About The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1894)
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1894. A MACONITE AT MINERAL BLUFF Tha Salubrious Climate of Fannin County Gives Vigor to Mind and Body. HOW THE BLUFF GOT ITS NAME ItOMla lettcliwMii • lm*H Fortune fo Bilaldtih Uu UliBtMtVf k«* hUme All It li • Vary D»ll*k«W Reaert. DON’T MARRY Until you have *990 our samples of wed ding Invitations, which we Rend free of charge. Address J. P. Stevens A Bro., Jewelers, 47 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. (Mineral Bluff, July 24.-When wflwolboy one of the most ponderous questions which burdened the mind of the aspiring youth was*. “Which im parted the greatest pleasure, pursuit or possession?" With the shadows of over half a century lengthening It has a deeper slgaitloamce now. Chasing that "tvttl o' the wisp" health over mountain and dais, I must admit that pursuit is not half so eionlllrxilng as It used to be when in my teens. Youth ful vigor f llke oppo/tunfUes unlm ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ proved, when once exhausted in guns j ft^mfthe tottSeTto w'ncre her * honw ’iind forever, ft may be parlta-lly regained. buggy stood and hastily getting iu, put con contingent leave In a day or two afoot for Dr. McHabton's fish pond, Rome fifteen miles awviy. If not flr- rertnd as revenue spies they may re turn again. Tuie .ame of my departure is at hand and my letter la ended. S. S. Sweet. A SLICK THIEF. A Woman Charged With Snut'ching a Focketbook and Running Away. Tweed. July 27.—(Hpedal.)-.Some few weeks ago a lady hailing from Macon came through here and solicited work to enlarge pictures. She visited several houfccif, among them being that of Squire John Woodward arnl Mr. M. L. Smith, who gAve her an order. Last Saturday ahe returned tb deliver her work. Mr, Woodard had hk* wife’s j»io turo enlarged and paid her 17 for the work. Getting her business through with Mr. Woodard she then drove to Mr. Smith’* houae. Unfortunately he was not at home. Mrs. Smith enter tained her in a lady-like manner until Mrs. Smith asked her if she had brought h$r picture which she had giv en me Macon woman to enlarge. The latter replied in the affirms tfte and pluced the photo on the bed. Mrs. Smith took her pocket book fr'om her trunk and was in the act of paying the woman when she suddenly snatched the purse from Mrs, Smith’s hand and also the portrait from the bed and dashed THE SQUARE USE Of ENGLISH WORDS but never In completest measure. Yet men go in their useless exposure and dissipation* xlrinklng dial nothing could-impair.tihe v'u.1 forces of nature until the day of reckoning Rrrlve# und nMuro demands the penally of vio lated law. Than In Utter 'astonishment they Inquire, ’'When and Where?" Nevertheless tne demand is Imperative "and no guilty man escape*.** We 'try to mitigate the severity of the setitcxnco und to some degree we succeed. In search of mat which was lost* 1 from* directed by any kind-hearted phy- fekilan to this point In the stwte of JdtnnJn, the hill county of Georgia. Here, high above the world around ubcujt, I have been breathing the pure aimpaphere of 'the sky and drinking the cook refreshing water whidh gushes frumVthe jnoun'uiln side. In front of <ihe Markham house In Aalanuu a few weeks (ago sat twxi el derly sontlevn«n disousslng the heated term and the way of esoape. The elder of tho uvo began a most elegant and eloquent' description of at certain moun tain resort. Af ter one of his well round ed sentences he stopped for breath, and 'the other interjected the question; “How about .Uio cooking?" There was it sudden collapse, und the o.d man, with horrliled look, said: "You have spoiled the grandest picture I ever conoolved in my life. Tne cooking; it la abominable. All aho moan* are dried und swim in grease and Uio biscuits are doughy to the core." His oomrude placed 'his hand upon his chest to re lievo tile dysiiepala at the very men tion of auon a rc-puat. MmeiMl Bluff is it misnomer. *Mnny people think 'because of the frame (there muut be mineral springs, but there is no mineral wu'ier wJUitn live miles of It. Two •imagnlllcent freestone upning* just Uelow our hotel supply an abun dance ,of the purest water, clear, co d and life-giving. The original bluff U up two miles above «lhe town. It thought by its former owner to be Hik'd with minerals. A posboitloe was established at that point und k woe exiled Minoraa Bluff. When the Ma rlon* and North Georgia railroad wound itself through Chose mountains u station was vtmiblMhed at tins point, und the post otttoo retained its original glume. Another origin was given me of u spfOUMUUv* Character. Tho old •gen tleman who owned 'the tnuff* supposed it contained gold amluUier nunenila »ind prised It Highly. An old Bootch- civ.wn of GI ahkow *w»;nded till Is way u •few yeti* ago and desired u> purchase the old man’s |n*nwvt«tioMH. It 4s erutd . to "bluff him” he uaketl 120,000, but fhe Old Bootoharan nook him up and paid him down 116,000 cash oauI gave u, mort gage for Lho rest. After spending *4,t>00 or 65,000 more he abandoned ft. ’XV.* is why it Is called Mineral liluff M.neral Bluff Is 87 miles from Marl- a anssll Suusdet of ubotw ioo in- h’.nbltnnU. It has it splendid graded vohook n good hotel, and some as clever people as ure to be found m Georgia. They tiro kind and sociable to oil turangors. The hotel U aupplh-d with all tne mountains afford, and .Mrs. Smith, .the good landlady is untiring In her efforts «to servo her guests. From tUkOQO wo have Mr. J. O. Craig u-nd fanilly, Mr. WQI McKay of Cllaby A McKay, and the family of Mr. Miller (While. They u.l seem to be enjoying the mountain breexes and doing well. T..c flailing is fair, tiToixlmg some kUhuseiiKMit. This is not the season for hunting, but from the multitudinous cries of "Bob White" from every kill- top and valley, there is a '-feast for somebody when The fall ehodUtig 1**- gins>. Some of the eKlxens say they are wailing the coming «>i Dr. Mcllatlon of llaoon, whom they regttrd not only with grevitvet esteem, bvr. also as "the Nimrod of -the luouuiatna." Ing every year Is looked for wtci\ great est •.iitofuctlun. He has* spent oottehl- erable time among these hardy moun tain This county was the borne of that unique character -Mr. Bon Dugg "King of Che mountains." No man liu# ever left a numc m-uv imloilibly pressed Upon his neighbors than this man. He -was Republican in this pol-- tlea, and -was never defati-vlCor sin of fice when he tasked tor it. Faemln is placed in the Uepubllenn column, and Mr. J. V. Smith, ‘’mine host," l» a candidate for the RepubH- wlilp to tite h-ors". and n-i-uv the tonlshed household was really aware of the matter the thief was leaving them miles behind. Mm. Smith endeavored to pursue her, but decided it wbu’.d be futile. It Is not known what nrmsnut wf money the pock**tlv. >;< , oji»;»in**<1. The woman’s name could nut bo ascertained. • When the advertising atmosphere is heavily, charged with exaggeration—-that is sometimes prevarication—it is well for you to remember who are the trustworthy advertisers. For many years we have labored to make our store news plain. Always strong as facts demand, but never overstated. Opera tions develop from present conditions very remarkable bar gains. We tell of them clearly, truthfully. That’s the point we wish to emphasize. We give you a perfect basis for belief. Our facts and your fuith are the creators of business. jUb,JW^4. MACON, GA. 351 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET J, VUllUlO) SAW MILLS, Machinery All Kinds, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds, LIME, CEMENT and BUILDERS’SUPPLIES. T. C. BURKE. Write for Quotations Before Placing Your Orders. o. P. & B. E WILLINGHAM, MACON, GA. sasii Gear* mm moulding pjukts, ’Jins ash cemeht. cAT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. LEADING WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd & Co. ManuUcturera and B'kuere.A BABNE&& BADDLI5RT. BEATUIiK AND 8HOEJ?IDINQ\ BTACOF. OA. 4PO. 45X454an-3 45C Cherry Streak L. Cohen & Co., J. u HACfi. W»u»,w. ,51 Clierrr Street. lUoen. Ofc rrice. the lowert. "Manoia"—Beat 6a. Cigar in Haooa. i VMihan and Wholesale Dealenig UQUOBd. TOBACCO aud Oia\tU, Perlcular attention paid to Orders. MACOH SASH, DOOR & LUMBER C0„ INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, AND MANUF ACTURER3 OF Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Piaster, llair. / BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc. BUTLER’S XmVS BUDGET. StfanJhlng For Uio AhUlv^jow Bays—Fer- aqnul and Social Maxtion. ButJor, July 27.—(Hjx»j;al.)—Deputy Ford of Bibb county iMH&cd tihruiu'h Taylor yantipdip. uccoinixiDiltxl by Mr. Jnmc* Hollis and Sheriff Pope of vh a county, \vbo joined them at Reynolds, 111 fltMBMh of tlh<‘ Auk-in.411 boy-, who art* waikMi jn Bibb. Sheriff Pojh* re- tmnnil >tIrlx morning awl reported tflua't tla* fugitives had boon ttwed to 151* m'.m /Victory, tibw county, amid beyond Into Mfciran oouiortv. Deputy Ford naul Mr. IIoMh* are still In pursuit and no doubt will ttiptiuro Vbem, as the Amcr- hoim have only t'lirdo ht«urs* start. Miss townie Htnos rotairaeil boat yiiftViliy from Goilnesvl'lle, n'ooompa- iile<l l>y tier fi‘Ui«tl, Mlsg Vteole IUkI- (Hng of Zdbulon. MBsset Hines und Htnldlnsf Hire two very beautiful and popular young ladU-M mud bare imulo hostg of friends In Gainesville. The Butler tartbnll club Imh ordain* Ired nml wMl th»> rent of the seaHoin l>o open to dhmlle'igcs fi^am nny nmnteur club In t'he HAiite. They Imwo secured a flno txjitftnry nmd flnt basuuKui from Opollkn, Ah Ompt. Gray Mttnfort My* he will ttoko down the state cham pionship. DAWSON DOTS. Congratulations From a CorrespondenV —Political Gossip, Dawson, July 27.—(Special.)—I guess congratulations are still in order ns to the manly course pursued by the Tele graph In the late contest for governor. Col. Atkinson's fair and honorably won victory was gained, no doubt, by an In fluence of which your paper may Justly be called one of the pioneers. Now the lose observer can see that you are still Imbued with the same spirit of fairness toward the encmv wo havo yet to con quer. Your foresight and hindsight and manly nerve In taking Sight will con tribute largely tt> blueing out the way to that succom so much desired by the true Democracy of the state. (Mr. lllnes will receive only a email vote In Terrell county. Very few Dem ocrats will have so little regard for right as to vote against the nominee. As to the race for congress from the Second district tho outlook is decidedly In fiuvor of »Mr. Russell. Judge Guerry vlll carry Terrell ns this Ha his homo oun-ty, but Mr. Russell will oertnlnly go In by n very good margin. Our county Is looking up; crops nro good, stores filling up, new enterprises being talked about and many things ctomJng In sight to drive away hard times. There 4s a good opening In Daw son for * good weekly paper. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Louisville, July 27.—(Special.)—The county convention of tho Democratic party waa called to order at 10 n. m. today at the court hou&o by lion. G. W. Warren; chairman county executive committee. The Hon. Thomas Harde man was elected chairman of the con vention and the Hon. J. W. White wis unanimously called to act as secretary, Btfbra proceeding to business Chalrm Uoirdeman made a mngt excellent spech In which he pointed out the dangers facing tho party and urging every Dem ocrat to do his whole duty. Ills re marks were well received by the largo crowd of Intelligent citizens who nearly filled the large court houve. Nomina tions being In order the delegates asked and were tKcoided permission to retire to consult. They returned In a short time and announced the names of lfbn. William Little and Hon. Emory S. Smith as gentlemen worthy of the honor of representing old JcfTcmon In our state legislature. Bbth gentlemen have served before and are of course experienced statesmen and will no Joubl lead our party to victory, notwith standing the efforts of the People's par ty. backed by Messrs. Watson, lllnes und others of that Ilk. A8I1BURX PERSONALS. A^dmm. July ‘27.—(SpixvtJ.)—Miss Ahla Boils of Jacksonville, Fla., j« Qt Ik CUT OUT THIS. A Free Ride to Washington and Return to the Most Popular Knight. The MACon and Northern, in connec tion with tho Seaboard Air Line, have opened up a new route from Macon to Eastern and Virginia cltlee. The pas senger equipment of the Macon and Northern railroad has Just been re ceived from the shops and Is one of tho finest trans leading out of Mncon. Tho Macon and Northern makes close con nections at Athens with the solid vesti bule limited train of tho Seaboard Air Line, on of the handsomest trains south of Baltimore. This new line, opens up the most delightful and picturesque routes from this section to all pblpts In the Carollnas, Virginia and thq East and is becoming more popular every clay. The route to Washington over which the free ticket will read will be Mncon and Northern and Seaboaid Air Line to Norfolk, thence via the,.pala tial steamers of the Washington and Norfolk line, giving passengers a most delightful ride up the grand and pic turesque Potomac, landing passengers at the foot bf the Washington monu ment. On the way up the Potomac ■tops will he mode nt different points of Interest, Including OKI Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, M-t. Vernon (the home of tho illustrious Washington) and at the navy yards, where a view can be had of tho Uni-ted States war ships. Tho ticket will be good August 27th going and good to return September 5. The grand conclave of Knights of Py* thins of the United States will assem ble In Washington August 28 gnd be reviewed by President Cleveland. A pleasanter ride could not be taken at this time of the year. The monotony of an all-rail line 1s broken by the boat ride from Norfolk, and paMBengqni can go Into Washington feeling fresh* with out dust and In a position to enjoy the festivities Immediately upon arrival In Woshingon. t facts, offer our Inducements and defy competition. Our representatives will call on the several divisions in a few days to muke final arrangements for the movement to Washington. T. J. Anderson, General Passenger Afcent. A BIG EXCURSIO... St Augustine, July 26.—(3peclal.)— General Passenger Agent Macdonald, as sisted by Traveling Passenger Agenw Lucas and Burns of the Georgia South ern and Florida railway, arrived here today with 1,000 Georgia excursionists. Macon. Atlanta, Savannah and Other towns are delightfully represented by many or their handsomest women and, business men. The West Point baseball team was beaten by the St. Augustine team In ■core of 13 <to 6. Goodwyn & Small, druggists, recom mend Johnson’s Oriental Soap for all skin and scalp diseases. Try it LARRY GANTT EXPELLED. Columbia, S. C., July 26.—The Alliance today at Aiken, by a vote of .10 to 3. in structed ita members »'► vot ■ only for those who would vote for the demands of the Alliance In the coming state elec tion. A short while ago Larry Gantt of the Piedmont Headlight charged Manager Duncan of the Alliance Exchange with fraud and extortion. The State Alliance exont-r.i ed Duncan fibni the charges li ter a thorough examination and by a unanimous vote Gantt was expelled from the order. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To the Editor—Please inform your read- era that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured I shall bo glad to send two bottles of ray remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express nud post office address. T. A. Slocum, M.O., 163 Pearl St.. New York. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Jbnes County.—I will sell by virtue of an order of the court of ordi nary of Jones county on first Tues day in August next within the legal hours of sale at Clinton, Jones county, the following: Fifty (50) acres land, more’or less, on the Ocmulgee river In Monroe county, Ga., water power apper taining; also 190 acres, more br less, ad joining same parcel in Monroe county, G»: also 300 acres, more or leas, In Jones county, Ga., on the Ocmulgee river, including mill site and water power, this last parcel sold in two lots of 150 acres each. Sold as the property of estate of Mrs. Martha J. Gordon to pay debts and for division. Terms cash. R. H. GORDON. Administrator. July 2. 1894. For J 1 Residence ......................... • 1 As the Most Topular Knight of • » Pythias. • 1 The one receiving the highest • * number of ballots will receive a • » round trip ticket from Mncon tb • ► Washington and -return ovor the • * popular Macon and Northern • * railroad. Billots must ail be In • > by o p. m. August 15, 1894. All • ► ballots must be clipped from the • > Macon Telegraph. • If a Rapubl conv i la to be elected, clever. of I'l t and opinion, i Questto but i us to wa.it .should be done u> prevent t’le ncoitiMi of such crimen. The principal exports from the country are junrble, ch:ckvns add maw-Kite.*, and it •4 strange that pcopfe with Duma sur roundings wou'il take any itYiercml in Dcb&tsm. It only goes to provf the natty of our tsinwuon country. A wound at tho furthest extreme sends a thrilling sensation to ;he obscurest eave In the mountain land. Debs, like Hamlet, thinks: "The Um* is out of Joint. O cursed spite That ever I was bom to set It right." Intoxicated, with former success he tturaght be could ad pt a pi m to settle Sf-fSEXS?* ****** breakfast, co on tea without bis bout. a*1 wci his 'Willing 'toots ns some h*ve p l* 1 Wie meshes of the Li any lum* time to consider w: male he tus made of hlmarif. Messrs. Craig and McKay of .;he Ma- 8PECIAL NOTICE. Portsmouth, Va., July 18, 1894.—Tb Of ficers and Members of K. of P,» Georgia State Division: You nro respectfully re quested to use the "Seaboard .Air Line U. R. K. of P. special" from Atlanta, Ga.. to Portsmouth. Vn.. thence the large palace steamers of the Norfolk and Washington steamboat line to Washington. Notwithstanding that there is a movement bn font by some of the leading officers of the Georgia state division* to compel the division! to take other routes, the majority wll use the S. A. L. We will handle the Sir Knightw of Texas. Louisiana. Mississippi. Alabama, Georgia. South Carolina. North Carolina and Virginia on one grand special train, placing them at the steamer’s wharf at Portsmouth. Va.. where they will have an opportunity of passing through Nor* folk harbor, Uamtpon Roads, made fa mous by the battle between the Monitor and the Merrlmac: thence via Old Pblnt Comfort. Fortress Monroe; up tho his toric Potomac river, passing Mount Ver non, the homo of Washington, about 4 o'clock In the afternoon and reaching Washington at 6 p. m. Parties using this route can take a refreshing bath on the steamer and have a cool. Invig orating sail to their destination, avoid ing dust and cinders, and have ample si Hinting a nth! lime with bvr 1 time to go to their hotels, secure nece3- ixitvtvm. accommodations and report at the Mr. Jamoi s. O’Qllwjr «f Ctactamu | ,!r: '"' 1l '" ' >tlnK at 8 > *■ is m u»\vn on a buvtrip. | „ Mrs. R. I* Por»v»t«‘r of Arfrbum vlAt .ng reMvoi and Milltni. Mr. J. W. Eva trip to Wnytsvfis SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURA. This Is beyoud question the most so* cvr-»iui cough medicine we h*v« ever sold. A few doses luvariably cams the worst cam's of croup, cough «ud bronchitis, while Ms wonderful auceca* iu the curs of consumption u without parallel u» the histwrjr of medicine. Stuct* its first discovery it has been mud ou s guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you havs 4 .»ugh. we earnestly ask you to tiy it. Pries 10 cent*, 50 cents nud U If your luuga are wore, chest or b*cx is lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Goodwyn A Small Drug Company, corner Cherry street sad Coilou avenue. Dr. Pries’* Cream Baking Powder WsalTt Pair lUgbftst Mass! ss4P»4n ssk go via all rail will use the "Atlanta special," leaving At lanta nt 12 ntvin. passing through the 1 frionute a*t Mediae j battlefield* of Virginia, by tho crater at Petersburg, through Richmond and the historic city of Fredericksburg, arriving In Washington at 10:45 a. m. We make no personal plea to any commxndery or officers,but simply state ; la off 00 n bus Miss Maria Parloa Strongly i*cOTHmt*dt Liebig Company’s Extract of Beef sad ike hat wNNn d ussf COOK BOOK. nT o 1 1 apriicatkm to .f Pall Place, AVie F.irfc. OH. WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed tho warning? Ths signal, perhaps, of tho sure approach of that more terrible disease, consump tion. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cents run tho risk and do nothing for it. We know from expcrlnoce that Shiloh's Cure will euro your cough. It never .falls. This explains why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year. It re lieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without It. For lame back, sldo or chest, use Shi loh’s Porous Plasters. Sold by Good wyn A Small Drug Company, corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. CHINA AND JAPAN WAR. London, July 26—'Th# Central Nows has this dispatch from Khanh.it: '*'ir has been declared between Japan and China. Tho Japanese hive slezcd the King «*f Corea and hold linn a pri >ner. Eleven Chinese steamers aro on their way to Corea. Mont of the troops nre Colics, armed with bows and arrows. 3<nr.o Chl- i alenmers. which havo ar.wd at Corea, have been prevented by the Japa nese from landing troops. Jt Is reported that the Japanese artillery sank several of them. MOTHERS 1 MOTHERS! MOTHERS I Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been uoed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; euros wind colle. and Is the beat remedy, for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask 'for "Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATION. Raleigh, July 26— Hon. W, it Brown of the Eighth congressional district wai nominate^ yesterday at Wllkesboro to suc ceed himself. u'APANESB pi LB CURB A K«-w and CVmiylHo Tic timet) t, cou-UUiv« of ICPPOBITORHM. Cfti^ulc* of Ototm«nt and P'n*. of OtDimrnt. A uc»er»f»lltn« Cure for I'ilc* •f «*v*tjr m.ture iuj.1 ’•«*«. It loehM an opcratl-iQ aUh the knife or mWlloon of carbolic «u-id, which are nalntul and reUlora a i>«>rn>auentcurc, and often iwaiUnjf In dotUh, urn<voM*ory. Vfhy endu'a this t#rrib<« dlanM? Wf> guarantee a boxes ti cur* «ny cnee, Yon only pay for NirOt* rMrlTtd. It «tx>x. t hr K. Seijt by mail. Ouarunn*"- l^ucd by onr agent*. COfiSTIPATION Svjaa 9 nwauUtPollS Ibc i^rat LTV EH and HTOlt ACll KEGfTLATOK an * BLOOD rUHIFIBR. Small, mild and p'eamnt I uk-. especially adapted for chiklren’e uao. SO Doses GOODWTN 4k SMALL. Sole Agents. Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. Macon. Ox. Ordinary's Office. Jones County, Georgia. May 24. 1894.—^Whereas, Mrs. Frances Chambers, administratrix of W A. Chambers, deceased, applies for dismission, these are to cite and ad monish all persons concerned to show cause, tf any they have, to the con trary at this omce on the first Monday in September next. Witness my hand officially. H. T. ROSS. Ordinary. Madison Aienue HOTEL, Hadlson Ave. and 58th St.,' NEW YORK. $3 ptr day and up. m American Flan, Fireproof and first-class in every par ticular. ,Two blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. ' The Madison and 4th Ave. and Belt Line cars pass the door. * H. M. CLARK, Prop. Passenger Elevator runs all night. ORDINAY’S OFFICE, Jones County, July 11. 1894.—Notice is hereby given that John F. Andeison, as administrator of Lucy Malone, deceased, applies for an order to sell all the lands of said estate, and unless some legal cause be -shown to the contrary, the same will be granted on the first Monday In August next. Also the dower land* Jn estate Margin It. Malone, deceased. JOHN F. ANDERSON, Aflin'r. Ordinary’s Office, Jones County, Georgia, May 24, 1894.—Whereas, B. Crutchfield and H. J. Burns, ad ministrators of Parsons Crutchfield, deceased, apply for dismission, these are to clto and admonish all persons concerned to show cause. If any they have, to the contrary at this office on tha first Monday In September next. Witness my band officially. R, T. ROSS, Ordinary. MACON SAVINGS BANK 579, Mblberry Street, Macon. Ga. . Capital and 8urplus 1150,900.00 Pays 5 per cent. Interest on deposits of 91 and upward. Real estate loans on the monthly installment plan, and loans on good securities at low rates. Legal de pository for trust funds. Will aot as administrator, executor, guardian, receiver and trustee. H. T. POWELL.............. President H. O. CUTTER.... Vice-President J. W. CANNON,..., ..Cashier Directors—Geo. B. Jewett, A. E. Board, man. H. C. Tindall. II. G. Cutter, F. li Bruhl, H. T. Powell, Samuel Altmayer. WA*M SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUNTY. GEORGIA’. On a spur of Pine Mountain, 1,200 feet above sea level; delightfully cool cli mate; no malaria, dust or mosquitos. The finest bathing on the continent; swimming pools 15 by 40 feet, and In dividual baths for ladies and gentle men. Temperature of water 90 de grees—a cure for dyspepsia, rheuma tism and diseases of the kidneys. New hotel, wrth all modern Improvements. Direot ccuneotlon made via train! leaving Macbn at 4:25 p. m. and 4:15 :u m. on the Central. Terms moderate. For information apply for circulars at C. R. R. office or to CHAS. L. DAVIS, Proprietor. | LEADS THE WORLD. I IT AMERICAN S l .)LlDDCy S CUT CLASS. S Highest Award World'* Fair. f /^c£"Cc«\ H y° u want the § f r/Afiaw ^ ncs t q ua % cut £* •* [S( ) <£J glass, buy goods 5i % having this traded % mark. § I CHAS. H. SOLOMON, Sol, Agt. 5 eeewe-'B-'* W« X. Johnstos, W. A. Davis, President Yico President Bow Ann JL tixrrK, Beers tary and TrouarM The Guarantee Co of Georgia. Writes bonds for casnienu treasurers, sfinUtratorsL executors, guardians, ra- ce'.vers, and 4oua a general fiduciary; ,, ■:Office M4 Beceng etreet. PROFESSIONAL CARDS,. . 14 EXCHANGE BANK, OF MACON, GA. H. J. Lamar, Geo. B. Turpin. President. Vlce-Preeldent* I. W. Cab an tea. Cashier. We solicit the business of ran-chants, planters and banka, offering them courtesy, promptness, safety and liber ality. The largest capital and surplus of any bank in Middle Georgia. THEM SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO MAOON. GEORGIA. H. J. Lnmar, President; Geo. B. Tur- tftr. Vice-President; J. W. Oabanis* Cashier; D. M. NelUgan. Accountant. CAPITAL S200.000. SURPLUS, 930.000 Interest paid on deposits S per cent, per annum. Economy Is the road to wealth. Deposit your savings any they will be increased by interest- Com pounded semi-annually. DR. J. J. SUBERS. Permanently located. In the sp* oLltles venereal. Lost energy re stored. Female Irregularities and poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address In confidence, with stamp, $10 Fourth street. Maoon. Ga. DR. G. H. PEETJE, BYB, EAR, THROAT AND NOSES. Hours, f to 1 and S to 5. Telephone •4. Office, 572 Mulberry, corner Second etreet, Macon. Ga. DR. J. SHORTER, EYES, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Office 548 Cherry St, Maooa. Os. DR. J. If. MOORE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offloe with Dr. K. P. Moore, 115 Wash ington Avenue. Macon, Ga. Office Hours—7 to 9 a. *n.. 1 to 2 p. so. ltolp.ni. B. W. WRENN, JR. jf Attorney-at-Law, Atlanta, Georgia, Commercial Law J. il. Johnston. ProtdenL J. D. Stetson. Vie. President. I. p. Hlllyer. Chlor. The American Matronal Bank, MACON, GA. CAPITAL J2SO.OOO OO SURPLUS.. .. .. .. ..$25,000.00 Largest capital of any national bank in Central Georgia. Accounts of tanks, corporations and lndi/iduala will receive careful attention. Correspon dence invited. OF MACON. GA. CAPITAL ISURPLUS, $260,000 R. E. PLANT, FKJ&1DKHT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASBUEfi, L C. PLANT'S SOU, BA.3STKJER, ■ AC0H GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED 18S3 Banking; in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposits We handle ioreigu exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London ior all European points.