesleyan Female College
I welcome Dr. E. H. Rowe cordially
to Georgia, earnestly desiring for my
grand alma maker continued spiritual
und lntekeutual prosperity under his
fostering oare."
Will Have ei Tournament In Savannah
August 6, 7 and 8,
Low rate excursions will he run from
four states and It premises to be the
Biggest thing- of the kind that the col
ored jteopte havo undertaken In u long
The crack club* from tho various
cities will contest for valuable prizes
and the Interstate championship uf the
South, making this series of baseball
games the most Interesting and excit
ing ever .witnessed from the fact that
some of the clubs axe the equal of the
best professional itcamg ih the United
In addition to this programme, which
wltt be continued Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, there -will be 100, 209
and 300-yard foot races, 100, 200 and
300-yard bag races, three foot races for
big purees, three amusing "and excit
ing mule races far big purses, three rifle
ranges for excursionists to contest for
big prizes, a brass band conftcot for
big prizes, chasing the greased pig,
three prizes; climbing the greased pole,
three prizes.
Tho Tabernacle Music Makers IVcr
. Tendered a Surprise Party.
The tabernacle Choir was pleasan'l-
surprised Tuesday night with u n id
cream supper tendered by Prof. Da.wdy
Immediately after the service at tt’,
cabernacle they repaired to the red
dence of Mrs. Nelson, on Poplar atr, -;
On their arrival they were ushi-r-x
without oeremony Into tile dining r »n
to partke of t'ae delicious refrean-i-nt,
that awaited them.
After doing full Justice to ';he crein
■Shat was placed before them they ro .
paired to the spctou3 parlors, wh-n
they Indulged fn music and merry cnat
ter until a kite hour. The Choir sam
several anthems, whldit were foil ,we.
by a vocal duet by Misses Dank-In an I
Rush and a vlol'ln and piano du> 1 1,1
Professor Dawdy and M1S3 Herrington
As the midnight hour drew near re
luctant goodnlghts were sold und ;i,
choir und their friends departed, um-i
Imous In high praise of -fiheir excell, a
Tnose present were; Misses Slap
Dodd, M, M. Herrington, Susie K-.i
ohanan, Willie May Wyche, Dih,
Rush, Carrie Dodd, Kelts Hall, Mes
dames R. P. Menard, -M. T. Meek
G. W. Stratton, J. Rush, A. W
Smith, M. Erwin, E. M. Good toe. N
B. Johnson. S. B. 'Fielding, E. E. m,>
nard, H. A. Herrington; Messrs. It
Menutd, R. Black, J. H. Nelms
H. II. Herrington. Marion Erwin. E
W. Freeney, A. W. Smith, Dr/Rornlg
Professor Dawdy.
New Orleans, July 24.—At 9:45 b'clncli
tonight the grand iury came Into court
and placed three indictments. Two wen
ngalnst Numa Dudoussat nnd John T,
Callahan, who were Indicted some tints
ngo for receiving -bribes while mem
bers of the city council. An Indictment
was also placed against W. J. Cine,
councilman for -the Third ward, anl
chairman of the new Courthouse :‘.r !
jail committee. A capias was at once
Issued for -his arrest, though it is be
lieved he will be paroled until tomor
It being Bibb county.’* time to gu$
gest to the senatorial convention tin
Democratic candidate for the twenty-
second district, I hereby offer my Hell
for the position, subject to the Demo
enrtlc nomination of Bibb county.
I respectfully announce nq-self a can-
didate for the legislature, subject ta
the Democratic primary, and solicit tlu
support of my friends.
Bubject to Nomination by Democratio
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for nomination to the houva
of representatives of tho general us-
sembly of Georgia, subject to the Dem
ocratic primary.
I hereby announce myself os a candi
date for re-election to tile house of rep
reaentuttves of tho general assembly ol
Georgia, subject to the Democratic
nomination. ROBERT HODGES.
By solicitation of my friends I hereby
announce myself as candidate for coro
ner, subject to a Democratic nomina
tion. I am youra very truly,
By solicitation bf my friends 1 hereby
announce myself as candidate for core-
ner, subjects to a Democratic nomina
tion. I am yours very truly,
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for coroner, subject to the Dem
ocratic primary, und solicit the vate
and support of my friends throughout
tho county. GEO. LUMPKIN.
Mr. Chester W» Have a- Big Meeting
at HU Church.
There will be revival services every
night Gils week at Centenary church.
There will be preaching by Dr.
Monk, Rev. Mr. Keeriof -Ireland and
Rev. Mr. Wray of Vinevllle.
The pastor and ills people cordially
Invite Che public to unite with them In
these services, and a great outpouring
of the spirit ts anticipated.
< ► Manifold < ►
\ [ Disorders < ►
" t A'o occasioned by an impure and Jro- i ►
♦ poterished condition of the blood, liRht
impurities, if not corrected,develop into 4 i
serious maladies, such as ’
i > SCROFULA, i ►
A eczema. A
' aa other troabfesoroe diseases. To cure T
4 i 1* required a safe and reliable rem- a t
< ►
4 ^ eases hare been . ,
. . Cured by S. 8. S. V
* f S»it*«aTra!lMBml*4<rteuu y faHmi^ ►
J . SWirr SPECIFIC COn Atlanta, Ga. A t
. Lears made on choice real estate and
forming lands in Georgia. Interest 7
per cent. Payable in two, three or live
years. No delay. Commissions very
420 Second Street, Macon, Ga.
Cheap Money to Lend
Oa Improved city and* tarm property.
'Loans ranging from J500 up, at 1 per cent,
simple Interest; time from two to five
years. Promptness and accommodation *
specialty. ^ j ANDERSON & CO..
No. 513 Second Street. Macon Oz.
I have on hand for Ml* land* ta
Bibb. Hancock. Baldwin. Wilkes, Jen- .
Wilkinson, Twiggs. Houston. Washing
ton, bodge, Taylor. Monroe. Plke snj
Troup counties. These tends eon*tat of
farm* that have been bid ta at fore-
closure sales, and for most part luvg
such improvements and are ta tuch
condition generally as tout them tor
being occupied at once. Oen be hid zt
a burgs In on eusy terms. Call on of
rom G»- me ** HOWARd'm.*SMITI1-*‘_