Newspaper Page Text
Jeorgla, Bibb County.—Will be Bold be-
Ire the court house door between the ie-
|tl hours of sale on the first Tuesday in
vember the following property, to-wtt:
■Four, square 42, bounded on one side by
roperty of Hogan, on another side by
■•operty of Goette, on another side by an
y and on another side by Becoqd
reet. Levied on as the property of T.
Artope to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor ct the
yor and council of the city of Macon
T. B. Artope for three-fourths city
: 1894. Three-fourths tax, $39.60 and
Also, at the same time and place, part
If 5, square 68, bounded on one Bide by
■roperty of Felton, on another side by
■roperty of Knight, on another side by
third street and on another side hy Hum
|reet. Levied on as the property of Mrs.
M. Artope to satisfy a 11. fa. In favor
the mayor and council of the city ,,i
vs. Mrs. S. M. Artope for three-
nirths city tax 1894. Three-fourths tax,
8.13 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, part
8. square 64, bounded on one side by
[roperty of Kuan, on another side by
roperty of Bonn, on another h ue b>
paperty of Phillips and on another side
Mulberry street. Levied on as the
operty of J. H. & G. H. Benner to sat-
Ify a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and
|»uncil of the city of Macon vs. J. H. &
II. Bernier for three-fourths city tax
p4. Three-fourths tax, $98.46 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, part
mjuure ei, nuunueu on one pioe ny
foperty of Dishroon, on another side by
•operty of Dickey & Kiwis, on another
by an alley and on another side by
bmulgee street. Levied on us the prop-
[ty of J. H. Benner to satisfy a fl. fa.
i favor of the mayor and council of the
|y of Macon vb. J. H. Benner for three-
urths city tax 1894. Three-fourths tax,
13.12 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, part
11, East Macon 6, bounded on one side
property of Stewart, on another side
Flanders* alley, on another side by
alley and on another side by second
•eet. Levied on as the property of Em-
Dean to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of
! mayor and council of the city of Ma-
t vb. Emma Dean for three-fourths city
1894. Three-fourths tax, $8.44 and
Also, at the same time and place, part
l 3 and 4, southwestern commons, l*ound-
I on one side by property of Wilson, on
■other Bide by property of Anderson, on
Tother side by Tattnall street and on
[other side US’ Oglethorpe street, levied
ls the property of H. S. Edwards, trus-
to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the
yor and council of the city of Macon
H. S. Edwards, trustee, for three-
[irths city tax 1894. Mhree-rourths tax,
[0.62 and costs.
klso, at the same time and place, part
I 1, northwestern commons b, bounded
one side by property of Wooer, on an-
her side by property of Cato, on an-
her side by an alley and on another
|le by Jones street. Levied on as the
operty of Henry Hammond to satisfy a
fa. in favor of the major and council
the city of Mncon vs. llenry Ham-
[ond for three-fourths oily tax 181*4.
^iree-fourth9 tax, $33.37 and costal
Also, at the same time and place, part
: 4, aquare 57, bounded on two sides by
operty of Willingham, on another side
' property of Harboum, on another Bide
' Fourth street. Levied on as the prop-
tty of Walter T. Johnson to satisfy a 11.
b. in favor of the mayor and council of
pe city of Macon vs. Walter T. Johnson
.city tax 1893 and three-fourths city
1894. Three-fourths tax, $137.50 and
Peeke No Longer With
Dunn’s lAgcncyolt Macon.
Mr E. C. B. Peeke, who his been
the Mncon wsent *or R. 1 G. Dun s mer-
oatvtlle agency for . a long while, has
r, 'Mr. n0< Pr-cke’s resigns Hon w-m be
learned With regret hy the
•men of Macon, ss he he. been Uniform
ly courteous and* obliging in til reus
tions •with them, ."’h";’
•time he Was Ibean reliable and energetic
, in the tnr.erettts of the agency he rep
resented. . l ...
It is not yet kuown ■whether Mr.
Peeke will feuvd Macon or whom 3i»s
successor will .be. -. ♦ ,f. *.
The ladles are .cordially-invited to ’ftt-
tend my opening of fine uvUllnery on
Wednesday and Thurart-ny.
Miw. S. Gillon.
It firm he erratlf-yhw? to a large num
ber of people to learn that the Young
Ladles’ Hebrew ‘Aid Society will have
a booth at the coming Dixie Fair.
The young ladles composing the soci
ety are always on the alert to do what
ever comes wltlsln their power to raise
funds with whWh tihey help the poor
and sick of rthe city, and .for 'this pur
pose they have secured a privilege and
drill oandiKX a booth at the fair where
anybody can cither get a lunch or
equate moal at small cost, nicely cooked
and tempttnrgly served. -
The society hds arloady commenced
(preparations for the ‘boo^h and may be
depended on to serve any»^hlng In the
way of eatables that the most fastidious
rmy desire.
Umbrellas at Phillips*.
Why do bo many people we see
lround us seem to prefer to suffer and
>•» made miserable by Indigestion, con-
itipatlon, dizziness, loss of appetite,
romlng up of the food, yellow skin,
vli.*n for 7’» cents wo will soil them
Ihiloh’s Vltalizer .guaranteed to cure
ilao, at the same time and place, rart
square 75, bounded on one side by
Dperty of K. P. Moore, on another sioe
Washington avenue, on two sides ny
eye. Levied on as property of estate
J. I*. Sauhibury to satisfy a fl. fa. In
ror of the mayor anl council of the
:y of Macon vb. estate of J. L. bauis-
xy for three-fourth* city tax 1894. Threc-
rths tax, $46.87 and costs.
Iso, at the same time and place, part
4, square 74, bounded on one side by
roperty of Hooks, on anothor m.k. i y
ink street, on two sides bv property of
"cLean. levied on us the propei ty of
•.Singletary, Jr., to satisfy a n. ra.
In fagor of the mayor and council or
the city of Macon vs. T. V. Singletary,
Jr., 1o\three-fourths vlty tax *MM. Three-
fourths'tax, $16.50 and costs.
Also, ftKthe same time nnd place, part
of 16, northHvestern commons 16, bounded
on one aide b\ property of Sparks (self),
on another eldtr s by property of Urquc-
hart, on nnotiirr' Bide by .Monro-' olivet
and on another side by Washington ave
nue. Levied on as t{ie property of O. G.
Sparks, trustee, to satisfy a ll. fa. in fa
vor of the mayor and council of the city
of Macon vs. O. G. Sparks, trustee, for
three-fourths city tax ISM; Three-fourths
tax, $124.69 und costs.
AIbo, at the name time vnd place, part
of 5, northwestern commons 22, hounded
on on© side by property of Harwell, on
another side by property of Noone, on
another Bide by an alley AlMl on another
side by Tattnall Btreet. Levied on as the
property of Henry Stevens to Batlsry a
fl. fa. in favor of the mayor and council
of the city of Macon vb. Henry Stevens
for three-fourths city tax IS94. Three-
fourths tax, $7.50 and costs.
Also, at the same time ond place, part
of 2. southwestern commons 21, bounded
on one aide by propertj of Johrson, on
another side by an alley, on another side
by Boundary street and on another ride
by Monroe etreet. Levied on as the orop-
erty of Alex Strozler to satlsry a fl. ra.
in favor of the mayor and council of the
city of Macon vs. Alex Strozler for three-
fourths city true 1S94. Three-fourths tax,
$6.10 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, port
of 4, aquare 75, bounded on one side r»y
property of Willis, on another aide ty
property of Wilder, on another side br
an alley and on another side by Mrs*,
street. Levied on -\s the property of L.
If. Stuart to satisfy a fl. fa. m favor ot
the mayor and council of the city of Ma
con v*. E. H. Stuart for three.fourtbs
city tax 1894. Three-fourths tax, $4119 and
fourths tax. $42.49 and casts.
Also, nt the s*ame time and place, part
of 3, southwestern commons 43, bounded
by property of Johnson, on
another side by property of Cornelius, on
itlier side by property of Jollnwny ard
another side by Jackson street. Levied
as the property of estate <t Mahaly
Thomas to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the
mayor and council of the city ot Macon
estate Mahaly Thomas lor three-
fourths city tax 1894. Three-fourths tax,
$7.50 and costs.
Also, at the flame time and place, 4,
southwestern range 11, bounded on one
ide by property of Bibb Manufacturing
Company, on another side by property of
C. J. Toole, on another Bide by an alley
and on another side by Oglethorpe street.
Levied on as the property of Dr. J. A
Toole to satisfy a 11. fa. In favor of the
mayor and council of the city of Macon
vs. Dr. J. A. Toole for tnrce-fourthB city
tax 189t Three-fourths tax, $45.47 and
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 6, squaro 82, bounded on one Bide by
property of Birch and Moore, on another
Bide by property of Williams, on another
Bide by an alley and on another side by
High street. Levied on as the property
of W. J. Totten to uittsty a fl. fa. in fa
vor of the mayor and council of the city
of Macon vb. W. J. Totten for three-
fourths city tax 1894. Three-fourtha tax,
$42.37 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 6, square C7, bounded on one »lde by
property of Doyle, on another side by
property of Smith, on two Bides by alleys.
Levied on as the property of Albert Un
derwood to satisfy a fl. fa. In tavor ol
the mayor and council or the city ot
Macon vs. Albert Underwood tor three-
fourths city tax 1891. Vhree-fourths tax,
$3.90 nnd costs.
Also, at the same time nnd place, part
of 8. square 76, bounded on one Mde by
property of Wade, on another ride by
property of Hart, on nnother otdo by
Third Btreet and on another Bide by Pine
street. Levied on as the property of Z.
B. Wade to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor ol
the mayor and council of the city or Ma
con vs. Z. B. Wade for three-fourths city
tax 1891. Three-fourth3 tax, $15 and costa
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 1, northwestern commons 1, bounded on
one side by property of Gresham, on an
other ride by property ol Hendrick, on
another rr property of Emmol and
on another side by Collie street, levied
on ns tne property of Mrs. J-:. C. Walker
to K.itlsry a fl. ra. in favor or the mayor
nnd council of the cltynf Macon vs. Mrs.
E. C. Walker for three-fourths city tax
1891. Three-fourth* tax, $37.50 and <OHts.
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 3. northwestern commons 22, bounded
on one side by property of Barksdale, on
another side by Chestnut etreet, on two
sides ly property of Quince. Levied
as the property of Henrietta Warn mock
to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor
and council of the city ot Macon vs.
Henrietta Wammaclc for three-fourths
city tax 1894. Three-fourths tax, $s,91 and
Also, at the up me time nnd place, part
of 5, souhtwcfttern commons 26, bounded
on one side by property or Davis, on an
other side by an alley, on another side
by Fourth street and on another side by
Boundary Btreet Levied on as the prop
erty of T. F. Warwick to satisfy a II. la.
In favor of tile mayor and council of
the city of Macon vs. T. F. Warwick for
throe-fourths oily tax ls:M. Tiiree-fourtnH
tax, $21.10 and costs.
Also, at the same time nnd place,
of 16, northwestern range, bounded on cne
side by property of Hyatt, on another
side by property of Solomon, on another
side by property of Anderson and on an
other side by College, street. Levied on
as the property of Welchselbaum & Bep
sel to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the
mayor ond council of the city of Macon
vs. Welchselbaum & -'elsel for three-
fourths alty tax 1894. Three-fourths tax,
$16.f'S and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 3, square 3, hounded on one side by
property of Conner, on another side by
Walnut street, on two sides by alleys.
Levied on as the property of Thco Wells,
trustee, to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the
mayor and council of the city of Macon
vs. Theo Wells, trustee, for three-fourtha
city tax 1894. Three-fourths tax, $28.12
and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 5, Beall’s Hill, bounded on one side
by property of E. Wolff, on another side
by property of Nisbet, on another side
by property of LIpsey and on another
side by Cole street Levied on as the
property of Mrs. M. M. Wells to satlsry
a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and coun
cil of the city of Maoon vs. Mrs. M
Wells for three-fourths city tax 1894.
Three-fourths tax, $41.06 and cost*.
Also, at the same time and place 16,
southwestern commons 39, bounded two
sides by property of Williams (self), on
another side by an alley, on another side
by Ash street. Levied on as the property
of J. B. Williams to satisfy a fl. ra. in
favor of the mayor and council of the
city of Macon vs. J. B. Williams for
three-fourths city tax 1894. Three.fourths
tax, $17.81 and costa
Also, at the same,time and place, part
from the sea—the bracing
effects of a stay in the
mountains—the toning up
qualities of absolute rest—
tnat rest which is so neces
sary to the weary wife, the
overworked father—may
be found in
Brown’s Iron Bitters
Malaria jfts&rs!
Dyspepsia Sgfsg
* dren will
get roay
„ m - spirits}
Poor Bloods
r\_ t*ll for it contains the
Debility saifireisss
You know best whether
you need it. If you are
ailing do not delay—sick
ness may be at your door!
The Gettttiao baa the Crossed
Jled Woes on Wrapper.
All Druggist and General Storekeepers |
sell it. But get the genuine— [
Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md.
to get n million of Circulars
to distribute nt 64.00 por
1,000. linw to bccorao a drat-
«1n*rt Mc-humtIkI, l(ypm>tlHt,
Atianti anil New Orleans
Short Line,
(littalU'al amt I£eat Should.
Moat«oroary. Selma, llsbtb. New Orleans,
Tex&n and flOUt&W«6L
Southbound. Nu. 6*. No. W. No. &L
Lv. Macua,..
Lv. 'Atlanta
Ar .Montgomery.,
Ar .Pensacola ...
At Mobile
Ar New Orleans,
Ar Houston ....
4 30 pm
5 35 am
11 05 am
6 55 pm
6 20 pm
10 25 pro
8 25 am| 8 25
4 20 pinj 1 30 pm
8 2u i>m| 8 10 pm
5 SO ami 0 30 am
3 05 uni| 3 t>5 am
7 35 ami 7 $5 am
10 W pmjiO 50 pm
Leave .Montgomery....-..1 9 30 pm| 8 10 am
Arrive Selma (U 15 pmjll 1$ am
Train 50 carries Pullman vestibule
•deeper New York to New Orleans, and
dining car to Montgomery.
.110 45 pinili U1
Leave Macon.,.
Arrive Cochran ...113 13amil2 42 }
Hawkinsvllle...I 7 40 am 3 40 j
Arrive Qafltmdnfyi 54 am
Arrive Jceup..,,4 15am
Arrive Brunswick.6 15 am
Arrive Jacksonville,*..! 8 25 am
Arrive Savannah { 6 55 am
t No. 11 i fio. _
Lv. Macon | 4 30 ami 4 25 pm! 8 25 oi
Ar. Atlanta...! 7 35 am) 7 50pm)ll 45 an
Lv. Atlanta.. J 8 00 ami 11 00 pm 2 00 pn,
Ar. Dolton.... 112 00 n I 3 20 am] 5 51 prul
£J■ jtoftjirh Ji.12 47 pm I 4 10 am| 6 37 pnal
Ar. L 20pm| 4 45 aro| 7 10 pm I
Train _ r
cairles Pullnuu vestibule sleeper New Or
leans to New York and amiug car ta
Trains 54 and 61 Pullman Buffet Sleep
ing Cara between. Atlanta and Mont
JOHN. A. GBR. Genl. Pass. Agt.
GEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A.. AUarU
Time Table Vo. 13. Taking Effect Sunday,
September 9, 1894.
Read Down. iteaa up.
4 001 a 00
* - 3 05
| [bun.
4 15
6 15
‘JA M|.\ M
Macon |10 30;lu 15
.M. & n: j unction.... \io 20,10 os
... Swift Creek 110 uo
...Dry Branch ...... 9 60j 9 50
Pikes Peak 4.... | 9 35| u 40
0 30
3 50 ....... Fltzparlck i 020)
4 00 Ripley. 0 05|
.... Jefferson villa
Danville ..
...... AllentOA'n .
Montrose •«
Dudley ...
Macro ....
Dublin ....
8 551 9 15
8 30| U CG
8 15| 8 60
8 0<)| H *5
7 45I 8 15
7 80 8 tt
7 15| 3 12
7 W| 8 UO
JAS. T. WRIGHT, General Manager.
D. B. DUNN, Superintendent..
120 .,
Ar. Chntnoga.,
Ar. Cincinnati!
Lv. Chatnoga.
Ar. Memphis..]
Lv. Chntnoga.
Lv, Ooltowh J
Ar Knoxville..
i 7 10 ami 7 20 ptul
I 7 4G pm| 7 30 i
I 7 00 amj 7 4$ r ,
I 0 10 pm) 7 00 »xm ■
I 9 00 am I 5 65 prn
) 9 35 am 6 37 pm
113 45 pm|19 15 pm
KS. lt—BoU4 TMtlbaUa train to J»c>-
.or.vllle, wltli Pullman buffet .lrawln*
room cars attached tor Jacksuovlllo and
No. 13.—Solid train for Branswlclc.
No. M.—Solid vestibule train to At
lanta. connecting with local train tor
Chattarooftn and way .tatlons. Carrie.
Pullman sleeping oar. between Mscoa
mill I ’llh * f 11 n.1. ■
To Taka Effect Monday, April I ism.
Mind Bender ami Clnlrvoyunt, a largo
book only 10c. Addrons at once,
C. U. ROWAN. Milwaukee. Wls.
TiMins r»0» 8AVAWNAH
Cabin, (20; Excursion $32; Bt.ersj^ $10.
(22; Excursion, (3), Blecracr.
Cabin, (22.50; Excursion, $331 SlMraz.
Nos. 1 and 3 will run dally Sun.
day. AU oth.ra Irregular.
Head Down. Head Upl
No. 1. |Ulles)
'A. M.
9 «
Lv. DJbtin .Ar
9 16
.. ‘Hutchings
9 80
.Sprlnj Haven.
9 46
.... Dexter ....
10 00
.... Alcorns ...
10 20
.... Chester ...
10 40
... Yonkers ...
SO oo
.... Empire ....
lv.ll 10
.... Kmptro ....
11 26
.... Cypress ...
ar.U «
. Hawklnsvl'.la
... Orovanla ...
i soar.
i is
»r-tnoewi* .u>»minlp.or thaie Nan
appolm—lto sail aa follow* standard tlcnac
(Central or Mth Meridian Tim*)
Onto City Wad. Oct. 10 210
Frl Oet. 12 3:00 am
C y of Maoon Bat. Got. 13, 4:30 pm
S. ly °i ^. UffU ." ta Man - 00 16. S® 1 l*m
City of Birmingham.Wed. Oct. 17, 7:00 atn
Kansas. City. Frl. Oct. 13 8:30 ran
Gat. City Bat. Oct. 2-. 0:30 am
Nacoochee Mon. Oct. 22. 12 noon
C ty of Macon Wed. Oct. 21. 2:00 pm
City of Augusta Frl. Oot. 20. 3:00 am
City of Birmingham..Bat. Oct. 27, 130 pm
Kanaas City Mon. Oct. 29. 6:00 pm
Gate City Wed. Oet. 31. 7:00
Tallahassee Thors. Oct 11, 3:00 pm
of 2, northwestern commons 15, bounded
on one Bide by property of Abbott, on an
other Bide by proi>erty or Rogers, on
another side by property or Fkint and cn
another side by Madison street. Levied
on as the property of Mrs. Charles J.
Williamson to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor ot
the mayor and. council of the city of Ma
con vs. Mrs. Charles J. Williamson for
three-fourths city tax 1891. Three-fourtha
tux, $30.91 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, pnrt
of 15, northwestern range, bounded on one
side by property of Dunwoody, on an
other side by property of Walker
Wynne, on another Bide by property of
Reid and on another side by Bond Btreet.
Levied on as the property of W. C. Wil
son to satisfy fl. fa. In favor or the
mayor and council of the city of Macon
vs. W. C. Wilson for three-fourths city
tax 1894. Three-fourths tax, $33.73 and
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 8, Bquare 87, bounded on one side by
property of WoodlefT (self), on another
side by property of Dishroon, on another
side bjT an alley and on another side by
Kprlfig Btreet. Levied oa as the property
of estate E. WoodlefT to satisfy a 11. fa. in
favor of th*’ mayor and council or the
city of Macon vs. estate E. WoodlefT for
three-fourths city tax 1894. Three-fourths
tax. $191.62 and costs.
Also, at tin* Main- twin nnd place, part
of 4, East Macon, bounded on two Bklcs
by property of Boykin, on nnother side
by property of Bibb Manufacturing Coni’
puny, on another side by an alley. Levied
on as the property of Russell Wright to
satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of tho mayor
and council of tho city of Macon vj. Rus
sell Wright for three-fourths city tax ]«H,
Three-fourths tax, $4.70 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, part
of 6, square 18, bounded on one «!de by
property of Home, on another side by
property of M.aaterson, on another by
an alley and on another side by Third
street. Levied on as the property of H.
Chattahoochee Thura. Oct. 18, 7:30 am
Tallahassee /. Thura. OcL 2G, 3:00 pm
(This ship does not carry passengers)
Dcssoug Oct. 9, 1:30 pm
Dessoug Frl. Oct. 19, 8:30 am
Dcssoug Mon. Oct. 2* 6:00 pm
Jacksonville. Fla.
Walter Hawkins. F.P.A., Jacksonville. Fla.
W. E.-Arnold, G.T.P.A.. Jacksonville! FIs.
C. O. Anderson. Agent. Savannah. Oa.
Trains !«ive Union depot, Mact»n, ns
For Pfllatkm at... a.m.
For Pakvtka at io:3i
For Jacksonville at io:33 p.m!
Fr Montgomery at H;io a.m!
The Buwaneo River route to Florida
Operates Pullman buffet and local Bleep-
Direct lino to all points In Florida.
General Paasengor Agent, Macon, Ga.
J. LANE. General Manager.
‘Close connections made at Dublin with
Wrlghtevllle and TennUle railroad In botk
East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia
trains pass Empire aa follows:
Going South IS 66 pm
Going North * S 48 pm
H. V. MAHONEY. O. F. 4 F. 1
Middle Georgia, and A tlantio Railroad.
Time Tablo No. 14.
Effective September 2, 6 O’clock, A. M.,
Read Down Road Up.
U 00 p| 7 15|Lv. Augusta .Ar.| Ga. R .K.
j 9 00 |Lv. Macon ..Ar.) |4«6p
^ IP. M:
and CliHitnnnog.t.
No. 14.—Soiui train to Chnttnnoojra.
with Sleeper itlnehcd from Atlanta, con-
nectlng with faat train, for Cincinnati.
Memphis nnd Knoxville. *
No. IS—Carries freo chair ear to Chat-
JSSSJft ;''"J ch attached tn .olid vev
SSJSi-I f. n< 2 n ! at,> wlth Pullman
nleoplng cars attached. Connections nt
Chattanoosi with fast train. In all ell.
For full Information aa to route*,
rates, etc., apply to
T , , mi , JIM W. CARR.
Passenger and Ticket Agent. Macon, Ga.
C. H. littason. General Manager.
Knoxville. Tenn.
* General Passenger
Agfent, Washington, D. C.
J. J. Farnsworth, Division Passenger
Agent, At>Jita. Ga.
C. A. Benscoter. Assistant Goneral
Passenger Agent. Knoxville. Tenn.
A Quick. Safe und Comfortable Route.
Tho Only Routo to Warm Spring* and
Oak Mountain, Ga.
Sohedule In Effect September 16, 1894.
1 NO.GlTl4o.6i
. J Dally | Dally
Lv. Columbus \ 1 flu am I aflunm
Lv. Wavcrly Hall..., 1 8:00 am 4:91pm
Lv. Oak Mountain | 8:10 i am 4:15 pm
Lv. Wurnt Springs I 8:40 am| 4:50 pm
Lv. Woodbury |9:00nm| 5:12 pm
Lv. Concord
Lv. Williamson.
Ar. Grlffln,
Ar. Macon, C. R R
Ar. Atlanta, C. It. R....
Lv. Urlflln
Ar. McDonough
Lv. McDorough... ....
Ar. Grlffln
Lv. Macon, C. R. R...
Lv. Atlanta, C, U. K..
Lv. Grlffln
Lv. Williamson
Lv. Concord..
Lv. Woodbury
Lv. Warm Springs...
Lv. O&k Mountain.*.
Lv. Waverly Hall....
Ar. Columbus....
Lv MIH'B’vlll Aril 7 V) I 'l lie
Lv Batonton Ar.j 7 45 j 12 65
Ar Eatonton Lv| C 36 | 11 46 p
Lv Eatonton Ar| 6 F5 | U 45
Ar. Atlanta Lv.l 3 00p| 7 25a
Ar.. Mocon Lv.f 9 10u|
|Ar. Athens .Lv.|2 40pj
Brough tonvUiemtie ting" poln t for train's
Nos. 101 nnd 101.
Covington Junction meeting point for
trains Nos. 102 and 103.
W. B. THOMAS, General Manager.
COMM: soutnen Raliwaj company.
Time Table No. 18, Effective Feb. 19, isx
Lv Columbus.....
Lv Richland
Lv Dawson
Ar Albany
Ar Brunswick....
Ar Jacksonville.,
Ar Thomaavillo..
Dally I Sunday
except J
gunday.j Only.
3 00 pm
5 40 pm
7 55 pm
9 15 pm
8 10 am
8 40 am
5 35 am
7 00 am
8 47 am
10 00 am
11 00 am
8 30 pm
8 20 pm
6 35 prq
Tv Jacksonville/
Lv Brunswick «.i
Lv Thomasvllle..,
Lv Albany
Lv Dawtaon
Lv Richland
Ar Colimbus....
All schedules shown between Albany
tnd Brunswick and Jacksonville ar j daily.
No train Albany to ThomaavlUe oa Mai-
urdays after 3*3 p. tn.
All trains arrive and depart from the
Union Depot at Columbus and Albany.
C. HILL, Superintendent
Sunday.| Only.
7 00 pmj 7 0b am
7 00 pml 6 30 am
3 00 pm 8 00 am
6 00 ami 8 00 pm
6 40 ami 4 00 pm
8 45 ami 5 J3 pm
11 00 Min| 7 00 ptn
I Dally
8:16 am
4:15 am
7:30 am
9:23 am
9:45 am
10:15 am
10:36 am
11:20 am
12:15 pm
4:25 ptn
4:26 pm
6:62 pm
7:11 pm
7:39 nm
7:69 put
8:29 pm
8:39 pni
9:30 pot
All trains arrive and depart Union De.
pots at Columbus and Grlffln. Ask for
tickets and seo that they read via "Tho
Georgia Midland and Gulf Railroad."
General Mnnnger, Oen, Pass. AgL
Culumbus Ga.
TIME TABLE, SEPT.’ 30, 1894.
Rend Up.
Read Down.
am! (AM |
|PM|P M,
9 001 Lv Macon Ar 6 30
1060 Lv Machen Ar 4 33
11451 Lv.... Madison ....Ar 3 45
2 OOiLv Athens
356|Lv...- Abbeville ....Lv 1
4 23 Lv.... Greenwood ..Lv 1
6 23 Lv...« CbfSiir Lv
806 Lv.... Monroo Li
AM.U2 2C(Lv.... Halejgh Lv
I 3 06LV WeMon ....Lv
5 40|Ar.... Richmond ....Lv|ll 23|A M
9 45 Ar.. Washington ..Lv J J?
|ll 00)Afa* Baltlmoro -Lv 03
p M s sir m.
-T.—iritlns will Stop at Ocmulges
12 12|A M.
11 43|P. M
9 981
8 23
Pnnsemrer trulns will stop i
Htreet to tako on and let off passenger*.
<1.,, nn Aiectrto rafclway will connect with
No 2 at o':M rt p° TtcZx tho North at Oo-
"'cSnMctura.' with Ooorxla Bouthom und
Florlilji lUUlnil, Boat Tcnne.M,. ViWn.
In iiml UoorgU r.illro.ul anil Central rail.
ro»l for all point* riorlto and wulh.
*ood—nS" 402 leaving Macon at « a. m.
.1.__ ennni flloil With Mlddl® GCOr*
makes close connection with Middle Geor
d Atlantic for Eatonton.
a)a nnd Atlantic Tor isaianwm
Third—Wlttl Georgia railroad at Midi*
’ Fourth—With .olid train tW’VfAlt»-
ton and Tollman Tar or Dolfot oar«.
Washington to New York c*ty* t
Ticket ofilc* I. temporarily located at
J. W. nuiko’. hook etoro.
to I, HOHN. Conccnl
C. Mahoney. acVk a. r. a. •
E. vr. I1UIIKU, Ticket Agent.
Gootlwyn & Hmnll, druggl»tn ( rec
ommend lobson’g Mtignotlo Oil, tho
eroat family pain killer, Internal and
Schedule In ct foot Odt. 4th, 1894, Standard Time, 90th Meridian.
.*...|*7 05 a ro
..... .....I..... 8 16 a m
• *•••} Ill 00 a m
..... (12 24 p m
Mm I 6 15 pm
. 10 40 pm
• H 55 pm
. 2 44 a m
j**s. .street. Levied on as the property or H.
Also, at the same time and place, part W. Wright to satisfy a fl. fa. ir. favor ot
of 8, southwestern commons Jg, bounded V*** mayor Bind council of the city of Ma-
side by property of Head, on an- \'n vs. H. N. Wright for three-fosrtha
other side by property of Horne, on an- \y tax 1894. TTiree-fourtbs tax, $22.50 am!
.. *3 10 p mini 1# am
di 22 p m
1R pm
3 30 p m
3 13 p tn
HO p m
4 61 p m
9 M p m
6 20 pm
8 10 p ra
7 65 p m
4 10 a j
*6 85 a*
7 66 a m
.. Macon ....
Fort Valley
.. Columbus ..
•• Opelika ...
.. J>*ji ve
... Maoon .....
, Fort Valley .
... America* ...
.... Albany ....
.... Dawson ....
. Fort Galnee .
.... Eufaula ....
Union Springs
...... Troy
. Montgomery .
7 45 p m
6 35 p m
ft 45 p m
2 25 am
•8 45 a m
4 10 pm
no i m
ft 09 P m
C 40 a m
120 a m
<10 a ro
11 60 am
11 21 a m
11 47 pm
10 27 a m|10 17 p m
5 05 am
9 10 a nt
IS! p m
7 15 a m
•7 45 a in
•7 SO p m
other nide by an alley and on e not her cists.
Sold by Goodwyn & Small Drug
Company, corner Cherry street and
Cotton avenue.
Take it when
“awfully tired”
Brown’s Iron
side by Ash street. Levied cn rs the
property of Mrs. S. A. Sullivan to satisfy
a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor nnd coun
cil of the city of Macon vb. Mrs. 8. A.
Sullivan for three-fourths city tax 1«h.
Three-fourths tax, $23.06 and costs.
Also, at the same time and p^ace, part
of 3, southwestern commons 72, bounded
on one side by* Tupelo street, on another
side by property of McKenna, on another
side by property of I3udd and on another
side by an alley. Levied on as the prop,
erty of Taylor & Davis to BHtiafy a tl. fa.
in favor of the mayor and council of
the city of Macon vs. Taylor tc Davis for
three-fourtha city tax 1894. Three-iourths
tax. $13.12 and costs.
Also, at the same time and place, port
of 4. square 1, bounded on one »!de by In
I property of Juhan, on another side by
] property of Thomas, on another tide hy
I on alley and on another’ side by Second
1 street. Levied on as the property ol J.
tleo, at the same time and place, yart
ofu, southwestern commons <5, bounded
on\on*» side by property of Klnchen, on
anAher side by property of Bobbins, on
niuiher side by Maple street and on a
oVffir sufc* by Calhoun street. I.C7led
property of Mrs. Lucy T. Wynn
l«fy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor
inril of the city of Macon vs Mrs.
Wynn for three-fourths city tax
re*-f.><irthn tax, f*27 an-l
it the same time and place, part
•thwestern ran«;e, bounded cm one
oroi* rty of U >rri’i. ,n another
alley, on another *1*1** t y < -n,-
yverty and on anothe
•4 ir. * ml*4 25 p m|*7 05 a m
7 65 p m
t 12 a mi C 32 p m! 2 47 . m
......... Griffin ........
6 49 p m
7 45 a ml 8 05 p mill JO * m
•4 25 p m
1 IS p ml 1 00 a m| 7 05 p m
Chattanooga via Atlanta
7 25 e m
!4 35 p mIMl 00 p m|U 30 a m
........ Macon
3 40 pm
5 05 p mill 46 p m,12 17 p in
Gordon .........
l 65 p m
i 10 p ml |
3 15 & m! 3 40 pm
.......... Mlllen
ii 03 a m
.....1 6 30 a m] 6 wO p m
........ Augusta
7 f.5 a ro
..... ..... 1 6 00 a ml C 30 p m
•8 30 a m
10 23 pm
11 oo a m
^ t
1 25 pm
9 02 a m
•6 55 p m
•7 30 sin
•1 18 pm
•2 29 a m
2 45 a mllO 00 a m
3 01am
9 10 a m
8 05 a m
li 35 pm
8 30 p m
•S 45 p m
•eet. Levied on an the prop-
,,'IIam Young to satisfy a fl. Ta.
th*- n. iyor and *oun !l if
city <Mf won vs. William Young for
three-fl»t»r city tax W*4. Thrce-fourth*
tax, $7.»7 » costa I
\ ’. II. HALU Jr., Marshal. I
Trains marked thus * dally; thus ! daily except Sunday. Trains marked thus 7 Sunday only.
Solid trains are run to snd from Macon and Montgornsry via Eufaula. Savannah and Atlanta via Maeon^ Maoos
a&d Albany via Bmlthville, Macon and Birmingham via Columbus.
Sleeping cars on night trains betwen Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta.
Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta.
Passengers for Thomaston take 7:66 a. m. or 4.*25 p. m. train. Passengers for Carrollton tnd Cedartown take 7:51
a. m. train. Faasenaera for Perry take 11:15 a. in. train: Fort Gaines, Buena Vista, Blakely and Clayton should taka
11:16 a. m. train. Passengers for Sylvnnln. Wrlghtat’llle and Sanderavllle take 11:30 a. xo. train.
For further information nnd for schedules for polnta beyoud our line apply to
W. F. 8HELLMAN, Traffic Manager. W. P .DAWSON. Passenger Agent*
J. C. UAILU. Gtneral Passenger AgenL ^ • ,3U i* UARR18. ZVcket Agt* Mioofc