Newspaper Page Text
Columbus discovered America. Speaking of discov
eries, you can run upon a very profitable find by visiting
our store. It’s chuck full of good things to meet your
want for Foil wear 1894.
Fine Dress Suits artistically finished, good Business
Suits of durable material mingle here at prices to suit the
stringent money market.
Our line of Children Suits, Hats and Caps is capital,
a stock complete with novelties.
We are here to serve yon; lend us your aid.
In all our Shoes you find not
only Style and Appearance, but
Genuine, Sterling Value.
The}' are better this fall than
ever before.
The King's Daughters Have Carried
Their Work Into New
Vlifi Kins’* Daughters Anticipating lbs
Mat • Convantlon of Their Society,
Which Meets Hero NritUonth
—Am Important Kvont*
Tlie Homo for Uio Friendless has
bora truu»fenvfi to new quarters. Un
der tim splendid miimiKemrait ot tlio
Kins'* DuuKlifor. that lias tonilo It tho
ma.iuilny or cEurily work In tho olty
nuil an Institution of untold K'KhI lu
tu« iirutoottun of tout class ot utifui-
1 mu tea wlto have Wen taujlil tiy ilio
kindly uttoutiuiM of uctilo women to
look to it (or shelter.
Tho Kite of tho Some slufa It was act
up two years ago tins been on Colmii'
bus street, near tho Mount do Halos
Aoadomy. Them Ilio interested public
have Vtottsd awl becouin auliinlnicl
with tho eltilnu of the homo to their
support H has been fuuiul, liowovcr,
that tho house that ha* served au at-
ready apleudht period of usefulness la
uot adequate to the work that has lieen
ooikitiuitly IncniialUK. Bouoe tho ne
cessity of keeping ttpaee with Ilio
growth of the work.
The new site la a most desirable one
tn every.respect. It Is a bettor build
ing and by omudruetlou more uuttatilo
to a work of the kind Unit Is carried
on by tlie Home for the Friendless. It
is located on Highland avenue, tn that
part of the city known its Stubbs' Hill,
u locality not very fur removed from
The former p^ueo, Tito Indies are very
liiiii-li plooneu with tho change; they
nay ttie surroundAgs nro more quiet
and the lot ui>ou wlileli the Inmso
elands spacious, having a targe back
yard n uil many {lomcstlo accommoda
tions which frm not had nt tho other
The King's Dauglitors desire It stated
lu tills connection that Uiey hope all
eomrlbutlous t\> the home will bo sent
to tlie new place—tlie house ts not
lmmhered but can cosily be fonnd.
Also that n meelltig of tho stcloty will
Ik- held at 3:30 o'clock this nftcrnooit
nt the home, to which It ts urged that
nil the member* come.
For the Registration of Voters to Qualify
for tho Aldermanic Election
in December,
Dy Mayor Home and Confirmed by City
Count-11-"The Manner at Conducting
Itegletrailon Under tho New
City Charter*
610 Cherry Street.
Expressive Resolutions Passed by the
Members of the First Baptist
Church in. Conference
A Illgll Compliment to Dr. Geo. Bratton
Taylor, Whole Designation ae I'nelor
Use Already Been Announced—
Wordeof Christian hove.
The Indies nro already Imglnulng to
consider the npprutirhing slate eonveti-
tleu «T King's Daughter*, which meets
Item next month. It will tie one <.C
tin- most notable If not the largest
gathering of Oeorgia's Christ tan women
that has ever convened In Macon, ltep-
fesiutatlve delegates front the cltvdes
• In all of die lending cities of tho state
will Ik- bore. They will be splendidly
t.ik a can- of by the King's lhinghtcn
of Macon, mid a nn-etlug pretltntde to
tlie work throughout the state will ho
held for two or three day's.
T!io oltlcors of the Mncea SOOtoty will
preside over tlie eonveutkm, there be
ing no regularly oflUvml state conveu-
Watches repaired at Lazarus*.
\ Prepared by
Dr*. Holm** «Ma-jon, Dentists,
656 Mulberry SlrerC.
It cures bleeding CHUM, ulcers, sore
mouth. aol“« ihiwut, cleans Um teeth and
urifics tho broach. For salo by alt
purifies the
Hlshut Honor*—World'* Pair.'
A pure Giipc Own ot Tartu Powder. Fret
L-etr. Ammonia, Alum or any other adultuint.
In t!io Telegraph's report of council
proceedings yesterday morning tho
KWtement was made teat flic appoint
ment of Messrs. lien C. Smith. T. L.
hlsssenherg and J. II;' Fellow os city
tax mnesson, was conflivned. This
was to error, and tt .hould have read
olty "rvgtstr.uvi" Instead of "asseasors."
Tlho appolnk merit of the reglatrai*
Will remind the voters of llaoen that
they 'Will noon bo called on to vote
for six aldermen, one from each city
ward, So succeed Aldcnman Dinkier
from Uio llrst, Harris from tlhe second,
CoIHim from the third, Carling from
the fouttrh, Ullcy from the fifth and
Harris from the sixth wards.
IMuttra, Carling and Harris do nol
now Wvo In the wards from which they
were elected. Alderman CUrllng living
In the second ward and A Merman Har
ris In the It fib.
Tho elpcllon will be held on Saturday,
December 8, making K a few days
less than two moakhs oft. Tho regis
tration books will be opened on t he llsrt
Saturday in November and remain open
open on each Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday In tho month of November,
from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m., for the regis
tration of vote*.
Tho quullfioiiklon for registering Is as
Tho person must bo 8t years of age,
or must bocomo so by tlho day of elec
tion. Ho must be a citizen of the
United States and must havo resided
In the stile one year, ooun'ty *lx
n*mlh. and chy three months next
proceeding the tlm. ot the election.
He must have puild nil taxes since
the adoption of the present state con
stitution, aw the .tile and county, and
tho city of Macon, which have boon re-
qulred of hbn, and whfeh ho had an
opportunity to pay agreeable lo law.
except for tbo year of tho .lection.
'No porson .Wall be entered on tho reg
istry who does not apply to the regis
trar* In person, upon tlhe days and
within the hours.fixed for reetolraltlon,
ond furnish to them satisfactory evi
dence of hto quaUltcatton for registra
The registrars are empowered to ad
minister an oath to such persons os
they deem proper. No person will be
•Unwed tv> vote without first having
registered and nil persons voting with-
out having registered Shull be guilty
of a misdemeanor, *nd on conviction
•drill bo punished os prescribed
in Feellon 4810 of tho code
of tthe state. The names of white «nd
colored voters tvho have registered
Sunil bo kept separate.
Appeals may be mado from tho do-
elakui .of the registrar* to a committee
of the council, previously appointed fbr
that purpose, whose decision Xh.Hl be
tlnnl. All appeals ebuil bo made up,
heard and decided within six days of
1'he clow of *ho registration list, ex
clusive of Sunday. After the decision
ot these appeals It ttoaU be the duty
(of the city clerk to cause to be primed
end iMst.-d In front of the city ball
by 2 p. m. on the day preceding the
election, the corrected list'of registered
voters, Htid also to furnish earth of the
election munagers a certified oopy of
such printed list* on the evening be-
tore the election. Ratfi cleat or must
vote In the word tn which he resides.
Tho btolt* of registration •hall toe open
to rite Inspection of the public at *11
time* from the beginning rtf the reg-
Istnshlon to tbo day of the election.
Bp*of*l registration must be had for
nil bond elections.
The registration for the approaching
election will be the first under the
present city charter, and Jt Is beReved
I to present m.-rnut wlil t-o un t.nprovd-
ruent on the old.
President Park Read an Interesting
Repot on the Work of the
Interesting Report From Cap). Engllih
on Transportation—Flnnnces in
Good Shape—\ Committee
Appointed to dominate#
Dr. A. B. Moore, who has for the
tost eight years been reasonable lu his
Charges for dental fork, mid who U
better prepared to do bridge, crown and
all kinds of doatol work, having taken
a post-graduate course In prosthotlo
dentistry, owing to the stringency of
tho times, la willing to be even more
reasonable In his charge*. Come, let
him examine your teeth and ere how
reasonable you can hove your dental
work done. Tooth extracted without
pala. 181 Washington avenue, near
V,a evtlle and
tBelt Line of street ears pass hi* oillce
door. Macon. (Is.
!At a conference of the members of
the First Baptist Church, held In Idle
lecture room last night, the following
preamble and resolution was unani
mously adopted. It Is a sincere and
Wighly complimentary expression of
this church upon the resignation of
Wie pastor, Dr. George Braxton Tay
Three years ago, upon a unanimous
call, iRev. George 'Braxton Taylor ac
coutre! Che, mantle laid aside by that
mightiest of all loaders and grandest
of all pastors, Dr. E. \V .Warren.
Though >a youug mam. bjsth In years
and experience,' he css-iyed to do that
which would have caused jraany a bat;
■tlcoscarred veteran to hesitate, for they
said who can folldw the gentle, loving,
wise, beloved Warren. He chine not
In bis own strength. bu*t trusting him,
who never talleUl. ’N(. mam Could
have labored under greater dlsadvam-
taifes carrying a heavier burden.
■For many months, worn and weary:,
tired In body and in soul; with eyes
drooped from ever watching by tlhe
bedside of an invalid wife, he Strug
gled on with tho load lightened. In a
measure, by the prayers of the faHh-
ful among 'those whom he served. Did
he succeed? Let the toots speak tor
themselves. When he ca>nvo we weie
*3.000 In debt. Today, though we have
passed 'through the three hard wit years
known In the (history of this Church,
and carried on the same bxpenses, wo
aland, ''having paid (the debt, without
the scraltch of a pen against us.
Though the times have been unpre
cedented and our membership largely
depicted by the giving'Oft, Just before
his coming, of tho Vlnevllle and Tatt
nall Square Churches, we have, under
his tcacMng. about doubled our contri
butions to -minions, nnd today have
onr own missionary In Italy, while the
other fields have not been neglected.
Our inoaiiW-rshSp has grown, though
wo have continually given- member*
to the Vlnevllle ntfd Ttlttraall Squire
ohurdhe*. and thirty-eight precious
soul*, under hi* ministry, have fonnd
the Saviour, and are today trusting
him for salvation. Oh, the ffuod ho
might have accomplished, under God,
If each one of us bud done our full
Tho poor *11 know him: the blln'd rec
ognize hi* footstep. He mingles smiles
at every Jay omd tears at every sorrow.
To the Btiwnger, the wanderer, the
sinner, ho always extends a welcome,
nnd, as they team to know him. must
see that hi* heart bums tor them.
He has followed In the foot-stop* of
the meek and lowly Saviour, nnd, after
t'hrco yearn going tn and before us,
•thuds, 'Without reproach, a man among
men. a ClhrMHnn greatly no be oUcnSred
Therefore, ho tt
.Resolved—That In giving up our pas
tor. wo lose »n earnest, faithful, un
tiring worker, n thorough organizer,
a pure Christian, a polished. sChohr,
a true gospel preacher, and « good,
loving pabtor.
Rorolved—That tn whatever field the
twister may cast Ms lot. he (halt have
our prayers, our sympathy and our best
wishes. >fay God bless him. and, as
ho presses forward to the goal, and
MBf* upward to thethiVmelnhts strug
gle for souls, -may he glow with rapture
as height Is adUod to height, und as
he drinks In each successive rcvc-YiClin.
until nil worldly care shall bo merged
fn'tn one absorbing presence, when per
fect love will dissolve all trial, and
swallow up ell Xrouble: and when a
finish aI and completed soul he Shall rest
to heaven, the scene Of bliss and rec
ompense. not of sorrow and bereave
ment. Respectfully sumbltted,
K. J. (Mullary,
C. b. WUkaateMB.
.. Hugh M. Wlilct.
Dr. J. Lansing Burrouxtav formerly
pastor of the Fimt Bapsut-chureh In
Augusbi. Is In tho c«y. He will nddrera
the Diptist Young Pooply, union of
night? at th ° P< ” t church to-
There to a good (lest Uf talk among
ttl0 FlB1 church aan-
clatlng Dr. Buigougtu' name with its
next wotorstoe. He Is looked upon with
greu* favor by many Imluonaxl mem-
btre of tbo Church, but whether the
church os a whole has '.ts eye bn him
la iMt known- Thh« much ts known.
howtorer; that he Is at leas: being ecu-
sklored by ro ne ot the church propte.
Dr. tturroughs, U wHI be renemberel.
roCgr.ed hi* Augusta ptetrate ssno
dsya 'oca. though hto reotraMloa bis
mat yre boon accepted by the churvh.
Watches repaired at Lazarus'.
See our new Overcoat pat
terns. They will catch you.
Geo. P. Rurdick\t Co.
$3 nnd $4, T*hilll|»s’ Derbies
Watches repaired at Lazarus'. Watches repaired at Lazarus’.
A$ Cost or Less than Cost.
For Cash or on Installment.
Easy payments have been authorized by the Court, and you
can save big money by calling on
JE. W. BURKE, Receiver for J. W. Burke & Co.
The annual meeting of the board of
trade was held at tho rooms of the
board In the Jacques butldiug yester
day afteruoem
The niceUug was called to order by
Presitleuf It. E. l’ark, who read his
uunual reitort, as follows:
“To tho Mucon Board of Trade—
Goutlcmeu: The transactions of our
business orgdbizatkm during .the past
twelve month*, while uot ci a very
eventful character, have proved of ad
vantage to our city. The stringency
of the times und uu tnditlcrenco on
tho part of some of our business men,
which It Is ditUcult to account for,
have preveated any increase in our
membership. Instead of having about
eighty members at ?10 per annum
each wo should have ut least tlireo
times that number, and with such an
income we could do much moro for tho
material benefit of our tieloved city.
•'Macon is on the high road to in
creased prosperity. There have been
very few financial failures, and Uioso
few were small und unimportant. Dur
ing tlie financial distress hist fall tho
hoard of Undo took action, indorsing
the banks hi tho lssuanco of clearing
house certificates, which It ;vas be
hoved would prove a proper and sat
isfactory way to supply ample means
towards carrying on our local business
affairs, buying cotton, etc.
“Tho board also contributed money
and moral support to tho Macon Ad
vertising and Information Bureau,
which we behove is doing an Important
work hi behalf of Maeon, and should
be encouraged by our citizens. The
committee of seven directors of Ute
Information Bureau was appointed
I rout tho membership of the board of
"l’nwiipt and generous action was
ta'kea for tho relief of the yellow fever
sufferers tu our neighboring city of
Brunswick. t)ur committee ou trans-
porta tlou have adjusted several mut
ters of Importance to our merchants
with the railroad authorities. A great
many sessions of tho hoard have boou
held for the discussion and furtherance
of Macon's Interests, and the board has
lieen and Is lu active sympathy with
tho purposes of tho Maeon Exposition
Company lu the holding of tho Dixie
Interstate Fair, and wo have every rea
son to bellovo that the fair will prove
of great advantage to tho city and the
whole state of Georgia.
“At one of our meetings action was
taken asking our representatives in
congress to aid In repealing the 10 per
cent, tax on thinks, which wo bellovo
will bo ultimately accomplished. A
full statement in regard to river trans
portation will be made liy the special
“We lost by death one ot our very
active aud efficient officers dur,ng the
past year—Vice-President .George 0.
Price—aud suitable resolutions were
passed at a meeting of the board aud
spread upon the minutes as a teetlmo-
mal of his worth-and high character.
“You will sco from the secretary's
relMirt the state of our finances, which
will bo duly examined by tho finance
“During the entire period that I'havc
helil the position of president of tho
board of trade—tho past two years—
cur elty and country have suffered
from great financial stringency. The
passage of the tariff bill will, I liiluk,
aid greatly -;u relieving money matters.
It Is universally believed that prosper
ous times are abend of as. Let us do
our part toward* this end.
"Let us all bend our energies towards
the upbuilding and advancement ot
our rapidly growing city, and there
need ho no fears of good results.”
The report was enthusiastically re
ceived and adopted.
Capt. I. B. Bgtlsh, chairman of the
committee ou navigation, made a ver
bal report of what the committee had
dono and spoke enthusiastically of Oc-
mulgco navigation. Capt. English'* re
marks were ICigUly entertaining to
the hoard and gave those present moro
Information than most of thorn had
previously known.
Capt. English was followed by Mr.
Morrison Rogers, who also spoke on
river navigation. Mr. Rogers has been
one oT tho most pettvo workers for river
navigation mid It was clearly evident
to nil that ihe deep interest and en
thusiasm he felt In opening Uie Octuul-
««> to navigation when tho movement
was llrst started had not waned bat
Increased, anil that he still expected
to accomplish much on tho river.
The chairman of tlie finance itommtt-
tee reported the finances of the board
ta good condition, nnd the books of the
secret:try were reported to be accurate
ly and neatly kept, after a thorough
examination had been nude.
ITecs'.dout Park announced that tho
next business tn enter was the election
of a president. At tho conclusion of
Capt. Park’s remarks he was rcqucsti-d
to stand for re-etectlon, but positively
declined, for business reason*. The
names of several other members were
then mentioned, but each dccSiued for
the fame reasons gtveu by Capt. Park.
On motion a committee of three was
appointed by the chair to nominate a
pivshlent and report back to a m-vt-
ing of the bounl to bo held on Friday
nflemocn at 1:30 o'clock. This com
mittee will a Is, nominate a t.rst and
second vice-president. regret was expressed nt the
refusal ot Capt. Park to elected for the
Makes dyspeptics
Brown’s Iron
third Itmo to the presidency of tlie
hoard, as he has made an able presid
ing officer an,l has under great difficul
ty kept up interest In the board (lur-
lug the business depression of the past
year. The members console themselves
with the knowledge, however, that
they wifi now have him as an active
member on the lloor In the meetings
of tlie board.
Tiber present at the meeting were
Messrs. It. E. Park, George T. Ker-
sliatv, 1. B. .English, S. R. Jantics. R.
J. Taylor. E. S. Wilson, U. M. Rogers,
II. D. Adams, A. B. Small. E. Y. Mal
lary and George A. Smith.
M'193 Nettle Waggenstetn ts visiting
friends at Hanvklnsville during the ex
tMra. R. E. Butler Is vteltfn'g the
Wlresriza Exposition at Hanrklnsvltle
this week.:
(Mrs. Thomas Peters of Atlanta ls vis
iting her sister. - Mrs. Floyd Roas on
Foreyth Btreet.
Miss Annie Bird of Jones county is
visiting her sister, Mrs. R. R. Lamb,
tin Sou oh Macon.
Dr. H. W. Walker, Dentist, 31U Sec
ond street (over Solomon’s Jewelry
store), Macon, Ga.
'Miss RobecCa Hill boo Just returned
from a most delightful trip tu Lake
ft-xjrgc. She accompanied Mrs Gab-
be:t and parly of Oolurobus people.
■Messrs. Gugel and 'Morgan of tlho
board of education nnd Superintendent
Abbott visited the NJsbot school yester
day to examine -the new heater Just pat
in -there. Hie' trial baa beep moat ».it-
lefaotory in every way.
■Mr. L. M. Erwin, deputy clerk of the
United States court and eomml.mLanor,
Is hiving an enjoyable time at Sutvanee
Springs, Fla. He writes glowingly of
lus pfsc.rtqrial ventures, ami the line re
sort of Suwurtoe Borings.
Tho friends and admirers of Col.
Frank Leveretrt. 'the 'highly prized Uni
ted State* marshal for 'this district,
were much pleased yesterday to see him
out and ttuke his cordial hand. The
colonel has been confined to his home
for a number of weeks with fevr.
little frock is easily adjusted and stays
where It is put Serge aad flannel arc
the popular materials; if a material
of contrasting color trimmed with rows
«f braid be used for the collar, chem
isette nnd cuffs, the effect will be both
stylish and pretty. The design is
adapted to all cotton fabrics, aud es
pecially commended for duck, gatatea
and linen. Our model is made of navy
blue edged with soutache braid, and
tho collar, chemisette and lower parts
of tlie sleeve are of tlie light blue,
A special illustration aud full direc
tions about the pattern will be found
ou the envelope in which it is enclosed.
The' never eat cocoa of rheumatism c-rc
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho sweat
blood purifier. Now Is the time to take
it Hood's cures.
The store a ml bar of Mr. J. H. Bird-
seng, at 620 Poplar street, was entered
by burglars some time Tuesday night
who stole fWirteen quarts of whisky, a
box of cigarettes and liquors in Jugs,
amounting to several dollars, and one
dollar tn oa@h.
(Mr. Birdsong closed up his store at
11 o'clock and went home. The police
seem to think that the burglary was
committed alhoui: 10 o'clock in tho
If you Ffeel, weak
and all worn out take
Send this coupon and JO cents to the
JIacon Tcicgrajihand yon can get any one
qf Patterns published. Notice numbe>'and
name of Pattern, and un’ite plainly not
forgetting to state size.
Enclose 10c. for each pattern desired.
have made arrangement* bj
which wo are offering to tho readers of
the Telegraph the Demoreat Cut Paper
Patterns, which are worth from 29 tb SI
conta each, thus znaklna every copy of
the paper worth from 10 to 40 cents.
Cut out the coupon below and mall so*
cordng to directions on If and you will
receive by mail the pattern in the six#
C32—Wingate Dress—Sizes for S and
10 Years.
This Illustration shows one of the
most popular designs fur tattle
dresses: and though han 114 the effect
of a blouse waist, the fulness u held
in place by a fitted linin£. ami tho
fkirt is sewed to the waist, so the
650-^FRANCHENE WAIST. Sizes for
14 and 1G Yeara.
charming model, formed by the
“Francene” wai3t and '"Bell" aklrt*
This little round waist has somo full*
nef 3 ln the back and surplice fronts*
which, with the full, triple caps on the
sleeves, make It especially becoming
«to slender figures. Cashmeres, Cre*
pons, and all light woolens, also all
kinds of washable fabrics, can be made
after this model. It is also a good de
sign for all fancy silks. Rows of flat
trimming, with serpentine effect, com
plete the gown. Any or all of the
sleeve-caps may be omitted; and for
thin, materials the caps edged wuh
lace are very dainty and pretty. A
belt of ribbon of the material girdles
the waist. Our model represents fawn-
colored serge, trimmed with brown vel
vet ribbon.
A special illustration and full direc
tions about the pattern will be found
on. the envelope In which It la enclosed*
630—LESBIA WAIST—Sizes for 14 and
16 Years.
A charming little mo<lcl, suitable for
afternoon or general wear, or for more
dressy occasions, according to the ma
terial selected. This corsage has the
effect of a guimpe waist, and Is the
name both back and front. The stock
collar and girdle a*e made of ribbon,
and by having two or three sets of
these in different colors, a pleasing va
riety may be made in the toilet. A
skirt of four straight breadths can be
used with this model, or if preferred,
it can be used with any style of gored
skirt. Charabery. dimity, lawn, batiste,
challie and Chinn silk, with all-over
embroidery or net for the yoke, are
very stylish and cool made in this style.
It Is an equaly good model for light
woolens, with silk for the yoke and
sleeves. Our model is of pink cham-
bery, wfih all-over embroidery for the
yoke and sleeves, and the skirt is fin*
ished with a flounce of the erabrlodery.
A special Illustration and .full direc
tions about the pattern will be found
on the envelope in which It is enclosed.
Nusabaum. administratrix ectate cf M.
Nussbaum. Ute of said county, deceased,
having applied to me for leave to eeU fifty
acres of land in Finny's district and fifty
acres la Towles’ dlstrlctall being in Jones
county. Go— for the purpose of paying
debts anil distribution, this Is therefore
to notify all parlies concerned to file ob
jections. If any they have, on or before
the first Monday in November. lSJi, or
leave to sell will then be granted.
C. 1L WILEY, Ordinary.