Newspaper Page Text
. . ••'•••
Prices as low a;
A Scholars Companion, contaimn:
Area credit to the state. To
keep themselves up to the
highest mark of presentabil-
ity they should pay a visit to
'our store and he fitted up for
the Winter. Here they will
find a big aggregation of ab
solute novelties. Suits for the
School, combining service and
coinfort; Suits for Dress, to
give the little ones a stylish
and dressy appearance, await
here their pleasure at reason
able prices.
Just received, a new line
of Caps, einbraciug beautiful
and tasty designs. It is
worth your time to see them.
Tho:e Who Did Not Soo tho Wotld s
Fair Can Sea the Principal At
traction! in Macon.
Rut Sot RnouKll to K..p III* Moat »'»>-
tldloua Awr)»H Will II • Grnaf,
pnil Great Crotvd* Will
Como to Bee !t«
It verily oeeme a* If oil Georgia with
pood delegation* and exhibits from all
adjoining atate* will be at the Dixie
Tli# people are Kit toiled that Uht fair
in Vi be the (biggest thing ever «een In
th# South. and (they want to «eo it all,
but the Midway Thrieanc* will, next to
the raoe#. be the drawing card.allhough
thoufimU of people would be willing to
pay Uho cnico of admliKilorfc clmgfly to
eee 'tho Montana estutue or 4ho great
and only i*hi4Uon.
Tho 'Plutaancc. however, ta the thing.
It will drew people from all over the
bbuth, and even 'thottxand# of people
nvlvo saw u An Chicago are willing to
come ihundrodit of tuHe» to eee itsuguln.
The (Rlateaoce -will be located in iho
half-mile Rack. whioh Mr. Otto ficmldt,
the awnuger of it, euyo l* the beat
place be over «aw to locate It, ami the
building* will take tin almost the entire
incldsure. The*#' building will bo
unitiue and original, each T.iKhloned af
ter Che 1 architecture of other Vouiurle*
and inhabited by Miungo people who
have atmngo and peculiar way*. Then,
too, there will be Just enough wicked-
twvw on the Pkitoance <0 make it spicy,
und a« the precedent of huvlng the beat
people In the country visit it at Chicago
ond Toledo lia* been setabllShetl no one,
however fastidious, will beeltait# to see
tho sight* It affords. Those who h.ive
seen tho Fhita.tnce say that It iw tho
moxt Instructive fco.turo of tho ’World’s
Fair, a* there were seen nearly all.the
nation* of the earth, with their motif*
of living just live mine iim when on their
native soil, each having curios from the
various countries represented ntntl etich
vielng with tibt other.
The nmnavement of the fair has acted
%vk»ly In getting the, «:•
though the expense of the undertaking
Ui enormous, but there uro thousands
und .UumsmdB of people who did not
go to Chicago to see it who wlH com®
to Macon.
The Plntsnnce ha* been talked of and
written about until nearly everybody
In ihr country known of it* grentnees,
nnd 4t to needles* to dwell on it* enoe
Largest nnd best lino South.
T. C. Hi'hku.
Young Men', Democratic Club J, i'
ing for October 3,
A meeting of the campaign committee
of the -Young Men's Democratic Club wax
held lout .night. Chairman John Non- »
The work to be done between tow and
next Wednesday wax din?unwed fully ond
thoroughly and plans tor ltx accomplish*
meat were mapped out. *
A Mtb-commlttee to uuprr/:se the work
wux appointed, consisting of Chairman
Noone, .lame?* H. Hlouiu, Jr., daemon 1;
Lowe, C. B. Jordan, John Long, Sid Wi
ley und W. O. F. I'rloe,
it wax decided to hold three meetings
Monday night, one at Bast Macon, one in
South Macon and one in Vtncville. Uood
xpeakerx will be sent to each, of these
places, and the Telegraph will announce
them tomorrow.
A grand, llnnl rally will be held at the
Wiulley monument, weather permuting,
and If not In a suitable hall on Tuesday
night. All the Uibb county candidates
will be Invited to speak on that occasion.
They are Judge Charloa L. Jiurtlett, lion.
N. E. Harris, Hon. Robert Jrlodgen Hon.
John T, JUoifeuiilet and Col. Hope X'oi-
The committee ts anxious to secure the
names cf aucb Derrccrats an will pledge
themselves to give up the fi%y next
Wodtiesdu> to wdrk for the Democratic
party, and all such are requested by
Charman Noone to send tlielw names to
either him at Wolff A Ilapp’x or to Bee-
retary P/ie« ut tho Telegraph office.
It is going to take hurd work to get
out the full Democratic vote In Bibb
county and every worker i» needed.
P. P, P. .stimulates tho appetite and aids
tho process of aMltmiUitlon, cures nerv
ous troubles, and invigorate* aud strength
ens every organ of the body. Nervous
prostration lx ileo cured by the great and
powerful P. P. P. Jts effect* ore perma
nent and lasting.
If you feel veak and badly, take P.
P. P., nnd you will regain your flesh
and xtrength.
For rheumatism, malaria and syphilis,
P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and
i'otiuuflum) Is the nest known remedy.
For females In lellcato health* for In
digestion nnd dyspepsia, take only i\ p.
P. It lx tho* best hprjng medibine In the
W. H. Wilder, mayor of Albany. Ga.,
says ho has suffered with rheumatism
for ill'' "ii >. «r.'. mi l In (h it tlm.- In*
triod nil the so-called specifics, but to
no purpose. His grandson, who was on
tlio B. & \V\ railroad, finally Got him a
bottle of P. P. P. Tho first bottle of
1*. P. P. showed Its remarkable effects,
and after using a short tbno tho rheuma
tism OlHippeared, nnd ho writes ho feels
like a now man, und takes p'eiisoro in rec
ommending It to rheumatism sufferer*.
The threatening weather und Increase
of wind prevented tho cut tendance that
would otherwise (Avo turned nut to tnc
bypnotfe entertainment advertised by Mr.
Everett for tho Academy or Music last
night nnd It was decided to postpone intil
next week.
Tho entertainment will be given ut the
Academy next Thursday.
O. I*. Rice, Mendoti, III., write*
"Haw used your liipunMl Pile Cure
nnd fonud it a sure nnd opermnaeni
cure." Sold by Goodwyn & Smalt,
drugglstt. *
50c Sox at 25c. No bogus
tnritf dodge. Good, hard cash
caught a Now York importer.
Celebrate Their Twenty-
Fifth Anniversary.
A. iLUJ-ibili, • j BOOKS, SOLD.
mile; handicap—Bcldemere, Uo: Discount,
110; Pulitzer, 100; Poetry. 90; Setaufcet, 90.
Third Racq,—One and one-eight«» miles;
OaJcwood stakes—Cliflord, 112; Banquet,
In all our .Shoes you find not
only Style and Appearance, but
Genuine, Sterling Value.
They are belter this fall thorn
over before.
.510 Cherry Street.
The Hebrews Arc Now Ofeaerviag a Pre
lude to New Year Feast.’.
The Hebrew world Is preparing for
11, holiday Beoaon. which begins next
Sunday night with the festival of the
New Year. Services will b4 'held «* G
o'clock In all Uhe synagogues and the
following morning at 10 o’clock.
The BCtlcoth. or JewLvh season of pen
itence, Is no# being observed by the
orthodox Hebrews. The Sellcota arc
propitiatory pnyers which precede the
ten days of the' penitential eeaeon be
ginning wlUh Ithe New Year.
The word "Sellcorh” Is first met with
In the holy writings, namely, Paaltua
exxx: 4: Nohemlah lx: 17, nnd Daniel
lx, where, ihoncvcr, It only ixgnifles the
pardon granted by God.
Tho »olc objects of these prayers Is to
ebUeA such pardon, and they conktec of
Scmpturm versts—nvastly, however, of
mere fragments Of vemcH. The propi
tiatory prayers conclude with supplies-
tlomttln which iha Ierae»tos disclaim all
merit of their own and appeal solely
to the love nnd mercy of God. Some-
tirmo lihedr present misery Is contraa'ed
with ttveiT former proRperity, and ex
press Ions of hope close the nuppllcatlon.
The "Sellcolh'' pmJurs owe Ihelr mi-
glh to vtirlous eminent rabbis, some liv
ing In Greece. France, Rome and the
Rhenish dotes. The servieco commence
at early dawn and occupy about two
hours, and are followed by the recital
of the luual morning services. The at-
tendano* Is always greater upon the
llrst day and upon t'he (lay before New
Year, which u called "Zchbr Herlth"
(remember the covenant), and upon the
morning prior -to the Day of Atone
ment." •
'It hn pious custom among the ortho
dox Israelites dinting the season of pen
itence 'to visit the graves of the depart
ed anal make offerings for chairlty. The
“shofar" (mm's horn) Is.wounded every
morning to remind 'the hearem of the
necessity for their preparation for the
atonement of thdr sins, and It (a usual
In 'the pulpit for the rabbl3 to take ud-
monltyy . texts for toeir as
"I i" rn 'ft t,h v ,it.,i "l;,-
turn. O Israel, unite Mae Darfl;" “Re
pentance. prayer and charity remove
the evil decree.”
DOX'T delay;
It In your duty to yourself to get rid
of llm foul ncnimul.'itiim In your Ml
this sprltfg. Hood's Sanofiarllla Is
Just the inedleliio you need, to purify,
vitalize nnd enrich your Wood. That
tired feeling Which nlfvtls nearly
every one In the spring lg driven oir
by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great
spring medicine nnd blood purlflcr.
nood'g Dlls become tho favorite ca
thartic with everyone who tries them.
They Will Havo n Picnic nnd Speaking
There Today.
The tSViuH-b will endeavor to coun
teract) tho efcct of the, masterly
speeches of I algo Charles U Uartlott,
Col. N. E. Hama ami others In the
Warrior hut week and have decided t.i
hold a big meeting of tlicir own there
They expect to have a big crowd nnd
speeches ate promised by Mr. Iverson
Harris, Mr. Bartlett, tbelr caudidn
for tho legislature, and other eloquent
Populist speakers.
A friend In need la a friend Indeed,
and not less than ono million people
have found Juat such a friend In Dr.
King's New Dlseoverey for Consump
tion. coughs nnd colds. If .you tun
never used this great medicine Vie trlnl
will convince you that It has wonder
ful curative powers In nil dlwuw
.moat, chest sod .lungs, ccic-i i, ,ttle
is gunrantced to .li n'l that K claimed
m money wilt bo rerun.,.-1. Trlrl bot
tles free at H.,J. Lamar & Son', drug
atore. Large «lxo 50a ant ji.
A Sla^nlflcoiit liarbecae Wan Spread By
Herr Knoblocli — AmcIii
pie's Career In PytUlanlem,
Old Members 1'rexent*
Central City Lodge Knight* of Pythias
celebrated thoir twenty-fifth annaversary
at Caxtlo hall last night «lth one of the
most delightful banquets in the niatory of
Pythlanltm in Macon.
From the commencement of fexCivitlea
until late In the evening, the deteimJna-
tlon cf every member of this, one of the
most important lodges In the utate,
trjbuted their share to the enjoyment of
the occasion, and vied with each other in
making It an occasion of memorable
pleasure to tho*e vlaltlrig Knights from
other lodge* who'were present.
Chancellor Commander Nathan J. Gil
lespie wax In his dement ax chief enter
tainer. Ho left nothing undone to delight
hi* gu?*ts, and tlie nlember* of hia lodge
and the orilllant showing made' by all the
officers will go down In the history of
the Central City Lodge as a bright spot
in the lives of every member and all
others whose happy fortune it was lo
be present. Dating back, as It does, far
Into the past, and slgnoilzed not by cne,
but by many anniversary celebrations
that have brought Joy, and renewed re
newed enthusiasm to the members of the
lodge, the Central City Lodge hax much
to be proud of. But on no former occa
sion ho* greater credit been done tills
Ume-honored lodge than on the occasion
of last night's celebration..
Mr. W. C. Knoblock, the Incomparable
caterer whose reputation ax such is too
well known in Macon to newt special com
mendation on thi* particular occasion,
had prepared for the festive Knights a
barbrcua spread that It was impossible
to exceed. Giving the banquet table his
perxonaJ attention, It Is useless to say
that ho reached the hearts or everybody
present, if the adage that the '•easiest
wuy to reach a man’s heart is through
his mouth," is to he given a literal appre
Col. George 8chael # master-at-arms of
the Central City Lodge, Is singularly fitted
for the duties of his office, and nsehrs
the new candidates for favor, through
with a gracefulness that is peculiar to
himself. And then his boundless 1 ospltal-
lty. He Is ono of the hardest workers In
tho lodge and is always'to she fore when
it comes to maintaining the standard of
his lodge. In fact,’ if. anything like full
Justice were done last night’s entertain
ment, every member of the lodge present
would have to have especial mention for
tlie part they took, but ua .this is Impos
sible, It Is only fulr that the main offici
ating officers be given pre-eminence.
Mr. N. J. Gillespie, the chancellor com
mander of Central City Lodge, is in r.*any
rropects tho best in the Mate. He 1» tho
youngest Chancellor commander In Geor
gia Pythkmdsm, a compliment which alone
doe* him peerless credit. But as still more
creditable things about his official career
la that he la the only commander In Ma
con who has memorized the Pythian ritu.
al—a thing of no mean difficulty, lie Is
one of the most active lCnlghts in Macon
and his ability as an officer is every
where recognized. .
Among the old Knights present last
night were-Messrs. D, Woodruff, M.
Loh and Valentine Kahn, who are 26-year
members. They were. v glvcn an especially
Jdyous reception, and were* tlie central!
figures of lntereet in Castle hall last night.
Julia Jarrell, Colored, Died of Apoplexy
Yesterday Afternoon.
Julia Jarrell, a colored woman living at
1133 Johnson street, dropped rteacf about
i ./t'lnr’; jvstfnluy dfternoon. Thu* sup
posed cwir* ot her death la apoplexy.
The woman was sitting in thc#liouse.
talking a* usual, with a number of oth«r
colored” people when she suddenly threw
her hand to her breaut nnd exclaimed:
••nii, • i i>a4t\ I. have In roy, cheat.r
Henry Leverett, a man who was present,
advised her to see a doctor about It, and
she said She woohl do so soon as-she had
bum troubled with p.ijits in nor chest lor
some time.
These word* were scarcely spoked when
she fell to the floor n corpse. A second
stroke had came upon her. and without
warning ahe n;as ushered into eternity.
Dr. Roberson hn«s returned to the
city from <wn extensive vacation and
will be *;!.\d to receive hie patrons and
friends at his ofilco.
He Braced a Police Officer’* Hallway
kind Stole a Hat. 7
The tTflef who stole a tost from Officer
Warren ‘Moseley’s (hahw'ay last nlgh'i
■wta trccnble fin his boohs when he
hears that the officer was In the house
a; 1 : • trnic,
* While Mr. Moseley -wa's-sR'hng at
the supper uihle last nlshit same one
wuslH^and but id the hallway. Ills I3ttle
girl went out to see who it was and
wOB just in time "to see a white wan
disappear out the doorway with n tost
In hta todnid 'ChUt ’he toad tiaken from the |
rack. She gave the efatfim aud Officer
Moseley, wii^i thiat ilame promptness
which always chancrerized him an
officer, responded. The feillow toad nude
good tola «dape, however, little think
ing, too doubt, tihat tft wux a* police offi
cer’s premises he (had invaded.
A Few Gentle Breezeflete Pay Macon a
Just enough of the severe West In
dian storm that Is now sweeping and
devastating ttoe Atlantic coast has come
to’Macon to remind the *>.■ >oie that tho
the equinoxlal gale to now raging.
•None of the fury of the mighty storm
king has been vested on this favored
city except the gentle passing of a few
breezlets fihat loosened up a few shin
gles, 'blew off a few pieces of tin roof
ing, caused a few’ signs *lo tumble over
and blew dust 1n the eyes of the people.
That to am, and no damage of any con
sequence was done.
Arc# all .we Wave left. Gall early
if you wlsH one. 436 10c let
ter pads received toddy; also
528 10c double-ruled pads. We con'tinuo
y bo make ttoc -CHILDREN happy with
our prizes and rulcra. McEvoy ©a ri
ders Company, 572 Cherry stree : t, head
quarters for school books and eiippHes.
Hon. W. C. Smith, the eloquent col-
oreti exj>onent of DomoeratlO doctrine,
will speak at the Central railroad shops
in this city at 12 o’rhMi noou. next
Monday tl • subjijct will ho the rail
road plook ■>£ tho third party platform.
The showing made aot Jerome Park yes
terday was four winning favorites out
of six, and yet it was not a good Uay
for eltfier side. The odds were of the pro
hibitive khid. except in the fifth taco,
which was the only one that offered any
inducements to speculators. The little
money that changed hands were m the
talents favor. Today’s card promises
something better in every way .
First quotations received In Futzel’s pa.
vlllon at 1 p. m. Electrio light races,
G&i p. m.
New York, Sept. 26.—(Special.)—The se
lection* for Thursday’s races ire as fol
lows: 4
hirst Race.—Applause , Louise, (filly;
Second Roctf—Beidemere, Pulitzer, Dis
Third Race.—Clifford.
Fourth Race.—Flirt, Llghtfoot, Milan,
Fifth Race.—Mohakk, Vine vail, Kalier-
hoe. e
Sixth Race.—Pouch (colt), Expectation
(filly), Nama: . *
Seventh Race.—Hugh Penny, Harring
ton, Adelbert. Mercury.
First Race.—Three-quarters mile; liand-
Jcap; time, 1:17*4-
Wernberg, 118; even...,............(Taral) 1
Hatton, 108; 4 to 1..,. (H. Jones) 2
Blackbawk, 106; 9 to 5..J ..(Grlfgn) 3
Second Race.—One and one-*lxlednth
mile; handicap; time, 1:52.
Red Skin, 92; 9 to 5 ..(Griffin) 1
Victorious, 105; 2 to 5 .(Penn) 2
Third Race.—One-half mile; straight -
course; time, ;49.
Harry Reed, U5: l to 5 (Doggett) l
Kalulu, (colt) Ul; 40 to l....(Mldg!ey) 2
Annisotte, 115; 12 to 1 (Hamilton) *J
Fourth Race.—One and one-cighth ’mile:
time. 2:00*4.
Sir Waiter, 115; barred (Doggett) 1
DUbolus, 97: oven.. (Lamly) 2
Prlnoe George, 102; 7 to 5 (Shaw) 3
Fifth Race.—Five-eighths mile; maidens;
selling; time, 1:03%.
Lou Foster, 102; 6 to 1 ..(Lamly) 1
Saginaw, 99; 5 to 2 (Griffin) 2
Warlike, 10G; 15 to 1 (Hamilton) 3
Sixth Race.—One mile; selling; time,
Leona well, 110:1 to 3 ...(Sims) l
St. Michael, 102; 2 to 1 (Penn) 2
Roller. 100; 30. to 1 (Shaw) 3
First Race.—Three-quarter* mile; hand
icap—Ha\cc, 108; Applause, 101; .Louise,
(filly) 100; Metropolitan, 98; Sweeden, 96.
Second Race.—One and one-sixteenth
IMurth Race.—Titan aourse; celling—
Dghtfoot, 109; Flirt, 108; Eau Kelda, 102; .
Milan, 102; Rebecca Rowett, (Ally) 102;
Florine. J06.
Fjfth Race.—One-half mile; maidens—
Mohawk, 108; Cremona, 108; Samaritan,
108; Tree Top. 107; Bravoura, 105; Kallir-
hoe, 10Gi Ninevah, 103; Countess, 116.
Sixth Race.—One-half mile maidens—
Achiever, 108; Belden, 198; Pouch (colt) 112;
Jewel, 105; LaPaz. 105; Expectation, (filly)
303; Damn, JOG; Monarch/ 1(5.
Seventh Race.—Titan course.—Copy
right, 115; Adalbert, 112; Gold Dollar, 112;
Hugh Penny, 112; Derfargilla, 312; liar,
rtnfton, i" - ;.
Orders received by telegraph. Money
placed at first or second odds.
Alt Bi&taburg— R H B
Pittsburg* ...0 3310000 2— 0 13 0
Brooklyn. .. .0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 3— 8 13 5 f
.. Batteries: Co’.colougto and -Weaver;/
Kennedy and Dailey,
At Louisville— R H E
Louisville. . .0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2— 5 11 9
New York. . .0 2 0 0 3 4 0 0; •— 9 11 2
Buitteriee: Inks and Ck>lc; Meeld.n,
German and Wilson.
At Cleveland— B
ClcveJand. . .0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 1— 6 12 2
Baltimore. . .1 24000000—7 8 3
Batteries: Cuppy and Zimmer; \Hem-
ing and Clarke.
At St. Louie— , R H E
St. Louis. . . .0 2 0 1 3 22 2 M2 17 4
Philadetohlu. .0 2100300 0— 6 13 3
Batteries: Bnedfcensteln and Twine-
ham: Jotonaon and Buckley.
He Was a Prominent Lawyer at Mounft
Vernon—Other News Nates.
3^ount Vernron.. Serolt. 26.—(Special!.)—
The death of Col. N. R. Beasley has
cast a sfloom over this quiet town. He
had been ill but a few days before hia
demise. He was a young attorney who
was beginning to build up a splendid
practice and wa* possessed bf sterling
qualities wfoloh endeared him to all.
Judge Sutton, editor of the Monitor;
to vigorously upholding the right mode
of Democracy in the oodumue of hia
sprightly journal.
Col. Land was in Eastman week be
fore hurt attending Dodge superior
Squire Thelss Adams visited Dublin a
few days ago.
Superior court convenes the foutrh
Monday in October. The civil docket
will <be voluminous.
Much compkvlnt to 'being made over
4he officiate of »tihe'Sam imilroad in neg
lecting *tQ buHd uo the burnt station.
Freight to put off on p platform and
left 'to the mercy of ithe world.
The grand jury are going to haul
over the coals saver ii members of the
board of education, soon.
(At »the primary a few days ego nil
the old county officers were renomi
Can only be done
by keeping abreast of the
times and reliably informed on
all'that is new und novel. I
have made arrangements with
the highest authority on prog
ressive tailoring, to keep mo
posted on all the new ideas as
they are evolved and adopted;
thus my clients may he sure
of having their clothes made
in such styles as are entirely
current and eminently correct.
McKAY, The Tailor,
563 Cherry Street.
Rfcritlng, Collecting renlts and sale of
city and country property a specialty,
Your paitron-age solicited.
Office for presenlt at
over one nunarea ana ntty styles and shapes of Parisian Pattern Hats and Bonnets.
T5 different, styles of figured Taffatas, Creponettcs and plain Silks 60c to $1.50
60 Novelty Suits of Kaiser Crepes, Bancle effects. Covert Suitings, Wide Wales,.etc., price $4 to $6
M e are showing the finest stock nnd best values ■ in Black anti Mourning Goods ever offered in
Macon. See our line before you buy. - •' tfs --rjgg cv?. H'■VO?
School Umbrellas at gQ C
75 Silk Gloria Umbrella* at ; si worth $1.50
50 pairs Chenille Portiern s, new designs at $3 to $6 a pair
See our $1.00 Kid 2 dozen Chenille Covers at f $1.00
1/ 10 pieces 72-inch Bleach Damask at $1.40 to $1.75, worth double
VaKiiXYokU Oure is tlie only complete stock of real Kid Gloves in the market, and everv
pair warranted.
20 pieces Knglisli Long Clotl).in 12-yard lenghts, at 10 und 12 l-2c per yard.
60 pieces fine Check Muslin, heaUtiftl quality at 9c. 60 dozen Doylies at 60c
KID GLOVES .good value at 7oe. Don’t fail to see our stock of Misses’School Hats.