Newspaper Page Text
Two collars go with each Shirt
and we sell them for
Also a lot of those low neck
Night Robes at the same; we"
can give yon others tho’ at 60c.
Summer Bows and Ties at 16c.
Corner Second & Cherry
fill Mulberry St. - Macon, Gn.
Telephone*—OHice. 407* It e» i tie nee. 408
, wimcE. 7"..\
Marriages, .births, deaths, funerals find
meetings inserted In this column at H
tor ten lines and 10 centB per line tor
■each added line. A responsible name
must accompany the advertisement as a
guarantee of good faith.
Copy for contract advertisement* to
Bppear In Sunday's Telegraph imust be
landed Into the business office before 3
o'clock p. m. Saturday to Insure insertion.
Bay Telephone
Night Telephone
- 232
Next to Hotel Lanier.
Bay Telephone ......... . 436
Night Telephones... . 436. 178
.. . .-r—.5
Davis & Keogh's Famous Fabric of
Fun, -Music and Movement,
The Ixtlborere: John T. Tierney, Har
ry WnJtson, James P. Smith, James F.
Coo!:. Ed J. MefTernun, J. n. Bradley,
Ernest Wilson. Thomas H. Humphries.
M. C. ReyntJkia. Attlee Hutchings, Irene
Hernandez. Mamtte Mayo, Julia Taylor,
Gertie MUlllngfoin, MTe. Sardou, Senor-
Ita Com-hita and other notables.
Prices 25 cento .to 31. Reserve seats
flit Ludden & Dates’ Music House.
Ronton*, Collecting renlts and sale of
city and country property n specialty.
Your paltrotuge dolMlted.
Office for presenit nt
A : most Opposlto Post Ofllce.
New goods every week.
Notions, a crockery, glassware and
dolls. | .
Finest collection 10a and 25c. Cabinet
Frames In the city.
Nicest line .’5c. sett Shirt Studs In
Tlio latest style Corsigo Pins 10a
Five-cent Milk Cans and up.
Clnuss Setts.
Landers, Frary St Clark Knife Sa
Largo line Purses closing out very
A large lot 3 and 4 and 6 and 8 gallon
Jars, no tops, 5a a gallon.
Chas. C. Holt,
—Dealer in—
Artists’ Materials,
Picture Frames,
Stationery and
Fancy Goods.
Engravers of Visiting Cards
and Wedding Invitations.
Correspondence - invited. Send
for catalogue of Artists’ Mate
Office and Store, Triangular
Block, Macon, Ga.
Atkinson and His Opponent May Elec
trify the People With a Few
Joint Debates.
And Ifiho Judge Ii In the Same Humor
There Will Be Lively Time* in
Georgia Very Soon.
Atlanta, Sept. 10.—Chairman Clay of the
state executive committee today an
nounced that a challenge for Joint de
bate would be sent by Mr. Atkinson to
Judge Hines, as soon as tho former re
turns to ths city, and can prepare the
challenge. -
The committee has had the advisability
of a joint debate under consideration for
some days past. There appears to be a
general demand for a meeting between the
two gubernatorial candidates. Mr. At
klnson has always been ready for such a
meeting, but left It In the haiyls of the
A committee will be appointed to ar
range the details, time and place of the
debate, within the next day or two.
Chairman Clay also announces that the
committee Is ready to send speakers to
meet Tom Watson at any time and any
place the great Populist apostle desires.
Watson has been making a great bluff
about Democrats being afraid to meet
Hon. Joe James goes tomorrow to Can
ton to meet Watson if he will consent.
He has also challenged him to ten Joint
discussions anywhere In the state. In view
of Whitson's attacks upon him In his pa
Lost Saturday Watson published In his
paper a oeustlo attack upon Col. James,
declaring he had deliberately circulated
a falsehood In saying in a recent speech
that he (Watfton) hod misappropriated
monsy contributed - by the Populists to
help him contest Black’s seat in congress.
Five thousand dollars Is said to have been
raised and placed in Waton'a hands for
this puipose, when congress really fur
nished this money by appropriation, which
was 11,700.
Today Col. James came back at Wat
son. He says Watson ulso says what Is
untrue when he ays he (James) owns any
stock in the Douglasvllle New South, a
weekly paper which is fairly roasting
Watson In his shell at every Issue, the ed
itor, T. P. Bamer, being a-Populist who
become disgusted with Watson, and Is
now showing him up in tvia true light as
a mercenary demagogue.
In view at the warm blood between
James and Watson there is likely to be
lively times at Canton on tomorrow.
S. W. Dubose Arrested for Whipping Too
Severely an Invalid Child,
Atlanta, September 10.—(Speclal.)-S. W.
Dubose, a well-know u school teacher of
DeKalb county, was arrested this morn
ing on warrants swort out by Patrolman
J. A. Garner, charging him with whipping
a child) with unnecessary severity.
Dubose taught a summer school at Lux.
ominl, a little* station on the Seaboard
Airline railroad., Ono it his pupils was
a little son of Policeman Garner of this
Shortly before the close of the school
Mr. Dubose found It - necessary to punish
young Garner, and on that whipping
hinges the whole proceedings.
Mr. Dubose said he did not whip the
little fellow severely, but on the contrary
he was very mild in administering the
Mr. Garner says that the little fellow
Is an invalid and a cripple, and ’hat Mr.
Dubose did whip him severely. Mr. Du-
bcue is a member of one of the most prom
inent families in this portion of Georgia.
•His father Is one of the oldest Presbyte
rian ministers in the church, and has
been stationed at Decatur for many years.
The family connection la large and the
young man who was arrested this morn
ing Is well and favorably known. Ho
is a candidate for the Presbyterian minis
try, and was on his way to Davison col
lege, near Charlotte, N. C., when he was
arrested. The case will be tried at Law-
Atlanta, Sept. 10.-(Spec!ol.)-The annual
meeting of stockholders of the Atlanta
and West Point Railroad Company, will
be held here tomorrow, a special train
for the accommodation of the stockhol
ders will arrive in the city at 10 o’clock.
The meeting promises to be an unusually
Important one on account of tly; action
of Receiver Comer of the Central In vo
ting the Atlanta holdings, to oust Presi
dent Phlnlzy and General Manager TyJ.-r
at the recent meeting of the directors of
the Western railway of Alabama. The
two roads go under one management, the
West Point being controlled by the by the
Western, and therefore Messrs. Phlnlzy
and Tyler will be retired by the West
Point stockholders tomorrow If Mr. Co
mer’s plans carry through. There has
been some talk of opposition, even if the
courts have to be applied to to prevent
him from voting tho Central's holdings,
and on this account the meeting will be
unusually interesting.
Atlanta, Sept. 10.-(8pedaI.)-Ed. O.
Hooks, the cashier of the Georgia, Caro
lina and Northern railroad. In tho freight
department, who was arrested on a war
rant charging him with embezzling about
H.B00 last week, was released from Jail
today on bond of $3,600. signed by T. E.
Maddox of this city.
Hooks was to have had a preliminary
trial today, but it was postponed until
Saturday ti» give his lawyers, who say
they will fight every step of the way to
show a conspiracy against their client,
time to rrejrare a defense.
Atlanta, Sept, 10.—(Special.—The people
of Macon have a rare treat In store for
them tomorrow evening in the appear
ance of Mr. Lucius Perry HUls, the-known
pbet and dramatic reader of this city. Mr.
Hills* has been engaged by Mr. R. Coley
Anderson to appear In connection with
Professor Denck at the Ludden & Bates
recital. Mr. Hills never fails to draw a
splendid audience In Atlanta.
Atlanta, Sept. i0,-<Specia!.)-Rcv. W. O.
Butler, one of the Populists of Fulton
county for the legislature, haa declined
to accept the nomination; He 1* a mem
ber of the North Georgia Conference and
does not think it would be proper for him
to take a hand with the PopJlists. He's
a lamb not yet ready for the slaughter.
Out of sorts!
Brown’s Iron
The Man Who Formerly Owned Ma
con's Street and Suburban Rail-
road Is Himself Again.
Slat at ch» Door* of tU. Panltentlnry by
Old Frleuda-ale In Gniid Il.alth
and, Attar a Ro.l, Will Rr*
Baler Uutiiie.t Life.
George F. 'Work the ex-mllllonaire
capitalist of Philadelphia, who was
Ban* to the penitentiary a few years
ago ^or wrecking a trank and Who wan
the former owner of the Macon Street
land Suburban Railroad of this city,
and Interested in other business enter
prises here In which he hud a. great
deal of capital invested, has been re
leased! from tote Eastern penitentiary
and will soon Hake a fresh start. In
In speaklnsr of Work’s release the
Ph'iWUelphlu Times of Saturday says:
George F. Work, ex-banlter and fi
nancier, was released from the Eastern
Penltenlary early yesterday morning.
He was mett between the big inner
doors on his way out by his counsel,
James A. Flaherty, who, in company
with Wtlltum H. Hergeshelmer, had
arrived same minutes earlier In readi
ness to welcome him the moment he
was liberated. Each shook him heart
ily by the hand and Without delaly es
corted 'him to the ouker door, Where
they drew back to allow Work to pass
out flrst.
Tho ex-banker quickly stepped out,
and without looking to the right or left
walked rapidly down FUirmount ave
nue. Mr. Hergeshelmer overtaking him
before many yards had been covered,
the two engaging In an animated con
versation, still keeping up the same
rapid puce until reaching Twentieth
street, whtere, erasing over, they wait
ed for a oar, In the meantime being
Joint*! by Mr. Flaherty, who introduced
his client Ito some newspaper men. Af
ter more handshaking he discussed In
a few und terse sentences
’the probabilities of his future plans.
After pointing out that it was Invpbs-
slble for him fit th'alt moment to say
deil,lively Just what they would be, he
said idha't at any rate his ofllce would
be at 138 South Third street, adding
•'JlrafTToor back’' 111 emphatic tones, us
It to Impress on his hearers that he
had a tacultton and intended to again
engage hie energies In the ‘‘street."
Although he would not say alb .'Cutely
that he had decided to enter the
brokerage flcld. it was evident he
meant tohatt Inference to bo drawn.
“For the present I mean to go Into
the country for a perfect rest, free
from all euro and worry, now that I
Stationery, Monograms.
Wedding Invitations and
visiting cards engraved
at lowest prices. No de
lay: work done by skill
ed wbrkmen In our establishment. Semi
fbr samples and price,. J. P. Stevens
& Bro., Jewelers. 47 Whitehall street,
Atlanta. Ga.
have come back to life, as it were,
later I shall be glad to see any of you
gentleman at my ofllce"—once more
emphasizing his words—“and will be
pleased to talk over my plens with you
at lengsh."
"Thallk you," he continued In An
swer to an Inquiry as to his heaSth.
"I am stronger and better than might
be expected, and hope soon to be fully
restored by the rest I Intend taking."
Bidding the little coteries of people
gathered around hint a pleasant good
monilnghe again tfhouk hands with his
counsel and boarded the street car
with on alacrity Utah verified this re
marks about his strength and health.
His staunch friend, Mr. Hergeshelmer,
accompanied him down town. His
present destination he declined to dis
close, not even revealing It Ho Lawyer
Flaherty, who only stayed long enough
to see his client safely aboard the street
With the vxoeptton of an, extreme
paV'.or, Work, Ho a'll appritrances wto
well and strong. Every ono of his re
marks was delivered with a precise
energy that allowed no Impairment of
his acute mental Ifucstlries, while his
eyes were bright and allert as ever.
Attired in n quldt dark blue sul* of
worsted, wUb soft 'brown wlde-aiwuke
hot and well-polished shoes, he looked
anythin* but a recent Inmate of the
Eastern Penitentiary as he stood arid
chatted nt the Btreet crossing. Every
movement iwaw lndioaitlve of the solf-
rditand business man, fully aw-aro of
Che vahue ot time, uttering neither a
superfluous word or objoettess pbmse.
As the car siarted he turned In his seat
to wave his band once more, und before
noon he had left the city for the coun
Several of this friends have made him
alters of assistance and 1 rented tho of-
.flee on South Third street Some time
stgo with the intention of starting him
In business with sulllolenk backing to
'see 'him fairly launched' tn hie new un
dertaking. Work served altogether
three years und six mouths of the four
years Of his oentence, good behavior
lessening tola term to that extent.
Mental depression, wakefulness, lost
manhood caused by errors of youth or
latei excesses quickly cured by Mag
netic Nervine. Guartibeed by Goud-
wyn & Small, drugglt-a
Paris, Sept. 10.—In an Interview to
day 01. Gautron, tho liquidator of the
affairs of tho Panama Canal Company,
stated that the date for the now Issuo
of bonds had been postponed to Sep
tember 22, when, securities to tho
amount of. 30,(100,000 francs will he of
fered. It was not probable, ho said,
that a technical committee would ho
sent to the isthmus.
The best onlve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sored, tetter chapped hand*, chilblains,
corns, and-all eruptions, and positively
Is guaranteed to giro perfeot e&tlefa-
tlon or money refunded. Price, 35
cets per box. For sale by H. J. Lamar
& Sons, druggists.
Quebec,, Sept. 10.—Cardinal Tnschc-
rcau has resigned the arehhlRhoprlo of
Quebec, owing to falling health, and
Mgr. Begin, coadjutor, will assume tho
Easy As Can Be
—washing with Pearline. Just
try it and see. None of the rub,
rub, rub that made the old washboard
hateful. None of the old Washboard, either.
Nothing but common sense washing of
- clothes, paint, dishes, anything in the house—
with something that takes out the dirt, instead of
making you rub it out. It’s a big difference.
There’s a saving in the labor—but, besides that,
there’s a saving in the wear.
Washing with acids and chemicals is easy, too—
but it isn’t safe. Washing with Pearline is.
*TT^ Peddlers and some unscrupulous cro.
JTTQ cers will tell you " this is as good os"
VV CLJL or “tho t»ame aa readme.” IT’S
FALSE—Pearline is never peddled ; if your grocer sends you an imi
tation, be honc*t—send it back. 3I3 JAMliS PYLE, New York,
^ n n p Pimples, Blotches ^3
n —Li and Old Sores 2
and potassium Catarrh, Malaria ^
£= Marvelous Cures
£rin Blood Poison
£: Rheumatism
S^-and Scrofula
P. P. P. purl do* tb*» blool, builds np
, the weak and dwblJltale<1, ie\rnn
etreogtb to we»k4a»<t m»rre«, expel*
’ giving tho pstlqnc health and
, h»i>v)n»»» 'Rhars alckfces*. gloomy
loeUDga and luMltado lint prevail**!.
. Porprlmarv.ppoondary nnd tertiary
iTphlllM, for blood poisoning, merco*
• rialpolaon, malaria, d?apepala, and
, In nil Mo-xl Hiid akin dlsoasps, Hko
blotches, pimple*, old chroniculc*ra,
* tetter, acaid head, bolla. eryalpclaa,
. eczema-we mar aav, without rear of
contradiction,that r. P. P. la the beat
» blood puriflur in the world,and makes
tKinltlvo, * peedy and permanent cures
L.4IM who*. fTllUm. «r»_potooeyd iOiST.VkS'tti
anti Kidney Troubles ^
Are fotlrvlr remevea by P.P.P.
—Prickly Aah. Poke Root and Potas-
alum, the gmateat blood purifier on
earth. —
Ab*bp*hw, O.. July 21,1891* «—■
BfB*nita LrrPMAM RMoa., fiavanpab.
Ga. t D«a» Him—I bought a bottle of
your P.P. P. nt Hot Hprlnf> l Ark..antl —
It h»* done tno more good than three —m
months* treatment at the Hot Hprtngs. '***
bend tbreo bottles O. O. V. *—>
k^f-njjoor.^ I(
Aberdeen, Brown County, O*
Capt. J. D. Job net oa.
* To all tthorft U mau concerns Z here*
by testify to the wonderful properties —^0
of P. P. P. for oruptiona of the akin. X
•uttered for several year* with
nightly and disagreeable erupt
luy face. I tried known r*me-
— epeouilariy benefited by the won-
’ derful tonlo amlbloodcleansing prog*
ertleaof P. P. P.- Prickly Aah
hoot and Pouiaslam,
ArNiKoriELP, Mk.., nag. I4th, 1893*
-Icanepoakln the highest terms of
your medicine from my own personal
knf.wiridK*-. I waaaftectt d with heart
dlseaart. plenrtny and rbenmatlai M tor
< fifiyears, was treated by the veryl>e«6
*- 'kician* ana spent hundreds of dol-
t, tried oyr-ry known remedy with*
. good than anything I have ever taken.
I can recommend your medicine to all
’ auflereraof the above dtM^»»«*a.
, MRS. M. M. YKAT.Y.
fipringfield. Green Coucty. Mo.
eruption o
„ err known r*mt
in vale.until p. P. P. was used,
sod am now entirely cured.
teiguodby) J. D. JOHNBTON.
Bavannab. Oa. -
Nkla Cancer Cared. *
Tetilmony fromthe Mayor of BequlnJCuh *
Bkqciw.Tbx., January 14,1893. *
Muaaxa. Lirrteett iluon.. Bavanuab, «
Ga.t 0>nt/cM»e«—1 Lave trlwd your P. ,
1*. 1*. for s disease of the akin, orually
known aa akin cancer,of thirty years' •
atandtng. and found great relief: It
purifies the blood and reinovea all Ir
ritation from the aeet of the disease ,
and prevents any spreading of t^e -
worris. **I have taken flveor six bottles ‘
and feel conlldent that anther coarse ,
will effoot a cure. K has also relieved
mo from Indigestion and stoinacla ■
trouble#* Yoon truly. _
CAPT. W. M. RUflT,
Attorney at Lair. *
Book on. Blood Diseases Maned M •
Llypnaa'i Block jaiaauab, Oa ‘
!■ •-%- bfIGRfINOB. Gfl.
Opens Srp. 19, i8q4- Brickbuildiaara,electric lights, water-works, batht, gyimt**t>ini. C«»t%»er«
vatory edvantages in rnutic. Elegant pipe organ. AT - ! and vslce culture, apecMllici.
lllocation fine. Bookkeeping and hinr.or.v free, btghl-tiaging daily. Drcstmaking, tvpewrit*
ing.ttenography. RcoaomicaJ uniform. Healthuavurpataeo. Hrateeclal iurrouadlnx«<
Pupil* beard with Faculty in Colief« Home. V EULER B. SMITH, lee. BUfUG W. SMITH, Pro*
Ktvovls a^ooh Uvvna
when she sees lit r-
That is whu
sne vises *r
U works wonders
Sold in 4 lb. packages. Price 25 cents.'
Made only by j
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
Chicago, St. Louis, New York,
— Boston, Philadelphia.
Under and by virtue of tin order from
the court ot ordinary of Richmond
county, Georgia, dated August titb,
1894, 1 will sell at public outcry In the
city of Macon, county of Bibb nnd
state of Georgia, ait tlic place of hold
ing public sales, between the usual
bom's of sale, on the flrst Tuesday In
October. 1894 (October 4th), the follow
ing property belonging to 'the estate of
Thomas M. Johnsotu lata of Richmond
county, deceased.
An interest In a tract of kind In Bibb
county. Georgia, on the south, side of
rilo Atlanta division of me ueiurui
mllroadl being lot 16 In iblock 27 In
what 4s known ns Bellevue, fronting
104 1-3 feet on Euclid avenue, running
back 308 1-2 feet. The Interest bring
under bond for titles from tho Ameri
can Investment nnd Loan Company of
Macon, dated Juno 9, 1891—tho original
price of the lot bring 3350, and 3153.02
having been paid.
Also, twenty shares of tho capital
stock of the North Macon Land Com
pany, par value J100.
Also, two shares of the capital stock
of the Macon nnd Suburban Land
Company, par value 125.
Also, 3 70-100 shares of tbo capital
stock of the American Investment nnd
Loan Company, par value $100
Said property sold for the purpose
of paying debts of said cstato nnd
making distribution among the hclre.
Tho order under whlehl this sale la
made authorizes tbo sale to be made
In Bibb county.
Terms cash. 'Purchasers ito pay for
Atlrnr. csmto Thomai M. Johnson.
Under nnd by virtue of tho power of
Bale contained In a mortgage deed made
to Mrs. M. T. Caratarphen on January
16, 1892. by Butler Wllllnnm, Abe Hunger,
Peyton Jaatca and Abe Bryant, nnd re
corded In clerk’a ofllce, Ulbb superior
court, to secure n debt therein epkctlted,
which dobt and mortgage deed were by
Mrs. M. T. Carstarphon, nsalgned In due
form to mo, I will sell at public outcry,
before tho court houso door In Macon,
Rlbb county, Ga., at 11 o’clock n, in., on
the flrst Tuesday In October, 1891. all that
lot of land, situate, lying and being In
Bibb county, In tho Bast Macon district,
and known as lot No. four (4), In block
No. seven (7) of ’’Falrvlew," u suburb ot
tho olty ot Macon, as shown by a survey
and plat by P. E. Dennis, uf record In
clerk's office. Bibb superior court, being
the same lot conveyed to Abe Monger
by Rolf Sims and C. C. films, Tr„ or. Fob.
ruary 2, 1890. Aleo all that pared or lot
of land In Eaat Macon, near Fort Mill,
In the county end elate aforesaid, one-
fourth of an acre, more or less, and be
ing the same land Payton James bought
of Dr. Gibson, and the some lot on which
Payton Tames resides. Such sale Is to be
made to satisfy and pay oft tho balonca
of tho debt secured by said mortgage
deed, said balance amounting to 3170.40
principal, besides 334 Interest, nnd the ex
penses of this sale, ns prescribed In said
mortgage deed notes. T. OUUNSBY.
H. F. BTROHECKEIt, Attorney.
Sept. 3,' 1894.
Will be sold, on tho flrst Tuesday In
October, 1394, nt the court house dtmr
in Bibb county, within the legal bourn
of snle, to tiho highest bidder for csi»h,
the following properly, to-wl't: All that
lot of land lying Jn Bibb county nnd
described as follows: Wronging on Mid
dle strest, bounded on tho north by
the property of W. B. Clark, on the
cast by 'tho properly of Orson King,
on t'ho south by the property of Tony
WKilams. I,cried on as the property
of J. C. Collins bo satisfy an execu'tton
Issued from the Justice’s court of tho
llSStih district, O, M.. of said counity.
In favor of J. B. Broderick against J,
C. OdJlIns.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following property, to-wlt: All Mint lot
of land containing fifty feet on Nixon
street, running slxty-flve feet on China
((treat. Bounded on tho north by tho
property deeded to Jerry Smith, nnd
on 't'ho cast by property of Charles
Floyd. Levied on as tho property of
William Gordon to satisfy an execution
Issued from t'he Justice's court of the
10f&»h district, G, M., of raid county,
in favor of C. H .Carson ngalnot Will-
lam Gordon. This September 6, 1834,
O. S. WESTCOTT, Sheriff.
By virtue bf nn order from Bibb coun
ty count of ordinary, passed at the Au
gust term, 1894. of srid court, trill be
sold on tbo first Tuwduy in October,
1594, between the legal hours ot sole,
bef-jru "h" ,;lrt house <1'«,i- or I;] 1,1,
county in Mbocs), Ga.. the fUlowimg de
scribed property belonging to tlhe es
tate of Mm. Mary lfogan, late of salil
rtnirity, deceased, fbr tCte purpose of
pnylng tho debts af said estate und dor
distribution among Khc heirs of .Ud
eetol’e, iln-wtX: Ono lot, with Improve
ments itheroon, lying ami being In the
etty of Macon, Oa., on pi U m street, be
tween Second and Thin] eltroeta, ami
kntswn as tho resilience of the de
ceased. und being dty lot No. 559; said
lot being 62 1-2 feet front and 210 feet
deep, more or Ism. Terms bf sate, uurii.
AdminWirtitbr EWat* diary A. Hogan.
Office, Sept. 8, 1304.—L. L. Lyon, executor
of the estate of Richard F. Lyon, lain
of sakl county, deceased, having applied
to me for leave to sell at private sal*
four-fifths (4-6) undivided Interest In lot
of land No. 1110, now in Forsyth county.
On., formerly Cherokee county, said lut
containing about 40 acre., belonging to
the estate of Richard F. Lyon, d-cte.ed,
for the payment of debts and distribution.
This Is. therefore, to notify all parties con
cerned that leave to sell at private sale
will be granted ae asked for et the next
October term. 1»4, of eald Rlbb court of
ordinary, unices objections are tiled.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
ten. administrator of the estate E. \v.
Melton, late of said county, deceased,
haring represented to thle court that he
hex fully discharged the duties of said
trust, and now aekn for letters of dlsmls-
elon. This Is to notify all parties con-
cerned to Me objections. If any they
hive, on or before the first Monday m
December, 1894. or letters or dismission
will then be granted an asked for.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
Superior Court of Said C'uuuty: Tlio
petition of W. A. Dnvls, \V. II. Mans-
Hold, Louis Dinkier, Rosa Borg, to
gather with sueh other prisons ns they
tony desire hereafter to nssocluto with
them respectfully showeth:
1st. That they desire to form them
selves Into a corporation under tho
mime nnd stylo of "The Bogin Compa
ny," nntl to bo Incorporated and char
tered ns such under tho lawn ot Geor
gia In surli rases mndo aud provided.
2d. The purpose and object of ouch
corporation la to engage lu n general
mercantile business, said bu-chiess to
embrace the buying and selling ot all
kinds of merchandise nnd protluco, us
well as real estuto mid stocks or beads,
for tho mutual benefit and profit of
the stockholders. /
8rd. Tho location of said corporation
shall be tn tlio city of Mucon, siihl
county, nnd tlio cnpltnl stock of said
corporation Is to be $11,000 In shares ot
$100 each, nil of Which hits been paid
In, tho stockholders be liable for
amount of stock subscribed, nnd petl-
tlomers nsk Unit they have the privi-
lego of Increasing said capital stock
to $15,000. '
Your petitioners therefore pray thnt
they tuny bo Incorporated under tha
ninno of „The Engle Ompnny," for n
term of twenty (20) years with ft right
of renewal nt tho end of said term,
with authority to elect officers, to make
bylaws nnd regulations for their gov
ernmemt; to h.nvu und use a common
sent; to contrnot debts; to borrow
money nnd to pledgo or mortgngo tho
nssets of the corporation to secure tlio
payment of the entile, to hold such prop
erty, rent or personal, us Is necessary
for tho purposes of said organization,
to stto nnd ho sued, nail to do nil sueh
other nets ns nre necessary for tho pur
poses for which ttiey ask to bo Incor
porated, ns provided by tho laws of
And petit'oners will ever pray, etc.
rotltloncrs’ Attorneys.
I (lo certify that the foregoing Is it
trim copy of tho original nppUcnttog
for chnrter, now of file tn this olllco.
August 20,181)4.
By virtue of nn order' of tho court of
ordinary, of Bibb county, Gs„ passed ut
January term. 1894, will t» sold before the
court noueo door IA Bibb county, Go., on
the flrst Tuesday tn October, 1891, between
the legal hours of sale, the following prop,
erty belonging to the estate of Richard
F. Lyon, Into of eald county, deceased,
nnd sold for tho purposo of puylng the
debts of arid estate nnd for distribution
among thu heirs: Description lots Nos.
2, 3 and 4 ms described In map recorded
In book No. 73, page 530, Bibb county, nnd
being pert of lot No. 3, square 72, fronting
on Pine Btreet nnd running beck to Cot
ton avenue, In city at Macon, Bibb county,
A'lvo, one lot 60x160 feet on Pink nnd
Second streets, lying Just outride ths
city of Macon sad nojlnlng property
of E. T. Grey, being in rear of Mer
cer University. Terms tush.
Executor citato of R. F. Lyon.
By virtue of an order from the court
of ordinary of Bibb county, Oa., pnssed at
the September term, 1504, of. sold court,
will bo sold before the court hoime door
In said county, between the legal hours
ot sale, on tho first Tuesday In October,
1891, tbo following ntuned property belong
ing to tho citato of Mrs. Katherine Faulk
ner, lato of said county, deceased, to-wlt:
Ten shares of tlio Merchants and Mechan
ics Building and-Loan Association stock
of Macon, Ga., being certified No. 38, ne-
rlcB "C," on which tho sum of two hun
dred and eighty dollars has been paid.
Said shares of stock sold for tho purpose
of paying the debts of said estate and
for distribution. Tonne cash.
Administrator Estate Mrs. Katherine
Faulkner. Deceased.
By virtue of an order passed At tho
September term. 1894, of tho Bibb county
court ot ordinary, will bo sold before the
court house door In Bibb county, Ga.,
between the legal hours of sa'o, oa the
first Tuesday in October, 1894, the follow-
Irg described property belonging to the
estate of N. A. Mograth, late ot said
rounty, deceased, to-wlt: A tract of land
In tho city of Macon, Ga., and known ae
lot No. ocven (7) In square ten (If.), ac
cording to map of A. B. Boardmun. said
lot being flfty-two feet front and 1'JS feet
deep, more or lees, and fronting on an
ally between Monroe and Madison streets.
Bald lot of land will be sold for tho pur
pose of paying tha debts of sold estate
and for distribution. Terms of sale cash.
Administratrix estate N. A. Megrath, de
having applied to me far letters of guar
dianship of the person and property ot
J. W. Johns, who tuts been declared by
a Jury to be a person of unsound mind.
This Is, therefore, to notify ell parties
concerned, to file oblcctlons. It any they
hare, on or before the first Monday In
October. 1891. or letters of guardianship
will then be Issued as asked for.
• C. M. WILEY. Ordinary.
tar, executor, and Mrs. Mary A. Ayres,
executrix, of the estate of Asher Ayres,
late of said county, deceased, having rep
resented to this court that they havo
fully discharged the duties of said trust.
This lx. therefore, to notify all parlies
concerned, to file ob)ecttons. It any they
have, on or before tlm first Monday la
December. 1324. or elre lettcre of dlemls.
■Ion will then be Issued sa asked for.
C. M. WILEY. Ordinary.
oeoroiaT 1)1 mi COUNTY—James
Cuthbert having applied to me for let.
tern of administration on the e-tale ot
C. Ned strong, to Issue to James L. An
derson, the County administrator. This Is,
therefore, to notify all parties concerned,
to fit-: objections, If any they have* ou
or before the flr»t ItOBdlf In October, iw»,
l»e letters of administration will then
be l*«ue<l as a* asked for.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.