Newspaper Page Text
Columbus discovered America. Speaking of discov
eries, you can run upon a very profitable find by visiting
our store. It’s chuck full of good things to meet your
want for Fall wear 1891.
Fine "Dress Suits artistically finished, good Business
Suits of durable material mingle hero at prices to suit the
stringent money murket.
Our line of Children Suits,. lints and Cops is capital,
a stock complete with novelties.
We are here to serve yon; lend us your aid.
It Will Be Offered to Ihe Alexander
Free School Board and Prob
ably Accepted,
To 111# Proposition loTarn Iho Llbrsry
Over la tbo Hoard of lC«luro*l»n—
Tit ora Will »• Usnersl flat-
SafAtlon nt Uii Solution.
To Open at Hawkinsvillo Today Wilh
Flying Colore and Bright
Tfio Grsnrfsat Display of tlis Jlvsourccs
of Middle mill houtinvent Goorgla
Kvor Made—A Partial Lilt
•f the Many Attractions.
It looks Ilk© th© of education
cannot get control of ‘the Public LI*
brtsry. Th© attorney*. Judge A. L. Mil
ler «md Mr. W. F. Htone. appointed to
look intrihn legality of trie pressed
change, have not made their formal re
port on the matter, but enough In
known about their oendlng notion to
make It practically certain that the Li
brary cannot bo-taken in charge by the
board of education.
Tho report of ihe attorney* will bo
that >lhe change cannot be legally, mule
unletm by special legislation. Their po-
idtlon is understood to bo that the char
ter of the boanl of edurutloh will not
admit the Library within Its control,
and that if tho buard takes the Library
provisions to that effect will have to be
made in the charter that Is to Incorpo
rate them bo ah.
A settlement of <the Question that has
vexed the Interested parties for more
than three works has been* reuohed.
howovor. and that is Unit the Library is
to t>e turned over to the boanl of trus
tees of the Alexander Free School. The
trustees of this school have boon con
ferred with, and are understood to be
willing to accept the Library wlhln lls
proactive bounds. If this lie drue, us
authority seams to warrant, the Library
will no doubt be taken control of by tho
truMccs Immediately.
The Httoxneys will probably be heard
from soon, and then tho whys nnd
wh re fores or the case ns It appear* to
their scrutinizing eyes will bo made
public. In the meant l im* tho public will
be Ktad to know that the Library will
go Into good b.mdu when It is controlled
by -the Alexander Free School boanl.
In all our Shoes you find not
only Style and Appearance, but
Qenuinc, Sterling Value.
They arc better this full than
ever before.
CIO Cherry Street.
Major Glesiner Has Booked Another
Excur.ion of Western Capitalists
Who Mean Business Alono.
Tlis Good Work of an Enlirprlilng Man
Is That of MaJ. Glsssnor— \ Grand
■**« Uarhecao Will Ho Arranged
for tho Visitors.
An Indiana V/heelman Rides His Bike
From the Hoosier State Down
Through Georgia.
At Cost or Less than Cost.
For Cash or on Installment.
Easy payments have been authorized by the Court, and you
can save big money by calling on
E. W. BURKE, Receiver for J. W. Burke & Co.
And Spend on Ills Journey to Columbia
S. C., Whrro a Newspaper Reporter
Got Part!enlars of the Trip-
Good Bicycle Hiding.
Ho Wao Formerly Pastor of First
Street -Methodist Church.
One day last week an Indiana man
who was completing a run of 1,1500 miles
n a bicycle p.usaed ifhrough Macon from
Atkrota. on his wav -to Savannah. He
dodged the newspaper reporters every
where he went until he finished hie
Journey, which ended up In Columbia,
B. C.. upon hla arrival there Saturady
YtMtarday's State contains the follow
ing account of the wheel mm and his
All covered with dust, his face nun-
burned. tok* muecles standing like whip-
cords, with a little knapsack on hU
back, his cap tfLWtng saucily on one side
of hia head, and a compfiacent smile on
his Cice. <t lone bicyclist—an utter
stronger—mounted on a neat-looking
24-pounder wheel, and pulled lazily
up Main atreed yesterday afternoon
glancing about him Xor hotel tigns.
Anyone couCd easily see, f rom tha
way he itapped his pedals with, bis feet
to a 03-1ncfli gear gait, that be was an
experienced bicyclist and knew What he
had to do when he got astride a wheel.
The appearance of ---■ j
The following #«pecial from Marahall-
vllle will brine regret to the hearts of
many peple who knew and loved Rev.
B. F. Breedlove, who was formerly pas
tor of the Finrt Methodist church in
this ettv: '
iMarshallville. Oct. 8—(Special).-fAfter
on illne.13 lasting many weeks. Rev. B.
F. Breedlove died this morning at the
home of Ms son-in-iaw. Mr. J. V* Fred
Having been an active member of
tho -Mathodist conference for about
forty yeira, -probably few men In the
stake were better known or beloved
than he. A man of quiet and suave
mannere. but Indomitable will, he not
only made friends, but accomplished
much good wherever he lived and
>Hb death, -though not unexpected. Is
n^ine the lesw sad. and will bring regret
to many communities, where his kindly
presence will long be remembered.
Three daughters end one son survive
him. He will be burled In Fort Valley
this morning, by the sldo of his wife,
who died a number of yeans as'o.
Wo ate pleased to annouheo that
Uoodwyn dr Smril, our entarpriaing
druKKlHta, have secured tho agency for
tuo Japanese Pile Cura; a most won
derful discovery for the cure of pilot
of every kind, which they will *;ell
“ written gunranteo to refund
Everything Is In ranllnoiw for tho
opening of the Wlregmss Exposition
ni IIiiwkinHvIlle today, and the Hat of
at tractions which has been prepared
by the promoters of this enterprise is
sure to draw largo crowds to the city
oil the banks pf the Ocutulgoo every
day the exposition remains open, wldeh
Will lie tho Dili, 10th, lllh and 12th.
The largest exhibition of live stock
ever made In Georgia will ue there.
Over sixty of the UeeUnt dorses iu
the state will contest for purses and
stakes to the uinount of $2,000.
•Speeches by Governor AtUins.ui, Hon.
Pat Walsh. lion. Charles F. Crisp atnl
other notables will be made. -
Balloon ascensions, bicycle races and
clay pigeon shooting tournament will
be had.
White St Wells’ big circus nnd hun
dreds of other cntertniunuMit* to make
every hour u pleasure will ho there.
Tho Southern railway (R. T., V. St U.)
will ntu special trams from Macon on
October loth and 12th, leaving Macon
nt 7 a. ui.. arriving at llnwkinsvllle
0.;15 a in.; returning leave Hawkins
ville at 0 p. in., arriving Macon 8:15
p. in. Tickets will be sold on the Slth,
loth, lltli nml 12th Macon to Hawkins-
vtflo nnd return nt linlf rates, g'XKl to
return until tho 14tli.
Take a pleasant trip and see a splen
dtil show.
MnJ. W. Iv Gleatner, the hustling Im
migration commissioner of the Georgia
Southern and Florida, Is doing a great
work for this section of Georgia.
His latent enterprise has been to book
another big excursion of Ohioans, who
will be brought here derirg the first week
in November.
The editor of an Influential Ohio paper,
the lAnwican Farmers and New a and
Farm, writes MuJ. Gtessner that a party
cf 800 Ohio m?n will be down on that
date. They -will l?e a . representative body
Of buslbcss men, who qome hero to
vest ahd not on an aimless tour over the
country. They will be men of business
rating and established reputation. Hav
ing seen this section loudly p&lsed in
the column* of tho Farmer, a piper that
has devoted much space to a4yertl.»ini{
middle ©Gorgto resources, they .have
termlned to come an ere for themselves.
Now it rcmointi to lie seen what sort
cf reception they; will.get at {fie.hands
of the people hcrcNlt Is needled*; to say,
however, -tlikt' it "Will be cordi&.fend al
ine st an ovation. Tho vfhitbr^feay feel
aired that they will bo well cured for
while hero and win bo given dri inslgnt
Into everything that this section holds
out to Investors from the North. They
will be shown tho mugnlflcent peach
kinds around Fort Valley and Tlfton, and
a gran.1 old-time ^barbecue Is spoken of,
to be given at ono of the fine old planta
tions at ono or tho other of these places.
A Northern man cannot be better enter,
talncd than -vvhen ho comes South. MaJ,
Glcssner favors this idea and it will most
likely be carried out.
A rpeclal opportunity that the party
will have of seeing tho resources of Gcor-
a ill tn ill tli** I >1\U» liir ist ilc F.iir,
which. If everything works out right,
will bo at its height when they arrive.
Let there and others come and feel thrice
Macintoshes nt Phillips’.
money if It does not cure,
told to bo a specific tar that t*
and dangerous disuatM. Get a
ttxmplo and try it.
It Is
Umbrellas at Phillips’.
a nicsiaNATION.
Mr, W. F, C. Fellers Itcslgns as Manager
of th© Western Union.
Mr. W. F. C. Fellers tendered his resig
nation yesterday as manager of the Ma
con office of the Western Union Tele
graph Company.
Mr. John D. Thomas of Augusta nuc-
reeds Mr. Fellers In tho Important office.
Ho ts on old man st tho business and
will fill tho Macon office creditably.
Umbrellas at Phillips 9 .
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been
used for over fifty years by muttons of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes tbs
child, soften* tho gums allays all pain-
cures wind colic, and Is th* best remedy
for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every
part of th« world, lie sure and ask for
"Mr*. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup." and
take XaO other kind. Twcnty-flvs cents a
Ocmulgoe Fork Will Present nn Unrl
vailed Scone Tonight.
Tho dAnco to bo given at Ocmulgoe
pirk tonight by tho Ancient Order;of
ill born 1m ns odomlses to be one of tho
ao»t successful ever given by this pop
ular organization.
The committee on arrangement* re
quest the Telegraph to state tbit in
care tho wWher La unpropltlou* cov
ered cam will be run to the park, nnd
tJhiut •tiwnsfors will be mode from tmy
l*art of -the cKy. The committee has
mule ext east v« anungementii for the
dunce, and ha« had the floor of the pa-
villlon rewnxed. utvill It fci ns smooth tin
g>tc«s. d la iu tin's b.uul has been engaged
tar the occasion, and the best of music
will bo furnlrthed. The floor man.igcr
tux* Mcrers. James Sand cm ancl K. J
Macintoshes nt PhiUlps 9 .
Hifbast Hooora—World’* Fair.
A pure Gripe Creim of Tart,r Powder. Free
Ironi Ammonia, Alum or any o»h« aJuItaint.
Dr. A. S. Moore, who ha. for tho
ki.t eight man b«'ii misonahlo iu hla
charges for dental fork, nnd who la
bettor prepared to do brldRe. crown and
at! kind, of deulal work, having taken
ii>> coup, iu luuathctlu
ilciitleiry. owing to tho HttaWW of
the tlimw, tn willing to t>« oven more
iva.i/uablr In Ills charges, c’oi
him aiamlno your Wanh nnd soo how
ivasonable you can have your dental
rlc done. Teeth extracted wllliout
nt Wgahtngto. ar-am, near
nnn lupllet church. VtnerttH and
tTlolt Line Of street cars pis. hi, ofltc.
door. Macarn, Ga.
Tho report, of TenncMoa are doing a
.plr'tdld bualneaa thta aenson. Tho
BouthrRt pt11 way._woatyi, ayatem. la
n( j you
the direct route to theae nstorta __
•heuld aak for your Ucketa via that
line. .
rdegant free observation ooachca be
tween Atlanta and Chattnn,H>gs. \
through coach for Tato. Sjtrlnga h-avro O
Ohatlaneega at 7 a. m. and arrives at 11
Tote, at 12:tS P. m. Sleeper on thla train
to Washington and New York.
Tho ac.iahore exnreoa Icav.v Atlanta
7.50 p. m. for St. Simona and Cumber.
land lelanda.
Three dally fast trains each way be
tween Macon and Atlanta and ltomo
u nJ Chattanooga.
Travel tho Southern railway, western
system, for safety, speed and comfort.
Call bn Jim W. Carr, pawenger and
ticket agent Macon; J. J. Farnsworth,
district passenger agent Atlanta. Go.;
C. A. llcuscotsr. aoslstant general pao-
ttngcr agent Knoxville. Tcno.
Tho best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers. Mil rlicum, fever
sorest tetter chapped hands, chilblains,
ivrns, and all eruptions, and positively
Is guarantred to give perfect retlaf.
tkm or money retsBdttL Price. L.
cels per box. For rale by U. J. Lamar
& tijos, druggUts,
• BER TERM. 18M.
Order of clnnulta with the number of
cases remaining undisposed or:
llrnnswick .,,,.
Htone Mountain
Macon ‘......,...30
Bluo Ridge
Coweta -
Atlanta G3
« !>• r< ke • 74
Southern .....
Judgments of a/I 1 nuance were rendered
In (Atntrell vs. State. Ford nt Stat<\ from
Fulton; Corley vs. State, from Rov-kdsl
Davts vs. State, from Chatham. Wallace
va. state. fr\*m Rlbu;*Irby vm. Sntc. from
Bartow; I lam 11 tort. vs. States from Gordon
Tripp State. 11 *»m 11;. I. .tan,.
State, from Clnittooga; Brisco* & Mathis
vs. State, from Floyd; H iff man vs. State,
from C.
Reversal, In Tharp-* 8»ate, Hawkins
va. Stutc, ft\Mu l'ulton; Wryt vs. State.
fr<*m Tattnall; Bearvl«'n vn. State, from
Richmond; Dempsey State, from C
toosa; Brock va. State, from Dade; \Vll«
llams vs. State, from Douglas. ■
In re. Jolm P. Ross. Judge of tho city
court of Macon. Application for manda
mus nisi, denied.
Argutmnta were heard In the follov
coses of the Brunswick ctrOult: No. 1
Morris Nicholson, administrator
l«avln vs. Mary iAvln. from Glynn; Liv
erpool un.l London and Globe Insuranc
Company ns. \V. B. Ellington, for
Savannah, Florida and
tall way Company v*. R. 1L
rom Ware; W. K. Burbage et
nerlcan National Bank, from
\ah-.-ah. 1 '!>-i vi a 1 West, mi
Railway Company -is. Burwcll Atkinson,
fT&m Canulcn.
WHMPI VP - gtPa»fie wheel-
man Mn Columbia, xthere the vvhc/jilmcn
as as lih-lck as hops, does not usually ex
cite anv comment or Incite any curious
quewtione. But there was something in
the appcojufioe of this lone stranKt*r
which caused 1nauIrie3*to be made.
Now what are the facts?
The lane wheelman was Mr. II. W.
Bon nett of Wabash, lnd., *the senior
member of the Arm of H. W. Bennett
& Co., handlers of bicycle® and tun
ing goods of tihat city, and be win Juat
completing a «olld run of 1,200 nilles on
his wheel, over several mountain chains,
railroad tracks, fearfully bad swuraps,
and all other kinds of roade, tfhlch he
began exactly three weeks ago. He
spent several day« In each of -the lead
ing cltkv* and -towns aloci^ the roufe,
nnd rode tho entire 1.200 mi leu which his
cyckwnater raconled at uu average
epecd of 75 miles a day. He pasoeri
through the otateu of Indiana, Ken
tucky, Tennessee. Georgia and South
Carolina. He goes from here to Mor
ristown. Tenn.. on his way home, and
tit that point he will onco more mount
his wheel and ride homeward via Cin
cinnati. O. Out of dhe entire distance
between AVabash, Inti., and Columbia,
1.200 miter* were made on the wheel, Mr.
Banmett only using the train for 110
if dies. Ammg, tho points he passed
through without telling any one of his
trip amt intentions wore Louisville,
Mammoth Cave. Bowling Breen. K.V.
Nauhvjjlle, Tenn.: Chattanooga, Ten'll,
Atlanta, Ga.: Augusta, Go.; Charleston,
8. C.; Sumter. S. C.. and Columbia. He
carried fourteen pounds of baggage. He
ru1d he started on the trip for the bene-
flt of hlu health, and ht- never fe'.t bet
ter In his life than now. He says lie
now cats khree square meals a day, and
could eat six if he could get them. He
aayo, ho vcver. tha* he advises all t lcy-
cllsts contemplating such trips as ne
has just made-to take* wl’*h them.
He «ay» oometimes 2t Is dlfflcuU to hit
a farm house or a town at eating time,
and a fellow too* to go hungry fre
quently. 'Mir. Rennert tells «omo inter
esting stories of hts trip. Once, he says,
be i ' 1 ■ i whol- <l-iy and a 'half without
seeing a single human being. He sayu
he bad a hard 'time getting over Hie
mountains In couthrastern Tennemee.
He spent nearly a whole day climbing
one mountain ridge he struck. He says
he struck a stretch In Georgia once
where he had to walk ftfteen* vntleu
through mud. carrying hL* wheel on his
He speaks 1n the highest term* of the
howplUHty of the Southern people. He
sayu he wMs never treated, better in
his life ttfan by the country people
along lib* route. He le delighted with
the South. But the roads—of them
ho say.-*: "I dill not knew that there
were such roads oil earth ns some I
have travelled over.” He eays that
after sticking to the public highways
until he was h"a?f way to Augusta
front Atkintli, he took the aide of fhe
rial road 'tracks.
The best day's riding he did was 90
miles. His worst day’s work was forty-
eight taUea on the day he had the
Georgia walking match wkb hlmsolf.
Ho r.»do from Angus: i t.> Oharlo-fon
along one of tho Soutfh. Carolina and
Georgia rail*. He came from
Charleston here along Ihe Atlantic
Coast line track. The first day out
of Charleston he [bunded out seventy-
eight miles. Ho rode the rest of the
distance In here yesterday, arriving
here at ttB hour n'.umed. having walked
?ilx miles over the ftVaterse treoile,
carrying his wheel on his shoulders.
A remarkable feature of the trip Is
the way the 63-4n'eh gear, 24-pound
wooden rim wheel stood the rim. It
shows conclusively thak a light wheel
Is 'better for raid service than a heavy
owe. Mr. Bennett dhl not have a singl*
accident, didn’t even wear out Bi1s tires
or -puncture them. He got a sprig
oought tn the bind wheel curM one spoke
•was broken. This was'the only trouble
he hrid. Looking nt hfs wheel one
•would think «rhat It had not been out
of the factory more ithan ;t week.
iMr. Bennett rays that along his
route he actually found people w*o
had never Been a bicycle before in their
lives. lie found u good many of these
Just out of Charleston.
•Another feature of his trip is -thfat he
®na managed to elude the newspaper
people nil along the route.
Mr. Bennett left here yestenfay for
Morristown, Tenn., ut 11 u. m.
Mr. James KJfovlo, one of Macon's
oldest residents, died at his homo on
Cotton amine yesterday morning, af
ter a> long Illness of cancer of tho
Mr. Kllfoyle was ono of Macon’s
most conservative citizens. He was of
quiet, unassuming disposition, but
withal an uptight business man of keen
judgment and saved quite a competen
cy during Ills lifetime. He leaves a
widow anil one son to mourn his death.
Ills funeral will occur this afternoon.
Dr. J. B. Gambrell has been confined
to his bed with illness for the past two
days, but will probably bo all right in
a day or two.
Dr. H. W. Walker, Dentist, 301 Sec
ond street (over Solomon’s jewelry
store), Macon, Ga.
For Malaria, Liver Trou
ble,or Indigestion,use
a Cough, with a Weak Sys
tem,Consumption with Weak
Lungs, or Disease with Loss
of Flesh. Take
659—FRANCHENE WATST. Sizes for
14 and 16 Yesrs.
„£■ charming model, formed by the
"Francene” waist and "Ball'* skirt.
Thla little round waist has some full
ness in tho -back and surplice fronta*
which, with the full, triple caps on the
sleeves, make it especially becoming
to slender figures. Cashmeres, Cre*
pons, and all light woolens, also all
kinds of washable fabrics, can bo made
after this model. It is also u good de
sign for all fancy silks. Rows of flat
trimming, with serpentine effect, com
plete the gown. Any or ojl of tho
sleeve-caps may be omitted; and for
thin materials the cap3 edged with
laco are very dainty and pretty. A
belt of ribbon of the material girdles
the waist. Our model represents fawn-
colored serge, trimmed with brown vel
vet ribbon.
A special illustration and full direc
tions about the pattern will be found
on tnc envelope In which it is enclosed,!
Sizes for It and 16 Years.
A trim UtUe skirt In tho popular
the Cream of Cod-Hver Oil,
for any ailment resulting from
poor nourishment. Physicians,
tho world over, endorse it.
Don't be deceived bj Substitutes!
prepared by {Scott A Bownc, N. Y. All DrufcUta.
"bell” "shape, fitting easily around the
hips and with some fullness behind.
Any of 'the seasonable materials can be
made up in this model, and It may be
trimmed in any reslred way. This
skirt combines well with any style of
A special illustration and full direo-
| tlons about the pattern will be found
on tho envelope in which it is enclosed.
Macintoshes at Phillips'.
Visit the Wirograss Exposi
tion. Special trains by the
Southern Railway will leave
Macon 7 a. in., October 10th
and 12th. Tickets halt rates.
Special trains to the Wire-
grass Exposition, llawkins-
villc, will leave Macon 7 a. m.
on the 10th and 12th. Tick
ets half rates via the Southern
Macintoshes at Phillips'.
Prepared by
Dra. Holrera & U&oon, Dervtiats,
556 Mulberry Street.
It cures blooding gum*, ulcers, sore
mouth, sore Chroail. cleans the leech and
j-urifles the braMb. For sale by all
Macintoshes at Phillips’.
New styles in gents’ fine
Calf and Cordovans at lower
prices than you have been pay
ing for the same goods.
w. n. w OOPSON,
L. A. Wood,
Send this coupon amLJO cent* to the
Macon Telegraph and yon can get any oni
of Pattern* published. Notice number and
name of Pattern, and write plainly not
forgetting to state sue.
Enclose 10c. for each pattern desired,
if a JIM,
Wo have made arrangements by
which wo are offering to the readers of
the Telegraph the Demorest Cut Paper
Patterns, which are worth from 26 tb 61
conta each, thus making every copy of
the paper worth from 10 to 40 cents.
Cut out the coupon below and mall ao*
cordng to directions on It and you will
recelva by maU the pattern in the six#
032—'Wingate Dress—Sizes for S nnd
10 Tears.
This illustration shows one of tho
most popular designs for littlo girls’
dresses; and though having the effect
of a blouso waist, the fulness Is held
in place by a fitted lining, and the
skirt Is sewed to the waist, so the
littlo frock Is easily adjusted and stays
where It is put Serge and flannel are
the popular materials; IL a material
of contrasting color trimmed with rows
of braid bo used for the collar, chem
isette aud cuffs, tho effect Alii 1m» both
stylish and pretty. The design is
adapted to an cotton fabrics, and es
pecially commended for duck, gaiatea
and linen. Our model is made of navy
blue edged with soutache braid, and
tho collar, chcmibctte and lower parts
of the sleeve are of the light blue,
A speebd illustration and fall direc
tions about the pattern will be found
on the envelope in which it is enclosed.
6C0—LESBIA WAIST—Sixes for 14 and
16 Years.
A charming little model, suitable for
afternoon or general wear, or for more
dressy occasions, according to the ma
terial selected. This corsage has the
effect of a gulmpe waist, and is the
wme both back and front. The stock
collar and girdle a*e made of ribbon,
and by having two or three sets of
these in different colors, a pleasing va
riety may be made in the toilet. A*
skirt of four straight breadths can be
used with this model, or if preferred,
it can- be used with any style of gored
skirt. Ch&mbery, dimity, lawn, batiste,
challie and China silk, with all-over
embroidery or net for tho yoke, are
very stylish and cool made in thla style.
It Is an cqualy good model for light
woolens, • with silk for the yoke and
sleeves. Our model is of pink chain-
bery, with all-over embroidery for the
yoke nnd sleeves, and the skirt Is fin
ished with a flounce of the embrlodery^
A special illustration and full direc
tions about the pattern will be fouml
on the envelope in which it Is enclosed.
ry’s Office. October 2. 1S94—W. W. Cob
lins. guardian for Bell Louise Collins,
W. W. Collins. Jr.. «wid MittI* Wilson
Colllna having applied to me for leave
to sell ten shares of the stock of tho
Central Georgia Bank of Macon, Ga,
for the purpose of support and mainte
nance and education of th e abbve
named minors: Thla is. therefore, to no
tify all D-irtle* concerned to rile their
objections, if any they have, to tho
court of ordinary of siSd county grant
ing leave to sell raid stock on or be
fore tho first Monday In November,
1K>4. or leave to sell said t-tock will
then be granted raid guardian.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.