Newspaper Page Text
"When you think you’ve gone a little too far.
There in sucli a thing as cutting too deep. That is the
exact way we feel about our cut of former prices. How
ever, everything goes, as the earthquake said when it
swallowed the whole town. The reduction is there and
there it stays.
At present our stock is chock full of real bargains—
Clothing, Hats and Underwear alike are in the ranks of
reduction, mere shadows of former prices. Tho lateness
of the season has simply made it a matter of forced sale.
The benefit is all yours.
Call and find that we do as we advertise.
Now and then some one
asks us why we don’t offer
some “bargains.” Bless you,
we are always offering them.
Just now prices have been
generally revised, and if you
look you’ll find lots of Shoes
that have had 25c, 50c, and 75c
clipped off the price.
Where will you spend that vacation? Wby not so to the White Bulphur
Spring* Hotel, at White Spring*, on tho Ooorgin. Southern and Florida Railroad?
Xt 1* tho cool eat reaort In the Hiatt, Immediately upon the bunk* of the bu
wane* River. This popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated, painted and re*
furnlnhed. nnd Is run In connection with the wonderful Sulphur Spring, which dis-
charge* 2,000.000 gallons per hour. The finest bathing pool in the world. Good
fishing and hunting; pretty drives; No mosquitoes; no malaria. The water Is a
specific for rheumatism and dyspepsia in all forma; nervous exhaustion; all Wd-
r«y and stfennch trouble*; all diseases of the skin. Reduced rates upon hII vail*
roads. Rutes %2 to $2.W per Jay. Special rates by the week or month. For par
ticulars, uddrees
WM. H. WREN, Manager,
The Splendid Programme Was Mag-
' * nificontly Rendered By (he
Talented Artists.
ar*.t.d til. UMimi.llr SUM. [.ttrl.l.-
ra*ut—It D***rv*d a 91ueh Largir
Att*nita»ic* of fth* l’*e)t|*.
TJi*y Mid Well.
Mr. Comer Says the Scheme Proposed
By Drexel, Morgan & Co Has
Not Been Abendoned.
C*m.r Will, i. Ill PrabaUllt., O* Nad.
l*r*«td«nt of th* My stem. When It
Is Reorganised—Talk About
It In Miner iluarter*.
Last evening at the thapel of Wesleyan
Female* College took place a delightful
entertainment of music and recitation by
certain representatives of MucoT* beat
The entertainment was held In tho in
terest of a aubwriptlon made by Prolerr*>r
G. It. Glenn's class at Mulberry street
church Sunday school, to the building fund
of the new Sunday school room* of that
church. It was thought brat on account
ths very warm weather to have a short
programmo. but tho few numbers wero
appropriately acloctod and excellently
The exercises were opened by . % 4<*s
Klmo tJlcmi with an tmprcsslvo render
ing of the beautful “Holy City.'* Thti
number In Itself was worthy a larger
audience than the rather small one that
was present to hear It. Mr. Clay
followed, reciting In !.ls well known easy
and artistic manner tho description ot
the scene of th<t resurrection of I*oxarus
os represented lu N. P, Willis' "Lti cants
and Mary." Then Mrs. W. M. !**•.;* re
cited "A Bad Mistake" In a way that
proved resUstlcuMy humorous as that
piece has yet done among the elocutionists
of our city. 6he gave In answe* to encore
n beautiful recitation of dir Edwin Ar
nold's "11a and She."
Mlm Florence Glenn's instrumental solo
was the next feature. Her execution was
delicately expressive of the plow's In*
tended meaning, as was ulna her other
vneore. *
The last number was Mr.,b. P. HUlyer’a
classic rceiintton ^Oamhrycee and the Ms-
croblan How,** in which the speaker re
minded hi* hearers of how delightful
Mr. lllllyer was when he was heard
of tenor. Ill* beautiful piece \va* preluded
by "The hoy Btood on tin* Hunting De:k"
aa Mr. Hilly r conceive** the proverbial
»mall boy's attempt at the aims piece.
It wan rather unfortunate that thee*!
exercises . were no: more widely an-
pounced, ns In tha*. cas«* many who fail'd
to know It was to occur might havo b
present to enjoy thetnoelv%w and help
u good cauue.
There was general regret that \
DeenU UraBQNrt ebuu not fulfill
l>ert an the programme. She was to have
contributed a song, but was unable to
take part, to the deep regret ami »Hmj*
polntmeot of all present.
Chicago, August Id.—The strike at
the stock yards wua declared oft this
morning. The men agree t" to
work at former wagra. Out of MOO
men who aekwl for work only fifty
, tNtt accepted.
til (best Honors—World's Fair.
A pare Gup* CrumofTzrtii PowJrr. Fit*
Cine Amir.otiu, Alum ot any oth« iJultcnnL
Last Excursion of the Season by the
Southern Railway on the 18th.
To Cumberland nnd St. Simona Only 14.
The Southern railway will bn the 18th
run another of tlielr popular price,
long limit excursions to Cumberland
and Bb Simons Islands, Georgia's moat
popular resorts.. The rate from Macon
to either place will be U round trip
and'the tJcxet* will be limited until
the 27th. The Southern's famous Sea*
shore Express leaves Macon 10:45 p. m.
and through coaches and sleeping cars
are run to Brunswick, arriving ut that
point 6:15 a. m.. connecting with steam
ers to both Islands. This will be the
last long-limit excursion of the season
and many Macon people will take ad
vantage erf the opportunity tt> escape
the August heat of the city and take a
dip in the briny.
Parties 'desiring sleeping car accom
modations should make early applica
tion to Jim W. Carr. Passenger and
Ticket Agent,* Macon.
Children Have a Delightful Tlm£ In
t pouth Macon.
Yesterday afternoon the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Ulshon bn Boundary
street presented an unusudlly happy
scene, tho oooaslon being n birthday
party given their son. Willie Bull, who
has just reached the 7th milestone In
life's journey.
The first amusement on the pro-
programme <wus supplying a fly brush
for a "brushless" donkey, for which
two prizes* were olfered. The firut
prize was won by Master Jesse (Horton,
and the "booby" prize (by little Miss
Annie Lynn Poole. The children then
devbted thenv»elves to such games ns
“tag," • "snap." etc., and from each de
rived such pletiHure as only children
can. . r*
During the afternoon Ices, cake, ctt.,
In abundance was served, nnd each of
the twenty-seven little guests present
departed tor home late In the evading
after wishing M.inter Willie mrinyVhap-
py returns uml thanking their dlttle
hast tor the pleasant evening »p/h by
all. ,
Mix. BinhoD was untiring In her ef
forts to nuke all present have a good
time nnd was ably assisted by Mrs. J.
M. Poole. -
The traveling public Is advised by ref
erence to the Ocean Steamship Oonqn-
ny's schedule, published elsewhere, that
the «tcuncT City of Augusta ‘will not
sail on the 19th as previously advertised.
The next svumer that leaves for Now
York from Savannah Is the City
Birmingham, August 21, 3:30 a. m.
Th* resort* of Tennessee are doing a
splendid business this seuaon. Tho
Southern railway, western system. Is
the direct route to these resorts and you
should ask for your ticket* via that
Elegant free observation coaches be
tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. A
t hr nigh coach for Tates Springs leaves
Chattanooga at 7 a. m. and arrives at
Tates at 12:45 p. m. Sleeper on this train
to Washington and New York.
The seashore express leaves Atlanta
7:30 p. ni. for St. 61raona and Cumber
Three dally fast trains each way be
tween Macon and Atlanta and Rome
and Chattanooga.
Travel the Southern railway, western
system, for safety, speed nnd comfort.
Call bn Jim w. Curr. pasttongir and
ticket agent. Macon: J. J. Fttrnsworth.
district passenger agent. Atlanta. Ga.;
C A. Wwiacoter. assistant general pas
senger agent, Knoxville. Tenu. * J
The Great Wiregrau Expojition ai
Hawkinsville Does the Grace,
ful Thing.
And Will Show th* S«coure*s of tbr
Wlrtgrau Section of Georg to.
UuwklntTlIto Happy Ov*r
Her Fair Outlook.
Mr. Comer wa« naked yesterday In
regard totlie rumor that Drexel. Mor-
etin & Co.’s plan of reorganisation of
the Central railroad properties had
been abandoned and that the properly
nrould bp rvorpanlied on the old basis
by Senator Brice nnd Gen. Thomas,
who had formed a syndicate to buy iho
rontrollttiK Interest in the underlying
'.Mr. Comer raid Uiat the rumor tvs*
without foundation, nnd he believed It
wa. put in circulation merely for the
purpose ot Interfering wl h the plans
of the reorganisation committee. The
committee, he said, is proceeding very
saitlsfactorlly wf'.h the work ot reorgan
ization nnd there Is every mason to be
lieve tnnt Its work will soon reach a
successful conclusion.
The opinion In New York to
be -thnl the plan M practically un
sured success. The New York Time,
says that It Is th, belief ot person,
who have taken an active Interest in
the readjustment of tho affairs of the
company, satisfactory concessions. It
1. said, have been made to conlltcUng
Interests, and It only remain, t ow fur
t'ne parties chlclly concerned to get
together and arrange the Anal derails.
Tho underwriting syndicate which It
la expected will lake cure of the now
Issue of .ccurltlea Is comimscd of a
number of Ihe strangest iin.inelal In-
ahtiHions in New York. Tne reorgani
zation committee also comprises some
rtnanciere of high ohar.tcter and Un.
InAuencv. The reorganisation plan, ft
la hoped, wtH be effective by October
1. Tne details of the plan, as publlahtd
In New York, are the same as already
given In the Tel, graph.
Th, Commercial Advertiser Hint, a
■tatsoMm by am. The mas, who, with
Mr. Hyatt, is In ctursc of the reorgan-
ICatlon vnovenient, tn watch some addi
tional pu moil u - ..r th.. - ani l of ne-
gullMlon, are given. The most Im
portant point given by Qen. Tnontis.
rne Commercial Advertiser jays, is shat
all Interest, which haw been oope.-ing
the scheme mapited uut by the cent,
rni.tee, a summary of which baa atreidy
t'e-n published, have been nlaettied.
Th. Ust opposition to be t|ti!e'.«d was
that of Kltrlck Calhoun, who rtpre-
r*sta one of the older Inter*,ia t«f the
properly, and who*. brother, John l\
Calhoun, was formerly prontn.nt In
Ha nunagtsaient. The chief cause of
■trhty a: present, aay, Gen. fhom u.
I* lb. dlMcully of gelling together the
representative, ot the many*
Involved, and this may send the whole
nrarter ov*r until nom* next month.
.Meanwhile, the syndicate to underwrite
the plan I, ready to be -ailed upon
a: any moment, ft is headed by the
Mutual Life Insurance Company, but
all the Urge life Insurance companies
ere represents.!. Most of the promi
nent 'truro companies are also repre
sented, the Mercantile Trust Ounpony
heading the Mat.
Gen. Thomas »»jr» thst th, matter of
the presidency ot. the reorganised com-
pony has not been considered yet. but
he mm no reason to .uppos* that the
.election of the pomttoa would be oth-r
than Mr. Comer, who Is now preaM.nt
and one ot the receiver,. It is too early
yet. he aajra. to discuss the probable
relation* between the reorganized O.eor-
gta Central and the Southern Railway
Company, which .rents a majority of
the Georgia Central stock. There will
probably be harmonious, but not joint
operation, n la reported that the p an
Win be so arranged Chat the Southern
Railway Company will not be obl.'eod
to pay un ansement upon It* bolding?
of Georgia Central shares.
Don't be talkcn Into having ait Optra*
t «■ It tin , y.t \ e. V .1 life .1 |
znea. Pile Cure is guarsntetd 10 tor,
you by Ooodwya Jk Small, Uruggtzt..
t. C l'lsnt'ii Son bare moved their
btnk temporarily to the office ot the
New York Life Insurance Company.
They are having their banking house
remodeled, and when completed It will
be one of the most convenient offices
In the city. Meantime their friends
will And them at the Insurance effice
on Second street.
Dr. A. S. Moore, who has for the
last eight years been reasonable la bla
Charge* for denial work, and who la
belter prepared to do bridge, crown
aud all kinds of dental work, having
taken a poet graduate course In pros
thetic dentistry, owing to the strlngeo-
cy of the limes, is willing to be ere*
more reasonable In bis charges. Coma,
let him examine your teeth and see
how reasonable you eau Uavo your
dental work done. Teeth extracted
without pain. 121 Washington ave
nue. near Klrst Baptist Church. Vloe-
rllle snd belt line ot street can p-—
hla office door, ilacon. Ga.
Via Portsmouth and Washington.
I*ave Macon. (Macon and Northern Rail
road). I'dd August tl.
Arrive Portsmouth. iSestboard Air Line)
T:iO a. m.. August 12.
Leave Portsmouth, (Norfolk and Wash
ington Steamboat Comtouiy), (At p. m..
August 1).
I-eav. Washington. (Penasytvama Road)
11 o, a. m„ Augat It.
Arrive New York tiVsussylvanla Road),
tat p. to., August li.
The great TViregras* Exposillon, un
der the auspices of the Puitiskl County
Kulr Assoclntlou, opens tu Hawkinsville
October 0 and continues four days.
The good people of Hawkinsville are
aroused to the Importance 01 Ihe work
on hand, aud liit-.r determination to
make u grand success our. of their ex-
poHition was strengthened at n uuiss
meeting held at the court nouse at Haw-
kinsville on Wednesday. •
Tlie crowning speech of Ihe day was
nmde by Mr. P. H. LoVeloy, one
the solid merchants of Htinklnsvilie,
who rose In Ilia pluee. deliberately ami
“We are going to. have Jt aud It Is
going to be a success.''
Great applause followed this brief
but sigulUcant bunt of elmjuencc uad
the meeting broke up as a result of the
Mr. J. It. Kennedy, secretary ol
the Dixie Interstate Fair, was In nt-
tcudnuce, luiviug been Invited to meet
the dirccti)is of tho Hawkinsville fair
aud to address the people of llawklus-
vIUc on the subject of lint's generally,
but most particularly thu Dixie Inter
state Pair and tho WIregraas Exposi
tion nt Hawkinsville.
Mr. Kennedy reached Hawkinsville
on Wednesday morning under escort
of lion. Pope Brown, the ores,-leat of
tho Wlregrnss Exposition, and one of
the best fanners aud must energetic
men in the state.
After meeting u number of the direc
tors, Mr. Kennedy was driven to tho
grounds where the fair is to bn bold,
fipeuklng of these gruuuds to n Tele
graph reporter yesterday, Mr. Kennedy
“HawklnlvUle has ns tine an oppor
tunity for an exposition grounds as 1
have ever seen In my life: The asso
ciation has lately purchased a tract of
bixty-Uve acres, some twenty or thirty
of which form a high and level plateau,
crowning which Is their handsome ex
position building, which will be added
to and made to accommodate the largo
number of exhibits which they may
reasonably expect.
•The race track lias Jitst boon com
pleted ut as cost of S-’.iHW aud is as
pretty a half milo track as can be found
In tho ik)UtIt. All around the track on
the plateau there Is ample room for tho
grouping ot side show*, the outside at-
trucilous and -all the fun of the fair.’
“But the other thirty, acres will bo
one of the main attnoebEM at ihe IVlie-
gruss Exposition. I-caving tho plutcuu
wo pluuged under the delightful ttuido
of grand forest trues, 'jhii ground
Hums a natural mnpliUheatro. Over
head Ihe wild vines Interlace and abut
out the garish sun. Half a d'-zoa
sparkling springs loud each their '.'Hislc
as their rippling waters wind hero nutl
there among the trees, until they Join
lu a miniature cascade that falls :mo
tho yellow wrators of th* Oeuiulgee
river, which bounds this pleasant val
ley and rolls silently between Its
wooded btiDka down a stretch of nt
least a mile—the finest place In Gt-oi-
gia for n boat race anil lor all sorts of
mpiatlc sports.
“I was carried away with tho Hatv-
kinsvlllo grounds. They ure as good
ns can be fount! anywhere."
After visiting the grounds the sec-
rotary of tho Dixie Interstate Fair
utlkisl with tlie tUrectora of Dm Wire-
grass Exposition for about two hours.
Here they talked solid business ami
tlie mtipagement of fairs In general.
At 4 o'clock In the afternoon -tl'< ut 2o»
of tho people of Liawklusvllla met at
tho court house.
The chair was taken by Mr. J. H.
Martin nnd reports from various com
mittees were rend.
All ot these reports wore satisfactory
la the extreme, going to show that tho
Wire gross Exposition Is tn good Shape
and will bo a great event In the his
tory of tho oountry.
After tho business of tho meeting
was over 1’rvsidont Brown introduced
.Mr. J. It. Kennedy, ivho spoke for
shunt half an hour u tin- st.h.hvi ..r
tlie two great fairs at Hawkinsville
imd Macon. He was well received,
and at the conclusion of his address
tho following resolutions tvere lutro-
duced by Hon. Pope Brown:
"Itoeolved, That tho thanks ot this
meeting be tendeieil to Mr. J. U. Ken-
uedy, secretary of tlie Dixie lutcrstato
Fnlr, for bis Interesting address aud
“Resolved, That tho Pulaski Fair
Association now formally applies to
the secretary of the D.xle later-state
Fair for sufficient space tu the build
ings nt Central City Park lu- which to
make n first-class exhibit of the re
sources of the wiregrass section of
"Resolved further. That the people
of Hawkinsville and Pulsskl couuiy
indoise most'licartlly ihe Dixie Inter
state Fair to be held at Macon. Ga.,
this fall and promise it their fuU sup
The resolutions went through with n
rush aud Sc, rotary Kan Italy formally
received and entered tlie application
for »ptu-e for the Win-grass Expooittoo
at the Dixie interstate Fffir.
Before adjournittg the una-tlng voted
to Increase- the stock subscriptions ty
g2.rai0. and then and there fifteen or
twenty proinSmnt nu-n pledged them
selves to Increase their sutweriptions ho
per cent.
“Haw-kmaville," said Secretary Ken
nedy last night. “Is oue of the licst
towns In Ge-irgia. I saw solid farmers,
thrifty farms and a general air of hap
piness. plenty and prosperity.
“Hawkinsville has spleudtd water—
as good as I have ever drank. It Is ar-
mnTm tag cards, wedding le.vit.-i-
II I V 1 I ,lons - reception cards, etc..
U |,M I engnived promptly In Our
HUll own establishment In -.hi:.
t free. J. P. Buv
lers. 47 Whitehall etl
and price
mis & Bro , Jew-
cet, Atlanta, Ga,
P»r«-r Pmturnn For Rrery L *dw
*ttailor ml TU* Talci(rapu. f
Wo have made «„.*oAtiAw,
which we are offering lo ttaa reader* /p
the Telegnph the Demorest Cut Pada!
Patterns, which are worth from 20 msi
eenta each, thus making every copy 5
the paper worth from 10 to JA
— . „ -—. — — and you win
receive by mall the pattern In the
teaLnn nnd the town is well supplied.
The people look healthy,, Lind, while
such men as Pope Brown, Pleas. Love-
**• £ °A 5 J eV aSi A, iy°u’- Cut out th< - ‘•° upon he* 0 *
nwry Sorrow T and’hls l -° ** *«<» ««
honor, Sam Way, tho courteous mayor,
are on top of the earth the town ot
Hawkinsville will continue to grow
and prosper, and the success of the
Wiregrass Exposition is an assured
fact" . ___
Are you weak and weary, over
worked and tired? Hood's Sarsapa
rilla ia ust the medicine you need to
purify and quiekeu your blood and to
give you appetite and strength. If
you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla
do not be Induced to buy any other.
Any effort to substitute another rem-
ey Is proof of the merit of Hood’s.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, euro headache.
Try a box. -iy jjfjjgff
AUGUST 28. -j
The excursion to St. Augustine giv
en by the Georgia Southern and Florida-
railroad on July 25 was such a decided
auocess and gave so much pleasure to
those who took advantage or it and so
many requests have been nude that the
excursion be repeated, 4t has been de
cided to run another special excursion
on Tuesday, August 28. The rates will
be the same ns on the previous excur
sion, that Is. $3 from Mpcon and inter
mediate points on the Georgia South
ern and Florida railroad; 83.50 from La-
Grange and intermediate points on the
Macon and Birmingham railroad; J3.69
from UGledjrevtUe. $4 from Athens and
intermediate points on the 'Macon and
Nonthen railroad. Tickets good four
days from date of sale. The best ac*
commodatkms will be furnished; clean
and comfortable coaches, plenty of Ice
water, a seat for every passenger. The
train will leave Macon at 11 o. m., Ath
ene at 6 a. m. and LaGrange at 6 n. tn.
and go direct to Palatkn. Fla., where-n
stop will be made until the following af
ternoon. when the train will proceed
to St. Augustine.
At Palatka opportunity will be given
to visit the military camp of the mili
tary companies of Fernandlna and
Starke, who will be In camp at that
time, boat riding on the St. Johns to
the orange groves and to Rice creek,
ahm on the Oclawaha river, the most
beautiful and picturesque boat rides in
the South.
To those who have never been to St.
Augustine this offers a rare opportunity
of seeing the oldest okty In America,
with Us quaint buildings and narrow
streets, the old fort the sea wall, the
slave mnrket, the old cathedral whose
bells were brought from Spain, the fa
mous Ponce de Leon. Cordova and Al
cazar hotels, the finest In the world;
the many elegant homes of America’s
millionaires for winter use, the military
parade and grand music by the Fifth
infantry orchestra, bathing In the beau
tiful C.iMno pool. Then there Is Anas
tasia Island, with Its coquina rock: the
Nbrth and South beach with Us beau
tiful surf bathing, and the magnificent
sails upon the Matanzas river. There
Is much In St. Augustine, to Interest the
lover of the curious nnd the beautiful,
ns well as those alone upon pleasure
bent. The sea breeze makes this one of
the most delightful summer resorts In
the Southern states.
For full Information write to
G. P. A.. Macon, Ga.
Thlz is beyond question the most*u>
cessful cough med*cino we have ever
sold. A few doses Invariably cure*
the worst cases of croup, oough and
bronchitis, while Its wonderful success
In the cure ot consumption Is without
parallel in the history of medicines
Since Sts first discovery It has been sold
on a guarantee, a test which no other
medicine can stand. If you havs •
cough, wo earnestly ask you to try it
Price 10 cents, 50 cents and 31. If
your lungs are sore, chest or hank
Is lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster.
Sold by Goodwyn & Small Drug
Company, corner Cherry street ud
Cotton avenue. , u
659—FRANOHENE WAIST. Sizes for
14 and 16 Years.
A charming model, formed by ihe
“Francene” waJst and "Bell’’ skirt.
Tnls little round waist has some full
ness in the back and surplice fronts,
which, with the full, triple caps on the
sleeves, make It especially becoming
to slender figures. Cashmeres, Cre-
pons, and all light woolens, also all
kinds of washable fabrics, can be maa*
after this model. * It Is Also a good de
sign for all fancy silks. Row3 of flat
trimming, with serpentine effect, com-
plers the gown. Any or all of tne
sleeve-caps may be omitted; and for
thin materials the cups edged wits
lace are very dainty aqd pretty. A
belt of ribbon of the material girdle*
the waist. Our model represents fawn-
colored serge, trimmed with brown vel
vet ribbon.
A special illustra'tlon and full direc
tions about the' pattern will be found
on the envelope In which It Is enclosed.
Sizes for 14 and 16 Years.
A trim little skirt In the popular
bell" shape, fitting easily around the
hips and with some fullness behind.
Any of 'the seasonable materials can be
made up In this model, and It may be
trimmed in any reslred way. Till*
skirt combines well with eny style of
A special Illustration and full dlrec-
tlons about the pattern will be found
on the envelope In which It is enclosed.
On tho 18th you can buy
round trip tickets to St. Simons
and Cumberland for $4; good
to return until 27th inst., via
the Southern Railway Com
pany; train leaves 10:46 p. m.
For sleeping space and infor
mation, call on Jim W. Carr,
ticket agent, Maeon.
Mr. W. M.*Gordon Gets in the First Bale
From There.
Mr. W. It. Cordon, one of Macon’s well
known cotton factors, got tho first bale
of new cotton from the old county of
He got It in frim bis plantation i
Perry yesterday, and his "git up and git"
In the matter Is only In keeping with his
usual custom us a hustler. He is one of
the largest and most all-round successful
F'.snur- in middle '.ieoral-i. as well a*
one of Macon's valued clthmis and busl
ness men.
Send thii cwpon and 10 cent* to the
J[aeon Tneyraphand yon can get any on*
of r.UUrms puUilhed. A«*.*«» numberani
name of Pattern, and rcriU piainly not
forgetting to Hate *at.
PncCote 10c. for each pattern detired
aYXJMr..— .*
630—LESBIA WAIST—Sizes for 1* anl
16 Years.
A charming little model, suitable for
afternoon or general wear, or for mor*
dressy occasions, according to tne ma
terial selected. This corsage has tne •
effect of a guimpe waist, and »*
Mine both back and front. Tho *tocK
collar and girdle are made of rtDD0 J;:
and by having two or three sets ok
these In different colors, a V V
riety may be made In the toilet, a
skirt of four straight breadths canJ*
used with this model, or if P^erre^
it can be used with any style of gore*
skirt. Chambery. dimity, lawn, batiste,
ehallle and China silk, with all-over
embroidery 6r net for the yoke, sr
very *<y.ish and oool made hi this style*
It i* an equaly good model for Uf
woolens, with silk for the yoke ana
sleeves. Our model Is of plWt
bery, with all-over embroidery for and sleeves, and the skirt “
Ished with a tl )unco of.the embriojery.
A special illustration and, fuU direc
tion* about the pattern will be touM
on the envelope in which It is ♦Pclosea*
To the Editob—Please inform your read*
era that I have a poaitire remedy for
above named disease. By its timely us*
thousands of hopeless cases have been per*
manenUy cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottle* of my rt'iuedyfoeetosxiyofyo^
readers who have consumption if th^y
send me their e xpre** and post office sddnsk
T. A. taoeuxn. M.C., lWPearlSf..N«wYo*