Newspaper Page Text
* Office 569 Mulbernr Street.
*•*» York UJllf. IWlfc. riflrMlk Street,
carrier* In in* city, or moiled, poatici
free. M cents • month; (1.75 for three
months; SS.go for sin months; $7 tor one
year; every dsy except Sunday, ts.
, days, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tues-
| days, Thursdays and Saturdays Three
1 months, |1; six months 12; one year. H
«ns year, |2.
SUBSCRIPTIONS—Payable tn advance.
. Remit by postal order, check or rests-
tered letter. Currency by mall at risk
or sender.
COMMUNICATIONS—All communications
should be addressed, and all ordered
I checks, drafts, etc., made payable to
ffelesrsph will confer a srext favor on
Shis office by InformlUk ua If tuo Tel-
ecraplj falls to arrive w bb Orst mall
train leaving the city after t o’clock
*. :n. each <lav.
Tho Atlnnta Constitution says:
"This Is the goldbug programme. The
Democrats of Georgia, at Texn% nod af
the South, ere to be asked to condemn
their party pledge and the senators and
, representatives who stood true to that
pledse. We shall watch with Interest the
proxrras of this campaign of oondomna.
tlon. Thai It will tsi carried forward vivo,
rously, we have no doubt. Wherever the
hand of patronage has betowed a crumb,
or wherever It holds out a promise, there
twill be found tumultuous enthusiasm In
behalf of the proceeees by which more
than half of the debt-paying money of
the country has been abolished as a stan
dard money metal."
Thera Is also a Populist programme,
tho first Horn ,u which Is to denounce
ns "gold-hugs" Democrat* who insist
on the Democratic principle that the
free coinage of silver must bo silver
dollars on n purity In value with gold
dollars. This sort of misrepresentation
Is necessary, or the Populistic scheme
for bringing about conditions that will
make Mat money necessary will have no
chdtice to succeed.
No government In fixing tho coinage
ratio of gold aqjl silver lias over had
tiny Intention except to have that ratio
tho same as that between tho true value
In tho markets of the two metals. If it
Were not necessary to have regard for
the value of the tuetuls, then there
Would lie no necessity of Axing the ra-
flo—nor for the use of either gold or
silver as the material for making
money. Tuo Mxing of a ratio Is Itself
tin admission Unit tho valuo of the
money is In tho material of which It Is
composed mid not la the stamp upon
It. If tho Constitution's theories, ns
wo understand them, arc correct, there
Is uo need of using cither gold or sliver
ns mousy. In fart, the use or either
or both Is a wrong to tho people, bo-
rnuso It makes tlio value of everything
depend on the product of the mines,
Which .tiny be great or small. If small,
tlicn the people will suffer while tho
"sharks" grew rich. Debts will
Doubled, whllo the mentis to pay the
Will bo decreased. If It be true, as tho
Constitution seems to held, that money
Is n mere medium of exchange, which
Can bo given value by thu stump of
tlie government, It Is wlcknl to leave
ilio prosperity of tho people at tho me
cy of the chances of mining— to be great
IT tho miners Had much new material
for money, ami to disappear and be suc
ceeded by misery if they hud little.
Tlie Constitution has not said, so fur
ns wo have observed, that flat money
Is Its Ideal money, but It Is fair to In
fer from its arguments Hint It believes
thu,government can create money at
Its will lu quantities to suit tho heeds
of tho Utue. It it will say distinctly
k,whether or not It favors Mat money—
Whether It believes that kind of money,
regulated In quantity by legislative
nctmeiit-would lie poiulmlvo to the
public welfare, Its posltiou on tlio s'.lr
qucstlon would he very much caste
to understand. It argues tho l’op
ullstx who liellevc In Mat inuucy. Does
It do no because it koews no better, or
because it syuiiiathlses with the pur.
poses of tho Populists?
pose of arguing the case for them be
fore the people, as well as In congress.
Mr. Whitaker was selected by the Pop
ulists for the same purpose, and pre
sumably be-Ut their best man and ban
their confidence. Why should they not'
be. content with the showing for their
case be nmy make In a Joint debate)
Does Mr. WliFmkcr hick couMdence
his cause or <u himself?
The more Speaker Crisp’s Atlanta
address Is considered, the more valua
ble .,t becomes as u campaign document
for Ids party. No'man has yet given
out no brief, no clear, so conMdent
statement of tlio work done by the
Democratic party during Sts brief ten
ure of power.
When the speaker reduced to tho
following brief form his statement of
tho achievements of the party during
a Single session of congress and chul-
hmged all opponents to clto from his
tory tho proof that any party had done
as much In so short a time for tho re
lief of the people, bt> not only made a
striking statement of facts, but mani
fested a courage and hopefulness that
cannot full to Inspire the party:
"W# have repealed the McKinley law,
"We have (really reduced taxation.
"Wo have made living cheaper.
"We have made nil money taxable,
"We have taxed surplus Incomes.
"We have restored freedom ot elections.
"We have reduced public expenditure.
"We have declared undying hostility to
•It trusts and monopolies organised tor
the oppression ot the people.
"On these foundations we 'build our
house;' on these Issues ws go before the
people. For them we have ‘fought the
good light;’ to them wo have kept the
faith, and of them wo havs no fear."
Every one of these claims is Justified
by facts. On such a record the party
can very well go to the country for a
vote of conMdcnec, even though It has
failed in fully carrying out Its pro
gramme of reform. What party ever
accomplished all of Its work in a slnglo
session of congress?
Judge Bartlett went to Fayetteville
Bstunlsy, though he had no appoint
meat there, because lie was Informed
by telegram tliut tho Populist candidate
for congress in tli s district had agreed
to divide thue with him. On arriving
tit Fayetteville be requested a division
Of time, but Mr. Whitaker, nrter con
sultation \v,th triends, refused to make
It. Tho Populist candidate, another
white mail and it negro spoke in the
forenoon, and Judge Bartlett after din
ner. Our candidate was unablo to como
face to fare before the people with his
opponent on tb's occasion, but in the
course of his speech be offered to dl-
rido time with Ids rival at any ot his
appointments on the shortest notice.
We hope Mr. Wh, taker rig seo tit to
accept this Invitation and to ollow
division of time at his o\n appoint
ments. Thera Is no doubt of tlio rcwnlt
of the election, but there is no reason
Why the opportunity for educating the
people during this campaign on the im
portant Issues now before-them should
be negipeted. That opportunity can
best be' utilised by an Intelligent)
straightforward, good-tempered show
ing for each aide, made by the repre
sentative man. on the same occasion*.
The people can then decide on which
side tho weight of argument and evi
dence lie*. The Democrats of the dis
trict are perfectly willing to leave their
cnee In the hands of Judge BirtU-tt
They selected him for the expsess pup
A political campaign cannot bo rim
without money. Thera nro expenses,
aggregating a large amount, which nro
perfectly legitimate and which must bo
mot. To raise this money the managers
of tlio present Democrat to campaign
must rely upon the generosity and pub
lic spirit of Democrats able to con
tribute in this way to the public wel
Wo think they have a right to expect
that thivr requests for contributions
will bo liberal. The couteet is not
merely as to who shall HU the offices.
There Is naoUier point which Secretary
Smith brought out forcibly In his At
lanta speech when he said:
“A* has Just been mentioned, the states
of Jtansos and of Colorado and ot Ore
gon. the three ststee ruled by the Pop
ulists, have been the laughing stock of
the people of the United States .luring
the time that they have been misgoverned
by thceo misguided people. Who would,
invest a dollar In the state of Kansas
whllo Lewellen Is governor? Who would
wish to move to Colorado and submit him
self to the control of tho wreckless Watte?
Who would wish to go to Oregon so long
ss Peuoyer Is there? So It Is, my fellow
clUsene, not simply a question In the In
terest of the Democratic party, but It
a business proportion that 1 submit to
n business people."
Thera Is no danger of a Populist vic
tory In this election, but tt Is of tbo
utmost Importance that Georgia should
•how no drift toward Populism. A
small, or even i< moderate, Democratic
majority would lie interpreted ns show
ing Bitch a drift, and thu coultdcnce of
the outside world In tho future of tho
statu shaken.
Is Where General Manager Wadley
Spent llii- Day Yesterday
At Work.
Spec* Going Off I,Ike lies Inker at
clrrue and Everything on a |||g
Boom—Tiro d ime It Orsw
log Mun.
Go ieral Manager Wadley of tlie Dixie
Interstate Fair Association came dowu
yesterday inornlug and wua busy all
day assigning space to exhibitors.
Hpjiee ,h now becoming precious, not
withstanding the great amount of it in
the exteuelve buildings, and Manager
Wodlky lias found it necessary to do
s.-uie close Mguriug. Some idea of tlie
rapid manner In which space is being
taken may be gained from the fact that
twenty-live applications for space were
made to Mr. W. W. Coffins from Ma-
cou merchants and manufacturers'
agents alone, while a largo number
were received at Secretary Knapp',
office from all sections of the country.
Every day the number of applications
increases, mcl it now looks like there
will not be a foot of space to give out
after October 1.
Ono reason far this !s that Mr. Col-
Him Is calling on tlie people in person,
anil when they are shown what an lin-
nieuso affair the exposition will bo they
ut once seo the great advantage to bo
derived from malting an exhibit
The machinery exhibit provisos to
surpass everything attempted in tli.s
A?*-.?? *“*“"! at aay Southern fair.
nach.nery dealers and man-
S disinclined• to make
exhibits, but when Mr. Collins got
“t m ,ii l , l | 8 n t ?. ei ? t he - learned tho cause-and
a , not take him long to see that
something must bo done. The premium
list states that no award will bo mane
for a machinery exhibit unless there
are three exhibits, and no dealer or
manufacturer wanted to go to the great
Dfif/V! 0 n ““- ,ar y <“ ha'c a machinery
oxli.blt and depend on two others do-
.ng the same ttdng. Tills condition has
been stricken out now and the ma-
chlnery men arc deeply interested. Mr.
Collins has soon a number ot them tier-
" n< ! ,' vm >>avo exhibits.
Machinery ball will present a busy
scene during the fnlr and many people
Will come to we tho grand display.
General Manager Wadley will he In
the city again Friday and each Friday
thereafter until October 1, when he will
remain here until the fair Is over. l*ar-
t-ea desiring to see him should call at
the otllco of Secretary Knapp at the
hoard of tnulo rooms.
She Tied Her Clothes Line to a Train |
—Die Result.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U.S. Gov’t Report
.WW 1 ® «>* son was looking down yes-
HSfVljVriS! e!K>u kh to me!:
one out of -their pirments a woman
came oiff of a H-trie Moose .h ix :; i,
und . er J £he “riow of Col. Bill
P*vls “i 1 ohute, down near -the ritl-
SSikaffiY. S’® t,ous * front ® on the
track and is *n easy access of She
l* a wonron of <*> mean girth and puffed
e ,? rrtA1 J’ <* damp
* un >P ! 'J' on her knees ns
. 8b « 'was is typical
For eale at wholesale by S. R JAQU ES fc TINSLEY and A. B. SMALL*
Bridget, so .to ape.iJc.
baak *t down she lifted a
coll of rope and looked about for a
momsiK a* if looking tdf
? I?.®* 0 ' 0n - end of d.—
Q>rrK . r o ( 5>er dingy
How the Horses Ron at Gravesend Race
k J‘5 tl e n i The other end she twisted 1 Gravesend Race Track, Sept. 10.—An
a ?“ ut le ‘*** ,, apCi pole Swenrty feet j originally brilliant programme iqday woe
awiay. Tnen sae Strung the tine with reduced to a mere skeleton by wholesale
sopping iVtnnel* and a few orbits ;w- withdrawals. There were two big events
T.■ ! e *. 'tw- 1 * dripped wJjh Indigo, or I down for decision—the speculation stakes
wuem*.' as washerwomen cxH It. I tt * vl th » ocean view handicap. In the
When ithe line wua cnoaiifd full the I former race the three contestants gut
basket wvia nor: empty, and there were I »way well together and Jack of Spades
no more -poles. The slack of the line I ""samel the position of pace-manor to
would not rearil back to rche house. On I homestretch. Stonenell and Hugh I'on-
a sidetrack lirnnediakrly in front of "he I n!r t Jen e°M»red him. They raced -well
bouse ekood a train of sevetu'l frcl 'il together, but at the last sixteenth post
box cars. The woman urflooo-'J “he I Slms gave Stonenell his head and won by
line from the telegraph pole and'found three-quarters of a length. Prince Carl
Shat tt would reach ifhe end of the box dashed In front for a few strides after
car nearest her and forthwith rued It tl1 ® ,Urt for the ocean view handicap
-there. After filling (her nrotith wi.-, had been made. Soop Patrician Bailed to
olotihesphia she deoarw.ed the -new see- ,h ® ,ront - h® 1 had *° * ,v * wa Y t0 U “tuh
non -with some shirts and other nhien. I Skater, who sseumed command at the
thwt waived pha®uwn gestures In ’Jhe b ock stretch. At the far turn Sir Excess
smoky air. Dilo -being accomplished w e cvae "“e s shot from a cannon from the
picked up a basket Mid went oft down I nar ^ !ei ped in the lead with Dutch
-Hie Sheet e.S-n! Weirta-O'the Ska,er tbe rest 01 »«Y- crossing Uie
ureqn, • -apparently moppy ana -won | Une^on equal terms. The owners agreed
Mxdd up for 'She day's drying.
Campaign Committee Sixth Congra
atonal District of Georgia.
From tho Amcricun T.mos-Uivonler.
The Telegraph published n part of the
following article hist wet*, but It Is so
strong thut wo publish tho entire ar
Among the candidates for United
States senator. Hon. A. O. Bacon stands
pre-eminent as the ouo to lie
chosen. A mun who stands for Deutuo-
racy a* Jefferson taught tt nud as llie
pi-ople have always understood It, for
tsiiisl rights to all and special prlvl-
leges to none, he Is beyond nil doubt
tho cholco of this seettou of tho stale
to represent Ueorg.a In the upper house
of congress. MaJ. Bacon's views on all
publ.e questions are well kuown. Uo
I* heart and soul for the rights und lu-
terests of the jieoplo, of the masses as
contradistinguished from tlie classes.
On all poliueal Isaac* he is thoroughly
In accont with tho Chicago platform,
our state Democratic platform, and tho
demands of tho great majority of the
Democratic party. Especially do the
people admire tho poslhon he has at-
waj-s oreupled on Uio silver question.
He stands for the free and unlimited
oohi.t*e of sliver as well ns goM, amt
uU record In that rw|iect U lnn^ pro-
u-miuasl aud clean, lu luui the white
metal h.ts a friend who will never falter
dw give up until the tattle is woo nml
bimetallism Is triumphant. MaJ. Bacon
«» one of those old-fashioned Democrat*
who cannot believe tn the theory that
the American eagle should ho tied on
to tho tall of tho British lion. Ills abil
ity, integrity and tltncsa for tho office
ate unquestioned. A* a parliamenta
rian-he has few equals and perbnpa no
superiors. An aggressive loader, a
statesman In whom all have Implicit
couMdence, his influence In national
legislation would be meat and strongly
felt Ills loug, emlneut ami faithful
PuNto services attest him as essentially
tho proper man for the place. Georgia's
Inter.'*!* and welfare' wdl lie In tho
band* of one able and willlug to faith-
Inll.v ao<l securely guard them wheu
Bacon shall repre*>nt her In the senate,
n hen the votes are counted It will be
round that all those from this section
will go to the peerless son of Bibb.
Why do so maoi- people we see
around us seem to prefer to suffer and
by lint'
be made miserable by tndigesUon. eon-
Stlpauon. diuinest, toss of appetite,
comtng up of the food, yellow skin.
When for » cents we will sell them
ShUoh’s Multxer .guaranteed to cure
8old by Goodwyn A small Drug
Ssrjrassr ^ 8! ~*‘
As a remedy for'all formal of head-
sriio Electric Bluer* has proved to bo
very best It effects a peT^inem
cure and tho most dreadful habitual
sick heodaohea yield to Its taMuinre
We urge all who are afflicted to pro-
cur® a bottle and give this remedy a
fair trial. In cases of habitual consti
pation - Electrio Bitters cures by giving
the needed tone to tho bowels* and
tow otar, long resist the use of this
medicine. Try it once. Large bottles
only CO cents at H. J. Lama? * Son”
Tlie Cheap Twenty-flvo Cent Circuses
Now Traveling tho Country.
Sells Brothers’ cheap circus will be
here next week, and from present Indi
cations they will not b6 obliged to turn
any people away. Reports from tho
lino ot their route Is to the effect that
the show Is as cheap as the paper they
cxhIUt on tlie billboards. A\ heu It
show ndverti«>s rooster orchestras, ele
phants riding bicycles uud similar stufl
to catch the gillies. It’s u pretty sure
thing It hasn't got much, ,f anything,
legitimate to advertise. It is’ quite
likely that the show next week will
catch a number of tho funner patron
age, hut the city folk will steer wide
und clear of It Twcuty-tlve cent shows
nro a delusion nml a snare. Dio Mrst
twenly-dvn cents gets you under thq
canvas, tml If you want a seat you give
twenty-flve or tlfty cents more or stand
up with the elephant ami eat liay. Be
tween tho reserved seat artist the
short change men, tho eooMdence men
ami litre -bmonadc Mends, the average
twenty-live cet.t show will make a nian
kick himself all over the show lot.—
Louisville Star.
The “Greatest Show on Earth," which
everybody reeogu.xes ns Harnnni &
Bailey's, win not sliow in Mucon until
October a Don't bo a clam. Walt for
the lilg Iktruum A Bailey show. Ifg
a wonder.
But there was trouble sliead for the
gooa woman, and a lieap of It. No
•ooner *hftd «he dlsaippeared from tlie
scene of -her recent preparation* ftjan
a frelfMt engine cam5 tat-kin* down
of cans Ul A U br^kt? 0 f^aln I jjjjy The Brooklyn Jockey Club will give
A special race has been arranged for
EUturday next, between Domino and Hen
ry of Navarre at a mile and a furlong,
122 pound* each. This, undoubtedly, will
prove to be the turf event of the year.
The condition* are good track and a good
a-nd Where was o bump. The festoon of
domestic -wear dropped until Uhe pir.ow
cases said evening gowns dragged tn I The eelectlons on tomorrow's Gravesend
the cinders that line -the yard. Then I races are as follows:
the biuke-mu-n giraited a WBe more and First Raee.—Lobengula, Flush, Export
whe oars moved, the Hne llftcM Itself, Second Race.-Phocbus, Milton T., Bios-.
Ughttendd and Just as the mrom-aci come "om (Ally.)
-around ahe corner iShere -was a snap. I Third Race.—Banquet, Saragossa, The
The rope wfah Its fluttering aittara- I Pepper.
wients -waved -like -the Mail of a* k'i e Fourth Race.—Domingo,- Stor.enell, Lis
as whe oars -roiled a wily. Tho woman *»>"•
waii 'aevhmalctc with -horror and gave up I Fifth Race.—Patrician, Figaro, Hyder
Whoit started out as a l.Vtlly Chase, u-f-1 Abad.
ter a 'few bund red yard 3 down She Sixth Race.Flylng Dutchman,' Sabllla,
track, to ithe immense amusement of Connoisseur.
some tralln hands 'hanging on the sides Seventh Ruce.—Floronoe, Billy 8.. By
and u gocM-lvumored pcffloowin. Aa to I Jove.
the engineer and brake,wan up alt the in THE PAVILION,
front end of the train, 'they were kept Attendance good, speculation brisk. The'
tn Ignorance of the good woman’s dls- change of tracks and the dead-golng-
tress, no doub>:, until they took am In- I the Mrst they have bad since the Graves-
ventory ait 'the Mrst station. end spring meeting—wiped out all lines
■— ■ | and left the talent at sea. Still, some
BIRTHDAY PARTY. | were fortunate enough to land right, and
their returns were of the kind calculated
The ibllowlng named gentlemen have
been appointed a campaign commutes
for this district:
Baldwin — Walter Payne, Samusl
Walker, t
dsitib—W. G. F. Price. M.' W. Win*
Butts—B. P. Bailey. F. S. Etheridge.
Fayette—J. A. Joiner, J. W. Wise.
Henrv—(A. A. Lomon. J. W. High-
Jones—R. T. Rous. J. Oil -Mld-Uk-
Monroe—J. O. Holmes. W. D. Stori*.
Pike—J. F. Madden. George E. Hi*
-iBpaldlng—Thomas Nall. H. E. Will
Upson—'M. J. Harvey, J.- S. King
and the letter below addressed to eacht a
“Dear Sir: The Democratic conveu-
tlon ot the Sixth congressional district.,
of Georgia on the 28th ult.. 1-nstructrfr
me to aopolnt a campaign c-ommitte*
consisting 'of -two Democrats from each
county tn -the district, and In conformi
ty with said Instructions I hereby name
you ae one -and Mr. your associate,
said feel assured that your known real
ty to the Democratic party will lire
Your zeal to bury all opposition in h*
coming election.
■'W|:h ocntlments of highest esteem,
I -remain, very truly yours,
“Seaton Q rant land,
“Ch.1'lrman. , '
Prepared by
Dra. Hotmos & Mason. Dentists.
668 Mufiberry Stredt.
It cures bleeding gums, ulcers, sore
mouth, sore ti'iroui:, clean* tho teeth and
parities 'the -brearii. For sate by ut
I.tttle Mrdnllne Dub Entertains Her to make * man fall In love with hltnrclf
Friends. I ana Invite his friends to Join him In
' I pllng eome of Putzel's best. That “excel-
At the residence of her aunt, Mrs. V. 1(n * servant-awful master" of so many
Kahn. 81 4Plum street, little Madeline different brands. Well, yoi know how
Dub of Savannah celebrated her 7th U yourself. What do you think of
birthday from 4 ti 6 o'clock yesterday Domino and Henry of Navarre, with thetr
afternoon with n delightful children's weight ->P at nine furlongs? A special
party. I be^n »rrang-ed for next Saturday and
The little hoe ten did the honoro In a lhese tw0 ® reat raco hor ”f w,u th e
graceful manner and en-tcrtalnod her auMllon ot *upr*»aoy. Salvator and Ten.
frlende ns charmingly as oould have "L°I er nan S t . he wl ",f r !
been done -with much credit by much T blnk 1bout !t - Tod»^ a cara la
older hostesses. She made each feel at I 11 eve|, y way* Dio sport promises to
homo and looked after the comt'-O'H of I be much better than It was j^sterday.
all, I First quotations received In Putxel s pa-
Many valuable and handsome presents vlllon at 1 P- m -
were received by the Jlt-tte lady from I AT GRAVESEND YESTERDAY,
her friends, and altogether the occasion Flrvfc Itace.-aFtvc-oIghths mue; ttmn
was one o-f rare enjoyment. Those arts- 1-03.
ent were: Urania,- 112; 3 to 1 (J. Rcugan) X
Price Hertz. Madeline B. Dub (hbs- Roundelay, US: 4 to X (Tarab 2
teas), Sanford Cohen, Edna Popper, Deno, 1X2; 40 to 1 :...(lsom) 3
Louis Cohen. PeaTl Wnchtel, Ralph Alt- Second Race.—One and oeve-slxteefith
mayor. Bertha Harris. Lawrence Bernd, ml 1 ®; selling; time. 1:50%.
Gusslc Greenwood. Myron N'ussbaum. Judge Morrow, 100: 6 to 1....:...(Relit) 1
Ncomi Leeuer, Harry Popper, Eva Thor- Harry Alonzo, 100: -6 to 1.: (Penn) 3
ner, Mark Berg, Estelle Newman, Frank J ack n ° s ®- 100 1 4 to 1 (Griffin) 3
Hertz. Minuet Bernd, Milton Bans, Be- Third Race.—Three-quarters mile; Spec-
aitrtce Blnswongsr, Jack Wltkovnkl, Ha- nlatlon stakes; time, 1:15.
zcl BIbck. Geromc Herm-in. Hcrmla I Stonenell, U6; 1 to 6 (81ms) t
Hertz, Willie Herman, Regina Water- I Pugh Penny. 105; 6 to 1 .(Relit) 2
man, Sollle Lesser. Edith Maas, Horace I J“ ck ot Spades. 102: 6 to 1 (Griffln) 3
Newman. Vera, Franklin, Hyman -Abra- Fourth Race.—One and one-eighth mil';
hnin. iMiran Witkowskl, lOdw.n Davis I Ocean view handicap; time, 166%.
Via Portsmouth and Washington.
Leavo Macon, (Macon and .Nortnern Rail.
road), 9:10, August 11.
Arrive Portsmouth, (Seaboard Atr Line*
7:10 a; m., August 12.
Leavo Portsmouth, (Norfolk and Wash
ington Steamboat Company), mu p. n:..
August 13.
Leavo Washington, ( Roadi.
11-nt • m 11
11:00 a. m.. Ausst 14.
Arrive New York (Pennsylvania Roas>,
4:53 p. m„ August 14.
is Essential!
Yon cannot v
hope to be well K
If your
If you are tioubled withX
fbv it.% use. It Is the bent blood remedy on earth.
ftThou3jnd» who hiwe u<ed it ?ay to. \
g , My blood wm badly poltnned last yeir, which jot mjd
HHdly poiMHRP
e»ystc?a out ofmdcr-dlv-atcd anti
appetite, wocnjoymMil
bcoughi me rlfht out. There la
rtNKd j^fer Itlood dif
which irrit it
. jvss.1 CAVIM, Dayton. Ohio
Truth, on blood and -km cliras,, nulled Ire,,
Carrie Dottenhelm. Leopold Meyer. Min’ s > r Excess, 98: 6 to 1
nle Doittenhelm. Alfred Levy. Hennle Dutch Skater, 95: 5 to 1 (G
SprIMz, Leopold Wltkowa'cl. * Patrician, 103: 1 to 2
....(T'elff) 1
(Orlffln) 1
@lm») 2
Fifth Race.—Five and a halt furlongs;
handicap; time, 1:09.
Newbarg. 106: 5 to 1 (Penn)
Thq Funniest 'Flarce-Oooiedhr on I-ady 'Violet. 127; 3 to 5 ( 2
Rbad Trei» Scnoro, I G 5? n ®‘ t ,?* wara * 901 >* ,0 l":;"* IS Y rn) 3
Sixth Race.—Five and a half furlongs;
pmyie iaug.1 Slr Dixon, 98; 10 to 1 (H. Jones) 2
klnl Nocedah, 95 : 20 to 1 (loom) 3
_E. r ? hfc< v 1 ' boa been rewritten and osua-oMmMr, todav
than a:
ed. sand -win return 'this sSTSSi' First Race.-Flve-ctghths mile: maidens;
'tically a new oroduetton iT^ nS ^’ setllng-Mllton T.. 106; Tuscan, 103: Phoe-
tertalntrfg^otlSidSrffiJ sraS bus. 102; Navahoe, 100; NlcollD. 100; Flush,
•SSnjSStKn «S3t SjJTtaaJ'&S' «: Export. 93; Lobengulih, 93; Achiever,
ures as 8V> rmko 1 t n nmirf^ Enchanter. 93; Canterbury. 93: Buck
ententaHtaieht fascinating I w . Kenneli w . so n Erreur, B;
Tb® company Is also new. A farce- iniiv^sP've'lv’et'RoM’^^I* 1
comedy depends on the Strength ofits V R ' 9 °' H
?^Wny Tor ; _Jt. rttacess, almost Irrr- | ^'nj^.-One and ono-elghth mile;
handlca-Banquet. 13: Yo Tombeln, U7
® in , dlda te for re-eteotton to th.»
® J cle ritof «he superior court anil
rarffoJJIy desire the support of nl'
at :flte prirtary on Septom
b®r 3? “H. ROBERta.nisrrt
Subject to the Democratic nominal
tfon, Septemlber_27.jnaa
The Pepper, 107: Saragossa. 106; Sir Knight,
Third Race.—Three-quarters mile; ~
ver stakes—8tonenetl. 13: Patrician,
Domino, 116; Flying Dutchman, 91: Llssak,
FVrnrlh Race.—One and one-sixteenth
mile: Sea breeae stakes-Pocshontas, U0;
Dutch Skater. 103; Declare. 106: Patrician,
198; Assignee, 106; Hyder Abad, 106; Gill-
lee, 102; Figaro. 100; Song and Dance, 97;
will you heed the warning—tho elg-
twi perhaps, of the sure approach of
that more terrible disease, eonsumttoh?
Art your .-a-If if you can affond, for the
•ike of Hiving go rents, run the risk
and do nothing for It. We know from
experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. H sever fails. This ex-
bla ” "Of* '^on * million bottles
wore *>ld tho ixut >inir. n rvUeves
croup and whooping cough at once.
Mother*, do not be without It For
U&me blck, dde or clnyt, u.^e Shiloh’*
Porous Plasters. 8oi,l by Gredwyn A
Smalt Drug Company, corner cherre
street and Cut ton avenue. rry
Tho rese'ta ot Tennessee are ,t„,_. I
splendid business this srelson mh*
Southern railway, western sv.i.m
the direct route to these rraorti
thculd ask tor your tlcketa via Thai
Elegant free observation coach., v.
tween Atlanta and ChattanobA »
through cotch for Tates Springs iL. i;
Chattanooga at 7 a. m. and arriros'J?
this train
Chattanooga at 7 a. m. and arri
Tate* at 12:46 re m. Sleeper on
to Washington and New York ratn
The seashore express leave*
7:30 p. m. for St. Simon, and evti j 1 . 1 '
land Islands. ou ^vmbsr-
Three daily fast trains each w.-
tween Macon and Atlanta sntlRoSS
and Chattanooga. Du I(om ®
Travel th* Southern railway
tystrin. for safely, sneed and comfort
Call tn Jim W. Carr. WBenSr ^a
ticket agent. Macon; J. J. FamViortV
district passenger agent. Atlanta re,. .
C. A. Betueoter. assistant general Si
•eager agent. Knoxville. Ttnn. P
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made,
spectivo of Its Inltrinslc merits. This is
a 'fact 'that 'the nnntigers -have atjwuys
reoagnrized. This year they Wave The
Stranscdt oompany thuit has ever been
In "The Hustler." Con McFldden. the
principal -part, will be played by J. I
Ticrnuy. the -well-known Irish come- Tlie other partis win be pj.iyed
by E. J. Hefferrara. the slntgcr and
parodist; Jamas P. Smith, James F.
Cook, Harry Watoon, the well known . llr . t , c
Oerns.i'n com*d)an; JUmce Bradleff, I Thmilton *
Thomas E. Humphries, Bnneat Wilson, K | ftll Race.-Flv* and one-half lurlongsi
H- c - Reynolds, Allc6 Hutchins. Irene hamMcap-Flylng Dutchman. 118; Connols-
Hernandex, Minnie M-ayb and Mtay V. S eur, 115; Sabllla, 10): Golden Rod, 1P6:
.fir® 1 *ft,,...,,.. " . , I Hermanltn. 98; King Gold, 97.
The Hustler win be kit the Achtl- I sixth Race.—Three-quarters mile; sett-
80 You tng—Johannes, 106; Leonwetl. 107: Ily Jove,
hustle up the price or you ioi; Dong Bridge. 103; Pantata, IOC; Billy
wilt It ansui .Sc™ I g . 1()J . Potentate, 1(8; Florence, 100: HI-
■ * ■ i hernia Queen, 100; Clementina, 100; Zoull-
UOUD S AND ONLY HOOD’S. •( ka, ICO; Marguerite, 99; Mendicant. 99; Ml-
Are yon- weak knd weary, over- 1»". M: Plenti, It; Bpoprano. tt; Elbsron,
worked and tircl? a.vnr« sarMinn. IW.
i.s-k t)».a _ . 1 3
rllla is u»t tho mcdlduo you need to
purify ami quicken your blood and to
give you nppctlte and strength. Ir
you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla
do not be induced to buj- any other
Auy effort to substitute nnothcr rem-
cy Is proof of tho merit of Hood's.
Hood's Pills are tbo best after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, cure headache
Try a box.
la Speaking of the Value of the Stubbs
In speaking of the Impending contest
over the will of the late ,t. W. Stubbs
the other day the Telegraph stated that
the value ot the estate ass about
From s relative bf Mr. Stubbs, who Is
also one of the heirs, the Telegraph Is
lnrmud that the tax value of th* es
tate Is only 311.600 and that It Is encum-
betad with debts xo the amount of about
Dr. A. S. Moore, who has for tho
Met eight year* been reasonable tn tils
charges for dental fork, and who ta
better prepared to do Jtridge, crown and
all kind* of dental work, having taken
a post-graduate" course In prosthetic
dentistry, owing to tho stringency of
tbe lime*. Is willing to be even more
raawoable In his charges. Conte, let
him examine your teeth and see how
reasonable you can lm-e your dental
work done. Tooth extracted without
jaln. .121 Washington avenue, near
First Baptist church. VInstill* and
tBett Line of street cars pass his office
door. Macon, Ga.
• ' I
Seventh Race.-Three-quarter* mile: **11-
tng-Melbu. Ill: Anna Bulof, 109; Old Do
minion, 106: Adalbert, 106: St. Felix, 107;
Lurtre, 107: Stonemason, 102; Integrity, 1(B:
Bcldemonlo, KB: Jim Lee, 101: Will Elliot,
101; Little Billy, 101; Haxelhatch, 101; Miss
Dixie. 100; Shadow, 99; Hardy Fox, “
Fandollne. 93.
Saturdiy, September 16, special race;
one and cue-eighth mile—Domino, 122;
Henry of Navarre, 122.
Orders received by telegraph. Money
pi seed-at first of second odds.
Lung Troubles
show a tendency toward
Consumption. A Cough is
often the beginning. Don’t
wait until your condition is
more serious. Take
the Cream of Codrliver Oil,
at once. It overcomes all the
conditions that invite the
Consumption Germs. Phy-
sictans, tho world over, en
dorse ib
iii 0 ™ “ candidate for re-election to
the office of sheriff of B bb county and
s®*'* “licit the support of all dZ-
ocrata ax the primary ou September 27.
Dl , xl ® Int *t»»te Fair Company
will receive at their office at li-jcou,
?, J .V S f J ed bld * for a 'l the privilege*
Maren lr Exposi ' tlon ' to be held ta
n ,a C °±., G „' J "., COmm . enriI1 E October 23d
au ?„ 0 ! 0 . ! , las November 8th, 1894.
20th' i«a W q!{, be opeDei uQ September
nisV J S94 ' - co <rtPiny reserves the
1° refuse any or all bids. This Is
the only expostUon to be held In Geo”
‘ hi f *® Jr - large attendance as-
ffege propl erand op P° r tunlty for prlv-
A. C. KNAPP, Secretary,
Macon, Ga.
F. R. JONES. ~
Attorney at Law.
i® 18 . Second Street, Macon, Ga.
leftkiS? ptraona * .‘tientlon given to col
The upxown ticket office of the in,
aiwaw* &r
MJb'&n Locrtand tarou\TtIc^
SStgr&JZ* and &JSS
ttSW“ aUo
General Stanjger.
ta^L installment of the clti
the chJJro^jT' *,2 d J n cora Pll3rtce with
ber P»‘ d t>Y Septem-
iM-r is, when the boo kit will be closed
The cire 11 ™ 11 ? U * U K 1 for ,b ®- b:1 l an ®®-
at l requires the money and tax-
cSiS 1 *. 8 ™ no 'l fl * <1 to pay and save
executions will bo Issued la
compliance with the charter.
A. R. TINSLEY. Treas.
lm'ororei P «. " h'®"" 1 negotiated o>
P^P'rtY and farma
PANV IIV nmi.— V.O*
*9 Second street. Macon, Ga
Loans ma de on choice real eatate and
Doa't ba deceived by Sibititutu!
P»»MedbjS«uiBo»iw,2r.T. AllDm««t
farming lands In Georgia. Inter” a”:"!
Trera “n * , J2i*® tatthree o7ff„ 7
re^Siabta U y ’ C ° mmlsalona very
420 Second Street Miron e-.
Cheap Money to Lend
On Improved city and farm .
i Bibb and Jones Count; -a , br °P® r ly
ranging from BW ud at 7 ner in,
pie Interest; time from two’tam-e vroS"
Promptness and aacbmmadaUoo »
Cfttty. UL ANDERSON “ C 0
No. ns Second Street, JfjqamGa.
... ’ ... - -re